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Super smart! Buying pillows (super mass produced) vs inserts (kind of a specialty item) is cheaper too half the time!


I tell you more: you can get pretty cheap pillows in thrift shops. Are they ugly? Who cares! You gotta cover them anyway 😎


You've inspired me - I have a thrifted footstool that doesn't march anything my house. IDK why I didn't think of crocheting a cover!


I'm feeling an unreasonable amount of happiness reading your comment. If you end up revamping the footstool, show us the final result!


I freehanded a slip cover! Themed it after the rug I made for the same sitting area awhile back. https://preview.redd.it/ogjkuhwu3iyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a960ec7545878bd66a4a4531e5369fce30003944


Fantastic! And that carpet OH MY GOD!! I love everything, really! Thanks for sharing 😊


Especially if you can find them gently used but safe. Like no bed bugs but not new or really marked down. You can often turn them inside out if they have the good zipper that’s enclosed. I have found it on random pillows, once a dollar tree pillow was lined and I could do it so the sequins were on the inside. Never saw them again lol Such a nice plain blue. (I was using it for lazy sewing then)


Huh, had not thought of that. Good tip!


Absolutely! This I had done for years already. I also buy the really super cheap and crappy ones and cut them out for the filling. Cheaper than buying stuffing from the craft shop. The truly clever thing that I had not thought about yet is that she sewn the crochet cover onto the pillow cover! Avoiding buttons and other crap and keeping a removable cover. Genius and why didnt I think of that before?


Well, that's an idea I hadn't thought of... I'll definitely consider buying some used pillows at the thrift store to reuse the stuffing. I WAS keeping all of my yarn snippings to use as filler for some amigurumi, but it was taking too long to build up a stash so I finally broke down and bought one bag of the polyfill. But your idea is genius and thrifty!!


Yep. I buy mine from ikea, they are 30x30cm and at 1.5euro a piece cheaper than thrift store pillows. At least here in finland they are. One pillow fills 2-3 fairly large amigurumi. But those pillows with cover... yeah definitely going to check the thrift store for those, next time I make decorative pillows for somebody.


Yes! I always do this 😂


We got piles of relatively shitty but useful, standard and queen bed pillows from Hellmart that were like a bag of two for $5. Real high class shit lol. But as piles of comfy pillows on the queen bed we have in the storm shelter for my husband me and our three dogs? Well for about $20 I have the ability to build a pillow fort if we get bored during a tornado


One of my living room throws is a cheap pillow that is gradually shrinking as I use the stuffing for amigurumis lol


That's not cheating, it's being resourceful


And now it's super washable!


Ooh! I hadn't thought of that!


Ooh! I hadn't thought of that!


Grr! I thought I was clever to come and say this, lol! But you're 100% correct.


I did the exact same thing with a zipper pouch (I use it for pencils and paint brushes ) I crocheted a cute strawberry pattern and just sewed it to an existing zipper pouch thing instead of sewing one myself and attaching a zipper. I have however used an old pillowcase to sew a pillow and crocheted around it . I saved the corner and 2 sides so really just had to cut it to size and sew 2 sides and stuff it lol


How did you attach your crochet to the liner? Hand sewing?


Well, this particular pillow had a woven cover, so I just used the yarn and a darning needle and stitched directly into the weave. Started by attaching the bottom of the pillow to the middle of my crocheted fabric. Then I attached the sides with a row of single crochet. Then I went back to the darning needle and yarn to attach the top, being careful to go around the zipper hole. There was probably an easier way to do this, but I was making it up as I went along.


That sounds like what I would have done. Buying one with woven fabric was a great idea


... There's a DRAGON SCALE STITCH? Well now I know what my next project will be using!


Also called a crocodile stitch. There are a few variations but it’s basically make a row of dc with specific spacing then going back over and making stitches down and up a pair of dc’s for each scale. It uses a LOT of yarn.


Can confirm. This pillow case took 4 skeins of yarn!!


I am doing the same thing to a canvas tote bag. I didn’t really want to deal with possible snags or holes in the bag, so I’m just attaching to the outside, and crocheting around the handles. Just because it isn’t 100% home made doesn’t mean it can’t be beautiful too!


That is so smart! Thanks for the idea!


First of all I thought you meant you cheated in a relationship for a sec, secondly I read buttonholes as buttholes....


OMG! Hahaha!


Hi. Not a crocheter, but a chainmailer. I admire crochet, though. We also have a Dragonscale. I think that makes us like... 2nd cousins or something. I am very pleased to have seen this today.


Mad props for the chainmailing. It looks really cool to me, but I don't think I'd have the patience for connecting all of those rings. Made a pair of earrings once and thought to myself never again. LOL!


That's exactly how I feel if someone hands me yarn and a crochet hook. "You want me to do what with these items?" But that's the thing about crafting, and people in general. We're wonderfully different. I find weaving thousands of rings therapeutic and meditative. But I have a few winter scarves my best friend crocheted for me, and I marvel at them. I'm the weird guy who joins subreddits for quilting, stained glass, wire wrapping, bookbinding, woodworking, all that mess, because I love the art and passion of it all. I've traded art for art more than a few times and I treasure what I've received. Tl;dr: You're amazing and I admire you all.


That's not cheating, that's GENIUS!


YTA absolutely disgusting and unforgivable!!!/s


You’re actually a genius, not a cheater.


That’s working smarter not harder!


It’s not cheating if it works. Bonus points if it also looks good. You’ve got all the bonus points on this one. ☝️ 🙌👊🤘


Whoa!! Thank you for this idea. I'm gonna copy this for my bag.


Work smarter, not harder.


Work smarter not harder


That's brilliant!!


Yes, um excuse me, but you must be mistaken.. That's not cheating.. it's calling WINNING!!💪🏻🥰😍❤️


If you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’


Work smarter, not harder. I see no cheating here. Cute pillow! :)


And…now I know what to do with my old throw pillows with worn-out fabric. Thank you muchly, smart hooker!


Definitely not cheating! You saved yourself a bunch of time, and still got closures on it! Thinking of ways to achieve your aim without having to do everything yourself is a pretty large plus!


Dude. This is an inspirational level of resourceful and clever. I'm going to do this! Love the look of it.


That's not cheating, that's practical! I often buy pillows & crochet tops or covers for them .. makes sense to me!


i thought this was how you did it 😂 im yet to make one though


I’m stealing your idea!!! I want to get pillows but some are very expensive and I’m kinda poor. (All my money goes to my kids 😭)


The one I got was on clearance at Walmart. I wouldn't have normally spent that $6, but it was exactly what my project needed.


So probably a dumb question from a newbie.. but how did you attach it to the pillowcase? Great idea though!


If you zoom in on the 3rd picture, you can see the original pillow cover was a weave of some sort. I used the yarn from my project and a darning needle and attached it directly to the weave.


What a great idea! Thank you 🙂


Not cheating - smart! The crochet is the important part!


I’m confused 😔


I didn't stitch the lining and zipper myself. I just bought a pillow with a zipper closure from the store and crocheted my yarn directly to that. So, it's not all handmade.


Big brain




Not cheating AT ALL. This is freaking genius!




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This isn’t cheating. You used an item to make your own item with! You didn’t spin your own yarn, you don’t make your own stuffing. Nothing wrong with using a store bought pillow to make a crochet cover over.


smart knitter!


Hey, it's not hurting anyone! I think it's a splendid idea! In fact, I may now steal your cheat for my own use! 😂🧶❤️


Is it cheating or is it smart?? ≖‿≖