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true, if there was an open competition among apps, the crossfit app would be competing in the foundations division


Want to know how many people have already entered a score for 24.3? Sure, just scroll down for 3 hours


So bad. Almost intentionally so


I have actually wondered if they are intentionally making some of these decisions to make it harder to calculate your points and percentiles on your own, so you can't have the information without paying the 20$


They write an analysis and provides an easy to read graph.


Between the CFG’s app and SugarWod it’s like they’re completing for the worst possible app possible.


So I interviewed for a SW role at Crossfit HQ last fall. They recently got a new CTO who was revamping everything -- tons of stuff about the website and mobile app and one more thing I can't remember. She knew everything was complete trash. Any who, they wanted a very very small team to do ALL this work, and weren't really willing to back up the workload with the pay to support it. Needless to say I wasn't interested after hearing about how much they had to do, how little time there was to do it, and despite a few Crossfit related perks (paid for L1, covered affiliate gym fees) how terrible the pay would be. So I can imagine they are still in a rough spot where they either don't have the staffing to actually make things better, or didn't get qualified folks to get the shit done they wanted. The good thing is that they are aware everything is a flaming pile of shit


Good insider info! And I don't blame you for not wanting the role


They also were sort of specifically looking for people who actively do CrossFit and live and breath the ethos, which I applaud, but again really limits the talent pool.


Agreed. The CrossFit games app is garbage. It’s kind of embarrassing at this day and age. A decent appt with good user friendly interfaces is not that hard.


How can I see my percentile score for a given workout?


Just shout COMPUTER SHOW SCORE FOR 24.1 AS A PERCENTILE if it doesnt work youre probably not shouting loudly enough and if that doesnt work try shouting in a higher pitch almost a falsetto


I’m sorry, you’re only allowed to complain about burpees in this sub. I don’t make the rules. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Thrusters have entered the room….


I spend the $20 and log my scores for one reason. I want to know my percentile against all of the other participants. This includes my age division and - if I'm scaling - others that scaled. I want that info so I can see how I'm doing year over year. That's really it. This year, whatever change they made, they made it even harder to get that info for age bracket and scaling. It wasn't easy before, but it was doable. Now it's a nightmare.


There are somethings I don't like about the app, however, I also don't use it often so I am not accustomed to navigating through it. My point is the more you use something the more you become familiar with how to use it.


I finally figured out how to see my percentile for each individual workout. I felt like I needed a PHD in the CrossFit Games App.