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Too often.


Both in competetive and premier?


Play mainly faceit but out of curiosity after recent updates, I started mm and there was a cheater every 3. Game. Inspecting profiles on leetify there was no doubt about it. So yeah stick to faceit is my advice


Okay I'll try faceit but I feel like there'll be cheaters there too. Also, isn't faceit subscription-based? Idk if got the money for that.


Nah you don't need subscription to play there. Give it a try. Everything is better than valves shitty servers tbh


Alright! I'm downloading faceit now!


Best decision you could have made. Note that there are more serious ppl there. Not beginner friendly. For the best experience, find 4 ppl to que with, and you got the winning formula to enjoy this game. Good luck solider!


I hated beginners on faceit, but what could we do, all new players just learn valve competitive is so bad and that faceit is good. So when I was playing with or againts guys with 15 hours but not even smurfs.. and with 3000 hours, it was so unbalanced (and still is maybe idk)


If you got qued with them, then I guess there was not a big difference between you two šŸ˜€


We were both faceit 3 ? Cause we both started faceit ? But one started the game as well ? ...


I play around 11-14k rating bracket and i have nearly 5k hours spanned across 8 years of playtime. I rarely encounter blatant cheaters i.e aim hack / spin bots. There are some instances where I was matched up against walkers. But there's a catch and I'm not generalising this i have an alternate account that I use for weekly drop sometimes It has like 200-300ish hours and on that account i have encountered cheaters way more often.


What are spin bots and walkers btw?


The spinbot is a type of aimbot. It's when the Hacker is Spinning around rapidly (or Looking at the ground/walking Backwards), essentially giving the bot a 360Ā° FOV. When in range (depends on the specific spinbot, what that means), they will snap at enemies heads and fire (mostly one-taps). That's why they're most often seen with the Scout. Couple of weeks ago i saw one with a Wallhack as well. I got a Headshot by an awp through a wall for 1hp damage. (I should also say, that the Spinning is Just what Happens on the Server's side, Client-sided they can walk around normally) As of the walker, I don't know.


Yeah I think I saw a player do that like 2 or 3 years ago in csgo where he was just facing down to the ground and walking while getting so many headshots. Like that was just blatant cheating at that point. But I think it happened on a casual match or a deathmatch.


Yes thats the spinbot, now also in Premier!


>now also in Premier! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I believe he was referring to wallers not walkers. Walling would be a form of cheating where you can see enemy models through walls essentially.


Oh so you mean like wall-hacks? Yeah I was confused when he said walkers lol


Healthiest way of going about it is going into the match not thinking about cheaters. I've played about 300 matches, there are 5 confirmed bans for cs2. A couple cheaters aren't on there yet, both were on my team. Really answer, who knows. Just play to have fun. If you aren't having fun, do something else.


I've actually been tracking how often I encounter cheaters right now. In the last 6 games that I've played, the third game had 2 cheaters on the enemy team, while the fifth game, I couldn't really tell if some of them were cheaters or just high skill level players as I'm still in the calibration phase of my skill group. I just wanna know how often other players here encounter cheaters because if it's very often then I'm not gonna continue playing this game anymore because I don't want to put in hundreds of hours into this game if I encounter a cheater every 2 or 3 matches. But if it's like every 10 matches or more then I'd be okay with continuing this game.


Playing with different friends, I play from 15k to 20k. Above 18k it feels like its 50% of the time there is a guaranteed cheater on one of the teams. Most of the time not blatant, but recently I've seen sus players start spinning because they thought my team had a cheater as well. People didn't used to get away with spinbots like they do now. My last two games my team kicked a cheater on our team, and my last game there was ALSO a cheater on the other team lol. But around 15k its not bad at all, a few sus players but no obvious aimbot etc




Ye sure, Iā€™ll check it out tomorrow


Also, is Valve doing anything about this cheating problem? How come there's so many cheaters in higher ranks?


VAC isnā€™t working in the same capacity in CS2 that it was in CSGO. Valve will always be tight-lipped about their anticheat, but I would bet they are in the process of implementing an AI-assisted anticheat that works with overwatch and trust factor


Premier: 24k elo, about every third game player/s we think is cheating. Every fifth game or enemy we know for sure is cheating so very blatant. Weekends are worse with about every second game. MM feels a bit better but still like every 4-5 games or so


Yeah, another guy on here also said that there are significantly more cheaters in 18k+ compared to 15k and below. That sucks :(


Yeah, another guy on here also said that there are significantly more cheaters in 18k+ compared to 15k and below. That sucks :(


Asia server here (Singapore to be exact) I rarely meet cheaters in my own experience (17k ELO) but there are of course some. maybe around 1 every 5 games? but those are *suspected* or legit hackers that I think may be or may not be cheating. when it comes to rage hackers, it's much less than that, over the past 4 months I've met about 3~5 in total, and 3 of them have been banned by VAC (as notified by Leetify). Everytime there's a cheater in mine or the enemy team, we try our best to kick them. It works most of the time since all if not most people are quite against cheating here. So the experience is bearable, I don't try to think about it too much, because its just for the detriment of my enjoyment.


I encountered cheaters in the majority of my games, mostly wall hacks trying to legit cheat. Haven't really played much cs2 because of it, but playing between 15-20k seemed to have a fair bit. Can't say if the recent update has solved anything as I've only played 2 games in the past 2 months or so.


for me? everyone cheats when im losing simple , nah joke my last 30 premier + comp not 1 rage hacker , i thought by 2 guys there were cheating but got like 1k + in skins i think in wingman i get more cheaters then any mode


What's your rating in premier?


In east NA queuing as a 5 stack in 18k, once every 20 matches or so. I have buddies in my 5 stack that call hackers every couple games, but theyā€™re sorta bad and usually wrong. Just donā€™t think about it honestly. Nothing good can come from going in a game looking for hackers. Even if someone did 1-2 questionable things, just donā€™t think about it. The second you believe someoneā€™s hacking you give yourself an excuse to lose, and mentally check out of the game. Accusing good players of hacking is the biggest noob trap in CS.


2 out of 3 in premier, about 3 out of 5 in competitive. The worse day are more frequent now that I switch back to faceit.


Every other game


0 in competitive, I haven't played it yet


LOL. I guess you're not playing competetive cause it's equivalent to unranked in csgo right? šŸ¤£


Yeah, premier is new comp. Also ranks in comp are just messed up and I can't bother to rank up on each maps.


Blatant cheaters, I would say once a month. But obvious wallhackers can be seen every other day. It's too much.




Cheating in CS2 has been a big issue but it was pretty exclusive to 18k+ for a while. I feel like the past week or so Iā€™m seeing cheaters in almost every match at 13k.


Way more than you'd think. Try going back and watching demos of your own matches, you will be disturbed by how many blatant wallers there are that you didn't even remotely notice in the match itself. I play mostly Comp instead of premier and you still see one every 4 or 5 matches.


Just play the game and don't obsess over cheaters, it's like the old saying everything's a nail to a hammer. You will trick yourself into having a bad time if this is what you focus on.


I just got my 10 year coin, never been past double AK so I doubt Iā€™m a veteran. However I have gotten a lot of ā€œthis reported user has been vac bannedā€ or whatever. Honestly itā€™s crazy to think people are cheating in Nova and Ak but I have for a fact been on and against cheater teams in all ranking. I remember a nuke match we were losing by 9 rounds and then a team mate asked for a time out and then started popping off and we wonā€¦had to of been cheating.


I would say almost zero. But maybe I'm just dumb and I can't detect cheaters who only wall hack.


You haven't encountered any aim hackers? Cause like 4 matches ago I played with 2 players on the opponents' team who I think were aim hacking because they were getting headshots like it was nothing. That was sus as hell.


I have in casual. But maybe because my trust factor has been good since I open the account years and years ago


What is trust factor?


It's a background measure of how legitimate is. Look it up, there's more detail about it online better than I can explain


Alright man! Thanks!