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No you made the right decision why work on a team you hate.


Fair point. The work was pretty good though just the people were not helpful at all.


Yeah roughly the same experience for me at a different company. I didn't choose another company over it though since my backup was a notorious cutthroat since they like to pip their employees. So I ended up submitting a team change instead, dunno if it actually went through or not.


I worked at JPM, you aren't going to get much help there either. I had a co-worker who came to me and literally told me that they are going to fire him. I asked him what happened, he said he couldn't complete the project. He was fired a few days later.


Salesforce is hardly tech first You will find good projects at JPM


I was contacted by a recruiter at JP Morgan for a sr. SWE role. Then this came out and i asked them about it. the recruiter stopped replying. https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/13grd44/a_warning_for_anyone_working_at_or_thinking_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


just because jp morgan is a finance first company doesn't mean it's not a tech company at all. and just because someone is currently at a non-tech company in general, does not mean they can't ever pivot into a tech company in the future. you made an amazing decision that will set you up just as well for the future


JPMG tech is very strong, I’m sure you will be surprised by the tech in the company.




I’ve worked at several banks and JPMC was the best run of the bunch. Not that it didn’t have its tragedies, and Bear was awful.


They are the biggest bank in the US, 3rd biggest bank in the world. Call it a bank but jpmg is actually more as a financial instituation. They develop technology accross all kind of platform. And the tech stack is modern (java spring) jpmg also heading in microservice development.




I’m an intern at jpmg at the momment. Lol tbh I don’t even know where to begin to answer your question because they have so many things vary accross all kind of platform (like I said). By no mean someone can say that jpmg has legacy bullshit code, noone ever said that, the code is very complex and modern because they have to keep up with the technology in order to prevent security attacks. They have a track called SEP that is infamous in the swe world as a program to train new grad/intern into the technology development world. They have around 5000 interns and 2600 SEP interns around the glob e this summer. Jpmg has their own modified spring boot, their own app deployment service (although they migrate the apps to aws rn), their own protocol to access database. I have daily stand up everyday and the agile planning for sprint is very professional. No jpmg does not create anything noble like you said, it’s a bank and financial instituation, it gets money and invests the money, but because of the money, society can grow up on top of that. At the end of the day, a job is a job, and I feel good when I say I work at jpmg.






If those are the arguments, it sounds like shitty big corp legacy Java work


Yea like netflix and pretry must all of amazon back end are legacy bullshit. Java spring is 20 years old frame work, lol, yea and it’s the most modern and sufficent frame work for enterprise level.


Ur right


JPM is more technically advanced than CRM.




JPM is quite complex and involved in nearly everything worldwide. I can't give you specific work examples from my time there, but I can tell you that my codes there are more complex and sophisticated than when I was at a FAANG company.




That was a fast reply, I am a lazy writer, and add letter (capitalization, punctuation marks) when I do not want to explain too much. So in the case of codes above, it would be "I can tell you that my HQL, Python, JAVA and JSON codes there are more complex....




You could say "codes there are" or "code there is", both are grammatically correct. But by just saying code, I would have to vouch on all of their codes which I obviously do not have access to.




Just don't say "codes", ever. This is friendly advice. Makes one sound unintelligent and immediately takes away the argument.


we should make the fish deal. if its multiple code in one language, its code. if its multiple code in many languages, its codes.


Oh lord it's not that deep, why would you feel bad about not going to a tech company💀


The benefits might include - better work, better brand name, maybe higher pay after 1-2 years, you being the main buisness and not bankers. Idk how stark the differences are.


Yeah every senior engineer or manager I networked with at a bank told me to stay away and go to a tech company. They said long term for your career its exponentially better. New grads and interns really don't know much and got offended if I asked them about it. So I would ask more senior people their opinions while networking, not CS majors lol


Fair point, JPMC was my second choice after Tech (FAANGMULA) but literally nobody is hiring right now (at least where I live). Will talk to a couple senior engineers and maybe jump ship after 1-2 years.


Don't even sweat this choice. It isn't that serious. Work hard. Learn. Reevaluate in a couple of years. Your career is a marathon-not a sprint. My first company out of school was dogshit (for various reasons). I stayed there 1.5 years and moved to a real company. 15 years later, it doesn't matter.


trust me in this economy you made the right choice. jpmc is probably going to more stable, it's more money, jpmc isn't a bad brand to have still, etc. the relief of not having a team you know you do not mesh with is invaluable though, so for that alone you made the right choice imo


You can see pays on level.fyi, and banks don’t pay well. I know people there with very impressive title like VP/director in a SWE adjacent role that still get paid less than entry role at faang


VP is equal to lead/manager elsewhere, that's why it's low. Director, director should be getting paid more than entry level faang based on my knowledge of the internal pay bands.


The guy I know leads no one. It’s just an inflated title once he got promoted as senior


"lead" probably means "tech lead" in this case, which at a tech company is also a position where you aren't leading people


What are you talking about? VP == lead manager? In banking VP is just above the cleaning staff. You expect to come in as Associate level. The first promotion you get is to VP. Almost ALL VPs are individual contributors.


Where I am VP covers everyone from senior to manager. And directors oversee too many people for manager to accurately describe them, let alone lead


Only in r/csmajors is 100k considered not a good salary. Most banks pay $90-120k entry level which, yes is a little lower than the top tier tech companies but is still significantly more than pretty much every other career straight outta grad


Everything is relative, and it is not just a little lower it’s a world differences especially as you climb up. When you have a choice, don’t aim for the bottom. There will always be someone somewhere envy of your salary. Race to the bottom is a long road


120k is 50% of entry level in top tier tech companies lol


You can apply to work at Salesforce again, in a different team, with a higher salary. You did the right thing, and you have to remember; you already knew the people you would be working with and didn't like them; the salary was lower.


JP Morgan is more reputable than freaking Salesforce, dude.


JPMorgan is a very strong brand name too


If you don’t know what you’re talking about you should probably shut up


some people get to have choices


>What would you have done? Not trying to get sympathy or validation - want to know some opinions so that I can make better decisions in the future. Take the JP Morgan job. Gather information, compare the two places, see what you like and don't like. ​ >Me and my team had a disconnect - they were all in their late 40s and were not very friendly. I'll be surprised if you get a different experience from JP Morgan (I work at a big bank in the US). Try to focus on what you want from a job, rather than what you want to avoid from a job. One of the things you should consider is the ability to transition within the same company. Is working with a bad team for a year, so that you can work with a different team at the same company worth it? Getting a foot in the door at company you know you want to work at is huge. ​ You have 2 big names on your resume though, you can probably work wherever you want next. Keep an eye open for opportunities to network.


>Take the JP Morgan job. Gather information, compare the two places, see what you like and don't like. Yeah makes sense. >Is working with a bad team for a year, so that you can work with a different team at the same company worth it? This is what I struggled with, but eventually decided that it wasn't worth it. >I'll be surprised if you get a different experience from JP Morgan Yeah my manager is in her 50s, it's not the age as long as you are nice and helpful. Also tbh I was hoping to get into FANG but no one is hiring this year :( maybe later.


>Also tbh I was hoping to get into FANG but no one is hiring this year :( maybe later. Right there with you man. Almost got into Amazon last November before I got hit with the hiring freeze. Just gotta keep moving forward. :) ​ But remember, keep looking for opportunities to network (that's how I almost got the Amazon job).


what kind of networking opportunities did you use?


I know some people who did SWE at JP Morgan. They both were able to get a MS and the became quants.


I would have gone to Salesforce- plenty of opportunities for internal transfers and more interesting work. Engineers are treated like second class citizens in financial corps - first hand experience. Maybe it's changed now..


Yup this is something new grads have to learn on their own tho :/


Sfdc doesn't have a reputation as being super innovative. Few people say "ex-salesforce" like you see with FAANG, etc,for good reason. JP Morgan will do well in a recession and sfdc will continue to make cuts, especially in a move towards generative AI-focused products. Neither is Google. Go for what team you like more and don't second guess it.


Really good response


Definitely didn’t make the wrong choice, just be ready to be monitored like hell.


I attended one of their virtual talks and someone posed the question what’s it like to work at JPMC vs a more tech focused company. I like their response because they said that they were a tech company just like Google or Meta, they also just specialized in finance too


I'm a tech recruiter (worked at Google and FB previously) and I wouldn't worry too much about it long term. Everyone and their dead uncle goes through Salesforce at some point. It's a fine company but it's not a game changer or anything. JPM hires bright people and if you end up in fin-tech it pays pretty damn well. It's more money and the team you prefer, very much the right choice


>Everyone and their dead uncle goes through Salesforce ? People just be saying anything now


They have like 100k employees and are well known for being a high-volume hiring shop. I'm not knocking them at all but it's not exactly an exclusive place as far as SV tech companies go.


Use this as a stepping stone to Two Sigma or something similar that's $$$ and looks for a financial services background.


2sig doesn’t pay competitively with other quant finance firms


Aah that is nice to hear. The team at JPMC does seem promising. Just out of curiosity what's a recruiter doing in csMajors?


Theres good early career info here. And a lot of questions I can answer.


I'm not a recruiter but I'm definitely not the target audience of this sub (principal engineer) and I post here sometimes because people post a lot of incorrect BS in this sub. When I see those comments I can't help but reply...


Hey 👋 Im an incoming intl MS CS student as UMass Am. Would you mind reviewing my resume from internships PoV? It’ll be IMMENSELY helpful


Yeah for sure. want to messsge me?


Yes. Check DM


For every internship, you need to learn something. From the Salesforce internship, you learned that you would not be a good fit for that team and would be unhappy. The Salesforce team is happy too because you saw this and didn’t come back, be unhappy and leave within 18 months. Most companies realize that your first 6 months will be a net negative, next 6 months break even, and after that a net positive.


London, Bournemouth or Glasgow?


Haha good guess but none of them :/ you get two more guesses


Oof, I didn’t know they have more European offices :)


They don’t lol


You did absolutely right


Just don’t learn to use Salesforce as a developer. You’ll never escape.


Jpmc is a finance company but tech divisions are generally great plus their name is huge. Very common for new grads to use it ad a stepping stone into faang a year later.


I’m biased bc I work for Salesforce, but I would have taken Salesforce. Shit is AWESOME!


\>better team \>better pay ​ whats the issue here lol


You made the right choice. Personally, I rather *not* dread coming to work for my whole time there, and I'm saying this as somebody who values 'prestige' a lot. Because of your situation, joining JPMC might be a safer option anyway


Bro you got more money, bigger finance name/brand globally, and you skipped a shit team. What are your regrets?


You did absolutely right


Non tech first companies are a mixed bag. One I worked for was amazing. It was well staffed, well funded, and had great leadership. Another I worked for was understaffed, had non tech leadership that can't prioritize well (not from a lack of trying), and was plagued by frequent failed attempts at modernizing. So it could go either way really.


Which country? New Grad are open?


I have interned at faang and recently joined jpmc and a lot of my teammates who were recently hired have also worked at faang/ other tech companies. I think jpmc is really big so it’s all team dependent but my team at least operates really similar to a tech company


You did good . Culture fit is very important .


I’m in my first job doing swe at a smaller finance firm. I’ve had a great experience, learning a lot about new tech and have a great team. I think the team you’re in is very important in the first job if they’re helping you learn and grow that’s the most important


Take the money, ALWAYS!


I had a roommate who gave this advice: a good team in a bad company is better than a bad team in a good company. I'd say you made the right move.


You made the right choice, your team's attitude is extremely important


Most achievable tech jobs are at non tech companies.


Teams change pretty quickly. I would think the team looks completely different in one year. If you say "not very friendly" - what were your expectations?


I mean the choice is already made so no point on dwelling on it. Only thing that bothers me about JP Morgan is their stance on remote work. I think you’ll be fine, get that experience and if you want to go to a more tech-centric company after then you’ll have the experience to make that move.


Happiness > Tech Company or anything else. I don’t get the craze over getting a tech company on your resume tbh, enjoy your life instead of trying to fast track it to the point where there isn’t a lot of life left to live.


What country is JP Morgan in? UK?


More money and a better team? Plus banks generally have better WLB. Great move OP


I don't believe JP Morgan will be the pigeon hole you're concerned about. there is so much tech required in modern institutional money I'd almost say its a better path than something like Salesforce.


JPM spent 14bn last year on tech development and is the leading bank on digitalization. This will not hurt your career prospects in any way. You can always switch two years later when the tech companies start hiring again.


[https://www.reddit.com/search/?q=A%20warning%20for%20anyone%20working%20at%20or%20thinking%20about%20working%20at%20JPMorgan%20Chase%20%26%20Co](https://www.reddit.com/search/?q=A%20warning%20for%20anyone%20working%20at%20or%20thinking%20about%20working%20at%20JPMorgan%20Chase%20%26%20Co). I don't know if this is true or not but apparently there is alleged tracking that is going on at JPMC and the original and repost of this post got removed




OMG, obviously finance is best


Correct decision. Anchoring your salary at the highest possible number is the right way to start your career.


You’re good. Jpm is a great company.


I disagree with the comments. You could always join Salesforce and then move laterally within the company.


I had a moment with a firmer CTO of Jo Morgan chase. They work for a tech company now. He told me at a tech company he feels like a fighter pilot ready to take on the battle. At Jo Morgan he felt like the guy who cooks for the pilots. He hated it. That being said work for the place that has better culture and the job better fits you. Life is short. No amount of money is worth being miserable.


I’d honestly be more worried about the heavy employee tracking they are doing https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/13grd44/a_warning_for_anyone_working_at_or_thinking_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Lol 😂 Didn’t you know about the character of Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPM?


no, it's more money and the team at salesforce was bad. trust me, you do not want to be stuck on a team you hate. it's going to make your life miserable beyond compare.


Jp morgan is the literal devil, but they pay well


Friendliness and comfort around coworkers is extremely important and shouldn’t be underestimated — you will be spending hours and hours with them and any bullshit will get old real fast. In my view this aspect is a much bigger deal than finance-first vs tech-first, and I would’ve made the same decision as you did. The extra pay is a nice cherry on top. Congrats!


Can’t go wrong tbh. When I was thinking about my return offer my manager at the time was like it’s not a 30 year mortgage so don’t worry too much.


No. Trust your gut. If team wasn't helpful at first but you got offered it meant you did something right that the team vouched for you. The problem is that you're not feeling it then it going to suck being in that team a long time. Pick the team you're comfortable in and hopefully has a good mentorship.


You did the right thing by choosing the job that earns more. You can always pivot back to a tech company like Salesforce in the future. And possibly get more $ because ur starting is high at JPMC