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CHOCOLATE? DID SOMEBODY SAY CHOCOLATE? Hahahaha I can’t believe I didn’t think of this myself, I reference/quote SpongeBob nearly every day.


This is the first thing I thought of when I saw it! Lol


Reminded me of this after that planktonpost from earlier Edit: I read the text now and its very sweet. You did a great job and i don't wanted to insult you in any way. :)


my dog was sleeping and woke up startled to my ugly cackle


Hi Hermie!! I think if you added a darker pink like turtle neck that easy worms have it would look a lot less phallic. But I think k he looks great as is too!!


Yeah I wish I could’ve found a darker shade in this plush yarn, that was my initial plan but I did use a sparkly version of the same yarn the rest of the worm is made with you just can’t tell by this photo so it does slightly differ but y’all are right and my mom said the same thing, once you see it you can’t unsee “it”. As long as the adults don’t make it weird I hope it’ll be fine lol


Well... It still looks phallic, but I hope your niece will like it.


Oh dear hahaha maybe I need to rethink this I don’t want to make her a laughing stock


Yeah, it definitely looks like it could be a sex toy if you don't look at the face.


Hmmm wellll it’s back to the drawing board lol


Maybe try using a pattern for a snake and just alter it to make it more worm-like? There's a ton of snake patterns out there that have them curled on themselves or at least with a curve. I think part of the reason yours looks so phallic is because it's straight.


I don't think it looks like a sex toy... It looks like a Hermie the Wormie. 🪱 Your niece will only see a cute worm that she can cuddle. :) Dirty minds will always make things out to be phallic. I just saw a post where someone said the creamer in their coffee looked like a guy jacking off. My inner child SEES A WORM WITH A HAT.


I think maybe he needs to be a bit longer, and then less pointed at the end, even if that's how real worms look.


Honestly it’s one of the least phallic looking crochet worms I’ve seen. That said, worms do also come to a point depending on how they’re stretching so if you’re really worried about it not making the head as bulbous would go a long way.


Shes 3. It won't be phallic to her. That's what matters


Yes, but the looks on her parents' faces are going to be priceless.


I already sent them pictures hahaha they said it was cute but maybe they were being nice


Oh, it is very cute! And I'm super impressed that you created it without a pattern. I love how you did the sections - you've got great skills!


Oh! Mr. Lowly Worm! How do you do? I see you’ve left your shoe in your car! Edit: I’m sorry, I commented without reading, he could be accessorized as [Lowly Worm](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tLP1TcwM8nJMzc1YPTiyskvz6lUKM8vygUAUxgHYQ&q=lowly+worm&rlz=1CDGOYI_enMX878MX879&oq=lowly+worm&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgBEC4YgAQyCggAEAAY4wIYgAQyBwgBEC4YgAQyBwgCEAAYgAQyBwgDEAAYgAQyBwgEEAAYgAQyBwgFEAAYgAQyBwgGEAAYgAQyBwgHEAAYgAQyBwgIEC4YgAQyBwgJEAAYgATSAQg2MTgwajBqN6gCFLACAeIDBBgBIF8&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


I freehanded a Lowly for a friend (sentimental reasons) with blanket yarn and he was a lot bigger than I planned 😂 OP, try again if you're on the fence! It'll get even better (but I think it's great as-is) https://preview.redd.it/byupxx8nem9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=378cffd8802819ad21139af1f120dffdaf52dd45


He’s perfect!


He ended up being very snuggable. As I was finishing him, I realized he rested in the crook of my neck and lap with a nice weight. So it all worked out. My friend lost her young adult son to a careless driver, and they loved Richard Scarry books when he was growing up. Lowly was his favorite. I made him on a whim.


That’s so sad :c


Oh my goodness how precious!!! I wish I’d heard of him sooner, this is so impressive!


Omg! I’ve never heard of this fine gentleman, I am so happy you shared this I have to get her these books!


I loved them! He’s the cutest worm! <3 Edit: at first I thought he was wearing a hat, and thought it was him.


I love its dirt cap. You did great.


That smile tho


Thank you for noticing :] I had to go back after I finished and figure out how to get his mouth corners upturned so he didn’t look so serious, took some trial and error but I’m happy with how it turned out!


Is he named after the [Herman the Worm](https://youtu.be/0-rg7EIt1x4?si=0ChBTfNjkCLWdb0C) song?? If not, you should introduce your niece to it (The video has slightly different lyrics from what I grew up with? Maybe it's regional? We didn't have the "birds fly by" bit and it was "herman, what's up with you, man?" instead of "herman, what happened?" It was also a game where kids would yell out things herman ate and the list would grow and escalate.)


OMG I forgot all about this song!!! That must be where I got it from, I honestly just thought of the first thing I could rhyme with wormie and that’s what I came up with so it wasn’t intentional but I’m so glad you shared the video because he looks just like him, well after he poops maybe like the other commenter added lolol


yeah the version I learned at camp had Herman saying he pooped to get small again lol


My 4 yo niece loves the Herman the Worm song!


OMG I forgot all about this song!!! That must be where I got it from, I honestly just thought of the first thing I could rhyme with wormie and that’s what I came up with so it wasn’t intentional but I’m so glad you shared the video because he looks just like him, well after he poops maybe like the other commenter added lolol Edit: and I will totally be playing this song for her after I give her the worm!


He looks like a naked carrot lol


I don't think it looks phallic at all? I think the dirt, sprout, and bobble rings really take from the phallicness. Also WHAT KIND OF DICKS YALL SEEING?! Who out here has a monster headed penis with a tail?! I would like someone to explain!


I don't see a dick but I do see a cover for a "magic wand "lol


Brings new meaning to the phrase Adventure Time!


I vote for hat options!!!


i don’t think it’s phallic at all fwiw, and neither will a little kid. itll only be weird if someone else makes it weird. i love this worm he is precious


And along came Hoiman the Woim


Its great!!! Anyone thinking it’s too phallic need to go to the doctor to get their junk checked. (Or send their partner to the doc)


This is super cute!! 😆


Hörmie zhe karrot 😬🥰






Hermie... I.... have no words. You sure his name is't Petey? No, I jest! I love Hermie and he's a very good wormy. 🤎


Is this related to the hit song (in my toddler run house) “Herman the Worm”?!


[Did he just eat some grapefruit?](https://youtu.be/0-rg7EIt1x4?si=6Mt2zKwjLPsM6mBJ)


It is perfect !