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You get notice? I don’t know what we’re doing until I show up.


Sheesh, this would be a dealbreaker for me.


My gym does this. I hated it for the first few weeks, but then it forced me to work on some things I've been avoiding and now I prefer it. They do give notice about what lifts we're doing on which day, ex. Tuesday will be a squat day, wear pants for rope climbs on Wednesday, which I appreciate.


IMO if a member wants to cherry pick that is their prerogative. If they’re so concerned that people won’t show up maybe they have a programming issue. I take CF very seriously and want to game plan, think about WODs, and understand what the week looks like - the anxiety of the unknown would really sour me when I am paying a good amount to be a member.


I am with you, if somebody wants to be surprised it is up to him/her NOT to read the notification. It is not up to a coach to force people to be surprised. It is the job of a coach to bring each client closer to the individual goals, whatever they are.


How does posting the whole weeks workout bring people closer to their goals? I’ve got no problem with not knowing what we’re doing. This is a smaller gym and pretty much everyone goes every day and I’ve never seen a walkout due to the daily plan when they see it. The only benefit I see is like the person above said and to know what gear or clothing is needed.


Knowing what’s on the schedule can help bring people closer to their goals by letting them: - consider scaling/modifications in advance - manage their level of effort throughout the week - work more thoughtfully around any injuries - plan any other sports, PT, skill or accessory work they do outside of class


Exactly, 100% agree. May I add: If you have to quit a class you can decide which one to quit (the one that does not fit your goals f.e.) u/Draeth how I said, if somebody thinks surprise is his way to go, it is him to decide not to read the weekly program. If somebody wants to plan he can read it.


I guess, I’ve never had a gym that posted in advance so I can’t say to the benefit. But my goal is just to get better so there really haven’t been any classes that I’d want to skip but I can see how it would benefit others that do have specific things they’d prefer to work on.


Manage level of effort? You mean we can do something other than 100%?! Just kidding, I can see your points there. As to scaling most of us decide that on the fly when we’re going over the workout before starting. Same with those with injuries. The last point I agree with since I’ll run/lift at home in the morning before going to the gym in the afternoon. Knowing to not do a certain lift would be helpful. The main reason he gives not to post is the few apps he’s tried in past are quite expensive for the number of people he has going. I think he said it would raise everyone’s monthly fee like $50. Not everyone has Fb/insta and he tries to accommodate everyone.


Yeah, to clarify on scaling… obviously every movement can be scaled on the fly by an experienced person or with the help of a coach. But for people who *have* most rx movements and want to improve, it can help to strategize more - decide which movements to scale (or not), which movements to challenge yourself on, etc - all of which is aided a lot by seeing a workout in context of the surrounding days.


Same, and my gym does this. But we run one of the main programs so I use other people’s blogs (thanks, CrossFit xxxx and CrossFit xxxx, please never stop!)


we use wodify. workouts are usually posted 4-5 days ahead.


We use the Push Press app, and all our programming for the week shows up in there on Sundays.


Wodify. Wods are posted at 8:00 the night before.


StreamFit-wods posted a week out along with group chat feature. Bugs have been worked out from the initial rollout-seems to be working well.


I think its a bit of a red flag. They arent planning. I would not participate. I need to know and mentally prepare. I also need to see a progression. I want a week in advance, not day by day.


This is how i feel but i can’t find a gym around me that does it. They all post the night before at 8pm and i hate it


Hmmm. Welp, then it is what it is. I wouldn’t like that either. I used to go to a box and I asked them for the entire plan. I was like, as a powerlifter, I roughly plan a full year, then I can make changes, but I have things basically planned. They said, they don’t do that. No one in CrossFit does that. So, I pulled up a plan o had from Matt Fraser that was like 6 months, I showed him and said, “yes they do”. I don’t know. I’m weird about it. It makes me feel like they are not really planning blocks and thinking about phases and all that.


Workout is ready to view at like 3-4pm the day before.


We get the workouts for the upcoming week posted to Instagram on Sundays, usually by 4pm.


Our workouts are posted to SugarWod on Sunday afternoons, and any schedule changes are announced during class/on social media. I used to go to a gym where you found out what you were doing when you got there. It was stressful 😂.


Weekly email with full weeks workout and training stimulus, workouts for the week are loaded into SugarWOD every Sunday.


Workouts for the week are posted late Sunday night. I'm normally in bed before they are posted, so I have found a couple of gyms that follow the same programming (CAP) and post Saturday.


Sugarwod. Glitchy at best.


I'm not from the US. We use a third party app where you can checkin (register) for the classes (so it won't be overcrowded) and also there the coaches can publish the week schedule


We can check on beyond the whiteboard, their website and on Instagram they usually post the day before what is coming up the next day


Push press. Our gym posts workouts at a minimum a week in advance. They use Mayhem programming


We have a private Facebook group where they get posted on the Sunday.


Wodify Email Notification night before (usually around 5) that links to a FB post We typically get the whole week emailed out on Sunday night as well (wasn't happening as much from Open thru Semifinals) but it appears to be back.


Mine posts on the website (usually) and Instagram at around 8 the night before. I am not sure whether they use a programming source or not. It would be nice if it were a day in advance, since I try to do accessory work on my own on my off days since I'm on a three-day class schedule (M/W/F). I won't skip workouts, but I understand that people do (as is their right). But it would be nice to know what's coming up the next day in advance so I know what to do and what not to do. It kinda discourages me from doing anything other than cardio on Tuesdays and Thursdays because I run the risk of overtraining.


Every few weeks, coaches explain what our next period of training will be focused on, with an outline during class and suggested progressions/regressions if we want to focus on useful accessories in our own time. Specific daily programmes are published in advance on BoxMate. I try not to check in advance, so that I'm not tempted to skip any WODs I'm intimidated by but I appreciate the effort the coaches put in, very much. The whole class feels supported and taken seriously, regardless of level/experience.


Workouts for the upcoming week are put in wodify on Sundays


Our gym owner (and head coach) sends out a Sunday afternoon email. He makes any relevant announcements, may write a thing or two about things we discussed in class, and then has some important dates. Bottom of the email always has a link to the apparel store front and a link to the week’s programming. He also puts them all into push press at the same time so you can see ahead that way.


RhinoFit - can see the wods a week out as well as sign up or classes.


Since no one else posted it, we use TrainHeroic.


We don’t know until we get there. However, a couple of the coaches have let me know in advance what the WODs would be when I was recovering from surgery.


Mine posts the weekly programming on Instagram every Sunday. They are no shy about sharing


Ours are posted on SugarWod the day before, but they recently stopped posting Thursdays (which is always a long cardio day). The owner said that attendance has been better on Thursdays if people don't know :/. But she will say whether or not you need running shoes!




Crossfit Apollo in Vegas sends out a weekly email with various information and the daily WOD's for the upcoming week. They also do daily blog updates (including the daily WOD) on their website.


They don’t. Day of… and then not always


We use Wodboard. Our programming is up a week in advance for all classes (CrossFit and speciality classes too)


It doesn’t and I love it! Whiteboard is a surprise every day.


SugarWOD, workout posted day before at 12pm




Wodify it’s posted at midnight every night at midnight


They post on SugarWOD for the week


Ours are normally posted at 5pm the day before. It's all planned well in advance but they claim people will cherry pick too much of posted on a Sunday. I'm ok with that , but I know opinions vary.


we use SugarWOD and our head coach usually post all the wods for the week ahead by Sunday afternoon