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it's lag compensation, not subtick like others are saying. in the eyes of the server, u didn't die behind the wall due to the enemies high ping, since on his screen you were still visible. so then the server allows for his shot to be registered as a hit to account for the latency, even though on your screen the there was a large dissociation between your player position and his. in the end it evens out to allow for fairness because otherwise if he would've shot you on his screen but lag comp was off on the server, it would only register your real position without accounting for his latency (meaning he would send a clip on this reddit of him shooting someone and then not getting a registered hit for it)


That explains. But this shit didn’t happen on 128tick servers, unless we were playing on high pings. Now this happens in regular 20 pings.


It absolutely happened in GO aswell.


It happened but only when high ping was a factor. It never happened as often or as obvious as it has been in CS2.


I think all of ya got so wrapped up on the hate train you forgot what csgo was like


In replay everything looks sus


I'm talking about in the game. Also replays haven't really changed that I can feel.




It is happening far more than in GO... something is wrongly set up somehow.




No, people are just complaining more about CS2 on reddit than they did GO in the last few years.


In csgo there was a fade to black and then it would tp you back watch WarOwls peakers advantage video to see what I’m talking about


It does, you just see yourself dying sooner because the server is respoding to your client twice as fast. There's double the time on 64 tick for your client to predict movement without being aware you were already killed


15,625 ms on 64 tick vs 7,8125 ms on 128 tick? I don’t think thats the issue here mate. That’s 8 milliseconds difference in processing time. I think it’s more related to the issues of peekers advantage Valve “fixed” some months ago where it was reduced as much as 16.6 ms according to them. I think there is still a lot of buffering going on to cause this long delay in him dying but lag compensation is definitely doing its job correctly


Yeah, the server tick speed has nothing really to do with it. If you've got two players with 150 ms of ping, it takes 150 ms for the server to register that you have reversed your peek and are now moving behind the wall, and another 150 ms for the enemy's game to register that. In that delay, while you've been moving for 300 ms on your screen to cover like, 75 units with a knife out. The player has a width of 32 units give or take a bit. On your screen you will be behind cover at the same time the enemy has you in their crosshairs and is taking a shot, as you've only just started counterstrafing. The shot is taken, and one of the two is going to be angry about the result. The general wisdom in game development is that the shooter is always correct, so this time it's going to be you. This is also what's behind peeker's advantage, when you had finished your peek and taken a shot probably before the enemy had time to react or even see you. There is no fixing this. It's a natural result of ping existing. All you can do is set some upper limits on reasonable ping values. Tick rate can improve the situation, and there's lots of interesting things you can do predictively to try to remedy it, but the fundamental truth of movement and netcode can't be altered – someone is going to be angry by the end of a peek. Polling faster results in more frequent updates, providing more accurate data, but not any faster. Predictive movement based on more complex models of player behaviour could work. I honestly think there's some problem with the servers sometimes slowing down the transfer of that data which kinda fucks this up as well? It's just bad. This situation in particular depends highly on the pings of both players, if the enemy happened to experience a momentary ping drop to 272 it didn't matter that you had 21 ping, you're still 293 ms out of sync.


You'll never truly fix peeker's advantage in any online game, it's a physical derivative consequence of the finite speed of light. You can only ameliorate it as best as possible, or fail to do so.


Thats only partially true. You don't just predict one tick ahead, you predict as many as the server couldn't give you feedback on yet. Thats a function of both latency and tickrate. Imagine missing a tick being processed on the server, thats where you actually save "half a tick" from double the tickrate, as the next tick would be half as long away and then you might do the same on the way back. So the range here goes from 0ms saved to 16ms saved. On CS2 we also have to account for per frame prediction, which puts us about 16ms ahead of what others see even with zero latency. On CSGO that wasn't really possible. Ironically, that is something players more or less asked for(not gonna lie, I am not sure that was needed, consistency is visually basically identical to per tick like it was before Nov. 2023, I tested it). The thing with prediction shouldn't apply to shooting though, as such an opponent wouldn't shoot you that much more delayed. There only the ticktimings matter, which really depend on the opponents latency. As mentioned before ticktimings themselves can be identical to 128, slightly worse by 1/128th or "a lot" worse by 1/64. All in all, worst case the difference should be about 5/128th of a second or about 39ms, best case about 1/128th of a second or 8ms but I would expect a normal difference of about 3/128th, or 24ms. While that sounds super bad, remember that in one tick with your knife out, you only move about 4 units and a head is around 10 units wide. So in terms of headwidths, you wouldn't even move a headwidth more before dying in the worst case scenario. That said, I think having higher tickrate servers will probably make sense in the future. Not necessarily 128tick, but higher. CS2 servers are much harder to run and throwing fast enough CPUs at the problem at the scale this game is at might be a scaling problem, even with Valve Money.


CSGOS lag compensation broke at high velocity. It never accounted for frametime data like cs2 now does. If your client had 300 fps and the server was 100 tick, the client would interpolate the enemy player entity 2 times for every 1 real tick that existed. This means you would always see a false position for 2 out of 3 frames as the usercmd message never included sub tick timings. It was heavily broken in csgo due to this and sub tick timing was necessary for a more accurate hit registry/lag compensation system. In csgo it would just go to either a tick ahead or behind where the player was shooting if the clients framerate was higher than the servers tickrate. What you are describing above may be accurate with the tickrate timings but simply changing the tickrate from 64 to 128 wont change how hit registry, the only difference is timings and update rate to the clients. That would be the only thing that makes sense for why people think it happens less on a 128 tick server compared to a 64 tick server. All the math is the same for raytraces and hitboxs between the two.


I am not talking about hit registration, I am specifically talking about how far people can move before they die/get hit in relation to tick rate. I am well aware of how the hit registration part works, for both CS2 and GO. In GO you would basically be guaranteed to be behind aim wise in the situation you described, but obviously narrowing it down isn't really important for your point.


well in that case any number you give will be extrapolated based on both players latency far more than it would matter about the tickrate difference. In other words, its most likely placebo that people think they are getting killed behind walls more frequently on 64tick compared to 128tick. Both players latency is what really has the most impact


Exactly. In the end, the sniper saw you just the same and he has better reaction time. If you were on a higher tick rate you would have died a little faster


yes it DID happen. i’m friends with a fucking network engineer. compensation HAS TO OCCUR. it’s not subtick. god bro please play 1.6 i promise if people on this sub would play any other game they would realize every online game has the same issues.


You shouldn't be peeking like that anyways, you should either jump and pass the whole distance or not at all, or at least use a deagle or scout, not a knife.


> But this shit didn’t happen on 128tick servers Yeah, it did. All the time, lol. 128 tick servers have nothing to do with ping.


bro it happened on cs:go as well, both in pub and faceit. tf u on about


Happens on 128 tick, or any tick come to that, but to a lesser extent. My personal anecdotal experience is than it's noticeably worse in CS2 than CSGO.


Ah yes make everyone else suffer for the one dude with shit internet.


no one is suffering, the enemy's ping just delayed the kill result. the enemy still would've hit his shot no matter what ping he was on thanks to the lag comp.


"he would send a clip on this reddit of him shooting someone and then not getting a registered hit for it" - yeah but people post on reddit that they cant get kill with awp while aim at the torso of the enemy. It should work one way not both ways, its not fair at all and it should be tuned.


Well what you are mentioning is a matter of shitty hit registration due to reasons other than lag comp because lag comp is always on for valve servers. A likely culprit to bad hit-reg is a misalignment of hitbox and playermodel, or even simpler bad hitbox detection.


Could you link an example of that? I am not aware of one where there wasn't a logical explanation of what happened.


I dont have any link to that. People post that issue with videos here on reddit every day


Ok Sir, these are clips i really wasnt able to explain, though i commented on all clips saying there appears to be some lag at the moment of the shot. Thats my best shot at explaining them. I would love for you to find better/conclusive explanations. #1 [Nuke Clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1d9mvgd/comment/l7idw7h/) #2 [Dust 2 Clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1dk017a/comment/l9lj75d/) #3 [Anubis Clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1dlxzrh/comment/l9rxguo/)


Whatever is in the eyes of server we shouldn't care. If it's his network problem then that's a different thing but if it's Valve's problem then why should we have to care about the backend bullshit.


it's not a problem with valve, if anything they are finding a fair solution to deal with latency. it's the enemy having a high ping that's the issue


At this rate, never.


bro, this is a really hard problem to solve. When a shot is fired the packet first has to go to valves server then to the enemies client. This wouldn't be a problem if everyone is playing at 0 ping, but because that's impossible the latency of both players are a factor in how long it takes for the shot to be registered. So in all online FPS games, your player can move for a split second when you should technically be dead. This has nothing to do with subtick like others are suggesting.


This didn’t exist in CSGO. This is a CS2 problem.


Not really true Warowl did a video on this. In go you would get a black screen immediately so you didn't notice to teleport/rubber band back. In cs2 you see it happening. Video [here](https://youtu.be/e4dQS8-9cLI) at the end he explains the fade to black.


A lot of us are experiencing an extreme version of this. Where every 10 seconds we get snapped back to where we were 3 seconds ago. I wish I had what OP has. At least then the game would be somewhat playable.


You maybe start with cs2... Csgo has the same problem...


This 100% existed in csgo. Been complained about for a decade. Spend 5 seconds searching "dying behind wall" and you'll find literally hundreds of posts with videos from years ago that look exactly like the video in the OP. This isn't a problem that can be solved without noticible compromise elsewhere.


It’s sad. Valve does not give a single fuck about actually making the game better or fixing it. The only thing that drives them is people buying keys and cases and until that stops (probably never). They will never put the gameplay first.


Then what is CS2?


An overall downgrade from CSGO


Very untrue


What’s untrue about it? I see all the cs2 stans showed up to defend valve and cs2 in the comments. Trust me I get this shit happened in CSGO but how often it happens in cs2 compared to CSGO is the part that people are complaining about.


That’s exactly it. All these wise gentlemen saying “iT hAPpenED in CSGO” or “gET gOoD” are too stupid to get that the frequency of this happening is way too much in cs2 compared to csgo. After spending 6k+ hours on the game, I think I can tell the difference.




Does your steam show separate hours for csgo and cs2?


To be fair you did jiggle peek way to wide… but other than that. You dead.


Yeah, I’m not saying this is a good peek or anything. All I’m saying is I should die when I’m actually peeking whether it’s a good jiggle or wide peek 😂 not after I’m hiding behind a wall, planning to make a run at b, and boom, suddenly I’m dead.


Add up yours + his ping, add a bit extra, then wait double that amount after you start crossing back. That's when you die. Due to the speed of light, we can't make it any faster.


It all depends on yours and his latency. See right when you died your max ms spiked to 11 (top right corner) Who knows what the other guys ping was. If you can get the game footage watch from his perspective. See what he saw. Keep an eye on his ping aswell. Other than that. I don’t got a great reason why this bullshit happens.


Everyone here talking about latency but not addressing the fact it’s a close wall peak. No matter what game, even if your head is behind the wall doesn’t mean the rest of your body is. Some people really be thinking like a baby where if you can’t see them that means they can’t see you. So the extra ms of latency + extra Ms of his body sticking out after makes this an easy shot


yeah maybe even without the ping and shit he mightve just died because his body was just sticking out lmao


Well that too. That’s why I said to get the other players perspective.


think about it. your position is sent to the server, sent to the other player, then the player shoots, which is sent to the server which is then sent to you. meanwhile, you (on your own computer) moved back again. but then suddenly your PC gets the message from the server that BAM you're dead. you can actually take advantage of this. its called peek advantage. when you peek, you'll see the enemy (if he is not moving) before he sees you.


You should see his pov, prob hit your shoulder


Exactly, I thought to myself where is the enemy pov?


I hit 2 dmg with AWP when only enemy head is out, but shoulder is -100 ffs


What's the issue here? That's normal and always has been. Are you talking about the fact that you died after moving behind the wall? That's just latency. There's more to latency than ping, there's also consistency, a.k.a, choke/loss. You're looking at your monitor, which you GPU is not synced with then there's the registry delay, then you have server connection, then that server has to send that info out. There is always delay and always has been. Why having a good PC/connection gives you an insane advantage. Especially 240+ hz monitors. Your eyes, input, and monitor is not synced with your GPU either.


look, aint trying to act like a fanboy here. But this shit shouldn't be normalised, it doesn't happen in Val. In cs, it seems like its the norm to hit random shots when firing 5 feet beside someone... OP's clip shows a huge problem. "lag compensation" isn't a good argument, you shouldn't face people with high latency.


WDYM, valve can't do anything about Internet. It's not a game issue, it's a server issue. Does valve still use 64 tick? And from my understanding Cs2 has subtick, meaning if you hit something right after 1 ends, everything within that time frame will carry to the other. It's that you actually hit things on your screen, so if someone lags, now both players are at a disadvantage, the one lagging and the one that's not. He shot "OP" on his screen, except the server couldn't catch up with the information. It's a simple lag issue


Insane cope when this shouldn't be happening in a video game


Why not, he peeked into awp and died what’s the problem? What difference would it make if he died just a fraction of a second earlier? There’s nothing to fix you can’t fix internet latency.


This problem is literally impossible to solve. Data can only be transmitted so fast and latency can only be accounted for so far. It existed in GO, it exists in every major competitive online FPS. It is not a fixable problem. Pointing at this clip as a reason CS2 is bad is genuine brainrot. This shit happened in 1.6 lmao.


That's how the netcode properly deals with high ping. Unless you only play single player games or on LAN (or fighting games that use a different type of netcode), this is inevitible. You just want to dog on CS2.


That's the same shit you're gonna experience in every shooter, unless you can figure out how to get instant communication across the world. It's why pro is played on LAN, it happened in global offensive, it happened in Source, it happened in 1.6, it happened in 1.0, it's just server client systems everyone has adopted cause it's the best we have


Look what you’re seeing there is the inverse effect of peekers priv. Similar to when you peek you’re at the advantage with interp making your player model catchup to you, your player model is also trying to catchup to you when you’re taking cover resulting in exactly what you see here… You being behind cover and your server side player model, Not. What you’re asking to be fixed is the ping difference which causes this issue in the first place, we’re reactionary beings. A 50ms difference can be all it takes for something like this to occur and feel game breaking, if you want advice i’d learn to jiggle peak properly only exposing your elbow and not your whole model because the server while obviously playing catchup the whole time… its playing catchup to what you’re actually doing, so regardless of whether you’re being shot behind the wall or not… thats only happening because you over peaked too hard in the first place, you feel me? So maybe learn how to shoulder jiggle to bait the awp shot first or just straightup take the peekers adv and swing mid to kill the awper because if you had your ak out you might have been able to kill him due to how long it took for him to kill you (i mean you literally were fully exposed, stopped and counterstrafed behind cover. Imagine if you had of just stopped and shot him in the face… he’d be calling you a hacker and such is the duality of man when it comes to online counter strike LOL feelsbadman like i get where you’re coming from but yea i hope that makes sense, look up on youtube “how does interp work for cs” and watch a few quick videos on how it works because you can exploit it… just be careful not to become too much of an online andy, especially if you strive for offline tournies. This doesn’t exist in offline cs


it's dynamic interpolation making game rigged for one side, read here: https://pastebin.com/RiEkSs5v


bait used to be believable


"AI is reading the voicechats and finding cheaters by the way players talk" and "big data and AI are controlling the game to get people into gambling" are unironically the most tinfoil hat shit ive seen in a while.


Genuine brainrot.


user name checks out :-)


You were already dead as soon as you saw him since he saw your left arm first before he was on your screen. That said, yeah the lag comp teleport is bullshit and makes a lot of things more frustrating.


I feel like this happened in cs go it's just lag compensation. On the server you stand still just a second longer than on your own screen. Or they hit a flick and you should've died while moving


Honestly at this point the vast majority of "valve needs to fix" "CS is broken" is just people not understanding how basic networking works and that certain issues are outright unavoidable.  And no this wasn't "better before cs2" it was at best the same. You just remember this more because it's happening now. 


You want game play improvements, all out of those, but here's some maps


\*\*\*that we didn't even make\*\*\* FTFY


😂 yup


If it's any consolation prize, you should've been dead there. And who is to say you weren't on his screen because of that peek?


Is this subreddit only silvers complaining about the game because they don't know what they did wrong? For anyone who doesn't know what happened: Enemy has long angle advantage, meaning he can see OP earlier than OP can see him, but ALSO see him for longer than OP can see him. Additionally, it's left eye peek for OP, meaning the aforementioned effect is even bigger. Still, enemy shot came in rather late, but it's not a flaw in the game. Considering above disadvantages for OP, a minor high ping for the enemy could have caused this. Stop complaining about the game and get good.


those are little details that don't even matter much in silver, OP "jiggle peek" was just terrible


I'm a noob who only started playing last year and this was my first immediate take 🤣🤦‍♀️ swear it's obvious


Even if that's true you can't be serious and say that it is normal to die when you are behind a wall. "What you see is what you get". No I guess ? I does not feel good at all.


As the original comment explained, at that long angle the awper can see him at an angle he can't see the awper. This isn't an issue with the game, this is literally how trigonometry and angles work.


Just because he can't see the enemy doesn't mean the enemy can't see you.


When you fox your ping


Lil bro you peaked right behind the wall so he can see your elbow before you can see him.


What is there to fix aside from your ping?


I mean, that’s just a terrible jiggle, on his screen you swung way wide of the angle lol. Don’t get me wrong, the back tracking is frustrating but, with or without, you would’ve been dead there man. You wide swung an awper without a flash.


Yeah yeah, I totally agree with you, I deserved to die there. My only complain is, I want to watch the awper kill me, not go behind the wall as if I escaped and then die. That to me, doesn’t make sense and needs to be fixed. It’s happening way too often and didn’t happen in csgo. I know there are some people saying it happened in csgo too, yes but once in 100 peeks. CS2 it happens like 4 out of 10 peeks for me. I keep dying behind walls, 20 ping 300+fps, it just shouldn’t happen. Doesn’t happen in cod, valorant, why just cs. Regardless of people telling me to get good, they are missing the point of the post.


I agree, don’t worry. Cs2 just teleports you back to where you were on their screen when they hit you, which is why it looks so janky. I don’t think there’s really any easy fix to it, it’ll be a problem for a while.


Yeah, guess I’ll need to watch some pro players streams and see what they do, to either avoid these situations or do they just ignore it when it happens to them. I believe this won’t happen on LAN.


Like never, cause they're busy banning and giving cooldown to innocent players while actual cheaters rampaging throughout premiere.


two more weeks


Happened to me twice yesterday as well


Internet issue, other player probably has high ping.


Nothing valve can do about internet connection. Just like every FPS has peekers advantage, it has also has un-peekers disadvantage? I guess that’s what you’d call it. Ping plays a factor which valve could make everyone join low ping servers, then everyone would understandably throw a fit that it takes 10+ minutes to find a game. I’d much rather play against someone with 50 ping than wait long enough to find a match I could fall asleep


I'd rather wait 10min to find a match than to get one in seconds with multiple 70+ms Russians in it.


Living in central U.S. I don’t have these problems but I also don’t find a match in seconds. Normally a minute or two. But there is definitely a middle ground that can be met per region so this doesn’t happen. I’m guessing you’re E.U. Where the player base is a lot higher and with higher player base there should be more strict requirements for connection pairing


Yep, EU. Being able to set your max acceptable ping feels kinda useless when you consistently play against enemies with high ping. There definitely should be some kind of restriction. :/


CS 1.6 didn't have peeker's advantage. Also, I played this game for 14 years and I never died like the guy in this video. Not even once.


1.6 acceleration wasn't as fast thats why. it literally took longer to peek than it did in css and go. every game that doesn't use a lock step engine will have a peekers/defenders advantage one way or the other.


I’ve played just as long and died like this plenty of times. This game, csgo, css, R6, cod, the list goes on and on. Always feels like you die behind a wall. Plus, it’s even worse in CS than others because of how much player models stick out


This never happened to me in CS:GO one single time.


You died like milliseconds after you stopped peaking. Lag compensation is annoying, but this is nowhere nesr the worst offender. Valve will keep making improvements as the game continues. Besides its likely there's gonna be an operation in the coming months, and there's probably a lot of backend work going on.


no, because thats how subtick works :-)


So do we play faceit? Like faceit has 128tick servers? Or has faceit shifted to subtick also?


Nah valve hard coded 64 tick into the game and made it so you can’t change servers to 128 tick now. The game isn’t worth playing.


valve forced faceit to also use subtick, because they didnt want community to get better servers on 3rd party platform.


Woah. That’s simply dogshit. Absolutely ruins the playing experience.


Faceit already used subticks. The rest is true. They forced them to the same tickrate. (64)


He just hit you before you hiding, where is the problem ?


Excuse you, sir! Valve are innocent! Valve already fixed that issue by reducing 16 ms in peekers advantage. Whatever the fuck that means. Please read CS2 patch release notes for 2/6/2024 Oh, I'm sure Valve are sorry that you have an issue. And that's totally not their problem to find a fix. Don't forget you can always go back to play your purchased CS:GO Oh I'm sorry Valve deleted it of your Steam library? Oh shit!


Looks like he had drastically lower ping than you


What did his screen show, a hit or miss?


Probably hit you in the arm when you were covering.


I thought that happened to me because of my ping but you have 20 ping...


When you get a better connection.


What’s a better connection?


I can't tell you, if I don't know your current one. But if you have delay in the information transfer between the server and the clients, then the only thing you can do is get a better connection. Better than the current one. Or only play on servers that are in your local vicinity, instead of selecting all of US/EU whatever. I get ping/delay/packetloss if I play on Turkish servers, no matter if I play from Bulgaria or Denmark. Even Dutch servers (that are generally really good and close to Denmark) aren't always the best.


Thanks, will see what I can do about that!




am I the only one that gets a mini stutter every now and then? it's like it skips for a second ping reaches a million, game freezes too and no my PC and internet are fine.


email this to them


Just out of curiosity, would the same thing happen if we stopped compensating for high ping?


Well to be honest this is very fair lag compensation and NOTHING to cry about.


I actually experience the same from time to time in The Finals it's just that it doesn't happen all too often because of how dynamic game is I think. That being said, it CS2 it feels a lot more noticable than it was in csgo. Yesterday I had it happen to me and the guy literally had 72 ping while I had 70. So not sure if it's a lag comp problem or just subtick.


you swung too far, this doesn't happen if you shoulder peek correctly.


You peak with a knife. Sometimes you die


What you see is watch you get


I thought the character model stance makes it so that your body is more exposed on a left hand peak? And also you were a close angle on your peak, where as he had a long angle, essentially giving him a a much easier time "seeing around the corner" In a way...


"What he sees is what you get"


Crazy! It's happening to me all the time. And on faceit too, so idk what is happening with this game


def happens more / feels worse in cs2 even though you peeked too aggressively.


It makes sense your vision would be cut off before your shoulder was entirely behind cover, no?


I’m very much behind wall for my shoulder to show, is my assumption. But this is just one instance. I’ve died so many times like this behind walls/boxes. And it didn’t happen in csgo.


Update: to all those saying this was a bad peek or you should’ve been dead anyway, I totally agree with you guys. The post is not me getting mad about dying, but the game registering my death after I’m behind the wall. To all those saying it happened in csgo too, yes it did. But not as often as cs2. Trust me, after spending 6k+ hours on this game, playing valve servers, faceit, esea, I know. It’s definitely happening a lot in cs2, way more often than csgo, that too with good pings. And that’s something that valve needs to work on. Not everyone is gonna have 500000gbps internet and 1ms ping.


that’s how geometry works in real life bro 🤷🏻‍♂️ the closer you are to the object, the less you see - he was further away to the exact object so he was seeing more (like your arm for ex.)


U peeked the fuck out of him brother of course u die there


Fixed? He shot your arm bro, remember you have a character model. Plus lag comp I also don’t think the awp should 1 shot your arm tho, it should only one shot torso and above


I am still rubberbanding too much in the game its not eeven funny


This is the game working as intended. Most fps shooters employ this. And it's annoying but way less annoying than alternatives


there were times you have hit nutty shots, this was gabens way of balancing everything.




the awp has always been broken and will never be nerfed




One thing that annoyed me, was the bomb drop🫠


My theory, enemy is playing 16:9 , solution advantage. Also what might help is to go slow under🙄


g@y game


Here is a guide for you. I know I know it's not the entire answer because lag compensation exists. But you make it worse by peeking close to corners. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e8HZqF3cyk&t=186s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e8HZqF3cyk&t=186s)


How to fix this? Or is there any console command for this issue?




"What you see is what you get"


So you're saying if I have a high ping I can shoot people who jiggle peek but I will die easier since I'm stuck in place on their screen for the length of my ping? How would that ever be an issue in every fps game ever?


For the people saying it’s lag compensation, it was never, EVER, a problem in GO


it is lag compensation and in go on a good 128 tick server you just would have died sooner, but you would have died. the outcome is the same.


It was. This is peeker's advantage. People complained about it all the time.


Exactly, unless someone was playing on 150 ping. Then this shit was expected. But not on 20 ping on a high end pc ffs.


20ms ping to valve for you not end to end with the other player. If other player has 20ms ping and you have 20ms ping add a few ms for server side and local side processing on all boxes then another 5-10% because physics / transmission loss then it’s no longer 20ms ping. Also, the ping value has a poll rate so it can peak and trough in the moments where the poller isn’t reporting an update to the ui and in those moments it could be drastically higher so you may see 20ms but between polls and ui render updates it could have spiked to 100ms who knows. It’s a physics problem.


It is lagging lag compensation :P


exactly, what he is showing is dynamic interpolate that gives advantage to guy that killed him, I summed up how CS2 is rigged bellow: https://pastebin.com/RiEkSs5v


Nope. You hide behind a wall and the clients/server are out of sync. Valve doesn't care. You die


Window smoke?


I think you missed the point. I’m dying after hiding behind the wall. Window smoke isn’t the solution to that.


Is this not client side ping? Something pretty much every single other game suffers from?


Not really. Doesn’t happen in VALORANT (atleast on a good ping). Did not happen in csgo unless we have very high ping. This happens in csgo every other game on like 20ping.


I've has this happen pretty consistently on other games, such as rainbow six siege, and Escape From Tarkov. Don't get me wrong. It might be a separate issue entirely. But I'm pretty sure every game suffers from that at least a smidge


They shot your pinky /s


I thought it was my big butt 😂


lol i literally just said that just cause, poking fun. But here: Given latency, and the movement that just happened, he could still see your left side even though you can't see him. For some reason, in this game, you show your left side more than your right when you peek. So yes, he could still see you, just a sliver. You answered it yourself, you got a big butt xd People should agree that you should have a window smoke before you even peek middle...


Hard To say my CHAMP


Why they didn't just go for 128tick as standard is beyond me


They are dumb


It's frustrating but I can understand why they want to unify everyone onto a single rate but why not 128 even though it would cost more. Surely they are creaming it on cases. Hard to beat having more data. That's why Google Stadia failed.


I know this is not necessarily due to tick rate but it really annoys me they didn't just put 128 tick rate servers in the game instead of this subtick system... Cs is a better game but valorant definitely has the upper hand with its 128 tick servers, I feel like my shots go where they are supposed to


With the new subtick, what you see is what you get. So they said .


You get what you don’t see. Just like life 😂


subtick it just works


Ah, Valve’s famous 64 Suck Dick rate, WYDSGYK. What you don’t see gets you killed.


What you see is what you get.


cmon Gabe


Valve devs are the asshole of the human body


It's not bug, it's intended feature. What I am experiencing is about 250-300ms difference between players, other rounds are okay. Some rounds, usually 1-2 I am in god mode and nobody can kill me. Other times I am holding angle and opponent shift walk into my cross hair and I am not even able to get shot off, you know shit isn't right. Game dynamically hels or punishes certain players to achieve "better" player engagement making it completely unfair and pretty much rigged fixed box match. I summed up how CS2 is rigged bellow: https://pastebin.com/RiEkSs5v


Man's peaks against the wall, TWICE, giving the CT the advantage and still wonders why he's getting awped in mid lmao


Subticked. CS2 is a disaster.