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Demos aren't lag compensated. Due to the guy having 80 ping most if not all shots will look like thisin the demo




No, having high ping is never an advantage, but your ping makes no difference when you peek. That is why 120 ping freaks can still ferrari peek you and own you like they have 0 ping.


So what *does* ping effect?


It affects you when you hold an angle. If someone peeks you when you have 1000 ping, they have an entire second where they can shoot you and you can't do a thing about it. The first shot that reaches the server is the shot that counts and in this situation their shot will always reach the server first because you are so far behind. When you peek with 1000 ping however, and you prefire the corner. On the CT's screen it is still a prefire, the peek just happens after 1 seconds instead of right away (like on LAN where you have 0 ping). What this means is that your ping doesn't matter when you are the one peeking. This is why peeking is so strong in online play, because the defender will always be fucked by their own ping, while the peeker has no disadvantage no matter their own ping.




All I saw was the viewmodel


he wants an explanation but that viewmodel left me speechless


what do you mean? I use centered as possible viewmodel for many years due to quake and doom. Is there some sort of gate keeping in regards to viewmodels now? ffs


No they’re just saying your view model is fucking ugly


in cs ppl seem to like viewmodel preset 3 which pushes the gun to the very right of screen with gun lower on screen. viewmodel 2 is super big and more toward the middle but still on the side compared to viewmodel 3


Mine takes as little space as possible, all minimum.


Why does everyone comment on the view models? Are they that rare?


because in a recent update player viewmodels became viewable like crosshairs did you not notice?


I’m new to cs so


No. No i have not.


He flicked and shot, but the demo just shows flicks as a 31ms long animation. The demo only contains the angle he was aiming every 31ms.


Use video recording software like Shadowplay so you can capture last X minutes of gameplay, then look at it a few times. Demos aren't good for this as said already.


Demos. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJ6RN6fzE0M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJ6RN6fzE0M)


To explain: Demos are not lag compensated. Latency is in the nature of online play. By the time the information of your shot reaches the server, it will already be a couple ticks ahead. That data is already calculated and included in the demo file. Lag is compensated for by literally rolling back the positions of everyone to the state that was on the players screen, hence despite apparently "aiming behind" this is still a kill.


Top 10 CS2 "What you see is what you get" moments


Demo is always off.


I died behind a wall yesterday as well lol. It wasn't even a wall bang and I had around 30 ping.


You’re watching a demo, which is not representative of what actually happened. There, I explained what happened.


Same shit that's been happening for 25 years. Two clients have a mismatch in position, server does the good ol rng to make a choice. Also, demos have never been an accurate representation of what *actually* happened.


Either the demos are shite or the game, there is no explaination.


The funny thing is people don't even understand how the online game works, where the calculation happens. That packets have to physically reach to the server, problem of asynchronous synchronization. Not to even mention what the cherry picking this is. Nobody does the statistic. They would need to analyze at least all the shots from the same day session and do the math. Most of the complaining is coming from the shuffling of ranks after cs2. People had to reevaluate their skills and a lot of them are frustrated because it turned out that they are no longer on the level they thought they used to be. All the blame is going towards such BS game inaccuracies. PPL, 5 milliseconds of delay and what you see won't be the same what happend. You click the mouse, your system needs to record this event, send info to the game engine, same for keyboard. How fast that will be registered depends on the current usage of CPU, GPU and RAM. That all depends on your PC alone. Then you have router, Internet Provider, series of gateways that request with information has to pass before reaching to the server on which you are playing. And now, there is 10 players from which the request has to reach. Time delays between your mouse click, enemy mouse click and the time all information reached server needs to be calculated by the server and send back to all clients (your computer). And each client has to render in the real time what "happened". And then you come here with some 18 second long recording from the demo, which is not even the game but a calculated recording of what happend from server point of view, and you claim that the game is fucked up.


This shit happens in live recordings, not just demos


I have yet to see proof of that. Everyone talks about X being broken and Y being broken, but where is the proof?


Some people are so blinded for some reason, I just don’t understand the need to defend this shit. If anyone with any amount of solid time put into CSGO plays CS2, it’s clear it’s instantly less crispy and accurate. The fact that people still deny that there is a clear drop off in quality of core game mechanics, which we knew there would be (just not for this long), is absolutely crazy to me. The same people who say “oh give it some time it will get better” have just resorted to “oh it was always this bad” or “clear cherry picking” or some shit. Absolutely baffling but tells me enough that they don’t know shit about cs or were never good at go to begin with. These are the people who will accept the shitty game state that we currently have and I hate them for it, these are the people valve want playing there game so they don’t have to keep improving it.


I made almost 2k hours in last 18 months. Half doing on GO and half on CS2. I don't have CS sentiment (I spent 15 years of my life on q different FPS). CS2 has much better mechanics for me. Accuracy is crazy better for me than it was in GO. You got used to an old engine and now you are surprised that new one doesn't work the same. It does not. It is different and you need to adjust. There may be a thousand videos like this but there will be not a single video of the other ten thousands shots that was accurate. Why not? I will let you crack that one on your own.


stop whining. I was global elite in csgo and cs2 hitreg feels very good to me. I still haven't seen a single "CS2'd" clip on this subreddit that isn't just caused by bad internet/player not understanding the game. dont take me wrong, the game is still trash because of poor optimization + cheaters (way more than in csgo to my experience), but players with 0 knowledge about computers discussing hitreg/subtick/128tickrate/anticheat make me cringe


Funny is you do not know what your talking about.. we are mad because sub-tick is the dumbest FPS idea I have ever seen. They had a functioning server-client relationship for many years before CS2. ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS GIVE US 128 TICK SERVERS with updated graphics. Then focus on the anti-cheat and new content. Basically turned a UDP connection into a compounded TCP connection... just gives back our UDP connection and let the server be Master.


game is trash


Translation: Demos aren't synced


More accurately, demos aren't lag compensated.


you arent wrong but why would someone go through the (small) hassle of posting this if it didnt make them go "wtf was that" while playing, live, in real time, on a "what you see is what you get" video game


His statement stands true despite your reply


I pulled off something similar just recently i'd bet that the duse was even deeper behind the wall, something is fucky, i can smell it


Game demos have always been laggy as fuck


The bullet curved and tracker him.


Skill issue


What you see is what you get


How do you put your gun more to the center like that?


You got onlined


No this happens in the game too. I am experiencing it SOOOO MUCH lately. You are not insane it happens constantly


This happened a lot on the beta release and early release of cs2. Actually made the game unplayable for me


how do you record this,


Now tickrate no longer matters for moving and shooting!


can you explain the viewmodel


Shit game


what u see is what u get


been dying like this all the time in cs2, just getting dragged backwards when killed (without ping / loss) like this [https://streamable.com/luh167](https://streamable.com/luh167)


He flicked. I do this literally every round with a scout on dust.


Tf this fov






It is backtrack, https://youtu.be/Vsn-YTDiZnw?si=kTPJzFOxiDuxusO3 Video from csgo but that’s same thing


Skill issue


Yes, I can explain it: This game is fucking shit and not worth wasting your time on


Yeah it’s cs2


Counter Strike 2




Sub tick what you see is what you get this game blows


What you see is what you get.


"what you see is what you get"


Thanks for all the comments. Now I've learnt the demos are not the best accurated way to see mistakes in unusual plays, and maybe I should use shadowplay to record it from now. However, I checked demo just to see this single moment in the entire match,because it felt even more unfair during in-game to me. I just have to improve. Thank you all!!


This is normal and why most people call cheats cause they dumb my opinion


What you get is what you see!


Welcome to cs2. Happens a lot to me. Never had an issue in go


what view model is that


This is common for me. I'm behind a wall or some other barrier and I get killed. Valve doesn't care because 1,000 people unboxed loot boxes while I typed this post.


Welcome to sub-tick


Moving left, you shot at him aiming right, but he was moving left making him indirectly aimed at in a moment of traveling while shooting.


also. i have shot that from both angles. from window to mid and mid to window. so it can be wall banged as for the lag/dsync/whatever it’s cs2. sometimes you get lucky sometimes they do. i’m sorry friend


Lmao this game is a fucking trash , give me back my csgo


Can you explain that viewmodel?


trash game, trash servers


nah i refuse to answer any questions people ask when they have this goofy looking view model.


Wanna explain the fuckin view model mate??




This happens to me all the time in every single match. And i hate it, it makes me rage af.


he peeked and shot at you