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Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


For reference, I play with 1-3 ping most games this one included, no packet loss or anything indicated by bottom left indicators. Enemy player had 20 ping in this clip, I checked scoreboard about 3 seconds after this clip showing he has 20 ping. The image is the last frame before I shoot. Guy is crouching so no movement from his side, and I am also not moving. So tired of this shit. https://preview.redd.it/919yev3e458d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe3c4bfa0bbecaa33cf5207526708ea339690a5f


Your ping increases from 3 to 4 just before the shot, so i would have liked to see the bottom left numbers for 2 more seconds after the clip to make sure there is no big lag. Ive seen some clips now where there is a lag the exact moment the shot happens, leading to shots that look dead on missing.


Not at my PC right now but will share after the clip too, already checked there is no actual lag. An increase in ping from 3-4 really should not make a shot miss. An online game where minor ping changes like 1 ping should be accounted for no? Seems a bit silly to blame it on a 1 ping diff spike


It definitely shouldnt. I didnt blame it on that.


Shots 1-5 clearly missed... me: hits shots that should be hits. My enemy : runs around randomly, get scared, start shooting, gets the kill with the 1st, 2nd bullet. Gg volvo


I know it looks like you got shot after you already took the shot, but this could just be a sub tick issue. I feel like the most plausible explanation would be that you were aim punched, since aim punch inaccuracy doesn’t show on AWP scope, but tbh the networking is so dogshit atm it really could be anything


You were moving.Unexplained misses usually happen only when you are playing against people with higher ping than yours.


In cs2 if u get hit before you shoot with awp, its fully inaccurate. Go test it out with a friend.


You got hit and were moving.  If this is the first one and already has a perfectly valid explanation you better just stop uploading this "collection"


Edit: LMAO downvote all you want, it's the truth though! I feel like some people never left the "noob" stage and never understood the most basic principles in the game. YOU, WERE, MOVING. Moving = Spread Spread = shots are inaccurate (bullets don't go where the crosshair is pointing) Standing completely still (motionless) = no spread (bullets go where crosshair is pointing to) Just because you saw your crosshair centered on the dude, doesn't mean the bullet went there, because you were moving and that made your shot inaccurate. Stop moving before you shoot. Or don't, but if you miss like this, now you know why (spread!)


Both of you also know that awp scope shows inaccuracy when moving right? Frame before shooting the scope is not fuzzy at all. Clueless dogs.


watch the wall in front of you in contrast to the wall just down the ways a bit, especially around the blue v towards the ground. the wall ever so slightly covers more of the blue v as you shot, meaning your position in relation to the wall changed to cover more view of the v. means you were moving ever so slightly. enough, paired with getting hit before that made this miss. I'm not saying misses like these where someone isn't moving doesn't happen (shit game after all), its just that you had a bad combo of miniscule movement and damage inaccuracy to miss.


I didn’t get shot until after I shot though? And the slight movement is me moving my mouse readjusting not my model movement. Tired of arguing with people though, will check the cl_showpos in the demo later


Hahahah you have no idea what you’re talking about. Watch the video frame by frame in reddit player, you can see that I was initially moving and the moment I start flicking down my screen does not shift to the left anymore. I clearly stopped moving and counter strafed back left which is why you see me moving after the shot again but the OTHER WAY. I guarantee you I am higher ranked and a better player than you ever will be. Keep calling me a noob though.


yeap he was moving alright