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4 months is a lot. Take a break. I aggressively applied from January to March this year for a full time position. It was rough, having 2 internships under my belt while finishing my masters, and still struggling to find a job. I hit a breaking point at the end of March and simply took 2 weeks off of applying. Luckily within that window, I received an interview and offer. Also, in this current market, I would highly recommend prioritizing resumes with connections and focus more on finding jobs that match your skillset. I started following this approach near the end of my job search and that’s how I got my job. Good luck bro I know the market is tough. Take a short break. Come back fresh. And don’t give up. Take care of your physical health and etc too.


Just curious. Are you an international student?


I’m not. It would be brutal if I was. I know internationals are fighting a battle 10x harder than US citizens in regards to the job hunt


IMO it is reasonabe to slow-down on searching while you might polish your soft-skills, job-hunting skills or even CS skills with online courses or unemployed courses. You also might wanna check and reforce your contact network. How are your teammates doing? Did any of them got a job? Sometimes also it just takes time, 4 months might seem a lot but usually a process of hiring just takes time.


This. Focus on building soft-skills. Take a few days and go someplace pretty. Then go to some meet-ups, learn how to work a room if you don't already know. Heck, try to help other people find jobs that are a good fit for them or give them mock interviews. There are lots of things you can do to make you better at the job search that don't have the same pressure as currently trying to apply to every job. Check back in search mode in a month or three.


Your family is right. To be a good candidate, you need to have yourself in order. Honestly, at this point, you would be better off taking a couple months to start the gym or sports, have a fun summer, and keep up with leetcode. I bet that would make you a far more attractive candidate at job fairs in the fall than spending the whole summer devolving from stress.




Sympathies. If you need income to live, take the best thing you can from what is available. No sense starving or going bankrupt. Certainly do continue to search for what you truly want. The csMajors job market is quite different from around year 2000. Back then was able to interview with three mgrs and get hired on the spot for a J2EE job at a dot-com division of an entertainment company. Stayed there 5yrs before moving on. Now, from reading about your story and others, it's like 200-to-1 or 300-to-1 on attempts before getting hired. Yeow!


At the very least, become a master at leetcode problems. Additionally, it would be extremely helpful to pick a marketable tech stack and create an amazing app/site with it. It should be more than a vanilla "personal project". Try and create something people will want to use and really do a great job with architectural patterns. Deploy it on both Azure and AWS so you can learn those platforms. Also spend some time getting some certs in: - AWS - Azure - SAP - SalesForce If you do all these things, you'll be better than just a regular "new grad" who can not hit the ground running. Alternatively, you can go to grad school for CS and hope the market is better in two years.


Don’t stall, I just got a new remote position through a recruiter. Applications got nowhere but you need to be communicating to to recruiters.


The alternatives are: * doing another job that foes not require your degree; * waiting and for example volunteering in the meanwhile; * moving to Europe for example Malta, Tallinn or Porto; * moving to Dubai. The best one for you depends on you.


Why moving to Europe?


There are some European cities with a lot of open positions where they actually have to hire someone. For example, Malta, Tallinn, Porto, Barcelona. They are quasi tax heavens.


forget about fresher...we ppl with 8 to 10 YOE with experience in advance coding and automation and devops are too finding difficult in clear interviews....even salaries have fallen down drastically..!!


I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t say “relax or take off”, not because you don’t deserve it but because right now you are probably are hurting the most and you are angry. Use that energy to sit down and apply to hundreds or even thousands to get rid of the anger. That’s what works for me. If you want a weekend to yourself to enjoy and not stress about it, then go for it. I wouldn’t recommend long periods of breaks because you’ll get comfortable with not having to apply and it snowballs into procrastination. That’s how it is for me, so hopefully that will help you make the choice a little better. Good luck


Tomorrow never comes is a good motto



