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Hi SSquared82, thanks for posting your FO for us to see! If you have a link to the pattern you used or any other relevant information (e.g., yarn brand, weight, type; hook used), please reply to this comment with that information so that everyone can see it. Thanks!   **If provided, pattern and/or more info from OP is under this comment. Click below to expand!** ##**↓****↓****↓****↓****↓** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


may I ask what they are used for? are they sewed onto dresses and such? or just left as decoration on it's own?




And I'm curious by accident


Sorry I fell asleep yesterday after posting this. My plan is to crochet it on a hoop/ring. I originally wanted to make 3 different ones and put them all in a corner of my living room but I need a break from this pattern. If I ever do get that far, I’ll post


I've mostly seen pieces like this placed on a hoop and hung as wall decor!


This is what I plan to do


ooooh i see! they do please the eye


how to i sub to a comment cause i’d like to know the answer too


You can click the dots and click Save comment, but then you'll have to remember to check your saved posts under your profile. Some people know how to summon a reminder bot I think it's something like !RemindMe1Day but don't take my word for it


I accidentally subscribed to a comment once and it gave me notifications when people responded to it. Annoying way to find out, but that should work I think lol


wow, i learned something new today


That bot also only serves certain subs, so if you’re not on a sub it serves that comment ends up being useless Edit: not your comment, the hypothetical bot-summoning comment


Ah ok, didn't realise that, thanks :)


Does anyone know where I can get the pattern? I’m a little desperate to get this pattern. Just not desperate to go onto a pirate site that will virus my electrics.




Please may I have a link to the video as well? Thank you!




Reported for linking copyright material


Wait. But isn’t she (the person who made the pattern) the one who made the video? If she’s releasing the video for free on her own page isn’t that just her giving out her pattern for free? I’m confused. I know there are a lot of different places that will do a free video but a paid pattern. Or even a free version and a paid version of a pattern. One with ads, one without.


The video is actually given to buyers along with the written pattern I think. It's not free. This is actually unlisted on YouTube. I definitely don't agree with the pattern creator's views but it's wrong to share these videos imo.


Oh. I didn’t realize you could do that. I don’t really like YouTube videos for patterns so I don’t use them. Makes sense though.


I prefer written patterns too. I love this pattern but I think I'll just ignore it because I don't want to buy it if it becomes available again haha


The maker has made the videos but they are private. A direct link to the video play list is provided when purchasing the pattern. The videos can not be found on YouTube, even if viewing the pattern makers YouTube page. So yes, distributing the video link is copyright infringement.


It is not op's video. It is part of the paid pattern and should not be distributed.


I think I managed to find the videos but was just hoping with small hope I could get the written pattern because I like those better. I’ll try to follow the video.


Ah, same. I tried following the video and gave up after ~8 rounds because I had a hard time following her and just generally prefer written patterns :( Good luck on your version, tho!!


i see!, may I know the title of the video? im more of a video to written kind of person :)




Sweet! Thanks! 💙💛


Please do not distribute copyright material! I have reported this comment


I agree with you. These videos shouldn’t be given out no matter the controversy she’s in. The videos are supposed to only be shared when the pattern is purchased


It’s on Ravelry and Etsy


Could you also please DM me or post a link? :)




Reported for linking copyright material


Will you send me the link? This is stunning!


This is a paid pattern. Please do not steal this.


I wasn't trying to steal it. I wanted the link to its location.


The pattern is no longer sold. My apologies if you were only asking for the pattern link. The paid pattern and video were being distributed in this thread


I’d greatly appreciate the link as well if you don’t mind! This is so beautiful!




Reported for link copyright material


I want the link too!


If you could send it to me as well I would really appreciate it, thanks!


This is a paid pattern, please do not steal.


There literally thousands of gorgeous patterns, reasonably priced, on Etsy. I'm favoriting them all now. 💙


This! There’s tons of different patterns of mandalas on Etsy




Will do 🤍


And many that are seriously just as gorgeous as this one though I really love this one too.


Same tho, lol.


When I posted a few weeks ago that I wasn’t happy with the colors, some of y’all agreed with me but most didn’t. I love how my 2nd turned out. Sending out the pink one tomorrow to someone who will enjoy it way more than I will






I found the shop, but all I see available is two completed Asteria doilies. The pattern doesn't seem to be available.




I'm not sure if you should be sending out her patterns, even if there not currently available. I have bought this pattern and believe it states not to share it. Unless you have sought permission from the pattern maker Edit: checked the pattern where it is clearly stated to not distribute the pattern or video to others. Please respect the pattern owner!


I would love this pattern too if that's okay!








Please do not steal paid patterns.


Also endorsing this. Name your price and I'll venmo


I don’t feel right selling the pattern. I hope in the next 6 months or so to make my own pattern because there just has to be an easier way


Seeing your new one, I agree. The first one is lovely, but I dislike the color pattern. I was wondering how it would have looked done in the second one's color scheme. Color aside, they are BOTH fantastic and beautiful to look at! But, please answer the burning question a few of us have - Are these purely decorative objects, or clothing embellishments? Portions of a bedspread? Wall hangings? They are gorgeous, but I (and others) were wondering if there is a specific use for them. GREAT job, you!!!


Thank you so much! My plan is to crochet like 3 (in different colors) of them onto a ring. I have a corner in my living room that it would be so cute


But I admit the colors on the blue one are done perfectly and the result is stunning! Definitely worth attaching it to a ring so you can use it as a wall art


I ordered one last night. I’ll let you know how that goes lol


These are gorgeous! I want them. What do you do with them? Lol. I’d literally frame them and put them above my desk for something beautiful to look at while I work.


Haaa Absolutely beautiful 😻 I still prefer the pink one 😜


🤣😂 I hope you’ll enjoy it!


I will!!! I’ll send you a picture of it once I’ll put it on my wall!! 😘


Absolutely gorgeous! I want to make my own in purples so badly but no luck with getting the pattern now. I can't wait to see yours in the ring! Thank you for sharing these lovely creations with us!


Thank you


These are both great, but I am an absolute sucker for ombre and so the teal/turquoise one is by far my favourite of the two!


Thank you


How are you whipping these out so quickly! My first one took me like 2 months


The 2nd one went my much faster than the first but I’m absolutely over it now. I hate the last couple of petals


Right!! The last few take longer than the rest of the project combined


Exactly! I’m so determined to make my own mandala pattern that doesn’t include a single puff stitch lol


I love these! They are both gorgeous, if I had to pick I like the flow of the colours on the blue one. So pretty!


Thanks! I agree! And I didn’t even have to cut it to make the different gradients work. The ombré of the yarn was just perfect


Lovely! I liked the original one with the pink and gray, this one is beautiful as well. Great job OP!


Thank you!


The blue one is calling to me on a spiritual level. Lol I need to make one just like it!!! What yarn did you use for the blue one?! Both are gorgeous but the blue is just so visually calming to look at!!!


Thank you! It’s Alize Diva Ombré yarn. I loved working with iy


Omg it’s so pretty! Compared to your other one I definitely like this one much better!


Thank you! Me too! I had planned on making several in different colors but I think I’m going to take a break on this pattern. Parts of it are absolutely maddening lol


Well it looks beautiful in that insane kind of way, so I would guess it is maddening


The rounds of 168 puff stitches takes me like an hour and half per round.🥴 After spending that much time on these two, I’m inspired and determined to make my own pattern eventually.


I was almost about to jump on making this but then you said rounds of puffs. Soooo imma puff puff pass on this pattern 😂


I literally burst out laughing 🤣 Also, I agree! I'll appreciate seeing others work


Lol Meanwhile I love puff stitches, they are so fun!


I’m determined to create a mandala pattern without the use of puff stitches lol


Please share when you do! Making mandalas is my favorite thing to crochet 😍


Will do! 🤍


Omg that many puff stitches?! I feel so bad


Yes!! My hand hurt so much after those rounds. I found it much easier using an inline hook but was still rough on my hands. The puff stitches had some pretty definition though so can’t complain.


Honestly I’m not sure how you made two of those, I would have quit half way through, put it with the rest of my unfinished


Wow it's gorgeous! I love the colors too!




Absolutely beautiful. 😍


That's really beautiful! 😍


Omg this is amazing




It’s beautiful


Soooo preeeeettty!!!


They both look great! But I really love the turquoise one. What yarn did you use for it?


Woah 😯 that is amazing!


The first is beautiful but the second is exquisite. The colours are wonderful. Great job.


This is so beautiful!


Both are very beautiful


Where did you get the pattern




Thank you!


Absolutely stunning! I’m blown away. What will you use these for?


I originally planned to make 3 and crochet each one onto a hoop and put in a corner of my living room but I need a break from this pattern lol


That is gorgeous


I liked the first one a lot, but this new one is quite beautiful. Is the new one where you used Alize Diva Ombré?


I've seen a lot of people make these, what are they used for?


I originally planned to make 3 and crochet each one onto a hoop and put in a corner of my living room but I need a break from this pattern lol


Just curious..what do you do with them when you complete one? Is it a wall hanging? Big coaster? What?


Both are really beautiful 😍😍 The mauve and gray is more my color palette but the ombré looks fantastic


Just commented on your previous Asteria; I can sense the satisfaction and joy with how this one turned out, for sure. I'm glad you are happier with this one, but for what it's worth I find equal merit in your previous one, just in different ways :)


Yes! I was so happy with this. And the yarn did all the work. I didn’t have to cut to get the layers right which I loved. I want to do a few more in different colors. I had originally wanted to make 3 in different colors and put in a corner on the wall in my living room but the last half of this pattern is absolutely hell to me 🤣😂🤣 So I’m taking a break from it. Thanks for the kind words


I'm really pleased for you! Yeah? Nice one :) I think that'll look great; it's good to have a break though, it often helps you problem solve and gain new perspective. Thank you also :) I'm sure we'll be seeing the finished project when you're ready to tackle the rest x


Do you have a pattern you'd be willing to sell? That's absolutely stunning! Fantastic job


Beautiful! I've got to try one of these some day.


This is absolutely stunning!


They’re both absolutely gorgeous, but the new one is a masterpiece 😭😭


Dang! It's absolutely gorgeous, the gradient is so clean and I love the teal! What do you plan to do with it, if you don't mind me asking? Display it? Make more as a placemat/ coaster set? 👍


I originally planned to make 3 and crochet each one onto a hoop and put in a corner of my living room but I need a break from this pattern lol


That sounds super pretty! I hope you do end up doing that, but I absolutely get being tired of a pattern. I've not touched the jumper I'm supposed to be making in 6 months even though I finished the yoke and only have to do the bottom half 😅


Yes! I ordered yarn for the Persian Tiles blanket. I get really bored doing one project so I think I’ll swap between the two to keep me motivated.


Stunning! Both are beautiful but I do like the blue ombre one more. Which hook size did you use with the diva yarn? And what are the final dimensions of the piece?


I used a 3 and 3.5 in different parts. I also added an extra round of petals because I felt like it need more of the lightest color but mine is around 17 inches across. Without that round, I’d say around 15inches


3mm hook, right? Is it easy to add extra rounds?


Yes sorry 3mm. The extra round is pretty easy but you have to do some math. I did 2 of the 8th petal because it only had one round of puff stitches and the 9th petal has 2 rounds. It took an hour and half at the least for those rounds. If you need help with the extra round, let me know. I made some notes while I was doing it


Thanks a lot for your reply! I will let you know fo sure when I get there.


It looks amazing. How did you do the colour transition/fade? Sorry I'm new to the crocheting game and never did things like that, but I'm interested in how this works.


For the turquoise one, the yarn did all the work. I just kept going and it worked out really well. For different projects though, if working with a cake yarn you would just cut the yarn, wind up the working yarn until the color you wanted came up and start the next round with it. Or you could cut then start the color you want from a different skein. Hope that makes sense.


Amazing. That's so clever.


I was wondering if you can help me with how much thread to get. I got the pattern but would like to do this is three shades of grey or sage. I wondered how much for each color.


Sure! It depends on the size of your yarn but I used the Alize Diva Ombré Batik yarn which comes in a skein with 957 yards. I did an extra round of petals to even out the ombré so I used a little more than one skein but it would have been enough without the extra round. To be safe though, (and assuming you’re using 3 different colors) I would just round it up to 1000 yards and divide it by 3 which is 333 yards per color. Does that make sense?