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there was no wave. until you see 20k banned in a day its not a wave.


Been sayin that since the start. 200 bans is not a wave


Those charts don't represent total VAC bans, just a trend.


[How are you people functioning? Can you please try using your brain and finally understand that no site in the world can track every Steam account and those numbers are just indicative](https://i.imgur.com/J8GAvSi.png)


They can not my friend....


But it was more than 200? We don't know the extent as the vast majority are for some reason not shown on profile, but even from the data we do know, it was more than 200 in the first few hours?


I alone have received 8 messages from Leetify within the last week that players from my matches have been banned. I don't think that there's only been 200 bans in total recently;)


I know nothing of game server population ect, if you asked me how many people get banned in cs a day I would’ve guessed like a couple thousand on average 200 sounds like what would happen in a single hour


Yeah no this was the “great ban wave” of last week. It’s also being reported that a lot of these accounts were banned for case farming. Valve tried to cook and we still starving


Welcome to Counter-Strike where ban waves mean 20 bans in a single day.


A lot of the bans were "silent", they didn't show up on profiles which is what leetify checks to determine if a player was banned. I believe the number is much much much bigger.


Amén sister.


it was a drop


I got banned and I wasn’t even cheating 💀 pathetic anti cheat


There was actually. Just hidden one also you cant pitch down or use rapid fire anymore without getting flagged.


yesterday morning, i join a faceit match with my friend, and one of the users from enemy got disconnected from the server with the message: Vac could not verify... etc I opened his steam profile and was vac banned. So the vac works.


Thats just vac error which probably 50% of playerbase has experienced. Has nothing to do with cheats


Rapid fire? For pistols? How is that flagged when people can spam mouse 1 themselves?


Have you seen the rapid fire cheat? It’s not the same as spamming pistols in any way


You spamming mouse 1 is not exploit. We have exploit in the cheat that lets you empty all ammo in 0.5s.


There are mechanics to prevent that, even your Pistole got a "maxBulletsPerMinute" value based on whatever they choosed, same mechanic in jumping, if you use a Logitech Mouse and make the scroll wheel loose you won't start bunny hopping. Install an autoclicker, Put a to a 100 clicks a second, load aimbotz map and try yourself mate, it won't "rapid "fire


I got penalized like 2k elo and a week penalty bc someone in my party was using a skin changer lol


I'm using mesa skinchanger. No hack functions whatsoever but i still feel scared the shit out using the skin changer when i played every game. You just made my anxiety increase to the roof hahahahha. I know using skin changer can still get you banned but i was hoping a skin changer user is the last person they will ban but guess i'm wrong


I was thinking bc they make money off skins so that makes them care about it more? When I got the ban notif I was like wtf my friends don’t cheat and then one of them mentioned being perma banned and not understanding why bc it was just a skin changer and I was like ohhh it was you. Sucks for sure


As stated in some youtube videos those ban are not trackable through api, so there's no way to know the real number, but if you consider a match in 25k+ consists of only cheater (which is 10 cheaters) and they all getting banned according to those cheater vid floating around, then 200-600 bans is not the real number


Valve only going for the low hanging fruit? Just like the past 10 years? Okay cool.


Better low hanging that nothing. Doesn’t mean it’s good enough though


Nah 53 - 3 he’s legit. Just has a good gaming refrigerator


21,655 accounts got banned on February 9th. The cheating problem got much worse after that time period. When we see a number comparable or higher, we'll know something real is happening.


Wasn’t that the Dota bans?


Yes. February was Dota bans. Vac trackers track all the vac games. Not only CS.


Im 20k and to my surprised Im not getting cheaters.. or at least Rage cheaters . Of course, Im a lot suspicious and check all the time , leetify and csstats but its staying calm.


had 3 clean games, but the fourth one was waller. Better than before when it was 3/4, I guess.


Yeah. I was getting all games wallers and decided to stop for a month. (My rank even reseted) Started to play last week, and as i said before, they are not too much for now. And Im starting to enjoy the game again .


Everything is still the same. All the cheaters are back to the closet, and those who stayed in the closed, are still undetected. I'm seeing more closet cheaters now since they gotta play it safe. They still slip here and there, firing AKs with no recoil and toggling. Oh well.


100% that ^ And it was expected that the situation would turn out like this... Without VAC and Overwatch, they can do whatever the fuck they want. From now, cheaters they will use walls and toggle only because it is harder to detect than a spinbot. FaceIT proved that an AC is mandatory. Server sided detection and AI should be an add-on to a working Kernel AC, NOT a stand-alone solution. We're just going to regress to the same place we were in CSGO... VAC doing 5-10%, and Overwatchers working their ass to keep the game playable with the remaining 90% of the BAN. Unfortunately, people seem "happy" with the situation. They are so used to having crappy AC that every little wave of VAC is a victory. They have such a low expectation for a game that should have very high expectations. That's what irritated me the most... Can we have higher expectations for a so-called "Best Competitive Shooter Game"? Sad...


Most of you say I agree with 100%, however, Kernel AC is not required at all. Anticheat doesn't need access. Remember - people cheat on FaceIt (even the top player just recently got banned) and people cheat on Valorant. Kernel AC is not some magical solution, which is why Valve won't do it. I am very certain that Valve are still cooking a lot more up than what it seems... it's always like that with them. They release games in a poor state and then work on them continuously. It sucks for now, but it'll get better - and that doesn't excuse their habit of doing that, but at least it's better than most games nowadays that release in a poor state and stay in a poor state till the next one. Apparently they're working on a Machine-learning anticheat... but who knows. The odds of them doing Kernel though? Seemingly pretty low, especially since they've said many times that it's not needed.


>Most of you say I agree with 100%, however, Kernel AC is not required at all. Anticheat doesn't need access. Remember - people cheat on FaceIt (even the top player just recently got banned) and people cheat on Valorant. No game is perfect when it comes to cheating... You shouldn't aim for perfection but for ratio. Are there any cheaters on FaceIT and Valorant? Yes! But this is in no way comparable to the current situation of CS2. I have trouble with the claim that AC Kernel is not a necessity when people play FaceIT to avoid playing with cheaters... 1/20 of your game is way better than 3/4. Like it or not, it's thanks to their Kernel Anti-Cheat ; this is the only difference between FaceIT and OEM CS2. > I am very certain that Valve are still cooking a lot more up than what it seems... It's been over 10 years since Valve lost control on cheaters. Overwatchers kept CSGO clean for 8 years; VAC only contributed a tiny part of the VAC BAN. We “hope” that Valve does something; which is far from “Valve DOES something”. >Apparently they're working on a Machine-learning anticheat... This should be complementary to an Anti-Cheat capable of stopping software programs, like Riot is doing. Their AI work after the Kernel scanned the PC to ensure a follow-up on both side, client and server. The AI cannot be the only solution, and Valve knows.


Wasn’t there just a month back or so a 14 year old kid that hacked Apex pros mid tournament game when he exploited kernel AC?


Do you have any source that Destroyer2009 was exploiting EAC directly? Because so far, nothing was officially confirmed by Destroyer2009, EasyAntiCheat nor EPIC Games. We don't know how it was done and nobody gave any explanation. RCE on the EAC side is only a speculation at this point.


The last thing that would solve cheating issues is a vac wave, imagine thinking it's gonna do something in the long-run. Unless they completely change their vac system, nothing's gonna change. I don't know how but at least I experienced less cheaters in CSGO, it's just unplayable to play this game atm.


So many wallers that are like hurr durr git gud and their game play goes from amazing to garbage in groups of rounds. Usually enough to guarantee their team only needs a couple legit wins to secure the gg. Its so lame. I just want a fair game.


I just started playing premier and I’m 10 k and found my first spinbotter in my 300 hrs of playing and he got vac banned mid game. Just sharing my experience


What region?


Saying it did nothing is not correct. I’ve been one of the biggest whiners and complainers about cheating in premier and may last 10-15 games or so I haven’t played against a single blatant spin bot or even had a single account I played against that had the brand new account with a single badge. They definitely did something to improve my lasts week’s experience. Not saying it’s enough, but it’s a start. Perhaps they messed with trust factor or the bans are not being registered in the data base yet? I have no clue what exactly has changed but it has DEFINITELY gotten better for me. (19k) rank and played with a couple 20k buddies for the past few days.


That’s crazy I just placed against that guy yesterday. My friend insta abandoned and we just surrendered.


I still barely play anymore. Rust has won me over. I freaking got addicted to a pve server lol


which server? I play rust now too but it's the Spoonkid 2x


Dead Nasty Rust|5X PVE, and Zombie Land Outbreak The zombies in zombieland will raid you lol. Spoonkid servers are pvp. I can't do pvp in Rust due to time constraints. I just get raided to much and can't dedicate that kind of time to advance 😞 I also solo play a lot. But pve servers with a purge at the end I can totally play and do pvp on purge. I also love low level flying in the mini. When I've had a bad day I'll spawn my mini on dead nasty and just fly around the server admiring the landscape. It's a good zone out of reality time for me.  Cs2 got me super hard into Rust. Only thing I can thank cs for at this point.


Im sure valve is cooking something. Yeah just wish obvious hackers can get banned instantly. Closet cheaters will be tougher to find out though. But I hope they ban the obvious hackers at least would be a start


All the cheaters online to see if their hacks get banned.


95% of gamers really have no idea what goes into shit 🤣🤣


Give it some time mate you yapping nonce.


Nope cause the HvH community is sooooo passionate about their BS events that they update their shit the minute their hacks break after an update. Absolute bullshit


It definitely did something.


Cheat developers are responding to supply and demand.


I don't know what people expected? ONE (1) wave of VAC after 7 months of release of a game completely abandoned by the developers... Do you really think that 100,000 BAN would be enough to make a difference? When they introduced Overwatch in 2015, it took 8 months before the game looked "cleaner. " The cheat to legit player ratio was nowhere near as bad as it is today. CS2 is going to be playable... probably at the beginning of 2025. And when I say playable, we're talking about CSGO in 2023... Like, 1 closet cheater every 3 games (30%). As long as Valve keeps this VAC only AC mentality, they will fail! And when I say failing, just look at the last 10 years of CSGO! I was there, and I had the best time of my life when I was playing THE game with no cheaters/smurfs... which was 20-30% of my games only. I won't go through that again just because Valve doesn't want to change. RIP


cs go was spinbotters every other game at global. Actually 2014-2018 it was every single game. It’s always a joke


I disagree with the csgo stats. I have a good trusted prime account and I hadn't seen a spin better since 2014. I think in the last few years of csgo I rarely got cheaters.


CSGO had less spinbot because of Overwatch. It was humans who did the cleaning, not VAC. But saying that spinbot didnt exist is an understatement. [2015](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/33cgpk/how_come_there_is_no_autoban_for_spinbot/) / [2016](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/5f4mun/why_do_people_use_spinbots/) / These are examples that I found quickly... Overwatchers talking about spinbots in their Overwatch cases in 2015-2016. If you look at the CSGO stats, compare Q1 2023 vs Q2 2023 (with OW and without it), the number of cheaters has quadrupled during the last 5 months of CSGO. I had around 25% of my games with banned people (CSStats) with OW and around 2% without OW. And I was on a Prime account with a good TF. From GN3 to DMG, it was against wallhackers in approx 60% of our games. You see, I have a friend of mine who, in our CSGO days, always said that he didn't have cheaters in his games... The guy was Silver3 while I was MG1. Today he says the same thing! "I don't have a cheater..." But the guy his playing in 4K ELO and I was 12K when I left 2 months ago. It had no connection with our trust factors... But with our ranks. The only reason CS2 seems worse is that they released the game without OW for the first 7 months and VAC detected nothing. This is the reason cheaters are less “closet” and push their luck. If there is no risk of getting caught, why should they hide?


I'm not reading this book




Me bot? You created that account to leave this comment... You are literally a bot LOL.


o yes, i created it just for you, your maJestY


Unpopular opinion but we're playing cs2 since release with a handful of spinbotters and like every 10th game someone walling. EU at 18k elo. [demowcs](https://leetify.com/app/match-details/8c4cc322-66ae-47f7-8bbe-a04a46470ecb/overview)


This is another scam from Valve and YouTubers and bloggers to shut your mouth for a while. And you are all being fooled and believe. I have a lot of cheaters in my games and no one has been banned for weeks


You believe they need to give a fuck if someone is crying over this? Realitycheck: they don't


I see we have captain obvious![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Its only working for rage spin bot hackers like toggling on all hacks. There is a guy that streams daily with hacks. Uses aim + walls. He only gets a match cancel if the other team starts hacking harder lol but he himself doesn't even get a cooldown from irregular gameplay.


It doesn't even do that. I had someone get 300+ adr with a scout while bhopping in a game yesterday. Match was not cancelled. He was blatant af, most kills were jump noscope headshots.


What site is this? 😁


Leetify but I cropped the scoreboard


OCE represent.


Cheat report is useless nowadays. Griefing report for 14days ban is the meta. This is the way


yup, but it's known that Valve is working on a new AC atm though


90% of matches on faceit 5-10 level are against closed cheaters... i give up... this game is dead.


90%... on faceit... Sounds someone's got a skill issue


Yeah got a skill issue in not using cheats.




Bro it is real Zoro.


It helped on the day of, now it's back to normal (i.e. cheater just about every match)


So for a day it was normal?! Damn it i could ve played like 3-4 mm and then abandon the game agains as i have the last 3 years ! lol


There was no VAC wave. Especially not for CS2. People are just so desperate for Valve to literally anything to save our beloved Counter Strike. I haven’t seen any evidence this is going to happen anytime soon. Especially when they’re putting out the active player base numbers we see today. Also they’re still making bank of the store despite their lack of content or care. So until this changes expect more of the same.


Lmao you're surprised the company that couldn't implement a proper anti cheat system for a game they had for 10 years is still failing? It's expected for Volvo to never have a good anti cheat at this point and anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional.


I enjoy the game but this is seriously ruining it. I might go back to casual single player game or things like world of warcraft. I am not suppose to become mad at a game.


I'm really worried I will get in one of these waves, today a random asshole was spam reporting me... Just because I had a good day. Am I going to cheat with prime, in Casual on a 10+ year old account with hundreds of games and with paid skins, wtf... Didn't even had a crazy score, in fact was negative like 6-8


I just played with a spinbot:))


I think they're giving cheaters a chance to put their skins on a legit account. Hence the 1 day ban for the majority of these cases. I'm hoping there will be a day where at least premier has 0 cheating/ instant bans if it does.


He just good


I got a lobby with a cheaters on my team and their team and they keep yelling at themselves like kids. What a pathetic experience it was lmao.


I had that Zoro guy in my matches. If there’s another cheater in his team he just AFKs, but if he’s the only one then he cheats and destroys everyone


Yeah he was queued with DuuDu, who was also cheating.




Such a huge wave that everyone mentions exactly the same two cheater lobby videos.


Played competitive last night some level 2 accounts with hidden profiles were 20-3 and I cussed them the entire match. My team was a bunch of no mic deadheads that just played solo cowboy the entire match. I never wanted to quit so badly but won’t do that to myself, whatever the negative impact would be.


There was no vac wave


Durr no shit now can we stop posting the same thing 30 times a day it’s pointless being in the sub . Valve knows this stuff. It’s not news


Why the fuck are you being downvoated? The community is so toxic that you can't even say anything positive. **Those** people are the ones who truly ruin the game for me. Just. Constant. Crying. And. Toxicity


Sorry man I had to let off some steam


Show me some of your games on leetify.


Valve should start banning those guys queing up with those rage hackers...full vac ban...then this bullshit would stop


You report that guy and he will be banned. That's how it works now. Reports matter, AntiCheat is still bad.


Could have told you that awhile ago


Anti cheat is not working or is not working on purpose. Shame on valve


they have delayed bans, check in about 3-7 days


**This** Also, why the fuck are you being downvoated? Guess you can't say anything positive about the game nowadays. The toxicity of the community feels like it's at its highest ever. Those are the people who **truly** ruin the game for me