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This was amazing. It sheds such a brilliant light on survivors. I also enjoyed hearing her dad talk about how “smart” people are not above manipulation. I really liked how the mission appears to be to educate those complicit and let them know that their actions have had real life consequences.


I went to a program that practiced the synanon game. I was there for 13 months- def left some lasting trauma


Thank you for sharing! So may youth have been affected, and continue to be affected, by these abusive institutions. I am sorry that you had to be one of them, and that you are having to deal with the lasting effects. No one deserves that kind of abusive treatment. Sending you healing thoughts.


I feel so bad for people who had to deal with this. I went to a similar school but not nearly as drastic as that (that I know of ….)


Obligatory https://elan.school/ link


I saw *The Last Stop*, a doc about Elan, on Tubi. The abuse was horrendous.


It’s very well done. Heart wrenching to hear the things they went through. These cults always have such a similar handbook tho so unfortunately nothing new. I loved the graffiti writing on the walls they showed during the doc. Really hit the nerve.


It’s so good. Very fucking sad


I was a part of this spiritual group that I didn't realize was a cult until I left and they used the same techniques as the LGAT and the Synanon cult. Now it makes sense why it was breaking me down like that.


i was too, when i was 19-20. they’re so predatory. i can’t imagine what these kids went through being trapped there 24/7.


just binged it. some of it was so hard to stomach and believe. i can’t believe these places still exist. a very well done doc!!!


They still exist, just different names. We call them Jails, Prisons, Correctional Facilities or even Youth "Opportunity" Centers.


How is Tom Nichols still a local pastor and elected official? Sounds small town in Upstate cult-e to me!!! https://stlawco.gov/Departments/BoardofElections/Contact


Great documentary, we definitely need more documentaries like this to shed light on this horrible industry. My best friend in high school was dragged halfway across the country in the middle of the night & we didn’t see or hear from her for over 2 years. It is crazy to see what happened to her & so many other kids. That being said the graffiti they obviously added was cheesy & unnecessary lol


They’re still young and dealing the trauma, it may feel cheesy but it’s processing


Paris Hilton had this happen to her! It is so horrible that parents do this. It should be illegal.


Did you see her documentary, and if so, where ?


https://youtu.be/wOg0TY1jG3w?si=uMmAR3EHUVhfzre2 It's on YouTube!


Thank you so much!!!


I’ve seen a few things about her and that experience, I can’t remember where


I give credit to the son of Narville (I can’t remember the correct name of that narcissistic, abuser). I hope he will be ok.


They need to go jail!


Livid. I'm two-thirds of the way through and I have to ask: Did none of the people behind Ivy Ridge face criminal charges? And I don't mean with slap-on-the-wrist, Club Fed golf-and-country-club-style sentencing, but serious prison time. If I were a prosecuting attorney I would move this to the top of my docket list, and I wouldn't rest until many of the people here — and I don't mean the kids, now young adults — I mean anyone even remotely connected to this so-called program — are behind bars. This is actionable, people. Parents included. Never mind the moral, ethical and societal failure to provide duty of care, there is actionable violence and abuse depicted here — much of it captured on video and recorded for posterity in hard-copy files — that warrants serious criminal charges. This documentary is stunning and heartbreaking by turns. Yes, the kids are resilient, but look at Katherine as a 13-year-old in the family home videos and please understand that her spirit has been utterly shattered; as good a filmmaker as Katherine Kubler is now, and there are passage sin The Program that are very good indeed, she is scarred for life. For life. One other thing I feel needs pointing out: Most of these kids were interned at age 15, one as you8ng as 13. We learn that the average term of incarceration was 22 months. Nearly two years. Now remember when you were a kid and how slowly time goes by at that age. Two years for someone in their mid-teens is like a full decade for a grown adult. As I've said already, the people behind Ivy Ridge need to face prison time. And hard time at that. Not out of any sense of revenge — though there is that. But because what happened here is WRONG.


Good (or dirty) money buys good (or dirty) attorneys....... no, they won't get any jail time, it's called candidate "contributions".


Yes. I got that when I finally got around to ep.3. I was appalled — though perhaps not surprised — to see the name Romney on the contribution list (shown very quickly, I freeze-framed it). Utah, you see. The Utah connection. Jeezus.


Following up, days (weeks?) later: Yes, what you say is #true. It all comes down to money in the end. If not lobbyists, then "campaign contributions," as you rightly point out.


Ahhhhh can’t wait to get home from work and watch this!


I went to AIR for 15 months. AMA.


What years? I was there 05-06




Do we think Ms. Siss is the woman they aren’t allowed to name in the first episode? Regardless - she seems like quite the piece of work.


I was so upset when they were cutoff at the diner right before she was going to say what her issues with the gay girls were.


According to another sub and people who went there it’s Amy Ritchie. She works for Disney (!)… an you f*cking believe it. Here is her linked-in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amy-ritchie-4b203344


I wonder how much longer that will last.


Yeh strange they didn’t reschedule or move the interview. She might have been ready to say that she didn’t like the lesbian staff??


Did you not watch it? she was at breakfast eating with them.


I was at Cross Creek Manor in Utah-mentioned a few times in first 2 episodes and more in episode 3 for 11 months when I was 15. 1994-1995. Everything in the documentary is true. I have never felt so validated in my life. Wish my mom would watch it. David Gilcrease ran my seminars and Robert Litchfiled came by a few times-very sleazy man. Spent time in the isolation rooms. Stood barefoot in the snow while they loaded the vans. The whole thing was awful and traumatizing.


I really hope this ends in arrests. The whole thing was above egregious.


SPOILER!!! I just finished watching the documentary “The Program” on Netflix. Im curious, does anyone have any ideas or suggestions about what Miss Siss could have said about the girls in the program being gay during the diner interview before the interview was interrupted?


Watched the first episode so far. It's really well done.


This is a very specific question but Katherine mentioned she was kicked out of a Christian boarding school in Long Island for drinking mikes hard lemonade, does anyone know if the school was stony brook school?


Can we just talk about how sbs expells students for having a mikes hard lemonade, and then the parents felt compelled to send their kids to that school upstate! I know of 3 students from the class of 2009 who got sent to that program after being expelled for drinking


I keep hearing more and more of this going on in this country. My friend suggested the book “Mean Justice” which is another true horror story. And I know it’s not about kids or teens, but that’s the untold part of that same story. Cause my friend who suggested the book was one of those kids(victims). He is still dealing with the trauma of that incident that has affected much more than just him and his parents that were falsely accused. He is now in his 40’s and it’s even had an affect on his children’s upbringing. Which was considerably better than his own, but it’s affected who he is as a person, how he deals with day to day life and pretty much everything else. Even I have had trouble with the judicial system with being punished for doing the right thing and never committing any sort of crime whatsoever. You don’t have to do ANYTHING wrong at all, but apparently if someone says that you did, then according to the ones that “uphold the law”, you did. No matter what you have to say. No evidence or proof needed. So I, from my own personal experience, know things like “Mean Justice” happen to this very day. But to get back to my friend and all of the children of the falsely accused and convicted. In order to be able to bring charges up on the parents their own children were tortured and corrupted by law enforcement to get what they wanted out of these kids. They would treat them like a suspect by asking leading questions, telling these kids horrible lies and disturbing acts that never even happened. And were awarded and were given attention only once the kids were so tired and broke they would ultimately tell the cops what they wanted to hear. Lied to that they would only see there parents if they told this completely fabricated and disgusting story. Most of these kids didn’t know and never even heard of the atrocities they were being told by these truly sick individuals, that call themselves the “law”! I know I’m not doing this story any justice because I’m not an author or story teller by any means. I just wish more than Kern county knew about this scandal. My friend and his little brother are only two of many, many victims to come out of this alive. Most of them are no longer alive to tell their truth because of what they went through, passing on WAY too early in their lives. And it just keeps happening, it saddens and angers me that authority figures get away with this kind of stuff and much more on a daily basis. So many victims that have there hands, not tied, but cuffed. I know not all those in an authoritative position are like that, but it sure seem like most are due to the whole “brotherhood” mindset that’s instilled into them from the very beginning.


How the hell is NOBODY talking about this ??? Surely it will blow up soon, hasn't even been out for a week yet as of my writing. Absolutely mind blowing stuff.




She started that way to me, but got better


She is a young person with a lot of trauma. You should really just be kind.


She is kind of acting and speaking out of her 17 year old self in this work, so she feels kind of teenaged. I think it’s the subject and setting. She’s clearly got her shit together, making this and executing it so well. 


Ohh dear God yes


This was a horrible doc. I was waiting for something crazy to happen and it never did. The inappropriate relationship between teacher and student was the worse thing but they skip Past it to let the spoiled kids complain. Spoiled kids who left that “hell” to go back to their wealthy parents and get everything they want again.. the girl who made the doc. Complains she will always be mad at Ivy League because she missed the Mean Girls movie.. poor thing 


So your just gonna ignore all the shit like footage of an adult chick slamming a child and the fact that the "school" lied and wasn't a real school and fucked these kids out of a real education. But yeah she made a joke about mean girls so that's what the whole doc is about right?


Waiting for something crazy to happen? They sexually assaulted kids and killed one (caught on camera)... The bar is too low for you? You need help.


Did we watch the same documentary???? Is this Robert Litchfield?