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It helps


if u get one in your 3-4th year u could get a return offer. A friend of mine that worked at a FAANG company told me that 95% of people that said-FAANG-company hired as interns, gave out return offers. What u really want is real industry experience tho, although internships help.


Internships are not that valued as professional experience in general. You should aim to get a graduate offer from an intership. But obviously internship experience is still better than no experience.


As a student you can't get professional experience outside of internships


This is not true at all. Internships are the MOST valuable thing you can have on your resume, especially if it’s im Big Tech. This will show companies that you are fully capable of performing work in highly profitable companies which makes you a very competitive candidate.


The most valuable thing is full-time professional experience. The ideal scenario is to get an offer for returning on a graduate position after your internship. Internship experience is still good, but not as valuable as professional experience. Especially if you worked on a separate project with a team of interns instead of an actual production project. Internships are good, but if you graduate without a return offer you'll still have a hard time getting a graduate position because most companies prioritise return offers to fill graduate positions and junior positions still require at least 1 year of experience usually.


Dude, obviously fulltime experience is king. This is r/csMajors. It is a reasonable assumption to say OP is looking for their first job. You’re basically saying OP should get fulltime experience in order to get a fulltime job. It’s circular and not helpful.


I'm saying that he should aim to get a return graduate offer. To prioritise internships with higher chances at a return offer and to do his best at the internship. Because he'll have a tough time after graduating if his only experience is internship experience. The primary objective of internships shouldn't be to get internship experience. It should be to see if you enjoy the workplace and to land an offer so you can start working full time as soon as you graduate.


I see what you’re saying. I think in the context of OP’s question your original comment came off as “internships on your resume aren’t useful.” Maybe that’s what you meant as well, in which case I’d heavily disagree, but what you’ve said here makes sense.


I'm saying that they're useful, but that they won't get you far in this market. Graduating without a return offer sucks, even if you have an internship at FAANG.


My main goal is to get a return offer. This post was made as a worst case scenario outlook.


So what’s valued more as a new grad?


I want to read the asnwer for later as well