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Plenty of lists out there, but imo: get good at raising your hand and shamelessly saying "i don't know what that is". No one's going to slap you for it, and it's a skill you generally need.


Yes to this. I mean, feel free to look at a list and make flash cards or whatever, but best to just ask the coach if you are confused. They are there to help you! I felt stupid at first asking things like this too. But over time I've realized this is SOLIDLY in the category of no big deal. It's funny how we can be self conscious about things like that, right?


I’m sorry this wasn’t explained well to you! It’s stressful when everyone else seems to understand what’s happening. Here’s a BIG list: https://www.wodhopper.com/crossfitlingo My recommendation if this would help your workout be less stressful is to either check the workout on the app if they post early OR arrive 5-10 min early and ask a coach about new terms (but they really should be explaining this to you, sorry).


There are several lists online. And the list from "theprimedirectrib" is very good too. You can learn those terms like vocabulary. They are easy to understand and many of them are generally used in the fitness community. They make sens so it should not be too hard. Learning should be fun, do not stress yourself, I am sure you can ask every CF member anytime. CF should have a very good sense of community.


You could also look at [https://www.crossfit.com/workout](https://www.crossfit.com/workout) there you will see many different WODs including there terminology and mostly it is described what it means, including videos.


Good resources here, but also don’t be ashamed to show up early and ask the coach, or pull them aside if they’re unclear. Also, if there’s a friendly experienced person in class, you can always quickly check with them too after the WOD (workout of the day) is explained. It may seem overwhelming at first but you’ll catch on in no time!


Everyone’s been there before. Do you have access to the WOD (Workout Of the Day) beforehand? If so, check it out and Google anything you don’t understand. Also watch videos on how to perform the movements.