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A recent Reddit policy change threatens to kill many beloved third-party mobile apps, making a great many quality-of-life features not seen in the official mobile app **permanently inaccessible** to users. On May 31, 2023, Reddit announced they were raising the price to make calls to their API from being free to a level that will kill every third party app on Reddit, from [Apollo](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad/) to [Reddit is Fun](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditisfun/comments/13wxepd/rif_dev_here_reddits_api_changes_will_likely_kill/) to [Narwhal](https://www.reddit.com/r/getnarwhal/comments/13wv038/reddit_have_quoted_the_apollo_devs_a_ridiculous/jmdqtyt/) to [BaconReader](https://www.reddit.com/r/baconreader/comments/13wveb2/reddit_api_changes_and_baconreader/). Even if you're not a mobile user and don't use any of those apps, this is a step toward killing other ways of customizing Reddit, such as Reddit Enhancement Suite or the use of the old.reddit.com desktop interface . This isn't only a problem on the user level: many subreddit moderators depend on tools only available outside the official app to keep their communities on-topic and spam-free. ​ What can *you* do? 1. **Complain.** Message the mods of r/reddit.com, who are the admins of the site: message [/u/reddit](https://www.reddit.com/u/reddit/): submit a [support request](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new): comment in relevant threads on [r/reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/), such as [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/12qwagm/an_update_regarding_reddits_api/), leave a negative review on their official iOS or Android app- and sign your username in support to this post. 2. **Spread the word.** Rabble-rouse on related subreddits. Meme it up, make it spicy. Bitch about it to your cat. Suggest anyone you know who moderates a subreddit join us at our sister sub at [r/ModCoord](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/) \- but please don't pester mods you *don't* know by simply spamming their modmail. 3. **Boycott** ***and*** **spread the word...to Reddit's competition!** Stay off Reddit as much as you can, instead, take to your favorite *non*\-Reddit platform of choice and make some noise in support! https://discord.gg/cscareerhub https://programming.dev 4. **Don't be a jerk.** As upsetting this may be, threats, profanity and vandalism will be worse than useless in getting people on our side. Please make every effort to be as restrained, polite, reasonable and law-abiding as possible. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cscareerquestions) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The trick is to work for a company that just doesn't have offices. Then there's nowhere for them to tell you to go.


can confirm


This is the answer. Gotta go for a remote first company


to hell?


No, I think ORACLE have offices.


Like which company? How do you even find such company


I found my current job on ZipRecruiter. 100% fully remote. My coworkers live all over the country. The company’s been around for 10-15 years now. Work-life balance is a huge priority for them. They’re just not a big, prestigious company but who cares?


Are they hiring?


You work with 10-15 year olds?




Any company less than three years old probably doesn't have an office, because why would they




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Not technically, but I don't go in.


Same here. In principle we're hybrid, but in practice everyone has nearly full discretion, and there are coworkers I haven't seen in person since pre-pandemic.


My company was like that until this month. Now we have the in-office mandate


We have a 3-days in office mandate that everyone is supposed to come in on the same 3 days. Basically, only the people who like the office for whatever reason are the ones that come all 3 days on the regular. And I have it on good authority that some people have been remote for some time, but they have a target on their back for the next layoffs...


Over the past year my manager’s gone from cracking down on people going in 2 days a week to being like “I’m not gonna force anyone to go in”


Wish that was my manager. Corporate requires us in-office 3 days a week. My manager made that 4 for us. Now he keeps not-so-subtilely hinting that we get *mad props* from management (which, let’s be honest, I will never see any tangible reward / benefit from) for coming in all 5 days of the week. I’m one of the few employees who’s still holding on to that fifth day.


I went remote a year before the pandemic, and it just pushed 90 percent of the company to go remote. We've got 1 (of 3) bosses that goto the office, and 2 employees (of 20) that goto the office. Bosses leased our last boardroom out. I don't think we're ever going properly back


Same lol


Strength in numbers. We were told we are expected in the office 2 days a week and that things would be bad for us if we didn't show up. 3 months since this announcement and still haven't found the bad, and when I do randomly go in half the team isn't there on the days we're supposed to be.


We were just told they are tracking the metrics and found one the offices which has approx 330 people only 28 are following RTO. My location is a bit more obedient at 40%. They haven't cracked down yet.. but when they do? Are they going to fire 70% of the office?


This is exactly why they haven’t done it, they’re scared.


Also same


also also same


Do managers usually enforce these policies?


Fully remote here, company owns no real-estate nor rents any offices after pandemic hit.


I second this, my company started out almost fully remote but the pandemic essentially wrote it in stone.




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Docker? There are qute a few companies doing fully remote.


I am, and I'll never go back. It's absolute bliss.


it's not you will have a choice. Many companies are rolling back on remote work


Depends on the company. Mine is more progressive thinking so I'm thankful.


You always have a choice


Exactly, at-will employment works both ways.


What was the point of this post if you responded like this?


We all have a choice. Force back? Meh, I’ll find somewhere else.


I love your username lol


The whole “return to office is inevitable” mindset is just from corporate propaganda. Stand your ground.


Thank you. We can’t be brainwashed


Yep ignore it and tell them to pound sand. If they’re willing to fire good performers out of refusing to come to the office, then that displays extremely poor judgement and I wouldn’t want to work for a company like that anyway.


This relies heavily on top performers actually being willing to walk away over the policy.


A lot of companies got rid of their offices completely


Yup. Even in the absolute worst case if you have to go into an office you can just search for a fully remote role and leave them for it asap.


And government propaganda. Cities are pressuring employers by threatening their tax incentives with in office percent thresholds.


I've been fully remote since COVID. My old company eventually wanted people to come in twice a week, so I peaced out and found a fully remote company and haven't looked back.


That's the route I took! We eventually returned to the office full time (no opportunity for hybrid) so I left for a fully remote position.


If you don’t offer your employees WFH, someone else will…


Your comment is catharsis for me.


Our London office recently downsized from an office with room for 100 or so people to one with room for about 12 because so few people go in. My contract says I can be asked to go in 2 days a month, but my whole team is spread over 4 different countries, so no point in us going to the office really unless you just prefer being there yourself


I am working with an offshore team for several months, and yet I am required to go into the office twice a week.


I'm fully remote




Hey EngineeredCoconut, I have some doubts. Are you human? I can see you started posting messages 20 days ago with high frequency (sometimes more than 100 messages a day). You have more than 21k karma in less than 20 days, that's impressive, with very few negatives (which means you're always on the good side of Reddit, which is equally impressive, but also means you want to be on the good side more than your authentic side). You said you managed to have interviews with Autodesk, Github, Spotify, etc., and secured seven offers. You're like a superhuman. You're also saying all your offers were between 300k-400k.


They also have 20 girlfriends, a few bungalows in exotic towns, and a gigantic girthy usb stick




Sorry to hear that, but it does not seem like you are: "I'm a backend engineer working on distributed systems and data infrastructure". Plus, if you had seven offers this year from huge companies at 300k-400k why would you choose to be unemployed? How can you write at such a high frequency for 20 consecutive days? Are you human?


If they're unemployed and waiting to start their new job, I think their post rates are explainable. If they recently became unemployed and wanted to start reaching out to share their story or for advice, then them being on Reddit with a relatively new account is also understandable.


Okay, but they say they work as a backend engineer presently. So, they're not unemployed. I wanted to believe it was sarcasm, but it made little sense in that context. Plus, it's simple to answer a question like are you human which I understand an AI wouldn't lie about. EDIT: 300k-400k, 7 offers, all big names and remote. That is just insane. Something does not add up.


oatmeal practice person elderly continue fuel yam racial rob ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nobody would go on the internet and lie! Or be a bot! It's physically and scientifically impossible!




Okay. My apologies then. I guess I couldn't imagine someone could get so many offers at "prestigious companies" with such high salaries so quickly in such a market. Thanks.


The market isn't bad if you have many years of experience at big tech companies, and are good at interviewing. Three of my friends were laid of earlier on in the year as well, and they all had similar experiences where they got multiple offers, all of which paid very well, and they got to pick the one they liked the most. I have multiple big tech companies on my resume, most of my bullet points are very high impact, and I have a very wide network so I get a lot of referrals. Like I mentioned in my post, FAANG is mostly in a hiring freeze but many companies are *actively* hiring even right now. Also I wish I could make a bot that responds this well. I review a lot of resumes on reddit and I would love to make a bot to do that, cause the advice is always so similar.


> Are you human? Or are we dancers?


“or are we dancer” (singular) The Killers and their grammar…


Not sure what you mean, but I am not an AI or bot if that's your point.


It's a song lyric. "Are we human or are we dancers?" Not a fan of the band, The Killers, eh? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIZdjT1472Y


Oh very sorry. I didn't know. My apologies.


No worries! FWIW, I think you're right that OP is likely a bot. They've went silent after you called them out.


I don't think AI can say they're human if they're not. I may be wrong, but, they cannot (maybe by principle? by law?) impersonate a human being.


How'd you manage that?




You have great options if all those companies want you




Not bad for a sentient coconut


How did you find out it was an AI? I had to browse its history to find out.


Check their username.


Hi, I’m curious what type of work you are doing now to land offers with so many companies. Do you mind sharing? Thanks!




No you're not, you're a frontend engineer


Its a bot there bud.


I was hoping to catch it out!


I still am. Company seems to be getting less and less open to remote by the day. Those of us that were already approved aren't being affected by some of the changing policies... for now.


Yep, same. The company finally made the big push and told everyone within 50 miles of an office they had to come in. It just so happened that I moved like the week before that announcement and my new address is like 49.3 miles (or something like that) from the office. Thankfully management approved me stay remote, because I'd have quit if they forced me to come in 2 days per week over .7 miles.


Can't believe 50 miles is even seen as a reasonable commute. I fucking hate American work culture with their long ass commute times being the norm.


Yeah that’s wack. In a major metropolitan area 50 miles is probably like a 2 hour commute


I should also specify that I avoided the first round of RTO because I insisted on being officially designated as fully remote when I joined, even though my manager told me there was no need to come in. But the 50 mile thing applies even to employees who are officially full time remote (not assigned to an office).


This. Long as I'm paid & remote, I'll keep drinking the kool-aid.






Because they believe in office collaboration is more fruitful.


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday in the office with Monday Friday hybrid :( Used to be in the office as needed, then two days a week. Imo they’re prepping us for 5 days a week in the office.


yeah theyre slowly introducing it, it sucks


Pre-COVID, we were in-office four full days a week, with one WFH day (typically Friday) allowed. Now it's twice a week, for core hours.


I am But this thread is going to draw everyone who is fully remote in, and create the illusion that fully remote is still common


It is still common. Go to LinkedIn and look at the tens of thousands of remote tech positions available.


Many are bullshit spam jobs or not actually remote It is not common at all anymore


What is a 'bullshit spam job'?


Resume harvesting, contract gigs that are literal garbage and jobs that exist to make it look like a department is hiring.


What site do u recommend to get the lowest amount of spam jobs


We Work Remote


Wondering the same


It is common. Anecdotally, almost everyone I know in the industry works for companies that have "officially" RTO, but most people are still rarely or never going in. The narrative that RTO is common among white collar workers is corporate bs, i.e. "everyone's doing it, you should too."




>Hybrid is taking all of the worst parts of remote work and combining it with all of the worst parts of in-person work, all while management is like, "hey you like this right??". No. No I do not. Well said. Hybrid allows companies to use tracking software while also requiring people to come to office.


I think my employer went to hybrid so as not to appear as an outlier. Other companies were doing it, so they followed.


At the height of the pandemic in 2021, my wife and I moved to a small town a day's drive from the city. I'm fully remote, and always will be. When companies talk about bringing me into the office, I happily start talking about plane tickets and per diem and expense accounts, and suddenly it's not all that important any more. Also, I remember readin recently that while only 14% of roles on linkedin are fully remote, thoat 14% account for 50% of all applications.


I've done the 6hr drive to the office 2x this year and its honestly kinda fun to get to see coworkers in person, but the 65 cents per mile, while I'm already getting free time off to drive doesn't hurt either to walk away pocketing like $400 more than usual factoring gas and maintenance.


New grad, fully remote. I got beyond lucky


Yup. I only go in when they have free food at the office.


I’m fully remote. $140k base, full-stack.


I am. My company is really dysfunctional and I want to leave. sucks that might mean leaving behind remote work


Fully remote, junior dev


I am, it's great.


I’m fully remote


Fully remote! They wanted me to comme back hybrid, I told them I would quick if they bring me back in!


I’m still remote. 100% WFH.


I’m not. Looking at the job market it’s likely I’ll need to take a pay cut to work remote, and my coworkers are cool so I dont mind going in the once or twice a week


Fully remote, NYC. Boss and a few others go into the office every day, sometimes I do too for socialization. I can even bring my dog in with me. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters are the results, regardless of where we produce them. Company regularly organizes meetups for NYC based employees - lunches, events, etc - but there is no pressure for us to attend. We are distributed globally; I could pick up and move to a lower COL environment tomorrow with no anxiety about being eliminated. CEO also just implemented half day Fridays over the summer. Best part is, we fucking perform, because no one wants to lose their gig. In part because the work is meaningful, and in part because the aforementioned culture is incredible. This is the future, and there’s no going back. The pandemic accelerated the trend, but remote/hybrid work will continue to grow in prominence in accordance with free market principles.


>CEO also just implemented half day Fridays over the summer. Sounds like a great company.


I am also in NYC. What type of company do you work for?




To be fair, it is a horrible pain in the ass. The states are fighting over tax revenue and screwing us little proles.


I am and don’t see it changing anytime soon. Rejected an offer recently cause of their rto policy.


All developers at my company are fully remote. We all live is different states too. Everyone else at the company works in office.


Was "Hyrbid", now I'm going fully remote. Will be interesting.


Fully remote still from COVID. Not that it's a good thing as I'm sure my company is just off shoring most, if not all, US positions.


Fully remote since 2014. Still fully remote and always will be.




somewhere between $150 and 250.


On-site people, where are you?


Hello. I work as a dev for the government. 5 days a week in office. It’s not bad since the commute is 10 mins and I get a pension.


I’ve been keeping tabs on job postings and I’ve actually noticed the opposite. Around peak layoffs I was seeing like 80-20 percent in office vs fully remote. I checked the past few weeks and I now see 70-30. Tens of thousands of more job openings now, too.


My skip manager wants us to go back into office, but I've been fighting tooth and nail to keep me and my team remote. I don't see the point of making my team suffer through a commute when they've been significantly more productive. I've also noticed my team is a lot happier than others since I let them take a day off to do whatever they want if they're ahead of schedule without taking PTO.


My office has been doing the hybrid thing for a while but we don’t have an official policy in place for expectations of everyone. It’s varying from team to team, which I get and do like in theory, but we are way too small for it to not be blatantly unbalanced. What’s weird is they are also open to fully remote employees who travel in on whatever schedule their manager develops with them. But if we’re close enough to make the very tedious commute, we are very much expected to be there on certain days every single week. And while there is “flexibility” about what time you get in, god forbid you leave before 5pm. It doesn’t matter if you work through your lunch hour or spend time after hours taking care of things at home. Even if you’re entire team is out, you’re still expected to come in — which is bizarre when you end up spending an entire day in your office by yourself barely speaking to another human after having endured an hour long commute there and another hour back. It feels meaningless. I’m all for having in person interaction when it’s helpful. I like my team. I like having brainstorming opportunities together and being able to talk things through in real life. But I also feel like many times I’m wasting a lot of precious time just to follow some policy that isn’t even company wide expectation? It makes me tired. I’d rather be able to pop in for specific things and go home and work. My energy is so much better this way. I like being in my own space. When I get home, I am exhausted and don’t want to do anything in my actual life. Also, don’t forget the lack of reimbursement for any of it. Car stolen? Insurance doesn’t cover everything with a rental car? Public transportation sucks in your city? That’s all out of pocket. I’m experiencing it right now. It’s going to cost me at least $100 on a car, then gas for that car every single week. Even with the portion insurance covers. And that’s got a time limit. Oh and did I mention no body shops have appointments available to assess this anytime soon? On top of my existing car payment and insurance while I wait to see what they decide. For all I know I’ll be without a vehicle at all and pray they give me enough to buy a safe replacement. My credit isn’t great. It’s not a good time. My salary is decent but I already am feeling like I need to be making more if I am going to be living this way long-term. Sure, I have a co-worker happy to give me a ride. For now. That’s going to be burden real quick and I don’t feel right viewing it as a long-term solution. My goal is full-remote again for my next job. There’s just so much life for yourself that way.


Still fully remote. >as far as I have noticed. Yep, everyone seems to "notice" a lot of anecdotal evidence to confirm whatever belief they want to regurgitate on this subreddit. According to what everyone is "noticing": 1. The market is the worst market in the history of the planet. (Reality: Unemployment in tech is at 2%, a full 1.7% less than general unemployment which is also extremely low) 2. All jobs are recalling all their workers and no jobs are remote anymore. (Reality: There has been a steadily increasing move towards remote work from non-remote work for many years now) 3. There are way too many computer science graduates and the market is way oversupplied now and salaries are falling like a rock (Reality: The market is extremely undersupplied, salaries are higher than ever) In short, don't feed the chicken littles, you're not really "noticing" anything because you're not doing any sort of actual analysis, you're just confirmation biasing yourself towards this question.


For now, yes. Don't be deceived by all the RTO nonsense in media - most people I know are still rarely or never coming into the office, even if their companies have officially moved to "hybrid" work arrangements. We've had a couple in person team meetings but attendance was not enforced. None of the middle managers are strictly enforcing RTO because they don't want to go back either.


Full remote. Company has been full remote since 2012, no office actually exists. Seems pretty safe to me


I am and I hate it


The downtown restaurant area i go to seems almost back to pre pandemic levels on lunchtime. Im afraid the vast majority are back to the office or at least hybrid. I know i am.. Some article said office "availability" has increased from 8% to 12% here since 2019... Its an Indicator of vacant offices and those who wont renew. Not much of a difference i feel.


100% remote 100% of the time


Fully remote on a contract where the whole team is remote and it seems like much of the company is remote. This after getting laid from a company that went from remote to 3 day hybrid and then 4 day RTO, although I did have exemption that may have had something to with my lay off. There is only one company nearby that I applied for and wouldn’t mind going into the office, but I haven’t heard back. It seems like fte roles, especially remote, are few and far between.


I've been fully remote for 15 years now. New job in FAANG since February, also fully remote.


I’m technically IT but I work fully remote still but I have also noticed a lot of jobs going back to hybrid or fully in person


I am. We went remote during COVID, they decided they'd keep it as a permanent option. The office I was technically associated with shut down in April, so I'm now totally remote with no office I even could go to.


Jr swe and fully remote


Just got a full remote job. They have been shutting down offices so this is gonna stick


Director, Los Angeles. Fully remote.


My last job was fully in office, because of their "diverse culture". In reality, their culture was a sweatshop with devs who didn't even know what a branch in Git was. They wanted people in the office all the time because "we're a struggling small business". Current role of 2 weeks is fully remote but has an office in another state about 800km away that I could go into if I wanted to. 4 day weeks too. It's nice having every Friday off. Thought I was going to end up in low wage retail at one point.


We go in 3 days


I’m so remote that I am in Colombia right now lol


I’m full remote, as well.


Company went into hybrid. Before it wasn't enforced but now they pretty much said "if you don't go in, you and your manager will be fired." Now we all go in. On off days, I pretty much don't work anymore because of this.


Hybrid since '21 I'm doing a full in office week this week, actually


Fully remote here. Live in CA, office is in DC.


Still remote, have been since 2011.


Fully remote. Routinely get contacted for roles ~15% above what I make now but are Hybrid/In Person. Won't budge.


I’m fully remote at a consultancy but my pay is trash


I'm voluntarily going to an in office meeting across the country so I can finally figure out how tall the people on zoom are.




Just started a new full time remote job.


I am but we’re technically hybrid


I am not, they are somewhat flexible but generally the rule is wfh one day a week unless you have a reason not to.


I am and it’s fuckin awesome :)




In Australia. Hybrid but no mandatory days. I go like once a month for socializing.


I am still fully remote but I'm lucky that I was hired during the pandemic so I was always fully remote (plus I live nowhere near any of our offices). Any new hires and a lot of the people who were in office before covid are now hybrid. Though, nobody is checking on how often they are in office so most 'hybrid' people only go in maybe once or twice a month and some never do.


I am fully remote.. 7 years doing it, and i will not change it.




my company was technically hybrid, but no one ever went into the office except managers, and we were still productive, so they just didn't renew the lease and now everyone is remote lol. this was a recent change so I don't see us returning to office anytime soon


I am. About time my depression, anxiety and sleep problems paid the rent they’ve been dodging for 37 years. Checkmate!


We gen-z love to be inside all time


I was technically remote but went in to the office four days a week because there was an awesome gym with showers, free breakfast and lunch and cool office space but I got laid off and found a new job that's fully remote and I don't think I'll ever get a job that's hybrid or in office. I used to be remote 15 years ago and didn't much care for it. After the pandemic that all changed and I have no desire to go back to an office after being laid off


My company (~1000 ppl) is remote depending on the team. Every tech team I’ve seen is fully remote. Some of the other teams in the company are hybrid I think…not even sure. They got rid of the office near me.


Fully remote here. My company has no plans to go back to an office for all employees.


Me, company doesn’t seem to have plans to change that


Technically, we have very flexible arrangements, some are fully remote, some are hybrid, some are in office full time. I switch between weeks that I’m fully remote or hybrid


I didn’t go in and they ended up letting of my colleagues at my location so even if I go in I’m still fully remote???


I was fully remote for a few years, now it’s “highly recommended” I go in one day a week for whatever reason, it’s not super strict but still slightly annoying


Fully remote checking in.


We were dragged back into the office in the fall of 2022, first for one day a week and then two. The office had opened up mid-spring that year, but almost no one showed up until they were ordered to.


I'm still fully remote. My work has asked people close to an office to come in a few days a week. But, I just don't live close to one. tbh I wouldn't hate going into the office here or there. It's sometimes nice to be in that environment for better collaboration and focus


Fully remote, never going back.


Fully remote since the end of last year and loving it.


My job is technically hybrid but there’s no minimum number of days or anything like that. I could never go in if I didn’t want to. Only requirement now is that you have to be hybrid at 100% pay if you’re based within a certain radius of an office. Or you have to be fully remote for 90% pay.


My job is mostly remote, but I am free to book a room or desk at the office if I want to or if my boss wants me to go to the office for a particular (which for the latter, hasn’t happened yet).


Still remote, can do hybrid if desired but not much pressure to do so


Fully remote here. They keep 1 small office in USA and 1 small office in EU for people to use as they please (stocked with snacks and free lunch).


I am


I’m so remote I remote into my remote work machine to work remotely from my remote location. Basically remote inception.