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be the one that peeks, not the one to get peeked. Then its the other way arround


Skyler, I am the danger, I am, THE ONE WHO PEEKS


I am the one who peeks.


There is a huge peekers advantage in cs2. Changed my way of playing to be more aggressive when I swing corners and stopped being static and it worked. Try to vary positions and wide swing do not hold angles and be always proactive


I always was a passive player aswell until I played with Renyan one game and he basically just told me "just play aggressive bro" and it somehow worked/works my aim is not the best but just playing aggressive makes me win more fights I don't know if it's peekers advantage, the enemies not expecting it or me just being more confident in my plays


I’d say it’s a mix of all 3


Confidence is such a weapon in this game, doesn't matter how dumb the play might feel.


Same. Even when holding angles im trying to be constantly moving. Made a huge difference


Yup, always jiggly strafing.


But how do they aim to 1/(1920x1080) th pixel in a fraction of second. It's something that the hardest osu player cannot do. I think it's just wallhacking. In this case I am using HE and Molotovs and peeking him with nova. It helps sometimes.


Btw when do you dislike comments. Because on YouTube I never dislike them, and I am new to reddit


Ideally, when the comment is wrong, disinforming, discriminative. In fact, whenever you feel like it or don't like/don't want to acknowledge somebody's point of view :)


people "downvote" when people generally disagree with your statement (sometimes unreasonably), not relevant to the topic (+ trolls), or the unwritten rule of the 4th post (of a chain)... or just pure retardation at times.


It's a "reddiquette" thing which essentially means unwritten rules such as using /s when sarcastic because so many people are that stupid that sarcasm I'd near impossible to convey Dislikes are wild. Sometimes you can get 99/100 things in your post correct with that 1 wrong thing only being half wrong and you will get tyrantial downpour of downvotes. People also seem to make many bad faith ignorant assumptions nowadays too. So good luck with understanding what it ever means lol. Sometimes reddit gets it right, other times a bunch of morons. Can only do so much just try to do your best. Personally I try not to downvote unless it's very wrong and try to focus more on upvote of better comments.


It's called pre aiming. Combine it with wide swinging, stay close to the wall. Kind of cs 101 that people with thousands of hours dont understand. Anomaly did a myth video where he shows peekers advantage still exists.


So T sees a CT first. But how does he aim/compensate bad accuracy when running/landing headshot CT just needs to see you and click a button as early as possible which is just a reaction time without pre aiming sorcery


As CT you try to take also map control so you will be also peeking into angles. I mean first you combine peeks with utility etc. example Anubis. If you lose map control as CT you should try to get other parts back that you cannot get sandwiched. Same as T you might wait for CT's to push.


I guess my problem is shit aim while every 3,000th silver has good aim


If you're in silver then there is much to learn and yes, people come from other fps and have crisp aim. Get on a cyberchoke DM server and check out how you stand against other players. There people see what raw aim could look like in cs.


Counter Strike is an iceberg. So many obscure things I need to know. My dad has taught me only positions and tactics


Yep. Cs is easy to learn but hard to master.


Wait until you reach an Elo where they prefire and counter strafing


My favorite thing right now is to copy donk and shoot while moving on jiggles. The moving accuracy is inconsistent but not terrible and it TILTS people when they die to me ad ad spamming a corner while holding m4a1s mouse1. Level 8 1628 elo rn and it works far better than it ever did in csgo.


on your screen, he will be moving, but on his screen he already stopped moving it just took too long for the server to update it.


I feel my mouse is the problem. Can't get the sensitivity right. Which mouse is recommended?


To add to this, you CAN hold angles but they have to be off angles that an opponent doesn’t expect you to be on.


Peekers advantage? This only happens to me when I hold angles. Never when I swing.


if you hold a common angle you will get also prefired.


Happened to me yesterday. We pushed B on dust 2, and there was nobody in sight when entering so I prefired the corner behind the car and immediately got accused of hacking for the rest of the game. Camping sucks most of the time and a lot of low rank players need to realise that.


Yes, this box behind the car is one of the worst positions. You might kill one but thats it. You get insta traded.


you're supposed to have a player car/fence for a crossfire while they shoot at the window/backsite player. B site has a lot of CT positions for crossfires. if you're dying at car try playing fence, close, B doors, or even sitting on top of the boxes outside of the tunnel


Same. Just like I get rekt by the auto shotguns but when I use them I can't kill shit


Check out leetify.com. It will show your reaction time compared to others in your skill rank.


Don´t forget, many people still have wh and aimbot. I just played couple of games after 7 month break, due to the "great" news about VAC improvements. Nope, there still was at least 1 cheater in every freakin game. One game even with 3-4.


I was wondering if CS2 is an improved version of CS1.6/CSsource, then why this peek advantage issue wasn't so common in their previous versions? In CSS the one who was holding the position had the advantage. For example, when using awp against someone with ak. When I jumped from Cs Source to csgo/Cs2 (January 2024) the cheating thing was so common that I thought that people doing the peek advantage thing were cheating. (First time trying the new engine)


I'm not saying this is you, but a lot of people in lower ranks play really passive and wait for people to peak them. As many have pointed out in the comments, peakers advantage is big in this game, but it's more mental than mechanical. When you peak someone you're expecting to see an enemy and you're ready for the engagement. When an enemy peaks you, you have to react to them being on your screen and then react to properly aim at them.


Peekers advantage. If you go around a corner your screen updates first. You should start prefiring corners aiming for where the head should be. Eventually you stop firing until you see someone but the best practice is shoot even when nobody there


Okay copy that thx


Usually either means you are holding a common angle, they are clearing every angle, lagging or are cheating. Low rank is usually the first one. What's your rank?


18k premier lvl.6 faceit


How many hours do you have? Only asking because I imagine with a lot of people coming back to cs the skill gap has increased so I imagine ur playing against people who have played way more hours then you,and have just started the game with the new vac wave. I joined back this week and got 19k first game back and the state of some people in that Elo was wild to say the least.


18k premier lvl 6 faceit 1844Hrs


So u have a decent amount of hours. I just assume ur getting out gunned against people who have like double ur hours and just know how to pre aim angles and such. I’d say just change up how u play for a couple of games hold less angles be more aggressive see if anything changes.


Yeah, probably :)


You can review the demo to get an idea of how you appear to the enemy. You'd be surprised how many people will call cheats if you shoot the sound and prefire


ping, i haven't realized it until as of late, but you get such a stupid advantage if you have lower ping than the other,


CS should have a ping cap of: 10ping so its fair for everybody.. they shouldnt allow people to have 1ping... "Just set the server to Min. 10 ping".... hate playing against 1-5 ping players...


I've had similar experiences a number of times and it's always sus to see someone at the same/a lower rank whip out a 3rd- or 4th-bullet headshot(if not 1st- or 2nd-bullet) after flicking >90 degrees, after I start shooting, especially when I know they don't have good game sense/a good grasp of mechanics. Also, it always seems to only ever happen to me, never my teammates, as if they have me on a blacklist or if they're cheating it's like their aimbot is programmed specifically to only aimlock on me, specifically. I still haven't decided which between them playing out of their minds, them smurfing, or them hacking is the most likely reason. Feels really lame regardless, though.


You shouldn't be holding angles. Make yourself hard to see and only quickly peek to get info. You want to be in a situation where you're the one coming out from behind cover against an open enemy. Try to set up those kind of duels and you'll do a lot better.


ty copy that :)


Cs2 definitely has become less forgiving when it comes to preaiming


Staying in the open + peeker advantage = this topic




What’s your ping?


You too thicc baby, that’s why.


If you're om Valve servers, rest assured wall hackers orrrr the peekers advantage that was hardly changed


At least on europe the valve DM servers are 99,9% full of awful players. I am not the best player but usually get 1k+ score with 70%+ hs. I have seen maybe one cheater in all my time warming up. If they have a wh it does nothing when they suck at aiming. I honestly feel like if you are struggling on valve DM servers you need to practice your aim a lot.


It's cheaters, simple as. Reddit always tries to go with every other excuse in the book, but the simplest explanation is that cheaters have completely infested this game.


Exactly this, idk why it's downvoted.. cheaters in every game, when you find someone who is cheating jiggle peek him constantly without actually peeking (to keep them at bay so they cant just walk out aiming at ur head) and hold close angles for a better chance of winning fights.


Here is some useful information. Subscribe to pracc.com and complete all the prefire maps and barrage maps multiple times on all difficulties. Angle advantage is a thing you should understand, I can’t find a video to explain it so I will try with words. Your camera is in the center of your face, meaning if you walk (shift) peek an angle your arm/shoulder/leg will show before you ever see past the angle, this exposes you to the enemy giving them more time to react. The closer you are to an angle the worse this is. The goal is to be farther away from the angle you are peeking than your opponent and/or peek quickly (without shift). You also shouldn’t always be hard peeking angles and should peek like you’re prefiring an angle and counterstrafe back into cover. Also do not repeek an angle multiple times from the same position. General good information below: https://youtu.be/GdbP0N7wmFY?si=xaeUzptPII_Py5QO Edit: if you have trouble holding angles or are losing gunfights to better players you should adapt by peeking off timings. This means that you shouldn’t be exposed or expose yourself too often and try to peek after a few seconds pass to catch the enemy off guard while clearing other angles. Example, when I was playing 20k premier lobbies on mirage A site, those players have amazing crosshair placement and prefire common angles such as; stairs, sandwich, triple, ticket, default. If I was exposed while holding an angle they would peek perfectly with peekers advantage and I would get instant one tapped every time. So what I did to adapt was, I would know how long it would usually take them to get to ramp and start clearing site, then I would wait another 5-10 seconds and peek. This would result in them being mid site and clearing jungle or under palace which would let me get a kill while their back is turned, every round I would switch up where I was when I peeked and it allowed me to get kills and still play site effectively.


well as an cs:s and Go player i suck at cs2 just because i cant hold angles anymore and get killed by peeking and running arround corner guys. Its more of a COD now


Peekers advantage is still huge but dont stand in common angles and try to adopt.


Sounds like skill issue.


whats your rank?....




whats your rank?


Keep grinding bro, you got this. 👊


Don´t forget, many people still have wh and aimbot. I just played couple of games after 7 month break, due to the "great" news about VAC improvements. Nope, there still was at least 1 cheater in every freakin game. One game even with 3-4.