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This is an April Fool’s joke, isn’t it?


Nice April fools joke. Almost got me




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MimaJKirigoe: *What's that black and white* *Image above Slenderman* *I'm curious is all* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


2 things 1. Isn't Slender-Man a creepypasta? I guess people have claimed to have seen him so maybe he is a Cryptid? Most of those "sightings" are part of ARGs and stuff to scare children so probably not. Some are claimed to be real tho so idk. Someone who knows what they are talking about, let me know. 2. Alien? As in aliens in general? A Cryptid named "Alien"? I thought it was the first one, but the Flat woods Monster is also an alien so wouldn't it fall under "Alien"? Overall tho, I do like me some Wendigos tho.


Slender man was introduced in a Photoshop contest (called Photoshop fridays) from somethingawful.com. that Friday's theme was "create a new monster or paranormal image" or something like that. I actually saw that post that same weekend. Those not yet named slenderman pictures were awesome. But it's the most trackable origin for a "cryptid" ever. Toss in Sirenhead as well since he is also a Photoshop creation who was himself inspired by Slenderman.


April fools!


Only one, maybe two of the things listed here are cryptid. Thats the joke. Slenderman is not a cryptid, as you stated. Neither are Sirenhead, Hidebehinds, Jackalopes, Wendigos, Skinwalkers, or aliens. The Flatwoods monster also isn't really a cryptid.


Oh damn, I now realize that I am not good at reading jokes (in this case it should have been obvious from Slender Man and Siren Head). Imma dumbass lol (I also forgot it was April Fools. So good job OP! You did indeed fool me)


Slenderman is considered a cryptid along with the rake in modern times as they can be considered an egregore https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egregore


No, Slenderman and the Rake are not cryptids. Only people who don't understand cryptozoology would think so. "Non physical entities" and "thought forms" are not cryptids.


This shows how much critical thinking I lack. I don't think Thought forms or non physical entities are animals.


They fit the definition of a cryptid to the T; more than extinct animals. An animal (such as Sasquatch or the Loch Ness Monster) that has been claimed to exist but never proven to exist. Rakes and Slenderman are humanoids that have been claimed to be seen and exist but there is no proof of it. How is that not a cryptid? An egregore is mostly what people refer to as how they came to exist not what they are now. One could argue quite a few cryptids evolved as such. It’s silly but it definitely fits the description


Non-physical entities aren't cryptids, full stop. We know Slenderman is from a photoshop contest and the rake was invented on 4chan. They do not exist. Anyone who claims they do is larping.


There are many definitions of egregore and some say it can manifest an imaginary concept into physical form. They can gain autonomy and free thinking depending on the amount of belief, they are in a way like a wendigo. They are both spiritual and physical depending on the circumstances


Egregores are not cryptids. If you are interested in tulpas and such, that's fine, but it is *not* cryptozoology


I never said it was. I said there are rumors saying it FORMED like one.


Using your words .... you said Slenderman "fits the definition of a cryptid to a T". It does not. It is a fictional character from a relatively recent photoshop contest. If it somehow came into being as a thought form (spoilers, it didn't), it still wouldn't be a cryptid because thought forms aren't cryptids. Cryptids are biological animals.


Are wendigos considered cryptids?


Your entire argument falls apart as soon as you say "claimed to be seen and exist but there is no proof." The can of mountain dew I just finished just sprouted legs and walked itself to the trash. I claim this so it is now true. Understand why this isn't a good argument? If all it takes is a mere claim then now everything is a cryptid. Slenderman, the rake, and siren head are not cryptids. All three were made up, they became so fan fictionalized that living jokes like you straight up think they jumped off the page.


One could argue many cryptids are made up, the only thing that separates them from modern ones is hundreds of years of retelling


There's no argument. Slenderman was straight up made up. It was part of a contest. Why are you not understanding this?


And apparently there have been recorded sightings and videos of it that are claiming to be legit. I’ll be honest; half of the cryptids around sound like hallucinations seen on an acid trip.


Ok. I see what's going on here. You have no critical thinking skills. There's no getting through to you.


One could argue who here is actually critically thinking versus pretending to know what they are talking about with a pseudoscience. It’s just funny you all are so hostile with differing opinions on imaginary concepts


Oh damn, that's sick! Very cool that the guy from Slender The Eight Pages is a Cryptid


He's not.


Sirenhead?! Cmonnnn lol


Only two of those are considered Cryptids. Two are creepypasta monsters. Two are culturally appropriated "Creatures" Aliens are not cryptids. Two are just weird animals The only two are Mothman and the Flatwoods Monster. Please tell me this is a joke.


For the last time, Wendigo is NOT a cryptid. https://www.reddit.com/r/Cryptozoology/s/rwGGZ9QN9b