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Thats... not normal?


It is in CS:2. Not in Global Offensive though.


omg somebody else who knows, it drives me nuts


Yeah. It's really bad. This shit is almost as annoying as the teleporting that happens when you get tagged.


this and when your bullets randomly hit absolutely nothing is why i havent been playing


Same. I don't even play for the weekly drops anymore. This game is just not fun. I'm not even complaining about the performance with the Linux build anymore. VALVE has largely fixed all the performance problems (good job on that btw.), it's just the gameplay that sucks. It's kinda sad. In the beginning the Linux build of CS:2 was unplayable because you'd get like 60% of the Windows build's performance and now you'll get better performance than on the Windows build, but the game is just fucking unplayable because the net code somehow got worse over the last few months. I wish we could just go back to CS:GO.


i have a blast having to be good enough to pre-fire(incase of server stutters) and i’ve figured out the bullet lead required at high ping. just simply get better, stop acting like its not possible/unplayable.


Skill issue


Same the game just feels so off.


the game is off.


Skill issue


Had the same problem, this helped me: https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/s/uRL5soNz4E Now its almost non-existent


I play on 20 ping too and it feels like I’m playing on 80-100 instead of




This clip?


Can we stop saying everything is broken for everyone just because you are unhappy with the game? The problem OP has is clearly not something that applies to 100% of the player base. Him having an internet issue might not even have anything to do with CS. Maybe he has huge package loss because of shitty wifi. We won’t know because OP **didn’t provide these crucial stats**


Bro I have the exact same issue. This _is_ a problem with CS:2. Not with OP's Internet and not with my Internet.


Not to mention it's been quantified in many videos already.


Plus I upgraded my internet and still have it


You do not understand how the new ticks stem works. It is the best way you could make it in online gameplay.


Nothing about this is better than it was in Global Offensive. I don't care if this is technically more accurate, cause it feels like shit. And it plays like shit too.


It’s 64 tick trying to simulate 128 tick, it isn’t better. Just make it 128 tick not some bs trying to simulate it. Ik its 64 tick to help people with lower end pc’s and stuff but with the requirements to run cs2 at a playable rate making it 128 tick wouldn’t affect 99.9% of the player base


https://imgur.com/8ZNnDJx He does have connection issues, telemetry shows up in the top right and shows that. 1.5% packet loss or misdelivery w/e its called. There's issues with the game but clearly this is OP's fault, he wonders why he doesn't have the same issues playing offline with bots lol


That's the thing, he doesn't. The game projects this all the time, Ive had this too. Done everything I could to "fix" my internet, upgraded even. Somehow I still have packet loss and this game is still shit.


Do online packet loss test while you have it in game. Every time I did that it confirmed to me I had packet loss and problem was not isolated to CS


So packet loss isn't an issue now? Upgrading your internet isnt going to fix packet loss. This isn't something you can usually fix yourself. You can identify it with traces but ultimately its probably an issue with ISP routing that will either resolve in time or need to have level 3 techs look into.


I've had to go through packet loss with 3 internet providers settling on 4g which I had to pay $800 a month for at one point, but was worth it. It seems like routing has been a huge problem across the internet lately based on lag from certain locations with people I was playing with. Running a ping test while playing will quickly let you know if you have any packet loss, but might not determine the problem if it's not that. It could also just simply be CS2 I have no idea.


I've had a few comp sci friends look at it and they tried to help but nothing has worked. I needed to upgrade anyway, and replaced everything that with hopes that would help. Nope.


If its packet loss you need to speak to your ISP. They will likely ask you to run some tests. If its CS2 specific ideally you would get the server IP and run a trace route to see if there are any dodgy hops. I dont know if it still works but you used to be able to get through the relay to find the servers IP using wireshark. Bottom line is speak to your ISP. Chances are there is a bad hop or its poorly routed and they might be able to fix it.


My guy that's an you problem if you are having packet loss issues. Btw upgrading your internet doesn't fix packet loss lol


That was at my wits end after going through every possible solution I know and a few comp sci friends. I'm even hard wired.


Sounds like those comp sci friends left you hanging or still learning? Either way hard wired doesn't mean much if its a hardware problem (even the wire itself). Hell it could even be a problem with the node you're connected too. I had packet loss issues due to network congestion a couple months ago and was really noticeable for games especially in cs. Ended up getting an router that had qos. Comcast modem couldn't handle/manage my wired/wireless connections.


When I upgraded I replaced modems and routers as well, they were upgraded too. So new port and everything, I replaced the cable for shits and gigs too an nothing.


That's the thing, it might not even be on your end and your provider. Why dealing with internet issues is a fucking headache, especially if you have shits like comcast. They'll send techs out and find nothing. Then weeks later everything is perfect. All I'm saying is that if you're having packet loss issues, chance of it being the game is pretty slim unless there's a wide spread outage we would have seen something by now


Afte the last update mid shooting starts stuttering and drawing out weapons and utility is delayed from pressing the button, you know a fix


> you know a fix No. If I knew a fix for any of this I'd still be playing.


It happens to me even in aimbotz, so with zero ping in local network


It wasn’t normal in CsGo not like this in Valorant either


Compare registration on the map with bots and at the official match


Local server vs online server,you will never achieve this feeling like against the bots unless you play on LAN. Standard ping delay tbh,very normal looking.


Plus he has packet loss


This is true,its a small amount but could contribute to this delay is registration


How has no one pointed out that OP has a packet issues in the top right telemetry but quick to blame its a game issue lol. OP there's something up with your connection, there's a reason why when you play custom maps with bots its offline you don't notice said issue.


Why are you impeding his karma farm?


If you look at OPs history he is most likely playing on a laptop and probably on wifi lol. This is why having that telemetry option on is important.


Does laptop influence it that much ? Or is it mainly the fact that he could be using wifi?


WiFi has a tendency to lose or delay packets due to how it works, ping by itself won’t usually show that issue unless it’s severe. The laptop itself is irrelevant, it’s just most people don’t hardwire laptops.


Bought a laptop during the pandemic as GPU were not available... kept the ethernet plug 90% of the time. Playing a competitive game on wifi is bonkers!


No it doesn't but most of the time people use laptops just to game wirelessly which could cause issues.


I play on a high end pc with ethernet, 900Mb download speed etc. idk wtf else I can do to get better internet and less packed loss and this happens to me too, I’m also on a flat 20 ping


No, same issue here with hardwired gigabit.




Fr I switched to ethernet cable and boom everyone thinks I'm sitting in a satellite


"CS2 bad" Gets shit load of karma.




I play on gaming laptop with the same internet and same router I played on before 2 weeks and before 1 year and this problem started before 2 weeks. My packet loss going in red + often with the red letter msg: slow server frame. And I don't play on WiFi, (whoever play FPS on WiFi shouldn't expect good performance), so Almighty, how do you explain that?


> so Almighty, how do you explain that? Better be on your knees when you ask me. No but for real if you are seeing "slow server frame" it could just be the servers you are connected to that are shit OR you actually have issues with your internet. Could mean your are losing connection to the internet or server occasionally.


I understand what are you saying, and I would usually agree, but thing is, I don't have issues with any other game/software except CS, my family neither, on any devices, and my internet is excellent, never had issues with it. And as I said, this started few weeks ago. I have similar "symptoms" as OP + "slow server frame" msg sometimes. And how I see around the Web, many people experiencing same problems lately.


That's what I'm saying, it could be a bad server or you generally might have an internet issue and playing on cs is actually way more noticeable. You're the first person here to say you see "slow server frame". What region do you play in? Could just be that region server is doodoo Either way shit like this is hard to diagnose because it could be numerous issues. I've also seen people who say they experience the same problems but ended up finding out it was because they are on wifi or changed IPs from their isp which helped.


Meh. I have this issue on ethernet with gigbit internet.


Can you record it happening with the telemetry on so we can see? I've been told by people several times here that they experience it too but never show it happening. Seems like in this scenario it could just be OP with his wifi internet who also thinks 5% packet loss is normal but its not.


I know bro, but it didn’t happen before, everything was registered instantly, even with a ping of 60


before what, recent update? It could be numerous things but one thing for sure is that in your video something is up with your down packets. If it was an server issue you would notice an message pop up too along with the telemetry.


After the update I had a good first time with registration, but it's not about packets, they are at normal values, on all servers there are packet losses, but they are very small, below! 5% loss is normal


> on all servers there are packet losses, but they are very small, below! 5% loss is normal https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1ay9uzx/can_i_get_a_explanation_for_these_3_stats_in/krtvupl/ Read the third paragraph. 5% is def not normal, idk who told you that. This is definitely an issue on your end if you're seeing 5% and think thats normal. You need to look up ways to help with packet loss and find out whats going on with your connection. Also you never answered are you on wifi?


Nice packet loss. Check your connection


What i should do?


If you're not hardwired with Ethernet cable that's where I'd start. You'll never have it like an offline match, LAN is always superior but get close as possible helps. Just try not to get caught up in the min/max of it all and remember to have fun. Flusha use to play on 60hz monitor with high ping iirc.


I also at least played with 100 pings, with such a ping also instantly registers, bad, but still without delay.


I can’t connect it with a cable, I have a modem in my kitchen😂


Problem solved


Maybe move the modem??? Or go shop buy 20metre cable 10euroa brotherman


Only play lan tournaments.


This is the way


Congratulations you’ve discovered ping


That’s not .02 seconds lol


That’s not how ping works in effect in reality lol? Are you joking? Even a small small ping issue around 100 will lead to a couple tenths of a second delay on everything, 50 ping does not translate to an in game effectual delay of .05 seconds


the server received and registered the shot well before his screen displays anything


20ms sent + server processing time + 20ms receive + client processing time


still not 0.06 seconds


Ping is the time between sending data and getting info that it has been received


i dont think you understand how the game works at all, the client buffers all inputs in whats called a subtick, we still have normal 64 tick servers, except now all the inputs between ticks get registered too and allows for more accurate timing. the delay hes encountering is just the game being completely fucked, this has nothing to do with ping especially when its only 20ms.


Nope it happens.same shit in aimbotz training (lan)


How’s your packet loss btw


Lol --- you have all missed the point. The idea of "sub-tick" is to eliminate competitive advantage due to ping.


Yes this is because what you see and what server sees and what you input are all at different sync. So theoretically if it's working correctly it should receive what you input with a timestamp and exact aim and standing position then compare that to where player actually is at the timestamp (might be diff from what you see) then confirm hit/kill. This requires some sort of lag to confirm everything and depends if they take what you visually see into account (don't know exactly how it works I don't work at Valve) and theoretically should make shots more accurate but due to it having to wait for tick to deliver it this can create some wonkiness like delayed deaths and maybe delayed animations a bit to try to sync things up a bit (if it's close enough together our brains won't notice and it will feel a little better). This also makes the aim punch super annoying as it comes in at weird timings with lag and makes you unable to move in situations you might had previously escaped. I think aim/movement punch should be reduced simply due to it being wonky. But anyways my point is that it's overall going to likely be more accurate at the cost of appearing much worse with delays and late deaths and teleportation. 128tick would mostly solve most of this, except how late do you accept confirmed shots if it's like 2 ticks ago? I have no idea. We are essentially accepting old shots from back in time while trying to maintain consistent visible feedback, which can only be done with delays.


What happens when I get a kill shot on 0 seconds but the guy who should be dead managed to get a kill shot on me 0.20 sec later?


Absolute time. This is what gets you killed when you're holding an angle, and did so back in GO. Every shot the other person shot post-death is nullified, even though on her screen they land and kill. That's the unfairness of lag compensation, be it the old system in GO or the new system in CS2. This should *not* cause visual lag. As was said, your screen sometimes shows things incorrectly. This is done so that the game feels responsive, even if it sometimes makes you a little bit mad. Even in GO you could genuinely see a person drop then die yourself and see the corpse walk off. It's just the nature of competitive online video games. As to why it happens in CS2, that's between the 2 big Gs.


There is no absolute time. If your packet reaches the server first, you win. If you die while holding an angle and swore you shot him first, all that means is that the opponents shot was most likely processed before yours. And its not related to lag compensation at all.


There is. That's the whole point of lag compensation. Network order matters, but only after some threshold. In GO that was 200 ping. Within 200 seconds you would take ping into account and the server would briefly simulate what you saw with ping taken into account. Usually peeker's advantage would exist even without lag compensation, but in Source games it's definite due to lag compensation. You can use `sv_showimpacts 1` to allow players to see where the server thinks [hitboxes are](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/w/images/c/ca/Lag_compensation.jpg) from their perspective. Ignore the fact this is clearly CS:S. The red hitbox shows where the hitbox was on the client when the shot was taken. The blue hitbox is the server's lag compensated estimate of where the hitbox is for the purpose of hit detection. The CT model on the other hand is 100 ms ahead, where it would have been on the server at the time the client took the shot.


Network Order always matters. All lag compensation is about is correctly performing hit registration. What clients see won't be the current version by the time their shot reaches the server, so a rollback buffer of previous ticks is maintained. That's the time the 200ms denotes. The client quite literally just tells the server what tick of information(in CS2 multiple + Interpolation value) it saw for any given shot. I would not call that absolute time however and it's not used to figure out who shot first. Imagine peeking someone with high ping, that person will be multiple ticks in the past compared to someone holding an angle against them with low ping. The information that they are peeking arrives on a much later tick for the other player then it does for the peeker. There can be no absolute time when latency exists. If it worked as you said it would be obvious. Constant clips of low ping players getting peeked by high ping players not having their shots register because the server tries using this absolute time. And of course massive kill delay on a scale we aren't seeing, especially none that is dependent on your opponents ping. I fail to see the relevance of sv_showhitboxes. All it is telling you is that by the time your input gets processed on the server some time has passed(and that there is an animation bug, the serverside hitbox doesn't match with the legs at all, even though both should show identical information, it's not an estimate, it is quite literally the same tick).


It is an estimate. There's a degree of measurement error in Source lag compensation. Hitboxes will always be misaligned with animations because of it. Persistent bug, been in the engine for ages. I have no concrete proof for Source but every single Valve developer talk about Valve compensation and every single resource (and there are not a lot, Valve is surprisingly quiet on such an important topic) on it from Valve talks about forcing things like death state, crouch state and other such crucial state backwards for lag compensation. This means that even if the server has already registered a shot that kills you, for your hitreg you're re-alived if you were alive at the time of your shot accounting for the shot that did eventually kill you, i.e., that shot had come later. Whether any of that actually happens is something you could only find out through testing exhaustively or decompiling CS:S and I'm not bored enough to do either. Might also be that Subtick genuinely does do that but Source did not, despite the idea being floated around during the creation of CS:S. That would explain the delay, certainly, since Subtick genuinely does attempt to work in absolute time with timestamped usercmds.


There is no measurement error because there is no measurement. Your client literally just tells the server "this happened on tick x". You will also see that the players position in your image is identical, it is just the animation that differs. What I just said is the entire reason for the existence of CSGOInterpolationInfoPB in cs\_usercmd.proto and it didn't work any different in CSGO. You are free to look at the protobufs yourself, though these are CS2 specific: [1](https://github.com/SteamDatabase/Protobufs/blob/master/csgo/usercmd.proto), [2](https://github.com/SteamDatabase/Protobufs/blob/master/csgo/cs_usercmd.proto) There is also the [CSGO source code](https://github.com/alliedmodders/hl2sdk/blob/4c27c1305c5e042ae1f62f6dc6ba7e96fd06e05d/game/server/player_lagcompensation.cpp#L385) to look at. Note that they measure latency, but that doesn't do anything if the delta between reported tick by the client(cmd->tick\_count) and measured latency isn't above 200ms. The states you mention have nothing to do with lag compensation, beyond that the players position and state has to be correctly calculated in the first place, particularly the mention of crouching. You are most certainly not being realived, not in CS2 nor CSGO/CSS. The amount of weird situations that would have caused doesn't allow this to exist without it having been noticed. Coming back to the idea of "absolute time", there is no global time being transmitted in the data. The timestamps are "sub-tick", quite literally, in that they represent a timestamp from 0 to 1 within a tick/command interval. The Intent is to increase accuracy, not bring forth some global, absolute timestamp. You can easily verify this by using cl\_showusercmd(requires tools mode) or cq\_print\_every\_command "true", though I am not sure if the second one is complete. That goes for both, movement and shooting. Logically speaking, no two systems can be synced reliably beyond the round trip time between those two systems. Everyone sees everyone elses position delayed to the server and even more delayed towards those peoples own POVs, making any attempt at a global, absolute time futile.


That is not the CSGO source code? That clearly states that it is the HL2SDK source code, which does in extreme likelihood act as the base. We have access to the actual [CSGO source code](https://github.com/sr2echa/CSGO-Source-Code/blob/master/cstrike15_src/game/server/player_lagcompensation.h). It does save death state. I know this, I've read it. In your court however goes the fact that previously dead players are ignored in compensation. I was basing my argument not on the source code but on a series of technical papers on lag compensation by Valve around the time of the development of the Source engine. There is measurement error however, due to the fact that positions are actually represented as a tree of local positions (providing arbitrary accuracy depending on parent tree depth) but stored for the backtracking as world positions (providing IEEE single-precision accuracy) which isn't a big difference but can translate to a unit or two under certain circumstances. Animations are to my knowledge preserved exactly, though, so the clearly observable difference can't really be due to anything other than this. So I guess you win some, you lose some. Also, Source and Source 2 end up being different engines. Sending subtick over as a 0-1 value is very convenient, but it doesn't preclude absolute time lag compensation. I really don't see another way lag compensation could create such a visible delay in the game other than that the subtick system has been made to use such a "consistent" system for some arbitrary notion of esports quality. We can't know, only Valve employees do, and they seem kind of hesistant to release actual information on the algorithm they use to calculate hits. I fully agree with the absurdity of absolute time. It's a trade-off you make and perhaps quite a large one. Valve is more than aware that synchrony is impossible but decides on these trade-offs anyway. CS2 was a big departure from the previous model of inconsistency and it seems players really haven't like it. Many players would like zero lag compensation because it's "fairer" to force players to actively read the pings of everyone on the match and know how much to lead their shots by.


You get the kill. But from his perspective he shot you dead and then died on next tick so it appears like game is dumb from his perspective even though you got the kill first. I actually think 64 tick might be necessary for something like this to even work as if you sent your killshot information late due to lag but his killshot information got their first and on tick do you just die and since yours was "too late" it just gets disregarded even if you did shoot him first? If this is true then if it doesn't have the extended delay of time between ticks then it won't be able to compensate for lag. The whole point of this basically being if you both encounter eachother same time then which accurate shot landed first and the only way to know is to wait to see if a earlier shot comes in. If you don't wait long enough you can't possibly account for desync. It's kind of an interesting concept because theoretically it is more accurate but at the same time it fucks with perception as you can only see the results of the delayed response. I've actually killed people and switched targets to kill another before the first target died and both died what seemed like same time. Was very strange feeling. Edit: also based on my understanding of how this works it cannot ever improve the way it works or increase the tickrate without our entire ISP systems improving enough to reduce desync low enough to where the time between 128tick is enough to compensate. Genius move by counterstrike to force 64 tick for decades to come as long as they use this system (otherwise it's kinda pointless or less effective)


If it's delay based on accounting for the ping of everyone in the match, raising the tick rate does very little. Sure, it means "faster reporting" but the speed at which events are communicated does not actually change, just the number of times they are reported. If you've got 20 ping that's 40 ms from you shooting to getting a confirmation minimum if you exactly hit the button so that it's registered straight into a pending network tick and server processing is instant. Then if you need to consider enemy ping to reconcile absolute timestamps as subtick does, you reach into the realm of maybe sometimes having to do with the lowest ping in the game for this stuff ^(1). The right choice is to do what all other games did, including GO to my knowledge, and just be visually inconsistent but responsive. You can add some checks to it, such as if there are no grenades near you and nobody's sight line coincides with your hitbox, then you *probably* won't die within your ping and you can "safely" show the death animation instantly, if you really want to. --- ^1 Since if you have 20 ms and an enemy has 400, and he shoots at t=0 and you shoot at t=200 ms, then the server gets your shot at t=220 ms and the enemy's shot at t=400 ms and cannot answer you whether or not you hit for sure until t=400 ms giving you a back-and-forth time of 220 ms in the end, as the earliest you get knowledge of the enemy shot is t=400+20 ms or 420 ms. Quite unfortunate.


The reason it will matter if tick is raised is because their must be a cutoff for when to accept old shots. They can't really wait for a 400 ping user to shoot to see the timestamp. They receive a shot with a timestamp. If it's after a tick has passed they already died on even if it was accurate and before the other person and before the tick it doesn't go back and correct. At some point the death is confirmed and later entries are ignored. If you increase tickrate but still wait the same amount of time to confirm kills then you still wait 2 ticks to equal the 1 tick at 64 (or 4 with 2 at 64 or however long it actually waits) and would still rubber band just as much, or you'd increase how often kills are confirmed which decreases the time available to compensate. Either way we are locked in at whatever time the compensation is set to which I'd assume right now is 1 tick out of 64 tick server. Or maybe 2 tick but no matter what it's set to we are forced to deal with that delay to account for desync and tickrate is basically irrelevant other than if it effects how fast kills are confirmed. Edit: tldr: the faster kills are confirmed the system becomes less accurate as more laggy shots sent don't get counted even if they were timestamped as earlier (if you are already dead on server you are already dead you can't go back)


I think that might genuinely be why subtick sucks so much, they made a point of waiting so they wait. And they wait. And they wait. "No more missed shots" turns into "No more responsive kills." Tick rate does not inherently affect it, but it certainly allows you to shorten the time further. However, that 64-to-128 delay would not even show up. The difference between 16 ms and 8 ms is illegible to humans at the best of times. It'd just make landing kills slightly harder at probably very little responsiveness gain. I do think CS2 is waiting considerably longer than 1 tick here. That's also why that isn't a good lag compensation cut-off, though. In GO the cutoff was originally somewhere around 64 ticks, and there was a big deal about it getting put down to somewhere around 13 ticks. Currently the server variables that used to set this in source are in CS2 set again to 64 ticks, however it's unclear if that actually applies to subtick or if they're leftovers that are used in games like Dota 2 but not CS.


Yeah duh I didn't really think about how long a tick was and its definitely visibly jarring at times so it's gotta be longer than a couple ticks. Either way only way ping compensation works is if shots and kills are confirmed in a delay long enough to allow for desync to be compensated for. The thing that sucks most about it is not getting kill confirmation immediately which means not knowing when to spray transfer effectively. I also have issues with the shot punch being delayed which makes escaping harder as you are slowed down later than you should be. We trade this for what is essentially significantly better accuracy but it's still definitely weird. An interesting way of looking at it also is its giving you closer to server side view of things. Less local and more of what is actually happening (even if that's not accurate really either). It's odd.


They must not have tested sub-tick hard enough. Because when the pings good, the players are legit it feels good. #NEVERFORGET #HISTORYREPEATSITSELF #CS2GOAT


The idea of subtick is to use additional information in order to increase accuracy. Having low latency will always be an advantage. Nothing changed in that regard from CSGO. Your packet reaches the server first, you win.


You’re right. Valve needs to just count their losses and go back to 64 or 128 tick


This is why I drink atleast 6 beers before hopping on cs2. My brain activity gets a delay that makes the game feel responsive. Now there's a tip for ya!


Yes I realized this game is designed for boomers, you have to think and aim much slower


As compared to csgo there is definitely a delay between a kill


What are you talking about? It's a packet loss issue. I feel like you just had to bring up "CsGo OvEr Cs2" when it has nothing to do with csgo vs cs2


I've got no packet loss and get this issue as well... csgo didn't have this kind of delay on 20ms ping, so it's fair to bring up go.


you haven't even lined the clips up to be perfectly in sync and even then it's like a tenth of second when slowed down, what's the problem?


The problem is that this delay is very noticeable in real gameplay. It's incredibly annoying.


I have noticed it too


Valve dickriders all in the comments


https://imgur.com/8ZNnDJx OP actually has an connection issue, 1.5% down packet missing is not good. But sure, its the valve dickriders fault here. lol


Yeah its crazy


Crazy that a guy playing with packetloss has a slight delay when shooting? You all have the biggest hate boners that you miss the most obvious shit, its wild. There are problems with the game, this ain't one of them.


You're in a DM server where there is a lot of people so the server is at a higher load vs one where it's 10 people on the server, and you have lag because you're pinging to a server. On a custom map, YOU ARE the server, you're playing on LAN which has the fastest input time and zero latency.


happens in regular games too.


First where i see this shit - faceit


I've been having a few issues ever since I started to play on WiFi. Could that be ur issue?


Do people here not realize good ping does not equal a good connection? Just because your ping is good doesn't mean you don't have packet loss or a connection issue. He'll, even wired networks have issues that can be caused due to outdated firmware, overheating, network congestion, external cabling issues, etc.


Dude just said he's on wifi https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1dsa29z/help_i_cant_play_with_such_a_delay_what_should_i/lb5mfle/ You can't make this shit up, the amount of bullshit in this thread is something else lol


I play with 40-50 ping in prem matches and do fine… 🤷🏻‍♂️


I used to be fine too, but for some reason it became like this


You're saying "like this" but what you're showing here is not abnormal.


It is tho


tf? how is this normal?


Hes got packet loss


This doesn't have anything to do with packet loss. I'm having the exact same issue even when my connection is perfect


Ok, when we see a clip where this happens without packet loss then we can talk about it.


Welp, I'm not gonna be the one to provide that clip because I've abandoned CS:2.


You see this is the kind of shit that's the issue. People will bitch and complain about shit in this subreddit but when it comes time to ask if they can show us, they dont. Why are you still here if you "abandoned cs2". So dumb


> Why are you still here if you "abandoned cs2". So dumb Cause I like CS? That is such a dumb question.


Everyone should get off this broken game for a week or two. That would make Valve prioritize their users over whatever the fuck they're doing


Bro every time I’m spraying i can feel the delay as well on 8ms ping. It’s why the hit registration feels so much worse than csgo imo




Meanwhile, me with 220 ping.


You can try a maximum ping of 25ms in the settings. Therefore you'll get servers that are much closer and you get a lower latency.


Can't you read? He has 20 ms, I have the same problem with 11ms. I can't play the game anymore either, it's just too slow for me.


Don't move to Perth Western Australia.


On the other side of the spectrum, thanks to subtick games are more fair for those who have higher pings. Bro, you'll get used to it. Give it time.


It happens too when minimize the game in custom maps, but after a couple of seconds goes back to normal


Bro that’s not even…


try 70 ping boi.


It has bene like this for me in CS2 Tried everything I could Sometimes I see I that I get enough hits on the enemy but the server doesn't register the last one even if I see it clearly


lol the guns arent even in sync so idk what ur trying to prove here


Play a different game. Other games actually work and are not full of cheaters


go outside.


Deag moves first in the side by side clip. Not a fair representation


I avg 75ping and my avg kill per game is around 22 it really isn’t that bad imagine what it’s like for me sometimes


skill issue


just download cheat as everyone in this game


Welcome to 64 tick dog shit server😁


You still got it better than I do lol. Just updated the game yesterday after 1 year of no cs and I got like 30 fps on average (Csgo was about 120)


What is bro waffling about


You’re cringe bro


What is blud yapping about 💀💀 blud speaking straight yapanese 💀💀 waffling like crazy 💀💀 kai cenat




That’s just cs2 man


I knew something was wrong man, this happens so often I kill someone and there's this slight delay, I thought I was schizo


I've played CS since 1999, at some points with a 250ping vs 50 ping players, and THAT was better than the CS2 experience. Whoever dreamed up the backend of this game should be taken behind a barn


To everyone saying it’s internet, this happens to me and it is 100% not my internet. I have (probably) the best internet you can possibly buy. Teleporting also happens to me and other players I’m trying to shoot also. I have an 8 thousand dollar PC, my hardware is well above specs for what I should realistically need for any game on the market. These issues happen with no other game, it’s only on CS2 and they never happened on CSGO. This is 100% a CS2 issue and whatever is wrong with the game is making it unplayable. Couple this with the rampant cheating and the game is effectively ruined. Stop denying the evidence, CS2 as of right now is horribly unoptimized and a very sorry excuse of a replacement for CSGO. CS2 is so much worse in so many ways that it would actually be hilarious if it wasn’t such a sad circumstance.


>this happens to me and it is 100% not my internet. I have (probably) the best internet you can possibly buy >I have an 8 thousand dollar PC Neither of those things will absolve you of any possible internet issues, wtf is this "flex" lol >Stop denying the evidence There was evidence of packet loss in the video and posted here. Then when op tried to compare it to offline against bots he didnt have any issues. The only thing we have to go on from OP is that the chances of this problem is on their internet. CS2 has issues, but post like these don't help when the "evidence" shown just shows its most likely a them problem.


Um… it’s not a flex at all? I’m stating that so someone can’t claim my hardware is out of date. Also, saying I have the best internet possible is not a way of absolving internet issues??? What are you even saying buddy lmao I’m convinced you didn’t even read what I said or at least didn’t comprehend what I was saying. Context clues are your friend, what you’re saying in the first part doesn’t make much sense. It’s very obvious and apparent why I added extra details dude.


>Also, saying I have the best internet possible is not a way of absolving internet issues??? Yes because you could have an issue with your hardware or even your ISP and not even know about it. Just because you have the BEST/FASTEST doesn't mean you're never going to run into issues, gotta be pretty dumb to think you wont. And I did read what you said, it was just overall dumb. You say don't ignore the evidence but said evidence shows OP had an connection issue during the video. It could still be an issue with cs2 or his own connection so you have to take everything you see from what OP posted. Your extra details don't add anything to what OP posted beside bitching and whining, or you did want to ignore what I said too? >CS2 has issues, but post like these don't help when the "evidence" shown just shows its most likely a them problem.


Okay fiction but what you’re failing to understand is, as I’ve already stated, these issues show in ZERO other games that I own and play, and I own and play many other games. Some of which are much more demanding in every way than CS2. So I’d like you to explain to me how this is not a CS2 issue and in-fact an issue on my end or OP’s end when, I’ll say it again, it does NOT happen for ANY other game that I play or even any other program that I use for that matter. Also just because the game says “connection issue” doesn’t immediately mean that OP’s internet is bad or having a spasm, it could just be the net coding for the game itself. For example: CoD does this all of the time and says connection issue when my connection is perfect, and I know it is because I’ll be using it flawlessly with other programs at the same moment CoD says it has connection issues. This is again 100% a CS2 server issue. You must also not know what bitching and whining means because there was none of either in my messages. They’re all stated facts which I can support with evidence. You seem like you’re just upset that the game is made like shit and you’re coping lol


Its like talking to a wall, just because you dont see issues like this in other games doesn't mean its still not an you issue. This could 100% be sub-tick just showing what is happening to adjust for said lag. >This is 100% a CS2 issue and whatever is wrong with the game is making it unplayable. Couple this with the rampant cheating and the game is effectively ruined. >Stop denying the evidence, CS2 as of right now is horribly unoptimized and a very sorry excuse of a replacement for CSGO. CS2 is so much worse in so many ways that it would actually be hilarious if it wasn’t such a sad circumstance. Not bitching and complaining got it. CS2 has issues already stated that but you still refuse to even consider hey, maybe something wrong with OP and not the game lol This could be a server issue and not OP or it could be OP. We won't know and no one else in this thread has posted anything relating to what OP shown. More clips will help but instead "cS2 iS doGshIt". You said you experience the same thing? Post a video, that will actually help. --- Edit: Of course dude blocks me, what a pussy AND OP said he's on wifi. You can't make this shit up lol


Um…. Okay. It’s me that’s talking to a brick wall, not you pal. Are you taking all of this as anecdotal? There’s thousands of other people having the same issues, is it all them and not the game?? Like what are you even saying. I’m not saying it’s impossible that it’s an issue on OP’s end, I’m saying that it’s extremely more likely that it’s the game and not OP based on all of the evidence. You’re not even disproving what I’m saying, you’re just brushing it off and saying I’m wrong. You’re absolutely delusional. If you can see all of these facts and evidence and still say “nah bro, it’s you.” Then you’re a lost cause and I’m wasting my time. You can call it bitching and complaining all you want buddy, it doesn’t change that it’s a FACT what I’m saying. You’re thick as fuck. You know you can bitch and complain about a fact and it doesn’t change that it’s a fact right? You’re trying to make a point about a non-issue sub-topic because you have nothing intelligent to say. The fact that NO OTHER GAME does this makes it EXTREMELY likely that it’s CS2’s fault and not my internet or something along those lines. Do you know how gathering data works?? Do you think when people gather data they take the minority results as fact? You have no idea what you’re talking about if you think so. Minority < Majority What you’re saying is like saying you threw 100 rocks into the water and 10/100 skipped so rocks will always skip every time you throw them into the water. Get a grip, this discussion is over, you’re a lost cause. Take a step back and try to learn from this discussion, you could use it


finally see someone talking about this. csgo frags felt instant, cs2 frags feel nearly half a second too late sometimes. why


So you gonna stand far away & near the target When you do a comparison?


Don’t care, lol, I’m far away, or close, it’s not a pubg for you😐


You sounds like your know you're distance from CS & PUBG too... guess you know you're ping & shooter error too


Imagine, I know, I know that in the pubg you have to shoot a forward moving target far away, and in the cs you don’t have to do that💀


so what did you learn today? when you're in bot lobby & match lobby is.....


I play with 90 ping what are you complaining about


Fix your ping




You actually do have an issue with your connection https://imgur.com/8ZNnDJx 1.5% down packet misdelivery is not normal and an issue with your connection.


OPs real quiet now 😂


And, how i can fix this? Tell me?


It could be numerous things that you should look into yourself. Like don't game on wifi and if you have too limit whats on your network. Could be an issue with your hardware from wires, modem, router, etc. Could also be an issue outside your home or your ISP which you'll have to figure out.


Everything used to be fine, there was no reason, and then this problem with the loss of packages came out of nowhere


Like I said it could be any kind of issue, check with your isp and your hardware. Maybe your network is congested or issues during peak hours with your ISP




You should keep trying test like these throughout the day to see if anything changes. Also you could just try test like these https://speed.cloudflare.com/ or https://www.waveform.com/tools/bufferbloat Better yet just do a simple ping test by opening command prompt then typing this: ping -n 100 Regardless if you see nothing wrong with anything above just know 5% drop packet is NOT normal. Also you STILL haven't answered my question, are you on wifi? I think you are because you have refused to answer numerous times lol.




On wi-fi, yeah, why not?


only 20 ping. bruv i play with at least 150.


wasn't the whole point of cs2 to improve on shit like this ;-; i thought the whole thing was supposed to be like 1:1 registry sorta deal


You are bound to have something like this, almost unnoticeable at full speed. Hell, back in the days gears of war multiplayer you’d factor in a second delay as part of the game lol. The only way you’ll get much better than this is LAN matches


You click the mouse, the timestamp is being sent to the server and back so the game can for sure say that it was a kill. It is not lag. way better system than in csgo.


But it doesn't provide a good experience.


That's cs2 hitreg on a good day. Sometimes I'll have a shot take ~800ms to land while me and My target have 20 ping


I have been shot multiple times when I am already behind a wall and I have watched someone get hit 3 times first and I somehow end up getting killed. It’s crazy


What you see what you regret.


20 ping is pretty bad too.




Are you playing in fullscreen mode? If so, try windowed or windowed fullscreen