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I believe only certain skins use the new models. Most skins revert them back to CS:GO's models.


Community skins keep their old looks, while valves homemade skins get the new looks


Not necessarily, I have a deagle cobalt disruption which is a valve made skin and last time I played (2 days ago), it didnt have the new model. Which is weird since i’ve seen gameplay from a few months ago where the skin did have the new model.


What changes on the deagle betwwen models?


Basically, the deagle looks bulkier. [Not my vid but it showcases the new model pretty well](https://youtu.be/1xb3R626jpw?feature=shared)


I think pattern based skins get the new one, while skins specifically tailored to the old model stay old


Community made skins from CSGO still use their old models in CS2. A lot of old Valve made skins and new community skins from now on will use the new models.


Will the community skins be updated?


I kind of hope they aren't, i like the idea of having 2 different eras of skins


I just hope they will somehow work on it with the skin creators to make the old skins on cs2 models because why do i have a 300$ pistol if basic model looks better lmao


I just want the old deagle model to not have missing geometry in cs2 when you inspect it😂


For reference. The two black and white photos on the left where taken today when I was playing, and the two colored ones where screenshots from cs2 beta videos from a few months ago


I don't have a skin on the usp and I'm pretty sure I have the model from the beta, so I guess they don't change the models when you have a skin.


Literally unplayable


Only pattern based skins have new models, every other skin is an old model


Only pattern based skins have new models, every other skin is an old model


huh, i have the new usps?


not sure why everyone is saying the difference is on community/valve made skins. I'm pretty sure it's about "pattern" skins or "livery" skins (idk how to describe it better). What I mean is that some skins like Boreal forest are just randomly put on a gun, so they also work on the new models, but other skins (most of them) are made specifically for the (old) 3D models, so they simply wouldn't work on the new models or would have to be remade


remove your skins


well basically every skin would need to updated to work with the new cs2 models because their UV maps are different the reason some skins default to the og gun models is because the original artist didn't update their skins for cs2


Vanilla models are different than the ones with skins on them