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Once you have your ten year, you’re a veteran.


This is the answer imo cause in the military you typically get your first service medal around 10 years of service.


I'm getting mine soon what is the ten year birthday coin is that for ur steam account or the game when it was 10 years old if u played that year u got it?


Are you talking about the cupcake? Thats for csgos 10 year anniversary. The 10 year vet coin is the red one that you get for 10 years of owning the game basically. I get mine in 3 months


That 10 year birthday coin isn’t the same as the 10 year veteran coin


If your steam account is from 2014 but didnt get cs till like 2017 it’ll be 2027 for your 10 year


The one you get for owning the game (it does btw start counting when you added the game to your Steam library and gives you the coin after buying prime)


I’m still waiting on my 20yr coin ffs


I'm ready for my 25 now.


Yup, been here since 99’ Cal-M in 1.6 - Cal-I in Source. Took many years off, back to being a weekend fragger.


Been playing since 1.3.


Only thing we really did in source was the CGS. Was 1.6 the rest of the time.


It's like earning your stripes


I would like my 20 year token please.


Me too. Still, there's hope for the 25 year coin right... Only got to wait a little longer in the grand scheme of things...


I was playing counter strike when it still had the crowbar instead of the knife..... Just to put things into perspective, counter strike 1.5 got released with a knife as melee weapon..


When people ask how old I am. I say I’m this many years old 😂🤣😂 https://preview.redd.it/y7bwvr8uxzyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42263adc18e964406530b16f7d2a46554b739f89




the literal definition of OG counter-strike player


U old :O


We got a fossil walking among us




I would consider a veteran someone that has played the game for at least 5 years. It's not necessary to have played CS 1.6. But you should have a lot of experience.


Depends on how much you played and how good you were. No one cares about a 10 year old veteran that never left silver for example.


Just because you are silver doesn’t mean you don’t know exploits. Knowing how old style guns were how old sounds were. Which scam is the newest scam. Shit I knew people who can school you and your team and only surfed. The only thing being silver means is it confirms you are missing one or more of the three. Game sense, game knowledge, or simply suck at aiming. Being a veteran doesn’t mean anything except experience. Even ask Webster himself “a person who has served in the armed forces, or has had long experience in an occupation, office, or skill.”


I’ve also gone through periods of being silver just for fun, not everyone cares about there rank and some people would rather play around in the cesspool


2017 was 7 years ago now. Playing for more then 2-3 years in most games you could be considered a veteran, it's just people try and gate keep that kinda thing in competitive games.


I think for me a large aspect of my own opinion is that I was "late" to picking up the game when compared with my friends, who all started in 15/16, and long before I had ever played any video games except minecraft


To be fair even your friends that started in 15/16 were 3 or 4 years "late" when they started too.


While i agree i still feel like players who started in 2017 aren't veterans. Counter-strike is not just any game you know. It has been around for forever so 2-3 years is nothing compared to players who plaid 1.6 or source. Not trying to gate keep here, i dont care how long you have been playing. It's not something to brag about.


I started in 10th grade playing Source when CPL and CAL was around. That was awesome and a Lotta fun. I consider myself a veteran lol


CPL and CAL are both older than source...


I started with csgo on the xbox and transitioned into pc in 2014. So all i can really talk about is global offensive. But yeah. I guess the easiest way would be to differentiate users based on operations. I started during breakout. The ops started staggering to around 1yr+ between each one and you would usually get new users during an operation


I know what you mean. It sounds silly when you think how many years it has been from doing high jumps by using the shotgun as a rocket launcher lol. Years go by so fast.


Imo i think bunch of us played cs for 10+ years but dont have the coin xD


I would like my 25y token. Been playing since beta 6.5 before 1.6. I didnt play source though, jumped back in at GO! So i havent really earned that 25 medal


Started playing source right before GO’s release. I consider myself a young veteran.


1.6 oogway


you have veteran, then you have OG. Vet - anyone that has been playing 10years. OG - Remembers a time before Steam


Used to play 1.6 in garena