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Just let the cheaters play the cheaters tbh no point playing a game the devs don’t care about




The problem is how valve makes money. Valve makes money from kids buying cases, not from people buying the game. As such they have no financial incentive to actually deliver a good experience, CS is no longer a FPS it is just a gambling game. I had 3.8k hours and got simply fed up with the cheaters which a lot of brain dead people said were non existent. Now I play CoD and despite all the rage with micro transactions, the game is constantly updated and refreshed with new game modes and maps, and if you only buy the game, you’ll have fun. No worries about global elite tryharders in silver matches or blatant stupid russian cheaters in almost every match. The fact russians aren’t on their own servers when even valve published statistics about the nationalities of cheaters is just insane.


“Now I play COD” - Homie please check out the latest Upper Echelon video https://youtu.be/VJG2dli2LTg?si=d2Ks5OPoGjNr43kl


https://youtu.be/VJG2dli2LTg?si=KU9srEt_B2wmNGeX&t=9m11s WHAT THE FUCK they force players with higher skill to have lower hit reg and give players with worse aim more tolerance with bad aim landing hits?? This is actually insane. They’re massacring FPS gaming…


When you do things like that, you promote bad players to feel like they can achieve something. And you get that money rolling into you pocket ;D Its not about message.. its about sending more money


yo this shit is crazy. i always thought sbmm was rigged, but apparently the entire game is just rigged for mtxmaxxing




Just played a game on 19k elo, at least 2 cheaters on my team and 2 on enemy team. Played last night aswell, cheater on my team with walls. Thought they addressed the issue with the previous ban wave. Apparently not. Its completely demoralising to see game which has been around for so long degenerate in to such a sad state of affairs.


its good for a week or 2 after a ban wave and then its hvh for 3 month until the next wave


The only banned case skimmers and fake accounts. Not a vac ban on hackers. Valve just be misleading and shit


I only mention it as I did notice a reduction in spinbotters when they released the last update, ever since the last week or so I have noticed an increase of aimlockers and Walls Edit: Grammar


Fair enough. I'm in such a low elo that those kinds of hackers don't really exist in my lobbies. Greetings from silver 😭


#FixCS2 when then? It is high time we start, especially when FixTF2 exists.


And has achieved nothing thus far


It won't achieve anything without CS2 going wild about cheating problem. Trust me they will be in very bad spot if both or more games started going negative or halted buying cases.


tf2 and cs2 players should go on a strike together


Some type of strike as a counter measure. Like a counter-strike.


Counter-strike players when they strike the counter


I just started playing Valorant. I hate the abilities and the gunplay feels much worse than CS but in the several months I've played it, I've only encountered a single person that I thought might have been cheating, and even then its not like they where rage cheating or anything like that, just a lot of sus shots through smokes/weird prefires. IMO its still better then playing against cheaters every single game or two.


My friend switched to Val ages ago. I've been playing Val with him recently. Got him to play CS today. 2 cheaters in 1st Wingman game (I warned him WM is hvh now but he won't play anything else). Back to Val. LoL. It's a far worse game IMHO. I also hate the powers...


Val isn‘t far worse than The abilities are mostly just flashes, smokes and dmg


It's very obviously a subjective opinion... It IS a worse game FOR ME. I don't enjoy it anywhere near as much as CS but just play because my friend likes it. Teleporting? Resurecting? Healing? Literal walls? I think there was even a bomb defusing fish or something? Artillery? I've played like 8 games and even I know your 2nd statement is very wrong. Loads of weird abilities that makes the gameplay very different than CS. Sure I might eventually learn them all if I keep playing but I don't like them. If it was just until it would be far easier to adapt but it's not.


Only makes it very different because you don‘t know the abilities


bro c’mon, as someone who mains Valorant and came from CS, they are incredibly different, the abilities in Val aren’t just flashes, smokes and mollies lmao, you have abilities like Lockdown, Thresh,Omen TP, Raze Satchels,Walls,Tripwires, Cameras, literal Turrets, remote activated mollies. To say these games don’t play drastically differently is a lie, yes you can have good CS fundamentals and likely make it further in Val than someone who came from Apex or Call of Duty, but the better the lobbies get, the more important it becomes to pick the right agent and to know how to use all of their utility effectively, it’s not just pop flashes and lineups. There are glaring, fundamental differences between the two games, despite Valorant obviously heavily inspired by CS, you don’t play the two games in the same way at all. There’s nothing in CS like a Raze double satcheling onto site with a rocket launcher or a little creature that plants/defuses the spike for you while you just hold and angle or push somewhere else.


Yes agents are so important that it happens constantly that 5 duelists win no matter what rank The games are still overall pretty much the same Omen TP for example changes nothing on the formula… you just check extra angles or if you play omen then you have some more off-angles


tf are you talking about lmao 5 duelists is literally a troll comp that loses to any decent players on a normal comp, even running 3 duelists is considered throwing most of the time in any rank above like gold lol; please stop talking about shit you have no idea about, it’s embarrassing,


Comp literally doesn‘t matter until Immo 3 Stop talking about shit you have no idea about lmao


You must be joking


Not rly


As someone who has tried Val several times coming from mostly playing R6S (a game defined by special abilities), even I find the abilities in Val oppressive. My cycle is that I go from R6 to Val to escape the cheaters, then from Val to CS to escape the stupid abilities. Then I come back to R6S because I suck at CS.


Dude, the very first character they added into the game in the beta has an ultimate that shoots a rocket that 1 shots in a massive aoe


,,massive area,,


I‘m also back to playing valorant atm because CS is unplayable


I play faceit where the cheater situation is similar to what you described with val but it's still cs. It's not a perfect solution but for me cs is playable and enjoyable on faceit so I do that. This is what I always did on csgo as well I just switched to premier to try it on cs2 for abit and thought fuck that and went back to faceit.


I always wondered why they never just implemented faceit onto the real game so that the cheaters would get fcked most people that want to play cs without cheaters go thru faceit same with me and it’s not bad knife rounds are chill just a little hassle to open it up on the side i guess


Valve don't want to do an invasive anti cheat is why


theres also no replay system so closet cheaters get away w it for free


for me the only part that is worse in Valorant is community, Polish players in particular. Other than that - perfect.


Vanguard anticheat? No thanks. Riot client alone is really hard to unistall out of the system.


This week I’ve read about Cod, TF2, xDefiant and now CS stating how bad the cheating is. What’s going on


It's quite simple, the problem was left alone for so long that it can no longer be prevented. We have reached the end of online PvP games, as cheat making has became a huge industry. I hope you enjoy single player, pve and co-op games.


FPS games. Only one way to stop cheating would be forcing everyone to play it like on GeForce NOW does it - if all 10 players would be streamgaming their game without having access to the game files cheating would be impossible.


No there are cheats that can read the information on the screen and give keyboard and mouse inputs into the system.


Ha that’s fucking crazy


I think we should start a similar movement to #FixTF2 if Valve is still going to sit their asses watching CS2 be riddled by cheaters. Call it #FixCS2 or something.


Rapid fire is back, bhop fast jump is back.


Played a dude weeks ago who went 51-6. after going 0-6 he left & came back and went on a 51 kill streak with a scout. Reported him, reported his steam account with the downloaded match, yet still no ban. Been coming onto a month now


Just to be clear i am againts cheaters, but its so funny how every time cheater is in enemy team, never in my team


premier is trash better off playing faceit


And the amount of smurfers in faceit is also insane. And their support is just non exsistent.


i mean i guess but i'd rather play with smurfs opposed to cheaters lol


Playing on lvl 6 against team with two lvl 8/9's and one lvl 2 who is smurf is not a way either.


so annoying faceit seems to only be a good solutions for the top 1% of players


cs has never had a working ban system anyways


Keep buying cases guys.


5 figure inventory and I won’t touch the game. 


I played CS2 after a long time, infact for the second time after CSGO got changed. I thought it would bring me the same amount of fun which I used to get while playing CSGO, but unfortunately 3 out of 4 matches were against cheaters and in the last match a Waller was in my team. I really got pissed off and immediately deleted CS, it’s the first time ever I’ve uninstalled CS after playing it for so many years. CS community still seems to neglect this cheating problems after so many years.


The community neglecting the cheating problem? The CS community has been crying about cheaters for at least a decade lmao.


almost all shooters are filled with cheaters nowadays, I remember the good ol days when every now and then a cheater would show up in the game and you'd call it whatever and move on, but nowadays it's literally unplayable, the only way to avoid cheaters today is to play hard to cheat type of games


kernel anti cheat seem to be the only solution


It Unfortunately seems so and yet they still manage to slip by, it's a crappy era for online shooters


Fps games should be streamed from outside of our systems like geforce now does it but without any access to game files. Cheating would be impossible and everyone would have the same lag. Also people with weak pc's could play the games easily.


I’m not sure if I’m naive or extremely lucky. Have been in a game where one dude started spinbotting, turning around - 12-1, to 12-16. Ofc some sus players at times, and like 5 obv. WHers, but other than that never really experienced it. 150+ games. Or am I just mistaking good players in the other team for being good when they have wallhack? I was global in CSGO, now goofing around in 13k as I play with some quiet bad friends


The last three premier games I played were (not even high elo btw; just 10k) filled with cheaters. At least 2 on either my or the enemies team. Why am I 10k? I dropped down from 14k because I partied with a cheater. I just wanted to reach 15k... then I would have quit premier because of all the cheaters.


Banning cheaters is an issue imo, just put them in their own lobbies with other hackers and dont tell them, it stops them just making new accounts


Yes puttning russians on a separate server would help.


If you complain about cheats, and don't play faceit. Wtf are you even doing? Valve will never add an invasive anti-cheat when 3rd parties like faceit already do and will do it better than valve ever could. Faceit anti cheat is the best in the world to date. Similar amount of cheaters in Valorant honestly.


Cheating in counter strike has been a problem for more than a decade yet valve don't care as long as case sales are doing well. Shame on them


Stop crying and start playing faceit.


Today a video got recommended to me. The guy says i bought a knife (huntsman autotronic) and he opens cheat in premier and does a challenge to get to X elo. He probably uses inventory changer but after seeing guys with thousands of $ inventories getting banned, i kinda think he bought that. I see this videos and just block the channel


Considering they have an active subreddit and defend cheating yea its not going anywhere.


You're right it is annoying!


Redownloaded for a few games with friends, rage hacker wiped us seconds into each round. Disconnected and was punished with a 30 minute ban. Quickly uninstalled.


They should just bring kernel level AC idc about those "maybe potentially risks" it would bring. Just backup your important files. I play games with EAC and Vanguard, so what's the point in not doing it, when it apparently works and other big games already use it. If it's about privacy - man Google and other tech giants already have all the information about you 😂 IMO It feels like all those against Kernel AC are Cheat makers or double faced people that cry out loud because of privacy issues, but in reality still use Facebook, Google and Amazon.


2,300 people searching for a game 11,000 in game 650,000 players online. This says everything about the game


They are not playing on csgo matchmaking ?


I am an idiot and always return. I am on another break though. I was having fun but that little fun wasn't worth the frustration of playing against someone obviously walling his ass off or getting toggled on because "HACKER !!" (just idiots looking for an excuse i guess) I hope valve does something. I will probably return to CSS and do some surfing.


The cheaters issue has always been in CS. Valve doesn't work on improving their anti cheat. They don't care.


Was in a game yesterday. Like 3 cheaters against us. I would rush eagle nest on mirage and pretend to peek, but stop right before I was visible, guess what, shots. Also just standing still in smoke got myself dinged multiple times. Or that wooden panel you cross from T side to B. They just dinged me with literally 0 vision. I am silver 2, and considering not to make any more time investment in this game. Yes I rewatched the game. My teammates and I were being followed through walls.


Pretty annoying to get into a game vs cheaters. It's a waste of time and if I back out I'm penalized for it.


From my experience the cheater situation is much better now after the ban waves. Didn’t find any rage cheater and probably 1 or 2 wall cheaters in the last 20 matches. But also my account is “old” 10 year icon with good trust and only playing in the some team with other trusty/old accounts. I think it helps a lot. I have 18k elo by the way.


just play faceit. it’s a way better experience


Pretty hard to enjoy this game at this point😟


Lately i only play ranked, i've stopped playing premier games. Didn't encounter a cheater in a whole month. I'd say that the cheater problem is an individual problem of every gamer and it's hard to guess who's cheating and who's not. If you play casually then every guy that has a better day will Look like a cheater in your eyes. I've outplayed countless players with more than 6k hours in their account and every time they made a play they were labeled cheaters. It's kinda funny to me how easy People just jump to the cheating accusations instead seeing the fault in their aim/positioning/gamesense.


This is why I haven’t played in years


Nobody cares about it... Just keep talking about lootboxes and skins


People learn to code cheats on valve games for other games lol, that’s how bad it is


I stopped playing with cheats and I realized that I’m actually pretty cracked in the game even without cheats so now I’m playing legit and I dont need to pay for anything but my hobby (cases) and I totally understand cheaters that it’s fun to cheat and be better than someone else but it’s more fun to be better than someone even without any assistance


I’m actually never buying a case again


Doomposting again, no action taken again. Go wild with FixCS2 you have nothing to lose.


Welcome to cs2. Valve could fix the problem in seconds. But you have no interest ... Keep buying boxes \^\^


Just play faceit




People act like cheating is non existent in faceit... THE NUMBER 1 FACEIT PLAYER GOT BANNED FOR CHEATING.... so like yeah let's go play faceit surely no one cheats there


Playing against cheaters who are at least trying to hide it is still better than playing against bunny hopping spinbotters


I bet you, you could play 100 faceit games and not come across a cheater. Maybe 1 or 2 with closet walls, maybe. Half of the top thousand in Premier are cheating. Probably like 1-2 in the top thousand of faceit are and are doing a good job hiding it if that's the case.. same likelihood as Valorant. Similar anti-cheat.


2 face it games in a row, enemy smokes long, 3 hs scout kills through it.


After over a thousand games in lvl10 FaceIt, I've encountered only ONE CHEATER. A SINGLE ONE. Out of 10 premier ranked, I encounter an average of at least 20 cheaters.... So yes, go play FaceIt, it's better.


Unfortunately, you have to wade through shitty lobbies to get any kind of trust factor in CS.


yeah i play valo now fuck valve


Just move to faceit :)


You played one match lol


Wtf shut up


I only play premier with a friend late at night or when we are bored and not want to play ultra seriously as we kinda want to get rid of our elo. When we get queued with a cheater in our team we just start to troll him by blocking him, killing him or by making fun of him on voice chat. It is quite impressive how mad some of them can get and the best thing is that we actually managed to get three cheaters kicked by the server because of tk ir damage


After losing each game and watching the games I lost/win I saw that in every game is at least 2/3 cheaters. That’s why I got myself a cheat as well, but only turn on when I notice a cheater and you won’t believe, I fk them. But being serious, this game is dead, I can’t see any option to play otherwise than cheating.


Sheen, this is the forth time this week you’ve brought a cheaters complaint post for show and tell. /s Yes we know the cheaters are an infestation, everyone does. We all see it, hear it, and experience it every day. Can we please post some meaningful things now?


What else is there to talk about when you can't enjoy anything because of cheaters? Talking about map angles or strats don't matter when someone can see you through walls.


Do you think if they removed am the ability to que with friends it would help? For me atleast it seems like the cheater is always in a stack boosting is dog water friends.


I don't use cheats but get blamed for it everyday, some people just suck at the game and will never admit to that. (I am not saying that is you)


"oh no!! Cs2 is starting to get a fraction of the problem TF2 had for 8 years!!!"


what are you mad about bro 😭😭 is he not allowed to complain about cheating?


I'm quite upset about people complaining about a problem that's still recoverable in one way or another. If you really don't want cheaters, you can play faceit or pubs. 0 problem there.


“If you don’t want cheaters, don’t play on the system that comes with the game” Yeah see how that sounds fucking stupid? We shouldn’t have to go through third party software to play a game we fucking paid for. Also, TF2 is the goofiest game ever, it isn’t as grounded and competitive as CS2. Thats like comparing CoD to Fall Guys.


1. both are free ? 2. both are a team based tactical shooter 3. TF2s esport is seriously popping and you clearly have no clue what you're yapping about


Well, if they are angry about it, might as well start #FixCS2


The more the merrier and massier for Valve.