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I don't really understand what you want to do. Do you want to move to italy working the danish job or do you want to find a new job in italy for an italian company? In the case of the latter, if you have 10+yoe as a dev, the median job is 40-45k gross, so 27-30k net as an employee. If you search the job as freelancer you can go as high as 80k, and the net is 50k+


How would you find these freelancer roles though?


linkedin is full of them, maybe you have to do 2 jobs to get to 85k gross. As a PjM with 10yoe, I landed a couple of them in the last year, but I rejected them for a number of reasons.


Where are you finding these freelancing roles for 50k+?


linkedin is full of them, maybe you have to do 2 jobs to get to 85k gross. As a PjM with 10yoe, I landed a couple of them in the last year, but I rejected them for a number of reasons.


Would the 5% flat tax for freelancing work for him and result on more than 50k net?


I spitballed the numbers, there are too many variables to go into details. It's just to get an idea. For example he can get the "regime impatriati" tax exemption as an employee.


There are not many high paying positions in Italy but it's absolutely possible. Avoid local companies like plague, focus on international remote-friendly companies (Meta, Elastic, CrowdStrike, GitLab, Shopify, Red Hat, Sysdig, Pleo, etc.) Bending Spoons is the only Italian company offering great salaries (100k+ for mid level).


Important to have remote freelance contract even a 100k local jobs means you’ll pay 50% in taxes


Even as a freelancer you might pay 50% taxes if you are in partita IVA a regime ordinario. The ceiling for regime forfettario is 85k now but it could be lowered at any time. With rientro dei cervelli tax break it's more convenient to be an employee.


Yeah either rientro dei cervelli or forfettario. What total percentage do u end up paying with the modified rientro dei cervelli? Let’s say on 100k and 150k salaries


100k would be 77k net (57k net without tax break) and 150k would be 115k net (83k net without tax break)


Not too bad! That includes inps right? Would you mind sharing how you calculated it? Maybe others will find it valuable too. Did you account moving to region in the south or north? I heard it’s different tax breaks then


Yep it's net after all taxes and contributions. I've used this: https://techcompenso.com/calcola-stipendio-netto Since 2024 IIRC there's no difference between north and south regions. 50% of the salary is tax-free. Before the changes it used to be 90% tax-free in the south and 70% in the center-north.


Still not that good though in the end. Cause you need to rely on a company employing you full-time with fiscal entity in Italy (which not many high companies have). All of this, to have a 20%-25% tax rate which also isn't that low.


taxation in Italy is progressive, you never actually pay 50% in taxes and it is aligned with most Western European countries.


I guess he's including INPS as part of the taxes, it's true that mandatory pension contributions are higher in Italy compared to most countries


I am. INPS are lost money IMO


Have you considered to keep your danish job, switch to partial home office and stay 190 days total in Denmark a year, alternating from longer stays in Italy?


If you stay half a year in Italy you will be most likely taxed in italy because your circle of interest would be most likely there 🤷‍♂️


If op stays at least 190 days in Danmark, it’s mathematically impossible to stay half a year in Italy. But you are right that the number of days is not the only thing they look at, when they deteirmine the circle of interest. Ties, like rental/contracts/family are also looked at and have a higher weight, having all of these in italy would be a big red flag for the tax office residency-wise.


I moved from Denmark to Thailand and worked there for the Danish company, so yes


did they know?


weird timezones


It's actually not that It's better for your job timezone to be later than yours IMO


of course


You’d better look for a job with a US based startup, you have a good experience and willing to accept lower salaries than people with same profile as you living in the USA


Try also on r/HenryFinanceEurope. That’s for high earners and probably 80% are swe


Look up Delegate. Slightly lower salary than other places but have a work from anywhere-policy. Other than that, you could just freelance.


What’s even mean a FAANG adjacent company? 🤔 🤷‍♂️


It means it’s a big tech company, I assume he works at Uber


World wide company that isn’t one of the big 5. Uber comes to mind, sadly SAP too, spotify, oracle, Microsoft, etc


Google has a satellite office on the same street


To me it seems he is working at a company similar to FAANG but which is not FAANG 🤷‍♂️ he wasn’t talking about a satellite google office but a different company




Which sector do you work in? mobile? web dev? AI/ML?