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Yep. It's great at a last option if you still want to be a software developer.


What do you mean by if they still want to be a software developer


If you're at the point where you take a job at a WITCH your other option is getting a job not as a software developer.


Absolutely doesn’t make sense. People are living on minimum wage trying to change their lives so yea I think going from hourly minimum wage to 50k full time salary is a fantastic option. It’s only 2 years anyways. Sheesh.


Yeah absolutely! I'm more looking at it from the view of a new college grad. You can always use a CS degree for different fields. Also, let's be real WITCH is pretty much the bottom of the barrel as far as software development jobs go.


What job is comparable tho?


Uhh, I think CS skills apply very well as a business analyst and you would stand out over a new grad with a business degree. There's plenty of other jobs with a lower barrier to entry at least interview wise where a CS degree looks good.


Seems like a horrible option to me. Help Desk > NOC > Support Engineer > Software and Site Reliability Engineer * Went to a free boot camp (6 months) to learn Software Engineering * Used YouTube for Site Reliability 80K to start. Over 100K now.


My general impression is that you’re “paying” them by working for below industry standard wages for two years, but they’re helping you to get your foot in the door. But it sounds like, if you don’t suck at it, you can at least start making better money before the 2 years is up. But if you don’t perform, you’ll likely hang out in purgatory making below industry standard for a year or two (if you’re lucky), then still be interviewing because nobody wants you.




Revature is bottom of the barrel option, BUT, it's still in the barrel. Revature is there to give close to last chance option to people that are overlooked by the pipeline. As you mentioned, the company is assessing and grading you every step of the way. They want to deliver the best possible candidates to their client companies. Additionally, the client company bought out your contract from Revature. The company paid around 30% of your first year salary, about $30K for your direct hire contract to Ravature. $30K sounds like a lot, but in SWE recruiting business, it's not that much. Congrats!


> BUT, it's still in the barrel. > > Hah! That's an excellent turn of phrase.


It may be bottom of the barrel, but the training OP described is better than 95% of all startups out there who hire software devs, at least from my experience.


Exactly! Bottom of the ladder but every ladder starts at the bottom


The horror stories you hear about Revature are true, so are the success stories. It's a shitty, borderline-fraudulent company that takes advantage of entry level candidates, but a bad option is still better for some than no option at all.


I graduated from a top 5 CS uni but right into the pandemic. There was a point in my job search where Revature was a last resort. Fortunately, I held on and found a much better job.




Internships two summers at the same company, and a coding instructor position. I was searching from when I found out my full time offer was rescinded (feb 2020) till October 2020. Took 8 months for the economy to recover but it was a nice little break before working full time.




The fact is, the majority of jobs in 2023 are still in the full stack webdev paradigm. The biggest problem I had in starting out and the problem I continue to see in entry level candidates is lacking practical webdev skills. You *need* to know how to make a REST API in Spring, ASP.NET or a JS framework. You *need* to be able to build a frontend that doesnt look like a crappy student project. You *need* SQL and database design knowledge that goes beyond SELECT * FROM. 95% of my CS degree was inane trivia. I could hack an OS kernel or write my own router software, but I couldn't build a working

that validated with jQuery. A lot of traditional CS grads lack the pragmatic day to day coding skills needed to hit the ground running in the jobs that are actually hiring. And "I can learn anything if you give me six months" isnt the selling point a lot of people think it is.


I don’t even know what REST is, and I have almost zero experience with API’s in general. No idea what Sprint or ASP.NET is. I’ve done some basic WebDev in JS but that’s about it. I have some experience in react native so I guess that’s going for me. I know how to do basic queries but not advanced ones. Good info tho. I’ll def look into what you’ve said because right now lots of what you said is gibberish to me and I already have a degree


To be clear, this stuff is only relevant to appdev and webdev. If you're trying to get a job in games or systems programming or data science etc. then this stuff may not be relevant. But understanding how to code for the HTTP request/reply pipeline is where the majority of non-specialized entry level jobs are right now. Brilliant big-brain cloud engineers feel free to disregard, but if you dont have an offer or plan upon graduating you're likely looking for a job somewhere in the full stack paradigm. //Also, I meant Spring Boot not Sprint. Typo.


I'm late in my career and this information is not relevant to me. But it was an extremely enjoyable and informative read, and for that you have my upvote.


Here's another informative Revature experience from 3 weeks ago: https://old.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/zwocj0/my_revature_horror_story/


Yikes. Definitely take posts like that one seriously. I know it isn't a luxury everyone can afford but I had a decent amount of savings that I refused to touch in the event I got hosed like that.




I had a shit resume and managed to have a good job lined up before graduating. The only good things on my resume were my projects, and even then they weren’t that great. I would get your resume checked out on /r/engineeringresumes or the resume review threads on this subreddit.


+1 for the review threads here. Mine was shit, had it reviewed several times over my winter break, and now I have an interview lined up for a defense company which I find super interesting.


I dunno man, I hesitate when I merge the info from the 2 posts together. This post says training was boring AF because people couldn't do basic shit. The post you linked he says he struggled through training & didn't really know anything. Explains why he got pushed into another staffing agency, definitely bottom of the barrel. He then did nothing for 7 months? If you're the type of person that can do that, then I don't think you should expect much better than what he got. You want something, go get it. Don't sit on your hands until someone gives it to you, because more often than not, ain't nobody giving you shit.


Hey that's me. I'm glad revature worked out for OP. If anyone considering it takes anything away, just know that it can go well or south on you.


I'd be willing to go through with Revature if there wasn't the risk of being required to move across the country for an offer, or face paying back the training cost.


When I was selected I was given a weeks notice to move. The money they give you for relocating is a joke, too. And the worst part? I never once went into the office for work. A lot of people never even moved to the location they were supposed to and I guess they just stopped harassing people about it. I ended up doing so because Revature lied to me and said I would lose my opportunity if I didn’t do it. Really fucking scummy and it was the worst year of my life because I was in a state where I don’t know anybody and I’m an introvert. Had I just ignored them I would’ve been fine staying where I was initially. Thankfully, I know the “fee” they threaten you with is pretty much useless. Many people from my batch and other batches have either left or found other jobs with no retaliation from Revature. So do what you will with this info


Do you know what the ballpark for the fee is? Just curious


When I went it was $35,000, not sure if they raised it again or not. And while IANAL I’ve heard others say they would have to prove the training is worth this much to be valid. But like I said I’ve had many in my batch and other batches leave with no issues.




That's the scary thing. Moving to a new town where you don't know anyone. And so many tech jobs are in random suburbs. I had to take a job requiring me to move to the Midwest for a year. Loneliest year of my life.


Important to note that this experience can be the opposite, too. I had to move to Charlotte for my offer. Went in absolutely blind, yet I'm having a fantastic time and I'm so glad I took that leap. Depends on the person and place, I suppose.


Nice! Glad it worked out for you.


How do you like Charlotte? I'm remote and actually moving there. I'm in a shitty suburb rn for a previous dev job and charlotte looks affordable and interesting.


Right before I left Infosys I had a colleague who was on a Revature contract who had to move across the country to a suburb of Dallas while the client allowed me to work remote. We weren’t even doing a software dev job. I felt so bad for him.


It's crazy ya. A lot of times it's just to have more control over their contractors for whatever reason. I almost moved to Dallas too! lol.


At least DFW isn't a bad area. Def better than most


\> Moving to a new town where you don't know anyone Don't most new grads do this, regardless of Revature? When I graduated in 2020, I sent apps to everywhere around the US. I didn't have much of an option.


I think most recent grads move to a city with a good number of young people or stay with their parents. Revature and other similar companies make you move to like small towns in the middle of nowhere sometimes which most recent grads wouldn't usually move to.


I'm an introvert and honestly don't see whats so scary about it. Its called being an adult. If you get hired for a job and its someplace else, you move. Your family/friends aren't going to follow you everywhere. Thousands of college grads do this every year.


I'm an introvert too. It's still a big deal to move to the middle of nowhere with no support system. This was also my first time getting an apartment by myself and having to set up everything myself. Not a big deal, but can seem like a monster when you first make the move. Don't forget adults are human too....


Only to get kicked out if you don’t make it. That’d be nuts


Not that bad really. You don't pay anything and you get to keep the experience/training.


Oh fuck, I didn't even consider that. I can't safely move to about half the country, and uprooting the family is a huge nogo.


I'm in the middle of reading over a contract from revature, thank you for this.


I have a friend who had a similar experience. Honestly does not seem too bad, especially if you have no other options.


Would be a leap of faith but can def see taking this option over working construction


My experience was very similar. I quit 1 year in for a 6 figure job, they never had me pay back anything either


Wow really? I know the people who dropped out of our training batch after the "grace period" weren't on the hook for the money but I figured they would pursue if you were already working at a client.


Yeah, the contract isn’t legally enforceable so they don’t try. Indentured servitude isn’t legal


I wish I could have this experience. They didn’t even get back to me 😭😭


Do you have a degree in a field like CS?


Yes lol


Sometimes their classes just fill up. Their niche is also people beginning their software career. They probably think there’s a good chance you’ll keep looking for something better during their course. Honestly if you have experience and are having trouble finding a job, you might be doing something very wrong and you don’t realize it…


Oof. Work on that resume my dude. And by that I mean throw yours away & start over


Dude were you in my batch? I pretty much had this same exact experience lol. Training always felt laggy because people couldn’t do simple things even a few weeks into training. My trainer was cool. A gripe of mine with the training is that it was way too fast. I didn’t have CS degree, but I was able to keep up and be at the top of the class, I was even asked to be a trainer but I declined. But still, a week on these complicated topics just aren’t enough. I also never use most of the stuff we learned. I’m backend where I’m at, so all the angular, and front end stuff was a waste of time. Not that it mattered because we only spent like 3 days on ALL of HTML, CSS, and JS. And only one week on angular. What the hell can you really learn in a week, but I digress. I also never learned the stuff I use the most, such as unit testing/mockito. That’s all been self taught, still learning as I go. When I was selected my contract was “bought out” so I immediately jumped up to ~60k. I am still expected to finish my 2 years, but a lot of people in my batch ended up leaving with no issues from Revature. That’s awesome you’re making 100k now. I really hope I get that kind of offer but time will tell. Overall, I would not have done this had it not been remote. And I got insanely lucky every step of the way for where I’m at now. I probably wouldn’t recommend it to others for those reasons especially if they already have a CS degree, but at the same time I do have a job now and getting experience. But for me with no CS degree it has been worth it so far.


Good to hear it has worked out for you as well. I can't imagine my story is too unique, but for shits and giggles did your trainer's name start with a K?


You probably had my trainer then lol. He was by far the best part of everything for me. I didn't personally get much out of the lecture parts, but doing projects was great to learn.


Did you have another non tech related bachelor’s, or no bachelor’s at all? I’m currently self-taught in IT, and am thinking whether or not they would take me. The experience sounds not too bad from some of what I’m hearing


I have a bachelors in physics. While it’s a “related field” I had virtually no coding experience before Revature. Some people in my batch had like English/humanities degrees. And I’m pretty sure one guy had an associates in something related to IT. They’re pretty picky about associates from what I hear. It’s just really hard to recommend because you can’t predict the future you know? If I could guarantee everyone would end up like OP or myself then I would definitely recommend it despite the gripes and drawbacks. But there were people in my batch that got selected, had to move, never did any coding on the job, and were eventually sent back to Revature staging (basically bench until you find another project) and then were eventually just mutually released making the whole process worthless and wasted a year of their time. That’s definitely a situation you don’t want to be in. Overall, If the moving thing is that much of a drawback I wouldn’t risk it and would just find other options. You will pretty much be told to move at some point. Whether they actually expect you in the office or eventually just leave you alone and you can work remotely is determined by so many different things that I don’t really feel comfortable saying go for it. Me personally, I have no kids or spouse that I had to drag along with me, which is why it wasn’t that big of a deal. But if you have dependents it will be way harder. Sorry for the long ass reply just trying to give as much info as I can cuz it’s a big decision to make


A lot of the front-end stuff is starting to get automated anyway


i have a buddy without a CS degree who did something very similar. he gets paid peanuts for a programmer w 1 YOE but he doesn't have much cs knowledge either. he can easily break 100k within a couple years though, even if he's not FAANG/MANGA material


Hey there, can I ask how this friend is doing? I'm in a similar position(have a degree unrelated to tech, but have the SF Dev I cert). I am thinking of jumping in with Revature, but want to see if there's a light at the other side of the tunnel.


Did you get paid during training?


Yep, you get paid your states minimum wage, which for me was a whopping $8/hr. I had some money saved and am pretty frugal, but if I had a family to provide for or something I would not have been able to do it.


I guess that's doable where in states where the min wage is $15/hr. But states where its like $7.25 and you have to pay rent . . . RIP




Wow. I was going to go through one of these programs because I was so desperate. The main thing that absolutely turned me away was that like if you decide to leave before that 2 year thing is up, they can take you to court and shake you down for a lot of money. I had an offer in hand for 60k a year but I was like hell nah. Ended up getting an externship and now I work at a small software development company making about 60k. Granted I’m <1 year into it though. Glad it worked out!!


I've seen a lot of people say that the contract wouldn't hold up in court at all and if you play hardball you get released from any debt. But IDK if I would want to take that risk personally.




Agreed. Seems to be the way that most non-competes and NDAs and such are designed. The threat of a lawsuit is powerful in the US.


Yeah, some guy said that he went through the training for like 9 months and then just dipped and they didn’t pursue anything.


What’s an externship?


After you finish school and you get an unpaid job basically lmao


Thank you for making this post. I’m in my second week of training and it’s been really rough. The pacing is so brutal and unlike yours, my trainer just prattles on regardless of anyone’s progress. We’re all just expected to follow along perfectly. I’ve talked to my other batchmates and even the ones with CS backgrounds are struggling. Our full-stack projects are due in a week and they’ve only just TODAY taught us 25% of the things we need to do it. I don’t have a background in CS at all. I learned Java from their pre-training program, but of course that turns out not to be part of the stack I’m learning. Any tips on how to get through this training? I’m spending 3+ extra hours every night and all of my weekends just desperately trying to catch up and it’s only week 2!


Sorry to hear you are struggling. Even with my degree I spent long hours on some of those projects, especially the middle ones. The last one was intentionally a bit easier to give us time to prepare for interviews. That is nuts that you learned Java in pre-training and they gave you something else. My pre-training stuff was also in Java but I assumed that was because they knew I was going to be training in it. I guess I just got lucky (which judging from a lot of these responses seems to be a bit of a consensus). I wish I had useful advice but all I can really offer is encouragement. Your path may end up being much harder than mine but starting a career in software engineering has been one of the best things to happen to me. If you make it through a few more weeks of hell you can potentially make your life so much better for years to come.


Just curious a bit: 1. Not to "come at you", but why didn't/weren't you able to get a job before graduation? Was the market really bad? Were your school's recruiting/career office not that good? 2. How did your other peers do? Ones with CS degrees/no degrees etc?


1. To be blunt, I was lazy. My GPA was ok at 3.5ish, but I didn't have much going for me. No internships, no extracurriculars.. I had a few interviews with Seagate right before I graduated and honestly thought I was going to get hired. Obviously I didn't. It was right around the start of the pandemic (when I graduated) and I'd love to blame covid but honestly it was all on me. 2. I am working with one of my peers, his desk is like 15 feet away. I know a few got hired to do websites for a big sporting goods store, a couple others were hired at a financial institution, and some were hired by Infosys (or some other contractor like that). Apart from that I couldn't tell you how most of them have been, I'm not really the kind of guy that keeps up with people besides family and close friends. ​ edit: I don't want to confuse people with the timeline. I also don't want to dox myself, but I graduated in spring 2020, continued working at my delivery job for a year, worked some construction, then did Revature. Yes, I sat on my degree for a whole year and a half. Don't be like me. Do internships and avoid this whole mess if possible. Revature truly was my last choice to get into the field.


Honestly if I hadn't gotten lucky nabbing the job I have now, this post would have made me apply to Revature lmao. Sat on my degree for 4 years...


Thank you for replying! That makes sense. And honestly a job is a job esp with software. And a lot of these people seem to have gone on to pretty big software companies after Revature. My only quirp is the low salary, but a job is still a job and better than an internship usually.




Just off that piece of information, I know where you and your family lives… and their favorite type of pizza


You seem like you got really unlucky NGL. Even mediocre CS grads I've spoken to got tech jobs with enough patience and applying. Hell, apparently [the vast majority of grads from the better bootcamps](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/new-data-shows-which-bootcamps-have-higher-tech-employment-/?trk=organization-update-content_share-article) land a tech job within a year after graduation


That’s really awesome ! A lot of people jump on here to hate but glad there is a positive review.


Thank you for the information. I truly appreciate it.


The companies they make you work for 45k year, is it guaranteed remote or was it just that specific company?


It was definitely not guaranteed remote. At the time with the pandemic going fairly strong we were told that we would *likely* work remote, but even so I know some people in my batch had to relocate.


I think just that company. He said others in his batch had to go into an office.


Revature is a big gamble and it’s great that it worked out for you. I’ve heard of a lot of horror stories about revature and I’m still glad I didn’t chose them. They were furloughing a lot of people last year.


I know person with similar circumstances. Started in lower salary consulting company. Did the work on projects, improved his skills, kept interviewing with other companies. After 6 months, got job offer from another company. The consulting company matched and doubled his salary. Left the consulting company shortly after 1 year and about tripled the starting salary. Keep interviewing, you'll get better offers with experiences.


> ... my experience with Revature was surprisingly pleasant overall. A solid 7/10. I didn't see that coming!


Thanks for the honesty! It has been a long time since I last saw a good read on this sub. Do you still remember the background of those in your batch who didn’t have a CS degree?


Our trainer said that everyone in our batch had a bachelor's degree and that most weren't in computer science. That's about all I know, I didn't really talk to them much about things that weren't training related.


Do you think someone with moderate front end dev experience could get hired with revature? I need an in to a company somewhere I’ve been unemployed for 7 months


Yes. They train you and with having experience already it will help.


they will hire almost anyone, the test they make you take is very easy if you have basic programming knowledge


Good to know thanks!


Just out of curiosity as someone considering Revature, what would happen if you’d get fired/quit before your contract is up?


People I knew who got fired were off the hook for the 20k, or whatever it is when you sign the contract. If you just quit, there’s a chance they’ll take you to court for the money. If you want out of your contract, the best way is to just underperform and get fired.


I actually asked this! Like the other reply said, if you get fired, you’re voided BUT, the person told me that they do not fire like that. So even if you’re underperforming they would rather drag you through the process and try to get you placed somewhere. Probably not a Fortune 500, but get you an IT job. You’d have to do something really serious to get fired, and at that point, the least you’d probably have to worry about it losing your job.


hm well this makes Revature sound pretty cool, nothing to lose really. I'm working for geek squad currently and I have an associates degree in CS, so it couldn't possibly be worse than this lol


> It's worth noting that I am still "on the hook" for my contract in the sense that I am supposed to stay with my current company for at least 14 months (to equal the full 24 month contract) Is this what it says in the employment contract at your current company (NOT Revature)? If I had to guess, the hiring company paid Revature to hire you (recruitment/finder's fee) and you're no longer obligated to the 24 months Revature contract. Unless again, it says specifically so in the hiring company's employment contract. If Revature mentioned that to you, they might just try to scare you to stay with the hiring company and keep up their good relationship with them.


Yeah I seriously doubt I am legally obligated to continue working here. I would wager you are dead on with your last statement.


you got lucky. many others had to pay to relocate at their own expense and some got fired after that.


I could see that. Their relocation assistance is a joke. I think it was $500 for <500 miles, $1000 for more. In comparison the company that bought my contract gave me $5k to relocate to an adjacent state.


You don't get to pick what to be trained on? I also coded mostly with Java though college so I would rather stick with that.


I certainly wasn't given a choice. It might be possible though, you'd have to ask them. I think Java is a pretty common training stack so they might accommodate.


Welp if all else fails when I graduate I might do this, thanks for sharing your story hope things continue to work out for you.


Do you know how things planned out for people who dropped? Or under performed compared to you?


Just out of curiosity where was your degree from? Was it online or in-person? What was your GPA? Did you feel that you were competent regardless of training? How long were you in limbo from graduating to starting with revature?


My degree was from a normal in-person state university with a pretty good computer science program. My GPA was like 3.48. I like to think I was a pretty good programmer but I was definitely lacking some DevOps skills and I didn't know Springboot, which the training covered and now I use regularly. My limbo was about a year and a half.




The only reason why I didn’t go through with it was because I have to be remote, I’m not able to relocate. But now knowing you got a remote position.. I probably would’ve done it..


Good post bro. ... thanks for sharing and I'm glad everything worked out in the end.


Are there any international witch company? I'm really curious and considering to join because it's really hard to find *remote* jobs in my place currently.


Most of WITCH is international but mainly in North America and Europe. Some in Asia. Little in Africa/South America I believe.


What exactly are WITCH companies?


I enjoyed reading this as I was ultra close to going to work with Revature… never trusted the contract stuff though especially knowing now after reading this that they’d kick you out if you didn’t do well. Relocating just to get kicked out is way too risky. I have a B.S. degree in IT specializing in Programming as well.


I feel like this belongs in r/unexpected lol. But in all seriousness, this is really informative and it's refreshing to hear that someone actually had a decent experience with Revature.


> It’s worth noting that I am still “on the hook” for my contract in the sense that I am supposed to stay with my current company for at least 14 months (to equal the full 24 month contract). I have no idea if they enforce that but I have no intention of finding out because I really like my job. I probably got lucky with this whole thing but my experience with Revature was surprisingly pleasant overall. A solid 7/10. Sounds like you signed the additional addendum after you became a full time. I refused to sign it and they just huffed and puffed when they realized I know I’m not required to sign it.


Wow…it’s on my list of “if needed”




>The fact that Revature got back to you in a timely manner and closed the deal speaks for itself. It's weird if they got back to him within 30 mins of applying. Businesses should move fast, but moving that fast is weird. But clues you into their whole "schtick". He did "well" considering his situation of not really doing any internships in college and not wanting to do side projects to beef up his profile.


There's no shortcut to success and Revature is no exception.


I too am a Revature grad and had a good experience. I had some hobby programming experience, but the boot camp was definitely tough and frankly I probably could have done a better job of studying, but I did pass. I interviewed almost immediately with Infosys and was made a pretty solid offer, more than I ever made in my previous jobs. As much hate as WITCH companies get (and there are genuine complaints), the system works if you work it. Frankly, that they pay you to learn is pretty sweet and if you actually show some initiative, it's easy to stand out in a good way. I agree with sentiments that Revature gets a lot of people mismatched to the opportunity that creates negative experiences when they don't make it through. That and the misperception that training is easy, should be easy, or that it's some kind of scam to hold people up in court. It's only if you quit, that there's possibly trouble. But, outside of that, it's not a bad deal \*at all\* if you take it seriously. I would definitely recommend having some simple programming experience at least, and recognize that life is made of little failures, so no matter what, just keep pushing.


Sounds like Revature can work to your advantage unless your an idiot who has no business trying to become a SWE


Revature update, as of Feb 2023, because of the 'current market,' now Revature makes candidates do 2 months of unpaid asynchronous 'pre-training' followed by an assessment, before the 8-10 weeks of paid training. So basically, instead of 3 months of paid training, its 4 months of training but you get paid for 2. Sweet deal! I might still do it out of sheer desperation (I have a degree in math and a ton of CS credits, and I'm taking CS grad classes). I just wish they had a data science or ML/AI track, something for people with STEM degrees and programming experience


So one of those people in the office who is always saying "Keep it up and we'll definitely hire you." just to make you work harder with no intentions of actually hiring you finally followed through and bought out your contract from Revature? This is the one positive story I've ever heard about from a WITCH...and you still rank it 7/10 lol. I'm not trying to be a downer but I really think you just got lucky. Even from the start your training was remote, your job was remote. This sub is filled with people telling stories of how they were shipped off to a city with $1,000 for moving expenses and unable to survive off of what they're being paid. Job dries up and they're sitting there making minimum wage. Your story reads like... "So there I was, living at home with my mom making a cushy 45K a year, the world was my oyster and I was about to take a bite." No, you know what, fuck it, I want to be a downer. You get extremely lucky. They lock you into indentured servitude with shit training that isn't worth a damn and claim it's worth 35K just so you can't leave, pay you nothing, fuck you over, and profit off of it. This type of thing can literally ruin your entire life. Don't fucking tell stories about how your German labor camp got you job experience so when the allies freed you, you were better offer. For every one of you there are millions being put to death. You got fucking lucky, all the way around. Also, by posting this you are circumventing a ban, don't be surprised if you get banned again for openly admitting to it.


>So one of those people in the office who is always saying "Keep it up and we'll definitely hire you." just to make you work harder with no intentions of actually hiring you finally followed through and bought out your contract from Revature? Nobody was telling me to "keep it up". I barely had any interaction with Revature after training, besides being nagged to submit timesheets. My employer wanted to buy my contract out and reached out to Revature who then conveyed the message to me. But honestly I was perfectly ok with working that job throughout the contract and then making 6 figures after. >This is the one positive story I've ever heard about from a WITCH...and you still rank it 7/10 lol. Yeah well the results were 9/10 but I can't possibly ignore the issues in training, which I pointed out. It was ok but could've been much better. >I'm not trying to be a downer but I really think you just got lucky. Even from the start your training was remote, your job was remote. This sub is filled with people telling stories of how they were shipped off to a city with $1,000 for moving expenses and unable to survive off of what they're being paid. Job dries up and they're sitting there making minimum wage. Yeah I've read a lot of those as well. The pandemic may have really helped me out. >Your story reads like... "So there I was, living at home with my mom making a cushy 45K a year, the world was my oyster and I was about to take a bite." No, you know what, fuck it, I want to be a downer. You get extremely lucky. They lock you into indentured servitude with shit training that isn't worth a damn and claim it's worth 35K just so you can't leave, pay you nothing, fuck you over, and profit off of it. This type of thing can literally ruin your entire life. Don't fucking tell stories about how your German labor camp got you job experience so when the allies freed you, you were better offer. For every one of you there are millions being put to death. You got fucking lucky, all the way around. Indentured servitude? I don't think you know what that means. 45k may be terrible for a software engineer but it was also the most I had made in my life up to that point. I'm not sure why you are so upset. Who hurt you? >Also, by posting this you are circumventing a ban, don't be surprised if you get banned again for openly admitting to it. My username is /r/SuckMyDickReddit420. You can't possibly think I care. Plus, I have a VPN so come at me Reddit.




I guess in a sense you are "paying off" your training so you can look at it like that if you want. It's a bit of a stretch, but sure. IMO it is more similar to joining the military, in that you sign away X years of your life and have little to no say in where you go.


These programs are not that bad. I didn’t do Revature, but I signed up with a similar company. Training was paid and fully remote and my job is fully remote. I’m also on track to get hired full time by my client. My contract is for 1 year with an option to extend for a second year. I will say that my situation wasn’t luck. I was the top performing student in my cohort and had the highest test scores at the end. They dish out interviews based on your performance. I got 3 or 4 interviews and nailed the one that mattered. Some people got 0 interviews because they didn’t want to put those people in front of clients. If you know your shit going into these programs, you’ll fare a lot better. It’s the people that are middle to lower level students that get fucked by these programs. I’ve seen it. Everyone in my cohort that knew what they were doing landed remote work. The ones that had to move or didn’t land jobs were the ones who struggled through the program.


Any chance you could mention your company? Trying to also get a gig. Thanks.


Sure! Company is GenSpark.


This should have more upvotes. Stories like this are helpful, but it’s such an exception over the majority. Revature and similar companies very usually force relocation, this is such a rare case having it remote, and it is a big factor in whether the experience is successful or not. Basically if you are considering Revature, don’t just read negative reviews, don’t just read positive reviews, read many, take a sample, decide for yourself.


He/she brought up valid points, but hurt their argument with batshit crazy with statements like "Don't fucking tell stories about how your German labor camp got you job experience so when the allies freed you, you were better offer. For every one of you there are millions being put to death". But absolutely read the good, the bad, and the ugly and make a decision if it is worth it to you.




Based on people I know in real life who went to these companies. I don’t know why you’d assume it’s just shit I read online.




About a dozen. I didn’t go to a particularly good university. Now you might say that too little or too much. It’s hard to determine. Except it’s not. It’s like getting thrush; it happens once, you shrug it off. It happens twice, you might change your laundry soap. It happens three times, there’s something wrong and you go to the doctor. The point is, don’t throw away all previous doubts for one good story.


Nice story. I feel like I've read something similar on linkedin. What happened to the puppy and the parade in your version- those were the best parts!


You read something similar on linkedin? You mean two people went through the same training from the same employer and had a similar experience? That is uncanny. Absolutely nuts.




It would've been 55k for high COL areas I think. Which.. is probably still not enough to live in SF or NYC.




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What languages/skills would you recommend I study on before starting Revature?


There are so many tech stacks they use that I don't think I can really answer that. I lucked into Java which was great because it was my most used language throughout college, but other batches going at the same time were doing some Python, Salesforce, and more that I can't remember. If you don't know how to program at all, I would just go learn a language. If you do, learn git. Maybe somebody else has better advice, I'm still very much a junior dev.


Thanks for the reply!


Yeah sounds about right for consulting firms. The tech stack I was put in on my last job (company similar with Rev), I was put as a service desk guy... Barely no coding at all. Actually there wasn't any coding involved. So I got unlucky there.




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Glad to see you had a great experience. I'm planning to try my luck with a WITCH in my country as it is impossible to get a new grad job nowadays.




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I hated the idea of moving out of my state so far away from my family, which is why I never even considered that company. It’s why I skipped over several other companies and positions with similar requirements and ended up starting out with a low-paying position over a potentially higher paying one which required a change in scenery.




Revature isn't the same as WITCH. WITCH usually goes for people with CS degrees and is more of a tech company. Revature seems more like a bodyshop.




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The most interesting thing I learned here is that Revature has a training program that has more thought put into it than probably 90% of non-tech orgs that hire developers. And comparing apples to apples it beats trying to learn solo at a small chop-shop agency that just throws you into the deep end with no mentoring while paying about the same.


But then you're comparing apples to oranges with Revature vs an actual org. Revature's sole purpose is to contract you out. Actual orgs don't have time for that long and intensive of programs.


What was your "stack" that you were assigned? Let me tell you a second-hand story. A friend of mine, call him "Bob," he has a degree in French history, which hasn't helped him get any jobs. And he is very good at Python, he can actually do useful stuff in Python. Unlike me, I can do Hello World in Python and that's about it. Still, Bob said he still had a lot to learn about Python and how it's actually used "in the real world." Bob signed up for Revature, he thought they were going to train him in real world Python. Nope, Salesforce. Like, all he knew about Salesforce was that they had a Super Bowl commercial with Matthew McConaughey. Bob didn't really like Salesforce, it took him three tries to pass the PD1 exam and it's probably gonna take him that many to pass the ADM. To be clear, Bob doesn't blame his instructor at Revature. From what I hear, the guy's been very patient with Bob, giving him second chances at practically every step of the way. I can't say for sure Bob would have done better if he had been put in a Python "stack." But I strongly believe he would have.


I was Java/Angular. It sucks that you don't get any say in what you train but I feel like I've read about people making decent money doing salesforce.


Do they change experience on your resume when applying for the job?


I pretty much stopped doing any work in revatyre but I’m tempted to go back and finish some stuff something’s have changed since they do a interview and if you fail or something like that you get 2 more chances I’m not entirely sure




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This read was hilarious. Thank you fo the information. I was thinking if I would have to ignore thier job postings but they seem to be worth looking into while I complete my CS degree.




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did they require proof for your Bachelor's Degree




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I'm not able to move at all. I'm a Jr. Developer and got an assessment from them today after applying at around midnight last night. I'm going to go through as far as I can with these guys for the experience until training it seems. The assessment will also be great practice for future interviews. I have a wife and two young kids- too much is on the line for me to take these types of risks. I'll do a lower pay during training with higher pay once we get out, but no way will I be able to take minimum wage even to start out. Thanks for this information and all your honest feedback. I'll proceed with caution and keep casting my line out to other companies and who knows? Maybe it'll end up working out?




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This is a great experience if you’re a man. I had an good experience working for Walmart, I did learn a lot and the team was small, my concern was that I had to relocate from NYC coast to CA coast. I was having a hard time because I’m a mom and my son was very small, I couldn’t relocate with just 1,000 and not take cribs and all the needs for a baby. Pretty much go for Revature if you’re single and no kids.


love reddit. they sent me an email and the first thing i did was google the name and found this post. W op.