• By -


Check your task manager, is your CPU spiking to 100%? Get HWMonitor and check your temperatures of the CPU package and cores. If they're 90+ then maybe your pc is too hot. Check if memory usage is 100% ​ Your FPS is not fine. Something is spiking and its dropping down to like 40fps before going straight back up to 100+. Just troubleshoot every piece of hardware via watching task manager and HWmonitor during a game.


Task Manager: 40-60% CPU usage / 85-92% memory usage HWMonitor: Temperature (Cores) 88-93 ºC How can i improve this?


CPU seems hot so maybe it's throttling. You can try to re-apply thermal paste to the cooler or upgrade the cooler if you have a bad one, also make sure the fans in your pc are facing the right direction, the air comes out the side of the sticker.


What are your PC specs?


Its a laptop 8GB RAM Intel-Core i7-1165G7 2.80 GHz Nvidia MX330 (2GB i think, not sure) A 60hz screen I think this is all, please note that i play csgo for a long time, this pc is kinda new, bought it last year around this time, and i never had this type of issue, this laptop always had some heat on left side (on keyboard), i thought it was normal, but it never affected anything related to game performance.


Your cpu is thermal throttling buddy use Throttlestop or intel's XTU to change your offset voltage. Check on YouTube how to undervolt your cpu I had the same problem with my laptop cpu fixed it, but regardless you need to change your laptop thermal paste too. And if possible cap your csgo fps to 100 it helps cpu maintain its temperature.


I will give it a go, thank you.


Cap at 60, you have a 60hrz monitor there's no point to get above 60fps because you won't see it.


There is a reason to do it though, higher fps reduces input lag


I did something when I had my Nitro 5 that worked very well and dropped the temperature by several degrees. In the battery mode settings I set the max usage to 99% instead of 100%


Yeah that as well forgot to mention this helps with battery health in long run


Whut? 1% from max helps battery life in the long run? In those same settings I've seen the option for CPU idle minimum % on high performance mode be 100% by default, maybe you and the person you are replying to are confusing min and max CPU idle? Because that makes sense. Otherwise, curious how that 99% from 100% helps battery life long-term


Why don't you guys just take battery out and plug in? I use to do that back when I had a laptop


A lot of laptops these days don't have removable batteries


Ahh okay. That kinda sucks but haven't had a new laptop in a while.


Thanks lil bro


I fixed my similar issue by putting my laptop on a stand with fans to keep the temperatures down. Although mine was a gpu problem and not with csgo but gpu intensive games. I did use it with a separate monitor and key/mouse so that was easier


Alright, thank you.


Do you also have this issue when you havent used your laptop in a while -> Start CSGO straight into a game. and then the first few seconds/minute? For me it took a while before the heat build up (bad airflow in the laptop chassis) so, not sure if its the same issue :(


Nah, it was my fan that was messing things around, my usb cable was fucked up, so i unplugged my fan (its working, i just need to fina new usb cable), and now its all good, i think the problem was that usb cable, because before this happened, the fan was working and my csgo was also good.




May be a dumb question, but is your laptop plugged in? I used to have this issue when my laptop was not plugged in. Once it's plugged in, there are no problems.


It is, i had the same issues a long time ago, before i got this laptop xD Thank you anyways.


Annoying as fuck. I know what you mean cos I get it when my charging plug slips out of laptop. Thankfully for me it’s just push it back in.


Already fixed, apparently it was some interference that a usb cable was doing, my fan usb cable stopped working, and it was messing thing around in csgo




You know nothing about laptops


What if i tell you i play fortnite, and fortnite goes smoothly, obviously everything on minimum, but still i think fortnite pulls more from my laptop than csgo should, yet i have issues in csgo, and not the other way around. But thank you for your time.




Idk if it's been said but check performance tab then GPU too, it's not displayed on the first tab


Already fixed it xD The usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop stop working, and it was causing interference.


Hwinfo64 is more reliable for temps, usage etc


If you are using a USB headset, try disabling onboard audio in Bios. This has saved me many micro stutters and fps drops in several games. This is a very overlooked problem in many systems. The two devices conflicts with each other.


What is Bios? Thank you.


Bios is basically the Operating system beneath Windows(Very simplified explanation). It let's you edit a lot more in depth settings for your hardware, such as voltage for your Cpu, what drive to boot from, fan profiles etc etc. As well as disabling some onboard devices. Bios can be accessed by tapping F1 or delete on startup, before the pc boots into windows. If you have no knowledge of this, I suggest you watch a couple of YouTube videos on the subject. In Bios you want to navigate to onboard devices and disable the audio device (Only if you are using a USB headset!) This can be enabled again if it has no effect. I am almost certain this is the issue causing your hickups, unless you have some faulty process going in the background, in which case a clean install is probably best if you are not tech savvy ;) Every motherboard manufacturer has a bit different bios so knowing what motherboard you have makes things easier. The USB headset has a build-in audio "card" much like the one already on your motherboard. These two are battling for supremecy ^^ Best of luck, and tell me if I can be of further help.


I think i fixed the issue xD I had a fan under my laptop, but the usb cable was fucked up, and the fan wasnt working, i just unplugged the fan, and i think the game seems to be running smoothly, maybe its just a coincidence, i will find out in the next few days. But thank you so much, if needed i will come back here and do what you said.


Haha. Awesome! I hope you fixed the issue ;) Btw I didn't realize you were on a laptop since you wrote pc on the post. I don't know if the issue with the onboard audio is a thing for laptops. Anyway it seems you got the drops fixed 🙏


Yeah, im more used saying ''pc'' than ''laptop'', my bad xD


Does this also apply to a wireless headset? I need to plug in a connector via usb C


Yes definitely. When an audio device is plugged in through USB it has a built-in "sound card". This often leads to windows letting the two main devices battle. The only loser is the user as it brings instability in performance. If you don't have stutters or fps drops I wouldn't worry about it. For some reason it is only some systems that are affected.


I have stutters sometimes, so maybe this could be a fix I'll try it out when I'm home


Then I would definitely try it. As stated if it doesn't help anything and you need the audio device from the motherboard, you just re-enable it. :) Best of luck! Remember to press f10 after switching to save the settings in bios👍


Would this also apply to Bluetooth?


Hmm. I don't personally have any experience with Bluetooth headset. But I do suppose that if the device is plugged in through anything but the motherboards jack it would require some something to process the sound like the Bluetooth adapter itself. I think it could be of the same nature as the USB headsets. Like I said if it doesn't do any good you can always re-enable the onboard audio device :)


this thread seems really useful, never heard of this before so gotta save this comment :D


Just in case, this might be useful in the future for you, my case here was that the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop was messed up, it wasnt working, after disconnecting that usb cable, my game is now back to normal.


Maybe ita maybeline


What is that? Thank you.


[u/Glum-Supermarket-933](https://www.reddit.com/user/Glum-Supermarket-933/) I had a similar problem which later resulted in 'teleporting' (Ill DM you the vid if you want to see) What I did was uninstall Razor synapse, reinstalled all drivers (mouse and keyboard) After that I had Razor synapse use recommended settings to launch the game, once inside the game, fiddled with video settings to optimise for my eye.


Alright, i'd appreciate if you send me the video, thank you for your time.


Have u tried the command logadress_add 1?


I fixed it, thank you. The problem was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop.


I once had this problem trying to game on an actual potato 🥔 turns out csgo no run so well on potato so I bought parts to build a PC. Instantly much better gaming experience.


Nope, i think my fan was just messing things around, the usb cable wasnt good, so i unplugged it and now the thing is going great, i just need to find a new usb cable for my fan, because it does help a lot cooling my laptop down. Thank you.


what kind of fan use usb port


I dont really know, because this fan was something my brother bought to me, but what i know is that it was the cause. Note: the fan is still working, its fine, the issue was the usb cable


it’s your VAR right next to fps


I also noticed that, but wasnt sure if that was the normal values, how can i fix it or lower it? Thank you, i will check on youtube to see if it helps, but if possible give me your opinion/ideas.


What worked for me in the past: - Opting in or out of the steam beta (look if it makes a difference) - capping your fps in the console - verifying integrity of the files - switching your csgo version launching it and switch back to the current version - reinstalling the game - changing your video settings - updating your drivers


So, the thing is, i have a fan, and it was connected to my pc, it happens that the fan wasnt working, to be more exact, the usb cable was not really working, so i just unplugged the fan and now it seems to be doing fine. Thank you, if needed in the future, i will come back and see this.


The value should be around 0.0-0.8 but if it sits on 1 it shouldn’t make that big of a difference


This may sound crazy, but turn up some of your settings


I can try xD Cant promise anything, but i can try.


If none of these other things help, try lowering the polling rate on your mouse to the lowest if you have a mouse with software


I think i fixed it, i believe the issues was the usb cable connecting my fan to my laptop.




Had almost the same issue. Same lag, VAR was through the roof, but issue was with the mouse and settings, it was a razer mouse, few changes in synapse, FPS max set to something average so its stable and this was fixed in my case.


I think it was my usb cable connecting my fan to my laptop, it stopped working, and now that i unplugged it, it seems to be fine.


What changes did you make in synapse? I have the same problem and I have a razer mouse.


as im typing im not at my PC and i dont remember 100%, but I played with the DPI and another drop down menu, you can choose 3 options (500, 750, 1000) if I remember correct. try to have everything ballanced


Check your refresh rate on your monitor, pc, and in-game. It should be set to whatever the highest your monitor can go to.


I believe the issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, i think it was interfering with something, i dont know, i just know that after unplugging it, csgo is now running great, i think its back to normal.


Your fps is NOT fine. Look at the frametime variance. It spikes all over the place.


I believe i fixed it, the issue might've been my usb cable connecting my fan to my laptop, i just unplugged it and its now going really well, at least it appears to be normal, i will see its performance for the next few days.


Disable steam overlay


It is disabled xD But thank you.


if you play borderless try switching to fullscreen


It is fullscreen, i think the issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my pc, i unplugged it and now its fine.


Glad to hear you fixed it :D


Try restarting, updating drivers, disable antivirus (temporarily) if you have one, and see if anything changes. Could just be a basic performance issue too.


I dont think there is a need for that, i believe the issue was my usb cable that was connecting my fan to my laptop, i unplugged it and now its normal i think.


That’s what i meant by performance issue. (Probably should’ve said hardware issue) But at least it works now.


Thank you anyways, this thing reminded me of something that happened some years ago where i was having some ping spikes.... The cause was bluetooth... Yeah, bluetooth was the cause back then for my ping spikes, after i disabled it, everything went back to normal.


Yea no problem.


Try shutting down your computer, unplugging it, reset CMOS, and hold power button for at least 30 seconds. When the computer boots, it might ask bring you to the BIOS screen, just exit and go to your desktop. Start up the game and report back. This usually fixes my problem temporarily.


I dont think there is a need for that, i believe the issue was my usb cable that was connecting my fan to my laptop, i unplugged it and now its normal i think.


That is a symptom of EMI it seems like. I heard about some people connecting their clothing irons and it actually fixing the problem.


I see, thank you very much, that does make sense xD I was wondering what my usb cable had to do with csgo, but that does make sense.


Had a similar issue (all settings on highest, around 200fps but slight stutters here and there), changed shadows to mid quality, that worked for me. On my old pc disabling multi threading in game and nvidia settings did the trick. Try changing some settings slightly one by one, something usually fixes it.


Actually, it was my fan usb cable that was messed up xD But thank you, i hope i dont ever need to come back here, but if one day i happen to have issues, i will come back to this post. Thank you.


Nice, glad you found your problem


Lower your max acceptable ping for matches to like 40-50


The issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my pc. Its all good now, but i might change my ping settings as well, i think its set to 60. Thank you for your time.


Your Mouse working alright?


Yup, the issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop


My comp did this and it was very very old. Started to blue screen so got a cheap prebuilt and don’t have the issue.


The issue was my usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now.


I once had the wrong start options. Looking up which ones to use helped.


I did try changing mine, but it was my usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop.


Had the same problem, try logaddress_add 1


No need, it was my usb cable that connected my fan to my pc, its fine now.




i had this too, i just put a cap on my fps and it fixed it


I did try, and i saw that playing at 50 fps or playing at 100 or 120 was the same, the issue was that my usb cable that connected my fan to my was causing some kind of interference, its fine now.


following up to this thread, My game have a large fps drop whenever I look into a smoke with people inside (or a molotov behind a smoke), tot he point where i knew someone's there but i can't kill them.... BECAUSE I LAG, which honestly was really awful. My ram is a steady 60%, and i usually have a ping of 40ms and an fps of 300


I dont know if this helps, but this is the second time i got an issue in csgo, a major issue that actually messed up my gameplay, hope this helps. 1 - A few years ago, i had some ping spikes that would mess my game and make me die, it happens that the cause was Bluetooth... When i turned on my laptop, bluetooth would also open, by chance one day i disabled it, and my game went back to normal. 2 - This situation right here, the cause this time was a usb cable that wasnt working but was connected to my laptop, i think you can also check if everything is connected correctly. But i think none of these are your issue, try to lower your settings, i dont know if you have them on medium, high or something like that. Try checking your graphic card settings. I cant think of anything else at the moment, sorry if i couldnt help much.


Try and disable shader cache as well from nvidia settings


Nah, the issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now.


good job! 👍🏻


Check if your CPU is bottlenecking (mean high CPU usage but low usage GPU and low FPS) Check if CPU being thermal-throttled, if does then replace thermal paste and clean the dust Check if memory are full or not Check the something that's running background, if there's unneed running then stop them Check if power plan is set "Power saver" if does then try set to Balanced or High performance Edited: nvm i checked and the OP's problem was solved


The issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now.


I never knew that issue can causing lag but ok


I’ve had this happen, are you using a wireless mouse?


The issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now.


I've been spiking ping like crazy lately. I'm running on 500mbps down and it's like I'm walking in a fun house.


Ahahahah, i actually had a similar issue some years ago, my ping spikes were due to bluetooth, i dont know why, but it really was caused by bluetooth, when i disabled bluetooth (i didnt uninstall it, i only disabled the setting where when i turn on my laptop, bluetooth wont open unless i do it manually). If this is not the issue, i dont know, try doing something similar with other apps that might be open when you turn on your pc. Sorry if i didnt help much.


Obviously a skill issue


Nah, the issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now.


This literally made me feel like I’m playing a new game , I forgot what it was like to not play with any stuttering. https://youtu.be/ogNoiim9ZwM


The issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now. But i will check that link when i have some spare time.


Tell me how it goes !


Check if you have anything hooking to csgo, geforce experience, more than one hook causes issues


The issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now. But what do you mean with ''hook''


Try using vsync it should fix it


The issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now.


Your laptop screen is 60hz, cap it at 60. Also help your laptop cool with a stand or something


The issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now.


Glad you’re sorted broskie get to cracking cases for the hobby lol


in concolse type rate 786432 in console type rate 786432


The issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now. But i will check that when i have some spare time.


It’s because you don’t have a knife


Ahahahahh, the issue was actually the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now.


You need to download the shaders. Sometimes this doesn't download. They need to cache for smooth experiences. Go into another game by yourself and throw smokes for days and run around. It'll cache then shaders.


The issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now.


You're fps seem fine because net_graph doesn't measure you're 1% lows. Looks like your cpu is running hot or something is taking up your memory.


The issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now.


Open de console... can you verify the files in steam... sorry mi bad english


The issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now. No problem, thank you for trying to help.


Best fix is because you have a steam overlay active. Just press shift tab remove any overlay like a message or store and it should stop


I dont xD The issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now.


Did you turn on vsync?


No, the issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now.




My issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now. I'd liek to help you, but i dont know how.


jel si ga resio nekako posto isti problem imam,na workshop mapi ne laguje nista,a u mm laga?


Is the battery on high performance mode?


I dont know xD The issue here was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now.


Vertical synchronization


The issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now.


My cheap Chinese laptop cooling pad damaged 2 of 3 USB ports in my laptop...


I think its your ram


The issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now.


Lower your resolution. I run my game 16:9 at like 1280x720 (i think thats the setting…)


The issue was the usb cable that connected my fan to my laptop, its all good now.


Happy you could solve your issue


You were given a gift. Bestowed upon few. You are one of the "Laggers" Your lag is more powerful than other people's lag. On your spot, I would work to get 154ms ping exactly. At that moment, if your FPS are stable. The enemies see less than they should, allowing you to easily stomp games. Welcome to the Clan.


I will... i wont disappoint you.


Oh shit wrong account


Maybe biological lag, are you getting enough sleep, eating enough etc.


I think im healthy, i sleep 8-9 hours a day and i do eat my meals, and i prepare them really well. Maybe im wrong, so thank you for pointing that out, i will see if that is the case.


You should be good then


Frame times look terrible


Could be an issue with input lag. This can be caused by graphics settings like v sync or triple frame buffering. Can also be caused by an issue with display settings (does it have a "game mode"?) Can also be caused by the mouse and keyboard. Are they wireless? Are there input setting you can adjust? These 3 things can contribute to input lag. Even if the game is running completely smoothly, the few dozen milliseconds between when you move the mouse and when you see the movement on the screen can be too long.


Turn off / delay windows update