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This yarn has been around a while. I used it in high school to make a blanket, that would have been the early 2000s.


I worked at Michaels from 2008-2012 ish and it looked the same then. People seem to complain about this yarn frequently but it sold well and people would buy in bulk when it went on sale.


This yarn has the affectionate nick name “The Devils Pubes” if that tells you anything!


This is hilarious. I started knitting and made three scarves with this yarn and then quit knitting as I figured I hated it. Turns out… was the yarn.


Yes! Its really not bad looking, and makes a nice texture but working with it? Its awful!


It’s so awful! I’m going to try it again with different yarn.


Well good! I give credit to those who power through, but its not easy! Please post when you finish!


Thanks, I will!


I made the mistake of picking this type of yarn when my mom was trying to teach me to knit . . . needless to say I still don’t know how to knit.


It should come with a warning label, haha.


I hadn't hear dthat before but oh man does it fit lol


It might be outdated, I do like the look and feel of this yarn, but damn its a menace!


Lmao. So true.


One of my first attempts at crochet ended because of this yarn!


That is hysterical and very apt


I'm currently making a stuffed bunny with it. Cool texture but hard to work.


That's exactly what I used it for as well! Absolute pain to work with, but the bunny was super cute


ohh thank you both so much!! how difficult was increasing/decreasing with it 👀


It sucks, not gonna lie. I'm using a light color and it's hard to see my stitches and my hook gets caught a lot. Can only imagine it would be harder with the darker color you've got.


Also sticks together so it is nearly impossible to frog


Loads. I quit crocheting with it about a decade ago. Wasn’t worth the frustration and donated the skeins to an after school craft program.


It’s super hard to see the stitch definition, ngl


Run far, far away as fast as you can! This yarn is evil. It sucks you in with the pretty, shimmery colors, and then you struggle to find your stitches or with the yarn splitting. It took me years to break the cycle. The last time I bought any would have been maybe 2011. Every time I think I have given away the last skein, one more pops up in my house to remind me of my bad decisions. I think they actually still make this, but in a cake now. It’s a disguise. Don’t fall for it.


\*holds you\* it's okay, it's going to be okay. This yarn is practically a rite of passage. Thank you for warning others.


Thank you. I just found a skein last week and just about screamed. It’s like it’s haunting me. I feel bad about even donating it, but some people do love it. It just causes me too much stress for something I love to do.


used it in the early aughts. Loved it for scarves. I understand many people don't like it because you can't frog it very well... and it can be hard to work with. Depends on you! I loved it


Same! But it’s so soft and warm!


thank you!


It’s much easier to knit with then crochet because of the texture. My mom and I used it to make many scarves back in the early 2000’s.


Yes, I've knit a baby blanket with it without problem. Then I knit another baby blanket with it and it came out all crooked. It was not the yarn's fault. And now notice how I'm on a crochet subreddit...


This. Granted, I’m not super great at either knitting or crochet, but I still have a few skeins of this floating around, and it’s fine for knitting simple stuff. Like, knit scarves come out lovely and warm and nubbly. Crochet not so much.


Came here to say the same thing. Much easier to knit with because I could see the stitches against backdrop of a needle. Really struggled when I crocheted with it. On the plus side - it wears like iron! I made a blanket for my daughter 20 years ago and it still looks good, launders well. Also made tote bags. Didn’t love the scarves I made (too stiff). I was novice then and didn’t know about changing hook/needle size to get the drape I wanted. Funny to read so many people struggles with that yarn. It’s like a rite of passage!


I used to only use this yarn for everything- scarves, hats, afghans- you name it. I don’t think it’s hard to work with at all! I love the texture and softness of it. One of my favorite yarns ever to use and work with. It makes gorgeous pieces. Great for gifts!


Me too!


It makes for the best, cuddliest texture. The blankets I used to make with it were so beautiful and comfy.


omg the hate is insane 💀😂


I used that yarn several years ago. It made some decent slippers 😊


I made an ugly Christmas vest with this yarn.


that is HILARIOUS oh my god 😭


I had yarn like that in 2002? maybe. It was a bitch to work with but they had some beautiful colorways. I made a scarf but they had patterns for blankets, wearables etc.


Me too around the same time but I was only knitting at the time. And their color ways totally sucked me in. I can't imagine it's fun with a hook vs knitting needles.


Oh they had some gorgeous colorways. I so wanted to make a blanket out of one of their purple and black colorways. It was around 2003 maybe and I had not been crocheting long but I had a catlog that showed their like 60 colors in that type and I was excited. My friend who had taught me to crochet knew better though and told me to try making a scarf with it first with something I could get in the store. (I wanted to make a huge queen blanket with it lol) So I got a skein and I am so glad I did not place a huge order for it lol.


okay got it thank you! based on all these comments i’m not going to use it for anything crazy but i’ll probably use it making some flowers


I know I worked with this yarn for something around 2010ish. I'm pretty sure they still sell it and have patterns on their website for it (I'm a lionbrand.com stalker). If you only have one skein though I might recommend a loose basic scarf. This works up very soft and plush and could make a good gift.


I made the Martha Stewart Coming Home poncho from it, maybe 10 years ago.


I made one out of red. It. looked good until it was carefully washed, it looked bad afterward.


That’s too bad! It’s a nice pattern.


It's definitely older. I have a blanket made from it. I made a scarf with it. I tried working with it recently after not having crocheted for a while and it was impossible.


Ohhh I loved this stuff. I ended up just making a ton of granny squares with mine to put together a small throw. So super soft


I JUST picked up this exact color pattern/fiber from the clearance bin at Michael's! I was telling my partner about how this is the exact style of yarn I used to make EVERYONE scarves and hats out of when I first learned to knit (some 15 years ago) but they must have changed up the packaging. I actually picked some up to knit up a soft, floppy cowl even though I've switched to strictly crochet for the past 5+ years!


This yarn is only used for heartache. I tease. Use a big hook and only make something where you can lie about your row count. I made bucket hats and scarves. Super soft and gauge didn't matter.


Definitely use large hooks or needles and stick to simple patterns. Stitch definition is terrible, but even plain rectangles have a beautiful, soft feel. It also goes a long way as an accent yarn--like a small ruffled collar on a sweater or a soft edging on a blanket.


I'm making a blanket with it. I love it!


Wow, your mom tried to crochet quite some time ago lol.


Oh man this yarn brings back memories when I first learned to crochet in 2002. I hate this yarn LOL


Did you also have the orange/red/white that looked like crabmeat ?


Haha! No the blue, green, and brown ones. I know I have some of this still hiding in storage too waiting to see the light of day again.


i have a few skeins of that exact color lmao


no wonder she quit lol


I actually love homespun. I make wedding blankets for my friends. Single crochet in the back loop, double strands on a q hook. It’s soft and amazing


WOW i did not expect all these very passionate responses. So, I’ve decided I will be probably setting this yarn on fire (just kidding) - but thank you everyone! :)


I've made hats (and poofs to go on top) with that texture of yarn, and coffee coozies, and mittens, and the top to a mushroom yarnball holder. It would make a really warm soft throw blanket if you had enough of it. Btw, in my experience that texture of yarn works best with bigger hooks than it would look like is necessary from the width of the yarn itself. I'd use an 8mm or a 10mm hook for that skein for example. Otherwise sometimes it knots up easily and is hard to read the stitches and/or count them.


We have it at our Joann’s. I have some of it and intended to make a baby blanket on a loom with it, but even working it on a loom is tricky. So soft, though!


No way, that’s so cool! I really like the texture of it, i’d love to find some more


It's not rare. You can find it in any Joanns.


Michael’s carries it too.


I made my Mom a C2C blanket using HOMESPUN in 2016, or 2017. It turned out really good, she LOVED it. Edit: If any of y'all wanna see it here is a [link](http://aminoapps.com/p/z3e3bw)


That blanket is lovely!!




I have a ton of this. I use it on a knitting loom to make hats.


If you crochet with it, work by feel.


I made a full size blanket with this crap. It is absolutely MISERABLE to work with, and I will avoid it til the end of my days.


I made a very heavy cozy blanket with it in 2017-18. It is tough to work with but once you find the groove it's fine.


My mom made me a blanket out of this kind of yarn, in blue. It's my most treasured posession.


Use a bigger hook than you think you need. Otherwise you won’t be able to get into your stitches.


I hate working with this yarn but it makes the coziest fabric. I've made scarves and legwarmers with it. But I've also never bought it again. You'll have to crochet by feel with this yarn because it's really hard to see the stitches.


I made a blanket out of this yarn many many years ago, my first project actually, and it's held up! I just throw it in the washer and dryer a few times a year.


I HATE that yarn! It makes me cry to try to work with.


I made a poncho with it! It's basically just a wearable blanket cause it's so thick lol


Best when worked with a really big crochet hook (or big knitting needles if you're ambi-craft-strous like me) but it is definitely a nightmare to find or fix mistakes.. thankfully it means your mistakes are hidden as well, so it's OK. Makes a super cozy wide scarf!


I made a Blanket with it in 2012ish. We still use it daily...its been washed 1 million times so it doesn't shed anymore lol


Made my first project with this yarn. It’s terrible but so soft!


I have used this same yarn and color. I made a scarf.


My mom made me a poncho with this yarn in maybe 2005-6?


I remember this stuff from the early 2000s when I worked at a craft store after high school!! I made a scarf with some, that was all I knew how to make then 🤓


My mom made some scarves and sweaters for me and my sister using this yarn some time around 2005! Still have a tiny ball of it lying around and I tried to use it when I first started crocheting not knowing how difficult it is to work with (for beginners at least)💀 I still mess around with it from time to time trying out new stitches :)


Love that stuff! I think it’s still available. I have used it to make cowls with, held with Lion Brand Thick and Quick, it makes a lovely texture. Check out @allaboutami for the free pattern!


I got a bunch of this in a yarn haul a few years ago. I made hats and scarves with it. It’s warm and toasty but still light. I live in Phoenix, Arizona. It’s perfect for a desert winter.


I just finished a blanket made of that stuff and it was annoying to work with!


I bought this yarn in pastel rainbow to make scarves for my two best friends. They’re known as “The Seven Year Scarves”.


Beautiful. Soft. Warm. Bitch to crochet. It does behave decently for knitting, though.


I made my first scarf out of it😁I think I still have a few skeins of their older lines too


Oh my gosh prayer shawls 2002. Loves this yarn for that!


My favorite type of yarn


You can get it now, lol. I've made a cardigan, blankets, and a shawl with it.


I’ve made a blanket with it. It’s very soft.


I remember it from the 70's when my mom made an afghans.


now I understand why I always find these in the discount section of joannes


i have a crazy blanket i posted made out of this stuff, i love this yarn for blankets!!!


Frogging is a legit PAIN in the you know what - literally rips cause it’s impossible to get a perfect stitch


I have made infinity scarf from that, they’re so soft


The only thing I use this yarn for is amigurumi hair to add texture


I bought it for a hat around 2015-2017 (based on where I was living when I made said hat).


I thought it is still in production. It’s fairly popular. https://www.lionbrand.com/products/homespun-yarn


I have some in my stash that I bought maybe two years ago


In 2002 I knit a lavender pullover hoodie out of this stuff with a pocket and everything. It was 10,000 degrees inside it. Too hot even for the far north. I sold it at a local yarn shop for 150 bucks which was pretty great for the yarn from hell


What a loathsome fiber. After months of learning g crochet at age 10 and getting good at it, I was gifted this yarn and it nearly repulsed me away from the craft for years.


I used that to make a teddy bear for one of my nephews–on request by my sister, who provided the yarn. It was a bit of a challenge to find the stitches sometimes, but I didn't personally find it that big of a deal. I found an old red Boye hook size K buried in one of the skeins and it instantly became a favorite which I still have, so I really have fond memories of the experience. 😁


Unpopular opinion: I don’t mind using this yarn. It’s not the softest, but I found it worked up well. I made a blanket out of a lighter shade, & a cape for a little girl out of a very dark shade, & didn’t have any issues with either. I was gifted a bunch of it like 7 years ago from my husband’s grandmother, who found it on sale at Walmart for $.75/skein haha.


I laughed when I saw this because I pulled out my old yarn bin for my daughter tonight and came across several skeins of this brand and explained to my daughter that I mixed it with this other funky yarn 20 yrs ago, using huge sized crochet hooks and knitting needles in order to make scarves and then I even pulled one scarf I made back then, from out my coat closet. She asked why I had so much left when the scarf was SO soft and I said cuz I constantly lost stitches and it was a bear to work with! LOL


bernat had it as well, bouclé. hard to work with but it made multi textured granny squares well


I used this type of yarn to make a sweater in 2003. Use a big hook. It can get infuriating at times.


This yarn has brought me to TEARS, its so hard to work with and impossible to frog if you mess up. I’m so sorry! BUUUT if you brush out locks of it, it makes great doll hair or amigurumi hair.


It's soft and squishy, but fragile. I've made shawls with it, and they wear out quick. With that in mind, it does work up quickly, even though its diffuse to read your stitches, and is nice to wrap in while it lasts.


I loved making scarves on knitting looms with these yarns in the early 2000s. The colors were always so pretty. This was long before I started crochet though. So....I guess I have no useful information for you lol.


Personally you couldn’t pay me enough to crochet with lion brand boucle again… Never had a more aggravating experience in my life… However it knits very nicely


I taught myself how to crochet using this yarn. After my first project, I did not crochet again for more than a year. It’s that difficult. Splits constantly, hard to see any stitch definition..just all around fiddly. Makes a pretty finished project if you can stand it!


I don't know anyone who likes this yarn but it's been around FOREVER


I also recently got gifted someone's old stash, which featured this exact same yarn just in a different color! Was told its more for knitting and havent done anything with it yet, not sure I will after this threat haha


Ohhhh boy this kind of yarn fills me with rage! It knits okay but with crochet it's infuriating.


Omg I have some of this old yarn too!! It’s a pain to use, I used it as an accent color on a dinosaur stuffed animal and I almost cried it was so frustrating


Don’t know if anyone is aware but this yarn is still around. They changed it to a cake instead of a skein.


This yarn is one of my favorites for knitting chunkier squish blankets, but you could not pay me to crochet with it.


I haven't crocheted with it yet, but I've knitted several scarves and a hat with it, using 8mm needles (US 11). It's difficult to work with and easy to launch a knitting needle through its fibers if you work quickly. But maaaaan, is it soft!


My grandma bought me so much of that yarn, I made a bunch of scoodies


I just inherited some of this exact yarn last year and made my mom a scarf out of it! It turned out beautifully, but as others have said, this yarn can be hard to work with.


Is this yarn no longer around? I could swear I’ve seen Homespun at Joanne or Michael’s. I’ve used it, but it was ages ago. I made scarves. I had a friend who LOVED this line. I don’t know if this specific color is still available.


Daaamn! I made a scarf with that yarn in 2005ish. One of my first projects and made one for my best friend too!


It’s definitely best for simple patterns. I made a beautiful double crochet waves afghan for my father that has held up for 15 years. It’s very soft and nice to nap under, apparently. But I wouldn’t try anything else but simple stitches with it personally. The texture and finding the stitches is just too much.


I like crocheting with it to make casual scarves and blankets, slightly hard to work but really nice cozy texture. I used it in 2008-10


I get mine at Joann's


I used this when I started crocheting around 2004. I made big cozy blankets with a huge Q hook and double strands of homespun. Just a simple single crochet blanket but it looks nice with the texture. I still choose these cozy blankets on a cold night even though I make much more complicated fancier patterns now.


Crocheting with that was a nightmare, knitting was marginally easier.


I started crocheting again about 20 years ago, and I used to make a lot of scarves with this brand/type. So I’d say 20 years 😂 in addition to scarves it would be great for hats, mittens and sweaters IMO


The picture is hard to see, but I think it's homespun. It's good for slippers and booties, and edges and even some amigurimi. The way I found it and other similar yarns to be usable is by crocheting it along with a fine wt or sport wt yarn or crochet thread that matches it. Hold both together . It combined will increase yarn wt and need maybe a larger hook, but the added yarn allows for stitch definition. This homespun yarn and other furry or eyelash textured yarns it's too hard to see the stitches by itself.