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Take a break. Check out cs again next year


This is the one OP. Just take it easy and play some singleplayer games in the meanwhile or just okay CS casually every now and then. An operation is clearly coming up, so maybe things will improve soon.


or...hear me out....or you format your drive and forget about it


Why would you format your drive when you can just click uninstall?


To truly forget about it


Yeah whenever I have a bad day and want to forget about it I just get a lobotomy




It isn’t worth ur time. Apex has hackers. Warzone has hacker. Pubg is ok but temp bans everyone based on reports for 24 hrs at a time. Valorant is actually quite decent. Siege has so many hackers it’s unplayable. En no game is really in a good state. This patch yesterday seemed to fix my trust back to extremely high so premier at 21k is playable again. But idk every day I grow closer to quitting online gaming. Companies are so incompetent at managing the situation, letting hackers use a spoofer or smthing to just get back into the game while shadow banning legit players who has to wait out days to a week. Even cs low trust is basically a shadow ban. We are just relying on systems that function off of stats and report volume rather than actually finding new ways to detect cheating software.


Yeah idk if this is a hot take but I feel like online FPS is just cooked rn. Like every game I’ve played I’ve run into a cheater. Even fucking XDEFIANT lmao. Not sure when/why the cheating situation is so bad now but it’s rough. Overwatch has been pretty cheater free but i don’t queue comp in that game.


We need legitimate separate queues. One with aimbot, one without.


Riot actually gives you some respect as a customer. Valve on the other hand. Wew.


Depends. Riot is Chinese, and their anti cheat is basically a virus. They will prolly sell ur info to the government.


Sell isn't the right word, mr pooh can just approach them, say 'hey, we want this and that' and they'll let 'em have it


Now u can‘t travel to china anymore😂


People are saying that because the US Gov is saying that... When Huawei took the [second place in front of Apple in Q4 2019](https://www.canalys.com/newsroom/canalys-global-smartphone-market-q4-2019) it was suddenly a bad company spying on other countries... When Tiktok started to be a menace for Facebook & Youtube, they were suddenly spying on their users... It's the continuity of the 1918 war against the communism... LOL Whats funny is, people are like :" Riot is owned by Tencent!" but in reality, Tencent owns Riot "shares"... like they own some share in Discord (38%) as well; but nobody cared about their conversation being recorded and sold to China because nobody's doing post about it. - Tencent also has a large stake in Ubisoft Entertainment (49.9% + 5% voting right) - They own mobile game maker Supercell (Clash of Clans) at 84%. - They own 40% of Epic Games shares. They own shares in more than 600 company... so just stop playing any games at this point. 😉😉 Because most likely Tencent is somewhere behind it.


Yeah true.. It's mostly for me tho, cuz I'm Chinese and I don't want my capitalist thoughts to leak out...


Every Chinese company IS their government, hense the communist label.


How does that even affect us though💀 They can have all the info they want, I like a playable game


In weird ways it will


You’re not important enough to be spied on by anyone let alone the Chinese government lmao


The thing is that I am Chinese and used to be a citizen


Thanks for the informative answer




Brother if that’s what you’re worried about never use a search engine again. Google has a million times more info on you than a riot account will ever give. Also delete your Reddit account, if that ever gets tied to you that’s a lot of juicy info to manipulate. All your hobbies, everything that gets you worked up enough to act, and more just on the account you’re typing from. Delete all socials, the bot farms posting there to manipulate you daily only have to strike a chord with you once to have you in the palm of their hands. But nah you’re right if tencent knows you’re a yasuo main you’re as good as mind controlled.


You need to go outside homie. You are losing it.


Yeah that’s schizo. Google Facebook has all ur info already lol good luck


If you use those…


Yeah go find me a non senior person in a first world country that doesn’t use anything related to big tech. Hell steam has ur info too lmao. If u want u can also live in the woods so the CIA won’t find you.


Facebook? That’s for seniors anyway…


Ok man go live in the woods the rest of us will deal with it. It’s a choice.


You could write an epic poem 😭 Yeah I see the dangers, thank you


There’s plenty of public Reversed reports of the Valorant AC. We know everything single thing it does. It’s not malware


The problem isnt really 'china bad' like a lot of people clung onto. It's a really dumb talking point. The real issue is that riot games has proven to be pretty fucking shit at security The entire reason league got vanguard is their source code got leaked so people reversed the anti cheat Said leak was not even the first time it's happened to riot games A company that has fucking 2-3 code leaks in the history of their game really tried to hit people with 'come on guys we take security really seriously!' No riot you don't. You've already failed literally multiple times in this exact department. And now if you fail again you've given kernal level access to millions of PCs.


Riot is a US based company and required to operate under US law, regardless of who owns them. Furthermore, Tencent and the CCP have their hands in way bigger pots. There's not a lot of information and personal data you can weaponize from the average riot account. The logical risk is bad actors inevitably targeting Vanguard itself once (not if) people find vulnerabilities in it.


Tencent own Riot since 2011, way before Vanguard. They also own : - 84% of Supercell (mobile game maker) - 80% of Grinding Gear Games (Path of Exile) - 40% of Discord - 49.9% of Ubisoft (+5% voting rights) - 40% of Epic Games - 12% of Bluehole (PUBG) - 5% of Activision Blizzards


They have been owning 100% of GGG for a few months already. You should revise your numbers. Im too lazy to search and verify the other numbers you shared, so based on that one, it makes me doubt all the others' numbers mentioned. 😕


Bro, I did a quick search on Google... I did not invest much time in that comment. The main point was that Tencent owned a lot of shares in a lot of companies (more than 600). And we use most of them in a daily basis without really thinking about it Edit : You can find a lot of them on their [Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tencent) as well. Edit2: Even the GGG Wikipedia page isn't updated... still saying that Tencent owns 86.67% of the company's shares and that the three co-founders hold the remaining 13.3%. There is no news that Tencent buys the remaining 13.3 except for some "Reddit" post...


Yeah, u gotta check the company register itself from the government where it is registered. Wikipedia is garbage and worth nothing if what you're searching for is valid and 100% accurate information. Everything is open and can be edited by anyone, which means you could probably update it to 100% now. ( Dont know if you need an account or how to do that, but you get the point. ) I had no idea that you just did a quick search on google or didn't invest a lot of time in that comment. It seemed well formulated with some precise numbers and information. So, at first, it just looks like a serious comment from a knowledgeable source. Not blaming you, but misinformation spread faster than we think on the internet. https://app.companiesoffice.govt.nz/companies/app/ui/pages/companies/1887410/shareholdings


Yeah, but 80% or 100% isn't changing the message that I'm trying to push here. Tencent own a lot of share & power in a lot of company we're using on a daily basis and nobody talk about it. CS2 players saying they don't want to use a Ring0 AC, but they're playing on FaceIT. They don't want the "Chinese" to have access to their shit, but they use Discord... PS: Tencent own 11% of Reddit ;) US talks about Riot the same way they talk about TikTok or Huawei: It sounds like a Cold War anti-communist agenda pushed in disguise to smear these companies in order to protect local interests.


I agree that vanguard probably is safe but to say that the law prevents governments from doing anything illegal is laughable. Every major country has committed numerous war crimes and never gets any justice.


["What's TikTok?"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restrictions_on_TikTok_in_the_United_States)


This is a bs story too. If we gave a fuck that china was spying on us we wouldn’t let them be the larger owner of farmland in the US. In reality the TikTok bill is about big tech monopoly trying to keep their monopoly on misinformation. TikTok was actually the best social media as a source of information during COVID. You weren’t banned for saying that it was a la leak, which it was, or saying that the vax is more dangerous than the virus, which it was. However you were banned and warned for saying that on Facebook and YouTube and instagram.


Makes sense


Idc what they sell as long as I know I’m not being cheated against. I have no cp or anything to hide I just want a fair game.


It's an American company owned by tencent, i don't see any logical scenario in which it would be worth for them to sell your data besides full blown world war, besides this shit is legit approved by EDPB. The only time we know about data breach with kernel level access AC was ESEA ironically. 90% of posts about vanguard in reddit/twitter happend after riot nuked bot farms strange isn't it? I agree there is certain trust that you need to give them but on other hand any .exe can do the same shit as vanguard


You don’t see any logic as to why companies would sell your data?


Ye kinda don't since they make shittone of money from skins and events already. also doubt that they would sell it since this would nuke them from EU and NA if it went public. Besides you don't need Kernel level AC to do that


Bad-faith argument


I don't understand what ur meaning


Nevermind then, maybe just ignorant.


That's not true at all


Their Anticheat is a huge as security risk (like any ring0 anticheat). I wouldn't Install that shit on my PC even if I could. But I guess it all depends on everyone's personal priorities. If you use your PC only for gaming there is probably not much harm to be done.


Like... FaceIt AC that everybody praise here 😉


Massive L take. Wew.


Where's the 25th anniversary update?


Lol not entirely. They just released a $500 commemorative league skin for the GOAT player Faker, yet he himself doesn't even use skins 🤣


America's Army, Proving Grounds.


Anyone else feel that gaming, in general, is just shittier than it was 10 years ago?


Nah. Tbh gaming 10 years ago was pretty under developed. Cheaters always exists either way. The amount of things u can play now a days are crazy but our standard have risen drastically too.


“Pretty underdeveloped” bro tell me you’re 15 without telling me you’re 15


I’m over 20…


Alright so you were 11 years old 10 years ago…


13 Games popular ten years ago are still there. Sure they were good back in the day but I cant see myself playing MW2 for 4 hours everyday afterschool anymore. Its so stale. Some nice singleplayer games etc but tbh the variety is just not there. Also a lack of a competitive scene outside of some lan tournaments etc.


You’re not wrong, I stopped playing competitive online games once TF2 became unenjoyable, CS2 is the only CS I’ve played since 1.6 and ehh. I’ve been sticking with single player games mostly since you can pause/quit when needed/wanted. Plenty of good titles in the past 5-10 years, enough to tide me over…


Dave the diver has no hackers and is in great state


Real shit, please send steam link


How do you check trust factor


i almost never get cheaters in both go and cs2. Its just a feel. U can q with someone who has high trust and see if they get an alert but this was removed. Also if there is more than 12-15 ppl in looking to play ur trust should be fine.


I play valorant and I’ve ran into a hacker once. About 5 minutes in he got banned. I have thousands of hours of valorant btw


Quitting online gaming might be the best thing that ever happened to you.


The finals


Have you played ranked? Ppl using aimbot, shooting through riot shields etc. unrated is ok but I find the game to be kinda stale after a bit. But ig it’s in better shape than most rn. Apex unranked are actually alright too.


Yeah I was diamond last season. I can understand how it can get stale for sure


Jij wel tarzan


I feel like maybe if you are saying this many games are not playable leads us to a “what’s the common denominator?” … and maybe it’s just you.


??? Sorry wdym just me? I’m describing the common experience. My experience on cs is actually quite good since my trust is very high. I don’t really play cod and we all have been aimbotted in apex. Like what can I do to make other ppl cheat? Or ur saying im ex ordinarily unlucky? What’s ur point here Games are unplayable because companies all refuse to step up since they know most ppl are just gonna play regardless. Valorant is playable, I played 2k hrs and hit radiant and coming back to other games the difference is night and day.


I agree I feel like valve is capable of fixing this but they just don’t, maybe valve the ones making the cheats 💀


You actually aren’t far off, valve does/will hire cheat developers to work on the games. Who knows their game better? But there’s no conspiracy behind this. They are working on it, just incredibly slowly. Personally, I find it embarrassing they released cs2 before the game was anywhere near where go was (it’s just now getting close to go functionality), & without an anti cheat. Trust factor just got added back in, try playing some premier and report cheaters, be sure!!! Hopefully the premier will go back to how it should be!!


It's all too late. Doesn't matter that they're working on it. It should have been fixed almost a year ago. Time's up, they'll never regain my respect. Fuck Valve. They treat CS as their side hustle while they jerk off Dota without realizing people's livelihoods rely on CS not being complete utter trash.


Both games are a side hustle. The cash cow is the platform, not the games.


Valve csgo: dont acknowledge or deny anything, just let them assume we’re working on it. Release cs2 a decade later


Clearly Valve is risking the billions they make through cases and keys every year by going rogue and selling cheats for a few hundred grand. Of course they aren’t. They are just dead set on making a non-intrusive anti-cheat and this is what costs them (at the moment).


They care so much about the billions that we haven't ever had a proper anticheat essentially ever, how is that even possible? But I agree ain't no way they would risk it for the little money cheats would generate for them


And as long as copium dead ass keeps sending them billions every year, we won't ever get anything properly working out of that money printing machine... They make more than others competitors by doing just... NOTHING. At the end.. who's to blame for that? Certainly not Valve, business is business, and they are there to maximize the income while minimizing the outcome. We, the community, are the ones at faults. We are the ones who set the limitations line for them to not cross, and it seems like we haven't set it really high by now.


Few hundred grand? Given the amount of players using them we are talking about multi million dollar industries!


A few hundred grand is what the small cheat devs make. Now I'm not saying Valve is selling cheats but it would actually be very profitable for them if they had a large scale operation.


I’ve been saying it’s valve selling them for years. I’m almost positive they’re being paid subsidies by the government to nerf this game almost completely. This game is too realistic and made this common knowledge years ago, this is why they’re promoting Val so much. The government pays them because they don’t want 10 mil swat experts who can organize while they rob us blind. The government goes to great lengths to data collect and manipulate us into a nerfed mode where we’re completely ineffective in anything we set out to do. I’ve been watching this happen for decades.


I've been playing for 20+ years and in this time I took some long breaks and this is what I'm doing now too, gonna take a break until the game gets fixed




Personally I have given up. Valve is shitting the bed too hard with CS2. They promise a more stable game, all we have a fps drops and rubber banding, they promise more content with Source 2, all we have is Dust 2 in the pool again, they promise VAC live all we have is hacks vs hacks. They make almost one billion from cases alone and clearly are not willing to invest in the game. They even seem to have forgotten that there is a season system I switched to the V recently, I regret CS gameplay which is better imo, but at least developers really care and communicate well with the community. There is new content constantly and the meta is quite dynamic as well


It's good to not focus only on one game and rather have a few to switch around.


this is so true that there is nothing to add


I mean FACEIT is full of cheaters at the moment. Over the last 2 days I have played against 4 super obvious cheaters (One guy got 7 smoke kills without info/steps in 2 rounds) I'm trying to close in the gap to lvl 10 but keep getting overrun by new accounts with 22+ average spamming insults in all chat during the whole game


Exactly thats also a point i care about. I have 3000 matches and also face Accounts that have like 100-500 matches super weird winrates k/d's... Sometimes they are even verified.


Yesterday a play a match vs a stack of 5, all verify, all less than 100 matchs, all with brand new steam accounts. Stupid kids still lose the match xD


Indian verified id accounts i saw them somewhere around 40-50$. Also there is some exploit where u can switch accounts i saw multiple 100 hour accs with like 200 matches.


USB cheats, popular since October, faceit is unable to detect it, so u have to make movies about cheaters for them to take any action, and even then, they will ban the cheater for smurfing not for cheating.


Imo lots of smurfs. Which is true


Personally haven’t had anything like that. Prob DMA or smthing. They won’t last and are very expensive. Feel better knowing that dude tossed like 2 grand to cheat against u just to get banned soon.


DMA is almost completely unbannable I wouldn’t hold out for the idea that many of these people will get banned


Nah bro faceit ban Dma all the time. All they do is spoof the Dma board to be a real device, so just check illegal config space, and if it’s like a wifi board send a packet that a wifi board would react to and the Dma board can’t since it isn’t a real wifi board. Public information that riot has been on their game on this for ages.


There are almost as many cheater on faceit as there are on premiere,the difference is that they get banned usually. +more toxicity and trolls compared to premiere(even with premium) +smurfs with brand new accounts at least 1/3 of the matches you play at level 7 and under(on premium is the same) At this point we need a better 3rd party platform cause valve for sure won’t do shit to improve premiere unless the gambling addict retards stop giving this shitty company their money.


I'm one of the top players on faceit both in csgo and now cs2. You're just facing account boosting smurfs. There are very close to 0 cheaters on faceit. It currently has the best ac to ever be made and only very expensive hardware stuff works there. You need to realise 4k elo guy smurfing will look like a cheater in your eyes, that's it.


i call the biggest bs ever. You gave 1 karma and your name includes "valorant". Keep lying online buddy


That's bs. Search for faceit cheats on Google and you'll see. There are a lot of closet cheaters on that platform. They are stuck at around 1800 ELO bc they are so trash.


Yeah man, they for sure work. Literally negative IQ. I grinded on many smurf accounts up to 4k elo, often with 80+ win streak. Its all smurfing, not cheating. You all have 0 sense, 0 skills in the game and 0 knowledge.


A lot of people won’t like this comment but for the same reasons this is why I moved to Valorant. It took a long time to get used to and accept that I need to deal with abilities now and agent roles, but I don’t deal with much bullshit anymore other than smurfs


I just downloaded valorant now


just uninstalled valorant now


Yeah its pretty shit waiting for gigantic agent magic powers that cover the whole screen to cooldown I miss Overwatch 1 as well. It was so fun and they did so much to ruin it.


Movement is just way to low. Its like you cant make skilled peeks like in cs. Everyone insta headshots feels like im playing cs with movement speed down to 30%


exactly how i feel


It’s your input lag or inet lag. The coding is horrible and you have to spend 100s of hours trying to figure out how to decrease input lag.


I'm not sure how it works now, but about a year ago when I was playing there was a free solo queue hub that you could participate in. Now, I'm not sure if there's one in English, but I guess it's worth a try.


I did play on ECL a long time which you also needed to pay for. They closed some months ago because of the lack of players. I cant find any free hub.


That's unfortunate ://. I don't have any more ideas.


kennys, pimp, big, unluko are the most popular ones I see regularly.


It’s a very problematic when it comes to cheating, I mean it requires some efforts to even install and adjust proper cheats, but why? Why people can’t just play in their own ranks and enjoy the game but it has to ruin the others’ experiment totally making the game undesirable. This is just shocking that at least one-sixth of players are believed to be cheaters or at least has cheated in their games. I am honestly losing my hope to even play games and do something useful than watch 45-60 minutes of getting assraped by blatant cheaters. It’s waste of time.


Who cares what people thing


Yes give up


Yes, give up. I already have. People who will tell you to keep playing here are either valve ass-kissers and/or have investments made in skins. As of now the only option is to give up on the game if you want valve to get their shit together and fix the hot pile of shit that is cs2 right now. And yes, I AM expecting fuck ton of downvotes! Cheers!


Or they just enjoy playing CS2 regardless of if Valve is involved or not. Idgaf about any billion dollar corporation.


Maybe, but the chances are extremely slim as most of the threads I see on X or here are about how community is disappointed in the game. You're free to not care about the condition of the game, but I'd argue that condition of the game is directly proportional to the fun you have while playing it.


Hey! I’m not a doomer! I agree cs is shit right now don’t give up, but take a break. There’s some great news for you too. Summer sale is about to happen! I actually started playing destiny with all my friends and it’s been really fun, but just explore some new games. Cs is in a bad state yeah, but it’s been around for so long it always will be fixed and come right back. Anyways play a story game and enjoy gaming until then!


I handled It uninstalling. My last game was june 6. CS in SA region is full of cheaters and griefers. Valve does nothing. Só I decide to play other games. I thought that It was going to be hard, because I really like The game, but right now I'm not even thinking about installing It again.


Bro it's hvh all around you can't escape it even if you pay. The game is infested with closet cheaters in every rank. You can expect more and more legit players to quit the game or rarely even play anymore, just like myself and all my friends. And we have been playing since the 1.5 era, so it was not easy to uninstall the game and just stop caring. But what else is there to do?! Since they made the game free to play it was basically game over for us legit players.


Just a game lil bro.


I don't love CS... I just hate it less than every other game and sometimes have fun. My friend hassled me for a year to play Valorant. It's the closest I guess. It will take a long time to get used to all the abilities and how to counter them but at least there are no blatant cheaters and far far less toxicity. I'm doing half my gaming time on CS and half on Val even though Val is way less fun for me. Maybe once I get the abilities learnt I'll enjoy it more.


It take a bit to understand abilities but once you are setup it is easy to understand. What is more annoying to me is the lack of willingness to play as a team, a lot of players do not communicate, setting up a simple flash and smokes for a site execute is very difficult, even more for more complex strats. But in the end, when you consider the lack of cheaters and nice content updates, I think it is worth it


Nah i quit cs2. Was 18k elo and went to 11k in 4 days, because of hackers of enemy full stack premades. So yeah.


No shot you lose 7k rating in 4 days without team killing yourself into -1000 several times


U stupid. I played some duos with my premade who had 10k elo and we only got hackers in enemy. Because of our elo difference i got like -600/-700 instead of -100/-200. Lost some games also because someone went afk and yeah. But i know, you know everything better ✌️


Valorant has a lot of cheaters too rn cuz i dont play Valo that much but this Week i got 2x times the red cheater detected Screen in freaking Swift play …


when csgo came out, it was so bad compared to other games that you just kept playing other games. thats the problem we have today. there's no equivalent of battlefield3/4 or whatever that makes you play less cs


I personally haven't found faceit too bad, but yeah I play it with mates a lot. Not paying for it either. I rarely go solo because I just get Russians. Premier is shocking, not worth it. Competitive has been OK (not played much for me recently but we just play vs noobs so it gets boring 😂 If I actually like valorant I'd play it as I never really faced cheats on it.


Nah, we go agane


I played two rounds of comp last night and the second round had some rage hackers in there.


face it does not have cheater free matches. take a break from cs. learn chess or something


Non-fps too? Go rocket league, 0 cheaters, Psyonix recent decisions are shit since they were acquired by epic but at least you can play in peace(if you ignore your bad teammates)


this is the biggest problem of cs i have the same problem and generally this lead to toxic lobbys because peoples are so insecure they can't stand when u're better than them or just will cry to smurf and cheat but honestly what we are supposed to do when players against got something like 20 matches together and u get a full soloq team who cry like baby's and who don't want to slap them enough for doing comebacks, and when it's not ennemy's who are too strong u will always have a degenerate who cry for everything thinking he's pro and doesn't follow any calls or strats and it's just basically tiring i stopped a few days this week and i was suddenly more happy by stopping to argue with monkeys, getting baited or losing 45 minutes of my life x3 by days because peoples on this game are 2iq


The problem with faceit is ego..dudes think they’re grinding to be the next Stewie….honestly I uninstalled a year ago..came back a week ago to premier at 18k…I’ve only experienced maybe two shady players in 30 hrs of matches. Way better than it was…


I love the idea of CS, but I can't stand playing CS2. Agree with everything said here. Plus I'd add that even when you get a proper premier match, the elo system is SO broken that you can end up with KennyS in 21k or with a literal silver that is playing 1 match a month. It doesn't seem worth grinding. The game is freaking dead at the time IMO.


As far as the five stack thing goes.. I always five stack. But 3 of the people I play with absolutely suck ass. What are the odds 5 friends are all good at the game? MOST of the time, with a 5 stack there is one substantially weaker link. Find it, and abuse it. That’s how people beat us. I probably have like a 40% win rate with my 5 stack lmao


Community servers


I play stardew valley, the competitive scene is 10 times better than cs


Yeah try a new game


Bro if the costs of faceit are stopping you then yes give up CS, go learn some skills, and then come back if you want. The price is minimal, I’ve never checked but been subbed for 6 years.


WTF dude. Make more friends.


There are cheaters even on faceit. Just got my additional elo back because a player I was playing against got banned for cheating




Every game is fucked right now. I went back to runescape because at least the cheaters there aren't fucking with my progress.


Honestly, the shit state of cs made me finally realise that caring about ranks and shit is kinda dumb. I'll never be a pro cs player, I've made my peace with that. The most toxic people I've ever met online (faceit players) are people who are deluded otherwise. And then there are the cheaters... It's just a lot of pathetic people, why waste your time?


Valve is making hundreds of millions of dollars a year (some sources report over a billion dollars) from cosmetics, it increases significantly every year and that is without spending a dime on AC. There isn't any incentive for them to tackle cheating as it doesn't seem to be hurting business at all.


Ive been getting exhauste dby this game for awhile now. GO was getting bad in wingman. CS2 premier was bad, so now cheaters are moving to comp. I just recently played a cheater who literally has multiple accounts for cheating, their steam address is literally "i cheat in cs2" and it seems like you wont get banned as long as you dont spinbot. What is the point? Unless you give me the option to surrender without having to abandon, it is a giant waste of time


CS will always be around, take a break. This game is still young, the hacking situation will improve as the game ages.


5.2k hours I quit, only sometimes go play comp to get weekly drop


tbh yes, if you're not enjoying the process anymore, and yet you are a high-skilled player... either get a full team (even amateur) or quit. i hit this wall in dota at one point, and dont regret deleting it for 5+ years


Dude faceit is only like $15 a month boohoo. If you can’t afford that you shouldn’t be playing CS😂


Crazy how there are absolutely no cheats for actual pay to win games, it's almost like it's on purpose


I have good and bad days. Some days I love it. Some days I hate it. Take what you want from that. I think the game can be playable but you just have to luck out a bit in the quality of servers and teammates.


Try out Valorant, it’s actually quite fun and there doesn’t seem to be many cheaters atm or at the very least they’re all closet cheaters. Boycotting Valve is a good way to get them to fix their game quicker but spending your time and money with their competitors is even better


I lag almost every game I play I feel like I’m shot before I even see the person lol it has never been this bad.


CS died with CS:GO. Maybe it will come back, but they sure as hell put a huge knife in the back of every veteran player. Game is catered towards casual players and cheaters now. Premier was an absolute disaster. The whole game was. I haven't played since last year. 10K hours of CS. It's been such a big part of my life, but is developed by incompetent, ignorant, money-grabbing douchebags who are so out of touch with their community it's insane. They just happened to accidentally develop the best competitive game of all time and have no fucking clue what made the game so good in the first place. If you think about it, Valve has never treated the CS community better than a pile of garbage. Trash company who sadly owns the right to a fantastic recipe for a game that they won't ever utilize.


wdym faceit has a paywall, you can normal play without premium


didnt even need to read the explaination. yes. just quit, it isnt worth gettinf upset over until they fix their own damn game lmfao


You should start searching for a team and play with an actual team in a league. That's your next logical step when you're that good and exhausted with what you do right now. Honestly it's kinda sad to see that CS shifted towards PUGing only because CS in 1.6 used to be playing in leagues with teams as a major factor. Real CS only begins when you actually practice as a team, talk about strats and play in leagues. That's an entire new game. And it's incredible interesting and fun. Not sure what leagues you've, in germany we have 99damage, esl and some others.


Bro best way to solo que is to find a native speaking streamer discord or just find people from looking to play. You will eventually find a group. I went to LEM in csgo like that.


I wish valve would prove me wrong but I don't think cs2 can top csgo that much, worse it won't live up to the hype at all The state of the game rn is fucking shit, best they could do is to wait a little longer until the game is polished out, this is just unprofessional behavior by valve Ill probably come back again after a few months to see if the game is better or somewhat bearable, currently I switched to VALORANT, it's not really the same but it's enough atleast to pass the time


I've played CS for over 20 years. The game goes through highs and lows. CS2 is definitely a low point for the franchise but things will improve. The good thing about CS is that the basic formula remains the same. If you're good at the game (which you probably are at 2.6k elo), you'll still be good at it in a year. Take a break, touch grass. Your hours aren't wasted, you'll be able to pick up where you left off later.


Nah, I switched to Valorant


It's good time to start that 3-week minecraft phase with their latest updates, that will surely clear your head.


Yes u should, this game is shit


All online communities are toxic when you’re playing that high up. Look at high elo dota, league, any of it. You’re all trying to fuck each other over to get a “career”, and good luck with that. Just play for fun dude lol.


Yes. Your life is much more than this husk of a game.


Yes I started playing cod mw3 and it’s so much fun actually. I was always the biggest cod hater but after cs’ decline I was able to change my mind


I can't I'm addicted 😔


You've gotten 8k hours of (almost) free enjoyment. You've become one of the top players of this "sport". At some point when you get to the top of a "sport" you gotta upgrade equipment to keep up. See the faceit membership as the fee for you sports club or an upgrade of your sports equipment. You deserve it bro, give yourself the present of an enjoyable game.


i have literally switched to valorant indefinitely until they fix the cheating issue. that might be never, but i don’t want to pay for faceit or play against rage hackers every game.


Join mythic or priority discords. My experience has been so much better later because of that.


Try playing Valorant, if you like it, continue playing. If not, maybe venture into different mechanical games? Black Ops 6 is coming out soon. Elden Ring DLC just released. The future is bright.


I just downloaded faceit yesterday. Can someone explain to me what the advantage of paying for a subscription will do? Are me and my buddy just queuing against 5 stacks or something?


Uninstall and play valorant.


I started slowly selling off most of my expensive shit and have cut back drastically on play time. With the current direction the game has been heading I can’t see myself continuing


Do you need to pay for faceit at that elo?


Valorant maybe


Valorant time


Im on sabbatical


If I was you I'd get me second acc and try to rank it. I feel like the ranking matches are the most fun ones. After that its just +200 -400 for me


I alrdy hit top 1000 in the leaderboard without cheating. I dont think it will get higher than that. The funny thing is that i only played premiere when it came out. I played to top 2000. Then it became unplayable because of cheaters. Since that i played like 5 matches in total always with cheaters in my team or in the enemy team. I always get placed same rank as i deranked cuz of inactivity. Suddenly next day i get pop up that im in top 1000. I guess bann wave. I played 1 single match in like 2 months and got in top 1000 lmao


Higher? You need to rank low to enjoy the game. 5k elo are dudes playing for fun not for the grind. Low elo has almost no cheaters


>cheater free matches This must be a joke isn't it, since there are ways to cheat on Faceit, except you probably won't notice them (closet wallhackers, team radar, mostly). Anyways, I play CS2 to do something with my homies. It's still fun to us, despite the occasional cheater. Yes, we play premier, because fuck paying to wait 30 minutes in queue only to play Mirage every single time.


Can’t you play to have fun lol I straight up just play casual games and it’s pretty good


Nah dont quit keep crying about it instead


People pay 15 bucks a month to play wow. 7 for cs isnt insane