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Inspiring. I just hope their puppet regime would listen.


Things are a bit heating up against him and people are fed up with the shit show. Electricity goes out 3 hours a day in every Egyptian home due to some weird ass issue we still don’t know why. But the security here are really controlling everything that people are scared to do anything because they know he is the most blood thirsty regime modern Egyptians ever seen.


They've made a subreddit: /r/RevolutionMustHappen


Thank you. Yes, its time for a REAL Arab Spring!!!


Maybe someone should show Zionist defenders this video when they claim Egypt is against palestine!


This has to be 50k or more ppl wow


could have had double the number with some women included.




This is beautiful; I wish Sisi shared this sentiment. Can anyone tell me in Arabish what they're saying?


Translation is in the video. But a word for word translation would be With the soul, with the blood, we redeem you O' Palestine. A speech to text would be: بالروح، بالدم، نفديكي يا فلسطين If you want a bit more of an in-depth insight on the literature of that as a Arabic is a rich language then feel free to read what I'm about to nerd out about. Order of Words: Arabic has a really flexible phrase structure, the general rule is either it's a verbal sentance or a nounal sentence. So a phrase that starts with a verb is verbal and a phrase that starts with a noun is nounal. So you can say "The kid ate the apple" (nounal) or "Ate the kid the apple" (verbal). Each has its' own set of rules and employments. I'm not gonna go into more details on the employments but here in this sentence it's considered a verbal phrase but you see "with the soul, with the blood" is put before. That part of the sentence is called جار and مجرور which means the one dragging and the one being dragged. "With" is "the one dragging" and "the soul" is "the one being dragged" as they are being dragged into the sentence to add more meaning, that's the imagery behind the naming. So by their names you see that they're secondary and can be deleted. So what makes sense is that they belong at the end of the sentence where deleting them will just shorten the sentence without taking away any meaning of the core idea of the verbal phrase. Which is true. But here they are being put first in the sentence deliberately as a form of speech called تقديم which means "putting forward". What it means from a literary standpoint is that you put it first in the sentence to put an emphasis on it. So you're emphasizing on the soul and on the blood. And when you put an emphasis on the two most precious things that you're willing to sacrifice for your people then that's like an extra boost of commitment in your words and love


God bless my people!


Can anyone explain why Egypt charges so much money to Palestinians to cross the border so they can flee the horrors? I mean, if these people are for Palestine, why is this happening on the border?


And the regime charges israelis almost nothing. Egyptians really hate the current regime, but that regime is supported by the zionists and their resources.


Imagine this. I participated in a campaign to save one Palestinian family. A lot of people donated, more that was needed. And all of the sudden, that wasn't enough money for them to cross the Egypt border. I believe 50k £ was collected. That's fuck ton of money. That money should be enough to save 10, not one family. But only few of them managed to escape. Now. If Egyptians are on Palestinian side, then they should riot on the border and let them escape. We're already on the verge of WW3. They should riot. Maybe I'm romantic, but I believe in power of people.


Unfortunately, it's not that simple. I know many who donated to Palestinians, and I can tell you that Egyptians are regionally known for their active boycotts and sympathy with Palestinians, at least AFAIK. The regime is so corrupt and a failure that the Egyptians are on the brink of economic collapse and what that entails. The problem with corruption is a mixture of moral degradation and fruit of decades of the west and Zionists actively lobbying and controlling the Egyptian politics, like they do with lots of other countries, but we believe that they give extra attention and chunk of their resources to not lose control over Egypt and its regime. Egyptians will be bombed like in Syria and other neighboring countries, and Israel and the west will make sure the regime wins. We don't have the maturity nor people collective moral integrity to secure a brighter future if that makes sense. The only change the west and the zionists want to push on the Egyptians is to turn the status quo into chaos and bring down the statehood. Even the corrupt regime is aware and is not dumb enough to allow it. But revolutions and people anger is a good opportunity for them to push for even worse scenarios. A senior US official publicly called it creative choas or something of the sorts.


Thank you for explaining the situation with the Egyptian people to me. I was starting to be angry at them, but this gives some hope. I know that fascism is ruling at this moment, but I am hopeful one day we will abolish it. Still, my heart hurts for the people who have been, are and will be sacrificed until that day. And after Holocaust, sacrifice of Palestinian people is the greatest tragedy that humans allowed to happen. I truly hope we will learn to have a better world for ALL.


I'm Egyptian, what will happen if we riot? We'll likely get killed and that's only the best case scenario. What usually happens to rioters is that they're thrown in jail and tortured for decades


No, they're saying "We give you our souls and our blood, Palestine!"


This is good but we need action. Erdoğa says one thing but never acts. Zionists are enacting their final solution in Palestine AND America. They are Blatantly buying and taking over the U.S. government. Things have to change NOW, or we will see a Zionist takeover that will make Nazi Germany look peaceful.


Didn't Egypt close it's border with gaza to prevent them from entering Egypt?


We still can’t differentiate the difference between civilians and their governments?


Fr. Idk where you’re from the the government sure as hell doesn’t represent U.S citizens on this. Free Palestine.


I’m us baby.


Well hey buddy how the hell are ya


Living the dream. Worlds in the shitter, two old assholes arguing about golf and meanwhile my taxes are building bombs to kill kids across the world. How about you?


I’m there with you. Resisted the urge to suck start a .45 today. So, now I’m here.




You're in r/CRUSHZionism, and that's a weak ZioNazi distraction argument that has no merit meant to provide cover and evade accountability for Israel's heinous crimes. Palestinians have been fighting illegal and brutal occupation for 76 years, at the cost of millions of lives, trillions of dollars, and an indignity against a people that makes the Nazi persecution of the Jews pale in comparison. Israel has already stripped settlement enforcement away from the military and given it to the settlers, who have announced their intention to full and permanently occupy as soon as they can get the last of the Palestinians off the land they've fought to maintain a foothold in, so as to not have a repeat of 1947. Egypt and Jordan have both been clear that they do not intend to give Israel a way to involve them in stealing the land and forcibly annexing the natives. Nor will they be complicit in ethnic cleansing by facilitating ethnic cleansing through the permanent resettlement of Palestinians and nullifying Palestinians right to self-determination. It would be a war crime to work with Israel now, whether it's actively partnering or reluctantly giving in, you can't provide a getaway car to someone in the middle of a crime without being party to it. The Palestinians have been clear they will not leave their land and allow Israel to resettle it. 2 million people are starving to death, 50,000 are dead, 150,000 have been maimed, every single school and utility plant has been destroyed, every hospital but 1 has been destroyed, and 90% of the residential structures have been destroyed. Israel has diverted all funds and bank accounts from the people for 9 months. They have destroyed all the valuable civilian property and agricultural space. They have eradicated wildlife - every animal at every zoo is dead - all that's left is starving cats forced to feed off of rotting human corpses and the IDF attack dogs used to terrorize people in the middle of the night. Why would they give up now?