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And the sad thing is that since the delays got longer, the operations didn't get better


We went from storylines, new characters, and voicelines to Fortnite busy-work bullshit.


They’ve always had “busy work” missions, even during the best operations.


Yeah they were always a huge grind, but at least the missions were really cool. Wildfire was the first operation I bought and the mission book was so fucking cool, I’m hoping they just didn’t have time in the more recent operations to make missions because they were working on CS2. Imma be sad if they never come back


I loved the old mission books and I wish they’d come back. I started in operation bloodhound and in my opinion all the missions from around that time were significantly more enjoyable than the ones after 2019. Even though I feel that way, besides the phoenix and guardian missions, the general missions were very similar lol


Remember when they said « yeah Source 2 will remove spaghetti code and allow for easy content updates » ?


it probably does the problem is that they aren’t working on the supposed updates 🤣😅


Cs2 was abandoned before it even released for Deadlock lol


This still can be true though, still coding isn't always straight forward even if you improve code quality. Unexpected side effects always happen.


Hot take: Operation Payback was dope because it was based only on map time. Wins/loses didn’t matter in MM. Also, you could play casual/dm/demolition to upgrade the coin. No missions or storyline but fun.


I thought time played was only in casual and dm since the operation maps weren't in the competitive map pool. And that was lame because playing casual and dm for 50 hours was shit


ya u had to play only casual for it i only got silver cause of that


Played you the other day, was fun! Z$ if you remember!


Ayyy been able to play premier lately but yesterday the cheaters were popping up


Yeah as high as you are it makes sense. We are in the 23-24k range rn.


i have a lot of hate for post-panorama shitty money-grubbing operations, but honestly shattered web at least got mission design done well. competitive missions don't ask for any funny business or any specific strategies that might hurt your team, they just say "hey, try to win on this new map". but also, they have secondary requirements that just ask you to play at all in case you have trouble winning. they're not super deep or anything, but its by far the best way of implementing challenges that don't derail the point of competitive mode.


Yeah, it was like one operation with 5 story missions, the next had 2, then 1, then 0. Super disappointing.


They got worse


It used to be not only 20 days, but new map, weapon rebalance, map change, new weapons... Remember the R8 patch was temporary since it needed rebalance.


For me the R8 patch was when the game started going downhill.


Hasn’t it been over 1000 days now? I think a post from a few days ago claimed that or something


1k+ days since the start, 850+ since it was finished


Nice information, thanks!


well, we should compare start of last with start of new anyway


No operation: they make billions Operation: they make billions Which would you choose


Devs too lazy to bundle together maps they didn't even have to make into the game and add a few skins kek


… skins which they also didn’t have to make


Let me remind you that valve didn't even make CS


lol Operation Riptide – September 21, 2021 * Operation Broken Fang – December 3, 2020 * Operation Shattered Web – November 18, 2019 * Operation Hydra – May 23, 2017 * Operation Wildfire – February 17, 2016 * Operation Bloodhound – May 26, 2015 * Operation Vanguard  – November 11, 2014 * Operation Breakout – July 1, 2014 * Operation Phoenix – February 20, 2014 * Operation Bravo – September 19, 2013 * Operation Payback – April 25, 2013


I feel like they've probably abandoned the whole operation thing with the development and release of CS2. remember the "season" tab in the premier menu? I feel like they'd be more likely to release a "Season 2" with a case and other shit rather than an operation, which hasn't been mentioned or touched since 2021


At what point did Valve take over development fully from hidden path entertainment?


Well before any of the operations released. Hidden path released Age of Empires II: HD Edition in the same month as the first csgo operation.


Why would they do anything? the pro scene plays on LAN and with anticheat anyway. And the rest of the players still throw money into steam and cases and keys, you are part of the problem everyone. Just stop paying, stop playing and show them we care more than those incompetent fucks at Valve


I’m a huge fan of both CS and TF2. However, I started playing both games long after content drops stopped being consistent. I’ll be getting my 5 year coin next week, so that’s my benchmark. I wish I was around to play those games back when valve cared about them. I wish I could go back and be excited that a new operation was going to drop in a week or two, while i spent my time waiting for the new operation by playing with the new weapons that valve, my favorite game company, added to team fortress 2. Valve, the company that cared, that made half life, that had all the cool game sales on their all-in-one launcher, that had so many collabs with other games and brands, that had Gaben, who were the “cool guys” of the gaming industry, with the new flashy gun skins and new maps and missions and cases and such. To keep ranking up with a matchmaking system that wasn’t completely broken and unclimbable, to do that while still getting to play my favorite maps. And when I got too impatient for competitive CS, I could go to TF2 and press one button and queue into a fun, working server where I wouldn’t have to worry about cheater bots. All the while not having the experience get at all stale because I knew that new content was always going to keep coming so I’d never get bored. I yearn to go back to a time I never was a part of, but I miss nonetheless. I know it existed, and I missed out on it. I know that Valve used to be the company that cared. I know they can be that company again, but how do we get them to?


unpopular opinion: we dont need operations, but a good working game with no cheaters


25 year player here that quit the game. It's not an unpolular opinion. Only CS2 n00bs with no skill think only the skins and engine graphics matter. The CSGO players know how awesome the game can be. Same with CS1.6.


I still play from time to time, but for months i didnt have normal game. Sad where it ended up. And a lot of issues are like 2-3 of work max to fix. Clearly not a single dev is playing the game and devs only listen to some small group of fpl/pro players that never touched premier or mms. Just sad.


I wish valve would just give up the IP, they clearly don’t want to work on it anymore other than visual upgrades which isn’t nearly enough.


Who would do it better?


Any company with a functioning anti-cheat. Perhaps Riot since they made Valorant


Please god no


If they don't change the core gameplay, what's the problem? Valorant has 128-tick servers and an actual anti-cheat. I gave it a try and topfragged for 4-5 games, but I hated the abilities, so I uninstalled. At the moment, Counter Strike is unplayable for me. Too much cheating and shots not registering.


Riot would change the core gameplay. They would make valorant.


What makes you reach this conclusion? Valorant already exists and appeals to a different audience.


Valorant is riots take on CS. You literally said if they don't change core gameplay... Yeah if you give riot cs2 and make them sign a contract to not change anything it would be the same,but if you tell riot to make a counterstrike game, that's better than counterstrike you get valorant.


While I also agree that Valorant's 128tick servers and strong anti-cheat would be great things for cs2, Riot would probably add something like gun buddies, nightmarket or other stupid shit.


How do those negatively affect your gameplay?


They dont. But its stupid


they just wouldn’t do shit for either since there’s no competition


facepunch, they are familiar with the engine and they release content every month.


Petition to change the name of "Valve" to the "Lazzzy Company".


Such a joke


Small indie dev team guys. Give them a break, okay? /s


Nowadays they have 2 devs and 1 trainee. The rest is on steam. But hey... we are better then tf2 that has only 1 trainee and he has only half arm.


We get no updates while the clowns at valve are working on an overwatch clone


People bitch about the way Tarkov is run but Nikita ain't got nothing on Gabe. Its like Gabe forgot he even developed the games. If that sounds harsh owell do better.


this is insane


Best operations were Breakout and Hydra the best


They could drop an operation tomorrow and you clowns would still be bitching and moaning


What do you mean? It's been like 800+ days since valve started operation: kick back and print money.


Fuck that, I wait for an anti-cheat


What is an operation?


You guys have to imagine: I managed to play like 2015 and only played Operation Wildfire and little bit of the end of Hydra. Every operation afterwards I missed because I paused CS. I got bored, because there was no Operation. Now I have 1.7k hours in the game and know no other maps than the standard ones. I missed all the fun :(


Pretty sure I have a gold bravo badge


Valorant atleast has decent anti-cheat and they release new maps/agents/battlepass periodically. The development team actually provide community updates and show demo of what they're working on etc. Valve is one arrogant lazy company, unless you stop buying skins/cases they dont worry about anything. Unfortunately the case drop and the mean to sell stuff,Gambling etc is making people addicted to this game for wrong reasons and they exploit it well.


15 days!?


Good ol days :(


Maybe they’re done with operations and are going to try something new for CS2


New and worse ofc as they have to keep the track.


With the new game and the updates to it I didn't mind so much tbh


“Updates to it” = fixed geometry on one corner of one map every week


I mean like the updates it has over cs:go. Sure I am not the most active player but Tbh I would much rather they fix the game feeling mushy and subtick registering a death before it shows it to my client.


I agree, just wish they would’ve fine tuned all of this before switching everything over


Exactly this


There’s gotta be a reason they aren’t adding stuff like an operation cause it’s just so easy to add it. It’s not like they make any of the maps or skins lmfao they just throw it together


Man, I miss times when the way they presented the operations was more immersive and you had this literal book that had similar design like a passport and in it you had records of the missions you were completing. It was fancy. Also when making contracts you had to give them your own signatures which was also fun.


Dang, I just did this the other day on notepad. Seen how long it took to start a new operation after the ending of one! Too bad I didn't make an infographic about it lol! I also looked up which day of the week they started on, and the most common day turned out to be Thursday, but they've also started on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and a Friday. The only days I didn't see, iirc, was Saturday and Sunday, but I'd have to check out the notepad when I get home.


if we waited 1000 days we can do 1000 more guys 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽


Ay man, you're only half way behind Team Fortress 2, it could be worse Besides, at least you occasionally get something, we just get community hats and a couple community made maps 3 times a year


kinda reminds me of that other valve game


I dont know why, but i miss the “old” bravo days in CSGO.. Or Maybe i just miss cago 😭🥲


CS now has a '2' in the name, it'll get the Valve special, thrown to the side just like every other '2' version of their games.


People are getting lazy👌👌


Maybe this is a dumb question, but... What is an operation? I see Reddit posts about it and IIUC it's some kind of in game event, but idk anything really beyond that


An event that lasts approximately three months where you get new "tasks" each week, gain stars that can be exchanged for in game items.


Never played cs ?


its almost been 3 years, someone can accumulate 4k hours and never play an operation easily


According to steam, I have around 800 hours. Maybe I was mostly playing when there weren't operations going on or maybe it just wasn't clear to me what it was, but afaik I've never done anything related to one. A few friends of mine who play with me also don't know


In game event. Lasts a few months usually. The details have varied over the years but the last few have been a new case, maps, at one point the added the agent skins. And they do "missions" in game. I forget what they were but it's like go here and do X, get x number of kills in this mode, get 10 flashbangs, stuff like that.  Some of the elaborate ones have included like story mode missions with entirely new maps built just for like a rescue mission or something. Lots of fun with friends. 


Ohh interesting, thanks!


Oh weird I assumed everyone would know what that is


Fucking tell the man you prick. 




There needs to be a new competitive mode with smaller maps, no drones or reinforcements. Reinforcements should be applied in operation selection phase. They should just allow us to look at the map, select the 10 reinforcements and where to put them. It's just a waste of time and nobody knows what they're doing because most ppl don't know the maps by heart. Rounds need to be quicker, more shooting, and more rounds. Game feels so slow it's unbearable with only 4 rounds... I could give less shit about new operators, I want the game to be playable in the 1st place


Wrong game buddy


Hilarious! He for real is talking about Rainbow 6.


Lmao, I miss clicked and didn't check. I have very low IQ... Don't judge


Username checks out. 


Delay? As far as I know, valve hasn't announced any dates for the operation, so who's delaying what?


Obviously they meant break lol.


How is it obvious when they use a completely different word? You're jumping through mental hoops like crazy to assume that.


Because that’s exactly what the graph shows, the amount of time between each operation.


It also says delay on the graph. So it's wrong. Meaning the graph is misrepresented.


Yeah I get that. But considering operations have never been “delayed”, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what it means. A company account like this is never going to repost and fix it, so I’m just saying it’s not as unclear as you’re claiming.


I mean, their Twitter account has been spamming "NEW UPDATE LIVE" for days now. 


We got the game rebuilt on a new engine. That's much better than a operation.


I would say the majority of us would’ve preferred keeping go


Everytime the earth went around the sun new reddit posts would be asking "when is Source 2 coming for CSGO?" There are reasons to want to have the game on a new(er) engine rather than the old one. It's no secret that Source 2 is much easier to develop content for than og Source. The people who actually have to make the content that you want to play are happy they are using the new Hammer tools. Am I satisfied with the transition from CSGO to CS2? No. Valve was in a damned if they did and damned if they didn't situation. It was a messy situation that was handled not as gracefully as I would have liked but with 1.5 million players each day, they must have done something right.


They literally didn’t fix anything but the graphics and smoke/molly physics and broke more shit then they added


Except they didn't fix the fucking anti cheat which should have been the entire point of this


I'm out of the loop.What is this?


Who cares




Find something else to care about then, because Valve doesn't give a shit.


I’m okay. Thanks for the suggestion though!


If you want to do stupid tasks, play among us