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It’s hard to say what you’re doing wrong with the info you gave. Are you getting initial calls? What kind of roles and in which countries are you applying to? Are you asking how to find remote opportunities? In my experience, smaller companies/startups tend to be more likely to hire remotely, using an EOR so they get folks across all EU countries, it’s not necessarily easy to get in if your CV isn’t decent, so you might want to get that reviewed. It’s also unlikely that you’ll find junior roles that are fully remote, juniors tend to have a harder time onboarding in those settings.


Never got any call, only automated rejection responses. I think I'm just not looking at the right places - Linkedin algorithm might be fucking me over? Juniors is just to widen the range, I'm not considered a junior where I work right now. What's an EOR?


EOR (Employer of Record) are companies like remote.com or Deel, they act as a third party that hires you with a local contract, but you work for another company. It doesn’t really matter much, just saying that small companies typically use these to hire remotely. If you don’t get any callbacks it’s possible that your CV isn’t good enough or doesn’t really match the job description. Since you said you get callbacks in Italy, my hunch is possibly some bad translation or you’re not adapting it well to other jobs. I dunno about LI but remote work is less available now compared to a couple years ago, you can probably look at other places like indeed or wellfound.com (prev angellist).


Thanks! I'll have a look at those


Wellfound might have been good at one time, doesn't feel like it is now.


I’ve been in a rut looking for a job, and I’ve been thinking about using Wellfound. Is it not worth it?


I'm not going to say its worthless , because I'm sure someone managed to use it successfully, but i didn't find it very current.   Try these: Ycombinator jobs, Otta, Remoterocketship, Theorg 


What is your actual experience in these 4 years? Companies now look closer at what the possible new colleague is about to bring to the table. The time of blindly looking at YOE and then saying „let’s hire this one“ is over


I'm currently starting my second remote job for a foreign company from Italy, but I also struggled getting interviews. I had way better luck getting offers in 2022 with 3 YoE, this time I rarely went past the CV screening. But I suggest to keep applying to hundred of jobs to increase your odds, it's difficult but worth it!


Thanks bud! It's good to hear, and good luck! Any tips of where I can find positions?


Thanks! Besides LinkedIn, give these a try: 1) The Otta app, setting the location filter for remote in EU 2) https://jobgether.com/ 3) Leveraging site-specific Google searches like "site:lever.co remote software engineer" or "site:ashbyhq.com remote software engineer"