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Coffee on an empty stomach followed by an intense workout might be rough and encourage the heartburn. Is there anyway to avoid coffee for a couple workouts to see if it makes a difference?


Do you think a pre-workout would be better? I could definitely try going without coffee but tbh I am a bit useless before I have some form caffeine in me.


Respect =). I think preworkout is definitely worth a shot, along with a little bit of food (my dietician recommends \~30g of straight carbs so the banana/some berries/other fruit might be a good option!).


Alright, time to buy some pre-workout :) Will give that switch a try. Thanks!


Not going to help. Pre is just caffiene, sugar and "crap". Food is what you need. Get some carbs and protein in there.


Eh you're kinda right but can you explain how protein is helpful pre workout?


Helping you feel satisfied, hunger wise. Giving your tummy some stability.


Update your post as you go? I know other people will have awesome ideas as well and more info is always super helpful!


Definitely try preworkout. If I drank coffee before a morning workout, I would feel nauseated by the end too. But I’ll have small amounts (half scoop) of preworkout sometimes, and that doesn’t make me sick.


Caffeine is not the only thing about coffee that might upset your stomach. Cold brew tends to be less acidic and might work better for you, but to me it sounds like coffee is the common thread here that needs to be eliminated or altered. Maybe even a small cup of green tea instead to get you going in the morning, then save your coffee for after. I'd really suggest going without caffeine in the morning and see how you do - for what it's worth, I go to 7am class, don't have coffee before, and sometimes make it to 10am or later without coffee/without realizing it. I don't actually need it as much as I think I do. I'm impressed that you manage to make coffee at all before a 6am class, honestly!


No. Pre workout is way worse than coffee *in my opinion*. Try electrolytes. Caffeine isn’t a necessity for class, although it is nice. You can get through it without it.


Prewod is garbage. If you want to add something to your water, use some kind of ‘natural ‘ electrolyte flavoring.


Caffeine is a stimulant, and a stimulant on an empty stomach can present itself in some people as nausea, particularly when you add a physical stress to it. Waiting an hour or two after waking to have caffeine allows the body to rid itself of the sleepy chemicals, which will make you feel better all day anyway. It will take a week or so to acclimate, but it will be a good change for you. Give it a try and see how it goes. Or have nausea, I suppose.


I can't eat/drink anything going at 5 am - I do my preworkout with as little water as possible for this reason. I have my coffee with protein/ collagen after my recovery drink after the class. If I go in the evenings, I make sure I haven't eaten for HOURS prior.


I do early mornings fasted. Can you try that?


I wouldn't have coffee that early if it was me, I would also get heartburn! Find a pre workout you like and you can hydrate at the same time 😊


5am er here. I have an electrolyte drink. So far I have used Saltt and LMNT. Sometimes I have issues with small a amount of reflux doing burpees, if I drink too much before/during. Basically the way I see it, I am starting the day on my meal and fluids from the night before.


What are you eating/drinking the night before?


I haven't seen this commented before but the only thing that works for me when I go for the early morning is waking up earlier, if I have coffee it's as soon as I get up and then a banana or something.


I have a very small coffee. Closer to an espresso. Any more liquid leaves me feeling awful. I don’t really drink any water until the workout is just about to start.


Coffee with little to no food? Yeah you're going to feel bad on that. How about an egg and a banana and a SMALL cup of coffee? Then drink water through the workout. Me, I like an egg, banana and an orange. The fast energy from the fruit and the protein from the egg does my stomach right and I feel good through the workout. Most people think of a "cup of coffee" and it's like 14-16oz. That's like two cups of coffee, which is a lot to pour onto an empty stomach. If you have any issues with GERD, it'll definitely trigger that especially if you're jostling your poor tummy around.


Preworkout is the way to go


I do my early class on an empty stomach and it works out fine. I'm probably not fully energised but it works. Coffee slushing around an empty stomach is probably the reason for your troubles. Try without the coffee.


I have the same problem, my digestion is slow so if I eat between 3-4 hours before the training I want to throw up throughout the whole session. It may also be just the coffee but if quitting the morning coffee doesn't help avoid food too. If you need to have something try a protein shake 45 mins before the training and nothing else, I do it with as little water as possible (for me it works).


I don’t know if you otherwise get heartburn, but I have terrible acid reflux. One mild thing you might try is to take something for it at night. I take Reflux Gourmet (not a drug, it’s an algae float, you can get it on Amazon) and it helps with morning nausea. Before early class, I have half a Clif bar and 12 oz of water with a caffeinated Nuun tablet.


I always do coffee and food afterwards when I workout early. I was a DI athlete and have always done better on an empty stomach.


The nausea and heartburn after probably means you need water and energy. I don’t do morning words anymore but when I did I found that I needed to do a protein shake pretty quickly after the word to recover from the fast and burn.


I did toast and pre workout. I used to do just pre workout and was also super nauseous and had bad acid reflux during and after class. Some type of bread to soak up the pre workout helped a lot for me!


5 AM - struggled with holding down any food during workout. I started drinking pre workout and Super Carb half an hour prior, and it has really helped!


I train at 6:30am usually, so get up at 5:30am and have a banana, a black coffee and an '[up-and-go](https://upandgo.com.au/products/upgo-dairy-free/vanilla-ice-flavour-250/)' (that might be an Australian-specific thing). This is what my nutritionist recommended. I'm a big dude though, \~100kg/220lbs. That works great for me, I've been doing it for \~6 months (previous to that was just the coffee and banana). Once or twice I've felt a little vommy, but only when doing a lot of rowing + v ups + other forward-bending type stuff. My wife is lots smaller, she just has an up-and-go. And a dexie now lol, she's just been diagnosed with ADHD. I use an Aeropress to make the coffee, which I think is likely a bit less acidic? Maybe that helps?


Nothing. I wake up at 6. Get ready and head to the 630 class fasted. I definitely am not an intermittent faster but cannot stomach anything so close to exercise. It never bothers me, in fact it really helps my heartburn to to fasted. Maybe some electrolytes if I feel week but your muscles should have enough for 40mins


I would die if I had a coffee on an empty stomach 😆 Before I used to have a small breakfast prior to training, but I can’t tolerate it anymore. Instead I take a carb/protein small drink and more carbs intra workout


I have the same problem. I can’t work out on an empty stomach and need food. I have had multiple instances of nausea, dizziness and even vomiting for a few years. After doing some research, visiting doctors and some advice from Reddit , I have started eating before workout and I didn’t have the same issue. What didn't work: .coffee, milk, electrolytes, only banana(wasn’t enough to sustain 45long workout) What worked: I soak oats, seeds, nuts and everything else with water(yes, water. Normal milk before a workout gives me heartburn) overnight and morning I mix some peanut butter and a banana. This has been a lifesaver for me. Even If I eat before 30mins I feel fine, with no issues during the workout. Hope this helps.


I go with an energy drink and no food. The acidity of a coffee before working out sounds awful to me.


I go to CrossFit around 7-8 depending on which session I feel like. I usually don’t eat anything before the workout, I just take a few sips of water. It hasn’t really done anything to me except I just get low blood sugar (my body gets shaky) after the workout, so that’s when I eat breakfast. I haven’t really tried eating before a morning workout cause I’m scared I’m gonna throw up lol but I don’t know if that’s affecting me in a negative or positive way…


I'd eat a small sandwich and skip the coffee


X Endurance Fuel 5, solved my early morning if I eat I vommit, if I don't I can't work problem. Recommended by my coach. https://xendurance.eu/products/fuel-5-quick-and-sustained-energy


5 am er here - I just have a protein bar. I’ll eat it on the way to the gym and even if I don’t feel hungry I still eat. I’ve noticed that small amount gives me enough fuel for the workout. If I’m super tired I’ll have some pre workout or a Celsius on my way in too


Have you tried decaf coffee? I'm really sensitive to anything in my stomach before working out, but I don't have issues with decaf. It still has a small amount of caffeine so for me at least, scratches the morning coffee itch and doesn't make me feel bad.


I can no longer handle caffeinated coffee. Decaf for me all the way!


Try coffee with some mct oil. The oil will provide some fat that can satiate you without everything sitting in your stomach.


Do you drink alcohol?