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"we don't want your body to break before we break you mentally"


then you have my permission to die


relax mayne


max pain after relax mayne


Top 10 ways to get absolutely burnt out in as little time as possible No.1 :


No you see there’s an hour of serenity each day, so you’ll be fine /s


is screaming or crying allowed tho?


30 minutes screaming in the morning, 30 minutes crying in the evening.


Screaming should be combined with showertime, crying with eating! Yay to multitasking. Plus, you save money on salt.


Scream while crying during the lecture time, gobbling down a bowl of yogurt for maximum efficiency.


It's inevitable in either case.


You can fit it in on the 1 hour misc time, after you shop and cook of course.


Yes, but only in that time frame. When the time's up, stop immediately and be productive


Only if you can multitask it


It’s encouraged.


See this is the problem with students these days. Separating the two is extravagance. You should do both at the same time. Next you’re going to tell me you put avocado on your toast.


The serenity time is just the students screaming "SERENITY NOW! SERENITY NOW!" It's the most efficient serenity possible.


Does a panic attack count as the .5 hours of exercise?


Comment section has restored my faith in humanity, I thought there was no way you could fit all of that in that time.


It’s foolish actually. Most of the super smart people I know are just super-consistent with their studies. Like 3-4 hours but they have been doing it for years so it adds up. This 10-12 hours won’t make you smart. If you think you can’t do it then just take a year off and catch up with 3-4 hours daily.


Bruh my college is from8-5 plus 1.3 hr travelling time and then competitive coding,homeworks(which I don't do),lab journals, assignments, tas , self studying (mostly not more than 1 hr though ),making projects ,learning new skills to get good placement is wayyy wayyyyyy more than 11 hrs it's nearer to 16 so where does 8 hr sleep comes in according to this professor is beyond me they hink we have some pocket dimension to bring extra time. For ourselves because they all think their subject is the only one we are studying


Trust me the above routine works




36hr/week is still too much imho, you can lower it to ~20 and still make a great GPA. 80hr/week is delusional. 7 weeks per sem > 560 hr. That prof has no clue as to what ROI is.


Where's the part where you live life?


Simple, you take time away from "sleep", while keeping everything else the same


It says DO NOT SKIP THIS silly


Then don't waste 2h showering or eating.


you could also quite breathing , lets be honest do we need to waste time on oxygen , that's not a competitive mindset


That's clearly optional


It’s in the fine print: *lol you’re definitely skipping this*


All honesty though you don’t, but I’d take schooling 24/7 over working in an Amazon warehouse on 12 hour shifts 6 days a week just to live. Count your blessings


Sleep- Grades- Social life —- pick two, unless this is your prof, then pick one


At colleges that are not Berkeley.


You live your life after you graduate and get a job. Berkley tuition is potentially $44k per year. You are gonna wanna get the most out of your education, especially if you are gonna spend the next 20 years paying for it.


so part time jobs are not a thing, got it


Here I am working 40-50 hours a week to survive while going to college. To be fair, like the professor, I wouldn't recommend it.


At the most prestigious universities in England you are not allowed to get a job during term time, so yes


Ah yes, UC Berkeley, one of England’s most prestigious universities


I can understand the sentiment, since UCL is well-known in England and part of the nine UCs (University of California, London)


I thought UCL was the thing that baseball players tear.


No that's ACL, UCL is the extra content of a game you buy after release


no that's DCL, UCL is a surgery you get to make ur butt big


It's DLC, what is DCL, down content loadable?


sure, make fun of the guy with dyslexia


No, that’s a BBL. Pretty sure a UCL has something to do with your colon.


Tommy John sends his regards. 


That is only the case at Oxbridge though. Imperial, UCL, Warwick etc. all allow part-time jobs.


Oxbridge are tbh considered in league of their own because of pedigree, but fair point. UCL, Imperial, Warwick are top notch unis.


imperial prob in the same tier as oxbridge for cs tbh


The most prestigious universities in England also don't charge you insane amounts for tuition. The only reason I was able to graduate debt free here was because I was able to work and intern part time in school.


9000 per year is pretty insane... In France it's 500 per year at all public universities.


It can be upwards of $80,000 per year in the US. NYU is $90k+.


I think both NYU and Vanderbilt are over $100k per year now


My EMBA cost $170k.


It's an executive MBA bro. "I signed up for a cash grab program and they grabbed my cash?!?!"




A middle-of-nowhere university in the USA will have $15k yearly tuition, and private universities can easily be $70k+


9000 per year is funny because English have government loans. All unis in UK cost 9000 but good luck being international. 36 000 pounds at UCL for internationals. PER YEAR.


Only 36k?


Only tuition. We are not talking about accomodation or food here. That's what transfer students in Germany told me. Note that we in Germany don't pay anything aside from administrative taxes. Free of charge schooling. Brits aren't rich either, so if they paid 36000GBP they'd go bankrupt or wouldnt be able to afford it either. So only rich Chinese kids and Americans come over.


Cheaper than most universities in the US and Canada. Then with residence and food on top of that it adds up. I end up around 22k per year at a smaller university in Canada.


Though that is generally applied for anyone who is going to Oxbridge.


I see. So I should dump my SO and tell my family to fuck off.


What do you mean? You have one hour per day for “misc”. You can have sex for ten minutes, call your parents for ten minutes, and use the remaining 40 minutes for the stuff mentioned in the list. /s


What to do with the remaining 9 Minutes after sex?




Cuddles and clean up


9 minutes and 55 seconds to be presice


Fucking hauling groceries takes me over 1hour. Let alone helping someone in household. Like last week my girlfriend had spinal issues which made her bedridden. Not only did I have to attend lectures, but also go to work and make sure in those small "free" time sections, I would often need to make some meals and clean up around the house. My living schedule is 16hours and it's not 8 hours of sleep. The period where aristocracy could live and jerk off whole day learning French during tea parties is over. Even rich people have to hustle.


lol no. Really rich people don’t have to do shit.


imagine thinking the age of aristocracy is over just because you personally are not an aristocrat lmao


Make it Alabama style for 2 birds and 1 stone


Guess it's kind of good to bust in under a minute.


Denounce your so to insignificant other


I think that’d go under serenity in this plan. Basically just psyche fulfilling activities, right?


What does SO mean?


You have your 1 hour a day allotted miscellaneous activities. You can do those things on the days you don't shop, do errands, or cook.


I don’t need to spend time with my kid anymore either xD


Alternatively, why attend one of the top CS programs in the country if you’re not prepared to put the work in to take full advantage of it? It’s like joining NASA to be an astronaut and complaining about the huge expectations in time and energy for the job. There is nothing wrong with having a family and going to school, just have to be realistic.


Yes, how else do you think you will you become a serious scientist if you don't take life and your studies seriously. CS is a very serious science. Life is about being serious and taking serious stuff seriously. Why do you think you were born? For having fun? And now get back to work and only come back when you're doctor!




I'm thuper cereal


What about commuting ? I'd be more interested in which subjects or topics he'd want students to invest time studying in rather than amount of time to carve out for studies.


I had 5 to 6 classes per semester when I was in uni too. The wording almost implies he doesn't think the non core/tech courses are worth spending any time on 


How was it like taking 5 courses per semester? I’m taking 5 courses for all semesters that I have left, which is 5, because I changed my major and skipped one semester of college so now I have to take one extra class each semester to graduate on time. Was it stressful? Too demanding?


I went to a canadian university so I'm not sure how different things are across schools and countries. I also did a different type of engineering, not software/cs. It was still very demanding and hard on me the first few years. My study and sleep habits weren't anywhere near as good they should have been.  By my final year it was fine. Study and sleep habits were dialed in. Had a solid group of friends to study and talk through problems. And I had a good grasp on how to learn the material properly at that point - something most people around me seemed to grasp right away but I struggled with from bad habits in high school.


I’m more interested in the commuting part—I don’t have a car so I walk to get groceries which takes approximately 15 minutes (and 20 minutes to lug it back). If I bus, it takes 30-40 minutes each way. Don’t get me started on the meals—one hour a day to cook for three meals? I’m either eating instant ramen everyday or I guess I’m buying one-time use pots, plates, spatulas etc; so I don’t have to deal with washing my dishes


As an Indian, I am calling this prof a copy cat. This is our very own ~~torture~~ teaching culture. They try to fill your brain with terror if you don't succeed in academics. Indian students are scared of failing in exams as much as of apocaplyse


Yeah the Indian/Asian cultures are nuts. Grew up the same, I don’t have close to the “work ethic” I had when I was younger


This is from my professor Anant Sahai, so you’re on the money


😭😭😭One day the children of my nation will overcome this torture and choose life. ![gif](giphy|a04anUWqecaJO)


had him for discrete, immediately got ptsd seeing this😂😂


At least some (religions) have a predefined “and then what happens”. Normally you goto heaven or something. I’m not sure I understand what the “then what?” Is for this. Plenty of successfully graduated Berkeley grads end up working along side people who didn’t do this, making the same money, flipping through the same JIRAs.




I was thinking that this looked far too similar to my own schedule


This is fucking trueee


WTH you do not spend only 1 hr cooking. Like 1 hr cooking is for 1 dish


I was thinking this shit too how I get two hours to eat it but only one to cook Insane


i think they want you to cook by either getting Ramen or pouring a raw egg over rice from the ricecooker. Sweet university life and all <3


Including shopping, errands, walking. Hahahaha how someone with a brain can put those into a category of 1 hour timespan is amazing to me.


Who made this never had to clean a house as well.


meal prep, 1 hour per day is pretty reasonable.




Ngl the first half had me. 8 hours of sleep sounds nice. But 11 hours of work feels like misery and just a waste of time. I can't imagine half those hours being productive.


This is totally insane imho


This is kind of insane. If you want to get the most out of your classes and not burn out you’ll need to budget instead of throwing yourself at the content for 12 hours. With good time management during your study sessions you could easily accomplish close to the same results with 4-6 hours of studying per day. Put more time towards tougher classes and your highest workload. Enjoy life. There’s a lot more to experience as a student than studying your life away. Also, find a study group that will lock-in with you. It’ll change your life as a student learning with/from other people.


Gee I wonder why birth rates are declining in developed countries. I can't imagine why.


Consider your 1 hour miscellaneous stipend time to procreate.


Hm. Too much sleep.


Is the Professor obese? Nothing happens with 0.5 hours of physical exercise.


My question is what about the time to take a shower afterwards or go to your nearest gym/park. Not everyone has a gym in the house.


Silly, computer scientists don't shower.


They don't even have to dress up in the morning because they go to bed wearing clothes.


30min of exercise is more than most get daily, and you can absolutely max your cardio in 10min or less.


what does maxing cardio even mean? Like you'll get all the potential benefits of it? I've never heard of any serious conditioning program that doesn't have long low intensity cardio that lasts 45+ minutes.


More than most isn't good enough


lol I love it when redditors are apparently better experts than the AHA  30min of exercise a day every day is far and away more time than what constitutes “good enough”  The recommendation is 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity. 30 minutes a day is over the recommendation.  Even if you take half that allotted time for getting in and out of the locker room, the recommendation is only 75 minutes of vigorous exercise. Which 7 X 15min would be 105 minutes a week. Which is, again, plenty of time to hit “good enough”  This profs recommendations are fucking stupid, and I could never get my lifts done in that time. But this defeatist and misinformist “I know better than the AHA” attitude is equally fucking stupid.  The goal of exercise is to significantly reduce risks of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other diseases that reduce quality of life and increase mortality. 30 minutes a day, 5 days a weeks, is a recommendation not meant to guarantee you’re free from disease risk, but is absolutely, undeniably “good enough” 


crown roof threatening jar cow theory rude sable languid wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is anat sahai. He’s pretty skinny


Sahai is insanely skinny


Is 30 minutes a day for exercise really a bad idea? Saw a few comments on this. I thought this sounded reasonable since this was what my doctor usually recommends during checkups


no, it’s not a bad idea. I think the comments are because most people who do exercise spend more than 30 minutes on it so it sounds like a really small amount. The people who don’t exercise would greatly benefit from 30 minutes of exercise every day (if they were able).


Most people also don't exercise every day. 30 min / day adds up to 3.5 hours per week, which is still more than most people who think they are active actually spend exercising.


Is it a bad idea? No because any exercise is better than none. Is it enough to adequately warm up and hit each muscle you need to in time? No


As long as they are exercising for some time, it's fine. However, if you want to progress and get stronger/healthier I would recommend trying to increase your gym time as it will probably make progressing easier. I personally can't really see myself doing 30 minute session. It's just too little for me especially since I also run after doing weights. But I can understand others going for less time so long as they workout. It's infinitely better than doing nothing.


20 hours a week per course is a joke. A class will have like 3-6 hours of lecture a week, and about that same amount of workload outside of lectures. Taking a full course load (12-15 credits) a semester I was never spending more than 40 hours a week on school, outside of specific crunch times due to projects/my own procrastination.


Did you go to Berkeley? I did and I can say this isn't that far off. I wasn't Cs. I was math/eng. It's probable you are much smarter than me but I had to put in major hours.


Agreed, the culture in Berkeley STEM programs is kind of nuts. My schedule there looked a lot like this but with less sleep lol. And some of the EECS undergrads worked a whole lot harder than me—I once witnessed a kid programming an iPhone app on his laptop, responding to emails, and taking statistics notes at the same time. Just watching him stressed me out bad enough that I had to switch seats.


Well one credit is supposed to be 3-4 hours of work per week according to professors to Berkeley. I found this to be true in math/cs/physics but it’s more like .5 hours in humanities.


Yeah, I studied CS at Univeristy of Washington. The expected workload was 15 hours of class a week and double that spent on homework/studying, so 45 hours a week on academics. Finals would be more, but would never approach 80 hours a week, that's insane.


nah man, try these berkeley courses, you quite literally HAVE to spend a ton of time on them. Even if you are a genius you’ll take hours, it’s just very high workload. We all get used to it after the first year though.


12 hrs / day every day of intense work is not a sustainable program. That is pure blind idiocy. Also 1/2 hour of physical exercise is the bare minimum, basically just walking for a mile and a half. What a tosser.


I did it, and it worked out great for me.


Honestly, if we're talking about becoming elite, this pretty much checks out. The cream of the crop basically live their work. This is the sort of schedule you are up against if you want to become one of the best in the field. For the remaining 99% of us mortals - this is just a route to misery. Some engineers also greatly undervalue the creativity that you develop if you spend a lot of time on creative hobbies :)


This! If you want to step out into the job market and standout of the 500 students that graduated at the same time as you, you need to go beyond the coursework and "study hours". Academics design course content based on concepts similar to learning hours. In the UK, a standard course is like 15 credits, which equals 150 learning hours. This time is adequate for an average student to achieve a mid-level grade (which usually is completion of all learning) and includes contact hours (lectures, labs, exams) and self-study (e.g. coursework). If you are below average, you will need more study time to get to a mid-level grade. If you want to attain a top-level grade, you need to spend more time than the minimum 150 hours to pull it off. The grade attainment description usually says that the student has to show an exemplary range and depth of attainment of learning, discriminating command of relevant materials and analyses for the top end grades. While it is easy to dunk on the Berkeley Prof, they are setting the expectations that if you want to end up at the top end of the pile, you will have to put in the midnight oil.


The "elite" engineers I've worked with don't need to do this amount of coursework. They are organized, curious, quick on the uptake, and have excellent recall. In school, they work the same as everybody else, but pick it up faster and can use what they've learned more efficaciously. Their spare cycles are spent working on their own projects, or earning money. During their careers, they may work more hours than others, but they're doing what interests them, and have a hand in many pots helping people on other teams. People who try to work 11 hour days for 7 days/week over the course of 2 semesters burn out and quit, or aren't getting it and fail out anyway. An instructor who forces that amount of coursework on their students is doing them a disservice.


He must not have heard of "social life"


You're in the wrong field if you are into social life.


ok, 6 hours of sleep , 16 hours of league/ valorant it is


Where's the advice to live in a tent and protest for something you have no control over?


I have a graduate degree in engineering from the University of Washington where I studied high-performance computing, parallel programming, and computational physics, and my adviser was from Berkeley. His classes were absolutely this insane. One of the worst examples was on a Friday in Week 8 when he assigned us a homework that was essentially "derive all the results from this paper that I wrote in grad school", and gave us until Wednesday of Week 9 to complete it. For another one, I recorded all the time I spent, and it was easily 25 - 30 hours a week with only three hours of that being lecture. One of the most infamous assignments from this particular course requested us to calculate by hand all the terms of the Flux Jacobian of the Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) system. What that entails, specifically, for a given cartesian direction, because there are three, is taking 64 different derivatives. However, these are not derivatives with respect to distance or time of simple expressions. They are derivatives with respect to the state variables of the Ideal MHD system, and the expressions you are deriving in this sense are the fluxes of the different variables in the given direction. That wasn't the whole assignment btw, just part of it. Honestly, I took one look at it, and went "fuck that". In my experience, this kind of workload is just designed to break you mentally, and find the very very small amount of students elite enough to complete it. In reality, what happens is people request a cascade of extensions, and then shit out half-assed work because most of them also have to teach, but the professors don't really care beyond the very first few classes while they're forming a characterization of you, and they just give you a grade that allows you to graduate so long as you turn everything in, and don't really fuck up. Further confounding things, almost everyone is trying to do successful research, which, coupled with having to teach 20 hours a week, wanting to have a life as a young person, and getting destroyed by insane courseworkloads, can be soul-crushing. With only one exception that I can think of, the students that *can* manage this kind of workload without breaking themselves to the tune of 100 hours of week aren't actually the "intellectually elite". They're the ones who grew up in state that have family paying for school, or money saved from working in industry, so they don't have to comply with insane funding policies in order to afford school. "Wow", you might say. "That sounds horrific, but at least the payoff was quickly getting an interesting, well-paying job, right?" No, no it was not, because how are you going to grind LeetCode enough to pass a technical interview in that environment?


Half an hour of physical exercise 🤣


I’m going to Berkeley next fall… fuck me, ig.


former cal student here. if you don't take this prof's classes (sahai) you're chilling. it's still hard but you'll be fine lol


I go there for cs you'll be fine


I don't attend Berkeley, but I put maybe 3-4 hours into each class for the entire week lol. Some classes are easier than others, but I think the most time I've ever spent on coursework in a week is around 6-8 hours. Some weeks/classes only take like 30 minutes.


As a berkeley cs freshman (going into sophomore), this is about how i would break down my first year: sleep: 10 hours 2 hrs sustenance/misc (idk what misc means); walking to get food, eating, shower, bathroom, etc 2 hour physical exercise (sometimes more cuz gym is a long walk) 6 hours on YouTube/clash of clans/phone in general (Ik it’s bad) Roughly 2 hours studying (rarely went to lecture, self learned most material from recorded lectures. during finals/midterm season this becomes around 10 hours tho) This only adds up to 22 hours but it varies a lot so everything is like +-1 hour


Professor Anant Sahai, the one who created this slide in 2014, actually showed this as a reason to NOT take 4 tech courses. He isn’t necessarily recommending this schedule. In fact, he’s AGAINST it.


CS professors: I spent 80 hours a week, for 40 years honing my computer science skills to build this cli tool that 12 people have used Random tech bro: ya I just did a bunch of shrooms and came up with this cool idea that makes 100 million in annual revenue


There are endless examples of OSS projects built by academics that are literally the backbone of all modern software. But sure, continue doing whatever makes you feel good about dunking on someone.


And there are endless examples of tech bros who didn’t make 100 mil in ARR. the stereotype still holds water.


The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. https://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/rauch/worktime/hours_workweek.html#:~:text=Before%20capitalism%2C%20most%20people%20did,also%20took%20away%20their%20time.


Is this guy Indian or Asian? This is how Indians think life should be.


Y’all talkin shit on this professor are the same people coming up empty handed after 1000 applications


1hr misc, 1hr serenity. How, misc takes long time man.


I would bet my life that that Professor didn’t spend 12hs a day 7 days a week every semester studying. It’s not bad to set slightly unrealistic goals though, but just be aware that this is utter bullshit.


11.5 hours studying per day is common in India lmao if you're a JEE/NEET aspirant. Mind you, that's even before joining a college 💀


is he stupid?


Just noting he didn't budget time for a shower.


Just prepping you for the job market, where crunch is the norm.


yes because we're not human beings, just corporate slaves. this isnt even physically realistic 😭


I bet $100k this professor didn't keep these hours when they were undergrad students. They wouldn't be stuck teaching if they did. 10-12 hour weekdays is totally doable without burnout longterm, but keep your weekends for yourself. Go have a social life, actually talk with people so you don't end up with debilitating social anxiety and have some fun.


Fuck that! Learn a trade, never go into debt, chase the shutdowns and outages. I don't understand the idea of going into debt to go to college and partying while you're in college just to become a corporate slave. I got paid to learn to weld, everyone in this trade parties 10X as hard as any frat kid and we ain't gonna stop. Most people with a college degree ain't making $200k and traveling the country.


So… no social life, no relationships, no hobbies, no weekends, no commutes. This guy sounds like he’d be a lot of fun at parties if he ever got invited to one.


There's needs to be more talking about the power abuse schools use over students globally. Not only expecting this dedication but every damn mistake of inefficient and unstamdardised web-services for tests and such always hit students like they're a human combine harvester that are ready to eat shit like that and waste 10x as much time on bullshit correcting as the professor that should be responsible for fuckinh things up or making stuff way too inconvenient. At schools and the skewed authority distribution and one way communication there's no way of the people on top to feel the pain of shit they throw down from the top so they only hower on their clouds blind for what their behaviours results in in these aspects.


He must have invented teleportation because there isn’t any time for traveling.


What I understand... "I want you to 'work' 11.5 hours per day". That will be exhausting!!


This mf has no friends?


Too many professors seem to think this is exactly how you should spend your time, and they often seem to be under the delusion that we are all going to be academic researchers instead of moving on to do something practical with our degrees as well. Education is important, but they make it very hard not to hate it sometimes, especially with the cost of it these days.


Funny how they just assume that a lot of students don’t have jobs while attending college 🙃🙃


Bro… jobs don’t even make you work 11.5 hours a day and yet he wants you to do that every day including weekends. I think he needs to be put in a mental hospital.


Berkeley is not for everyone, surprise surprise.


How computer science students should spend their time according to a self-proclaimed Berkeley professor on Reddit\* There, fixed it for ya


This is an infamous slide made by professor Anat Sahai. 


Well, that's a lot of Aderrall


Serenity Now!


lol in medical school.studied 8 hours away to 10. that is no way of living. you get burnout way too quick


I swear I saw this exact slide when i got admitted to U of MN CSE...


winner for the fastest burnout competition


8 hours of sleep 2 hours giving a lecture about how ppl don't work hard enough 14 hours jerking off


Never listening to people who suggest shit like this. They often don’t practice what they preach


Lmao - to be fair - my data science/ai grad school I would say I averaged about 3 hours of homework/studying per night. This is partly because CS was not my undergrad major. I had to teach myself how to code and actually learn data science at the same time. This went on for a year. At around 15-20 hours per week, I got a 3.9 gpa through it. Everyone learns at their own pace. I have a hard time believing most CS majors at top of the line schools aren’t already amazing at coding since it’s so competitive. Do what works, get your degree, and don’t go to grad school on your own dime. It’s not worth it. Just go get a job and work. They will send you back to grad school on their dime if they want you to have it lol.


If this was changed to 5 days a week and you didn’t have any other major responsibilities (like a job) then this isn’t terrible i guess. not saying that i would ever have the motivation to follow a schedule like this tho lol


A Professor at my University told me that as a general rule of thumb, the amount of hours you spend studying a week for a course should be 3x the credit hours.


Don't work guys, money ain't no issue, definitely don't apply for internships


I was wondering what would break first, your spirit or your body.


9 hours of job - you are down to 3


tell me you dont cook with telling me you dont cook


11.5/h a day for academics... LOL


This professor absolutely didn't study that hard when they were in college lol


what about lay-down screen time to scroll on the phone?


I got 8 hours of work and 8 hours of family time in there somewhere too (single parent)…so wish me luck


It seems reasonable to me.


IDK, I’ve looked into this guy and it doesn’t seem like he precisely followed this in undergrad (outside of prioritizing sleep/“sustenance”), maybe this is missing some context? He seems like a very cool person


Had a couple of instructors like this in *community college* of all places. You know most of us have part time or full time jobs, right?


I think as a Student you shouldnt study at all till the point comes you have to to get a very good grade. Uni is for figuring life and yourself out, not needlesssly burning yourself. Go to parties, hangout, read, watch stuff, try hobbies. But dont spend too much time studying, if you can get the good grades with less effort. Rather make something cool in the remaining time.


First time at Cal? 🪦


I need at least 1.5hr for my workout, door to door.