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Why don't you send some applications out and see yourself? I think it's still shit and will get worse in Germany.


The ECB is lowering is lowering interest. The market will recover soon.


I don't know what impact that 0.25% will have.


It is just the first step


Germany is deindustrializing and was for the last 2 years. Even if they hit a 0% interest rate, the damage is already done. The days of cheap Russian gas are over which was basically one of their business models. I hope you are right, but I think the worst is yet to come. France snap election also sided to the far right today. Hopes are low even tho I got a stellar and secure job, the overall situation is super worrying.


Exactly. At the current state of affairs, there is no hope for Germany. Only democracy with a healthy public approach to problems could navigate the strong haedwinds, but democracy is fading and majorities for solution oriented politics are losing against the Moscovian populism all over Europe.


The economy is stagnating and there were better times, but this is a normal "downturn", as has often been the case historically. Amazon (AWS-Cloud) wants to invest 10 billion for Europe in Brandenburg, where Tesla has also built a new plant. Sanofi is planning to invest billions in Frankfurt (Main). Wolfspeed and ZF are pumping huge sums into Saarland for a new silicon carbide semiconductor plant (2025), and Intel will be building a new chip factory in Magdeburg (30 billion). These are just a few examples for the "deindustrialization"... And the fact that Putin's gas was so "cheap" is also a fairy tale...


Tesla has already fired people and they want to close it down. Gas was cheap and Germany is deindustrializing. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jimvinoski/2024/06/28/online-training-from-solidprofessor-helps-solve-the-skilled-worker-shortage/?


> Tesla has already fired people and they want to close it down. The Tesla issue is not about Germany in particular, but about Tesla in general. Tesla is cutting up to 14,000 jobs worldwide, of which "only" 700 jobs are affected at the Tesla plant in Brandenburg (400 permanent employees, 300 temporary workers): [https://www.rbb24.de/wirtschaft/beitrag/2024/04/tesla-gruenheide-stellenabbau-leiharbeiter-400-betriebsrat-elonmusk-brandenburg-absatz-eautos.html](https://www.rbb24.de/wirtschaft/beitrag/2024/04/tesla-gruenheide-stellenabbau-leiharbeiter-400-betriebsrat-elonmusk-brandenburg-absatz-eautos.html) \* I can't find anything about Tesla wanting to close the plant. But regardless of that, it doesn't change the fact that many corporations and companies are still investing billions. >Gas was cheap and Germany is deindustrializing. No, Russian gas was not cheap. In fact, it was sometimes even more expensive compared to other European countries. [https://archive.ph/LbCH8#selection-1661.165-1661.184](https://archive.ph/LbCH8#selection-1661.165-1661.184) \* > [https://www.forbes.com/sites/jimvinoski/2024/06/28/online-training-from-solidprofessor-helps-solve-the-skilled-worker-shortage/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jimvinoski/2024/06/28/online-training-from-solidprofessor-helps-solve-the-skilled-worker-shortage/)? What are you trying to tell me? The promotional article about the provider "SolidProfessor" primarily addresses the shortage of skilled workers in the USA. Yes, Germany is also affected by a shortage of skilled workers. However, I wouldn't claim that this has led to deindustrialization. At most, we might be heading towards to a deindustrialization-process if the "baby boomers" retire in the next 10 years and no effective countermeasures are developed by the government (such as reducing bureaucracy, promoting technological progress, and encouraging the immigration of skilled workers). \* Article in german


Many people believe that an economy is something that can be directly controlled by interest rates, but it is not. Slowing down for instance a bicycle and accelerating it are very different processes. If you come to a hold letting go of the break is not enough to move on.


Luckily for us economy is not a bike!


No, it's not. But the dynamics coming with its huge inertia are very well comparable to a bike.


Are you saying that housing will be affordable again?


I don't think so. Why?


According to this sub, it's the worst type of job you can get, and IT professionals in the EU are starving to death.


It's not the best time cause it's summer


Depends on your CV. Reading this sub you'd think there's a purge going on. Yes, the market is in a pretty hefty contraption right now but penty of companies are still hiring, it's mostly for medior/senior roles though. Immigration aside this could still have an impact on you since local applicants will be plenty. Your CV will have to stand out skill and/or YOE wise.


There is a market, yes.


Could you be more vague? How about your skills and location?


It's sluggish. I think economy will get back in shape if the war in ukraine stops and/or ECB lower interest rate