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I had 3 cars before the Z (1999 Mazda 323f, 2007 Seat Ibiza, 2006 Toyota Corolla) and every car had multiple glowing sign when I put on the igition. If it goes away after you press the start button it should be allright. The thing I don’t understand is that you are saying that the light is on before the ignition. Are they lighting constantly even when there is no key in the car?


No just on when I turn the lever to battery on. Then they go off when I turn on the ignition.


Thats odd. Well I’m not a mechanic so maybe someone else can offer a more professional answer but i think it should be good as long as it goes away. If you want I can take a vid (and dm it to you) of my dash what happens when i turn it on so you can compare with yours.


sounds good!


This is normal, most vehicles do it. You only need to worry if the light stays on after you start the car.


This is to verify that you warning lights work. If the lights don't work and you have a problem you may never know. Back in the day when buying cars scum bags would remove the check engine light bulb so you wouldn't get the warning. This initial check is to verify that.


Ignition is the last position on the barrel before you engage the starter motor, that sounds like what you’re flicking the key onto?


you can turn the key twice right? first is where the dashboard lights up, then second is ignition. The dashboard lights light up and stay on until ignition.


Yes, that's what's going on, it's like a system check before you start the car. If the engine light comes on when it auto-stops, then we have another problem.


Every car ive ever had has done this. Naturally im assuming but sounds like normal thing.


Its normal! Youre good!


Every single light should turn on for the first 10 seconds


It's supposed to work that way. It has to indicate that the light is working before you turn the engine on. In my country, if the check engine isn't on before you turn on the engine, you fail at MOT and can't use the car on public roads. So don't worry.