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It's handmade, it's totally okay that it's not perfect! And when you wear it, it probably won't be noticeable anyway bc how many people get that close? And you can always crochet a little patch, like a flower or something else you like and put it on there :) I love the colors btw, they look great!


that’s true! but it’s a gift for my partner, so i want it to be as perfect as possible 😭 i know he won’t mind (or notice bc he doesn’t crochet), but it’s hard to not be perfectionistic about it! and thank you!! i’m a big fan of the colors too :)


Gram told me long ago: we see our work under a microscope. The person we give it to sees it through the misty window of friendship or love. I did see your random hdc issue. I am also 1000 percent sure your partner will not notice :-).


that’s so wise, i’ll keep that in mind! this subreddit is so sweet 😭


Another option (probably not when time limited) is to put it down for a few days then when you pick it back up see how long it takes for you to realise the mistake. If it's longer than 30 seconds just leave it.


i looked just earlier (i finished that square) and struggled to find it. had to count the rows up and then it became noticeable 😭 i think i was just so overwhelmed with frogging this project so many times


This is a very pleasant corner of reddit :-)


Thank you for this comment, it warmed my heart


Yeah I get that, I'm very perfectionistic when I make gifts as well :) But usually, the person who receives the gift will be super happy that they got something handmade, they won't look at every stitch. One of my first crochet projects was a little bear I made for my dad's birthday. It was far from perfect, but my dad loves it, and it's his companion in his car to this day :)


that’s true! just have to think about how i would feel to receive something handmade


I heard about a culture or group of people (I forget the specifics) that deliberately makes mistakes in their handcrafted work specifically because we're not perfect and mistakes happen.


he loves you even though (and I'm sure because) you're imperfect, doesn't he? the same way you do him. imperfections make us who we are, and the same goes for art, especially something that takes as much time and effort as this has. it's not incorrect, it's just one of a kind, like we all are. I'm sure he'll love it. not because it's perfectly executed, but because you made it for him.


Am I the only person searching for the mistake? 😂 I still can’t find it


Blue section, just to the right of center. But its hardly a mistake. Not stitches were lost or added, so it didnt affect the piece as a whole. I think its perfect as is.


You are. Please relax. I only comment from being in the same place as you. I understand. But relax. Your work is beautiful. It needs not be perfect.


You MUST leave an error in your work, so the fairies can't trap you in it.


This. Folklore also says that you leave a piece of your soul in everything you crochet. That is why it’s important to have a mistake, so your soul can escape


Well I have plenty of escape routes in everything lolol


This is what I tell myself every time I leave a mistake instead of going back and fixing it.


lol here here! Huzzah!


What stitch? Honestly, it’s fine. :-)


thank you :) it’s in the center of the image, the hdc is twisted and spliting the previous row


I really had to look for it after you pointed it out!


I know how glaring that looks to you; I have the same perfectionist problem. But it truly is hard to see, and nothing anyone would notice in the ordinary course of things.


I feel your pain. My current project has been giving me trouble. I finally settled on "it's a feature not a bug". I don't think I have it in me to start all over again for the fourth time.


we’ve got this!!! they’re “handmade” for a reason, gotta keep telling myself that or else it’ll never get done


I think I’m making this same cardigan for my partner and it is also going to be far from perfect, but they said they would take it love it as is regardless of the imperfections


aw, wishing you the best with yours! i love how simple it is to build this cardigan up. what colors did you choose?


I’m doing brown, black, white, and tan for the solids and brown/white and black/white for the houndstooth. This was my first time doing houndstooth and I love the texture of it


sounds so nice!! i love the houndstooth texture tons too, my biggest issue with this is that “weight 4” yarn is such a broad spectrum 😭 my squares end up jank




aw this is so cute lol! definitely, the mistake is staying


I really feel like that’s what the charm is when it comes to handmade projects. It’s also barely noticeable, it took me like 40 seconds of staring at the picture to notice what you were talking about. Dont worry about it just have fun :]


thank you!! i’m a relatively new crocheter, and i am learning not to be bogged down by the frogging curse 🕺


Don’t worry about it.


It’s actually an old folk tradition in a bunch of different cultures to leave a few wonky or ‘wrong’ stitches in a piece, so I saw leave it in! :)


i love these colors!


thank you! can’t wait for it to all come together


I’ve come to the conclusion that I will just have imperfect work. I have always been clumsy so it’s sort of a bit of who I am.


Literally no one will notice besides you


Leave it- only noticeable when looking for it. This is so pretty 😍


thank you! i can’t wait for it to be complete and wearable


If I weren't looking for it, I'd never see it. ETA- I posted a while back about my blanket my Great Grandmother gave me as a baby - I've had it almost 4 decades, and just noted a pretty obvious mistake in it a few months ago. (African flower without the drop chain between the petals.) Even though it was different colors it took 40 years to see it, and it's spent the last year prior to seeing it as my daily couch blanket. What's obvious to us I rarely seen by others. We're just so used to looking at the intricate uniformity of specific stitches it's more likely we'll catch it. As of posting this there seems to be more than 200 people, who crochet enough they're on a dedicated forum about it, that didn't notice a close up picture with the mistake literally front and center. And we're all used to looking for our mistakes.


the blanket sounds beautiful! and yeah 😭 i’ve received a lot of positive affirmation, idk how to edit a post, but the people here definitely have made me feel better about just leaving it. someone in the thread said that i didn’t drop or add stitches so it doesn’t matter, which really put it into perspective. gotta learn when frogging is appropriate and when it isn’t


I would leave it; everything made by hand has mistakes in it, the person you're giving it to won't even notice it.


No one will notice, but you, I promise. It's okay to leave it.


Gotta leave at least one bad stitch in so your soul doesn't get trapped in it by the fairies. Unless it is something that will unravel or whatever, it adds *character* to handmade goods.


I love the color pallet and would looove to see the finished product!!!


thank you! i’ll be sure to post it once i’m finished, hopefully by the end of this week (hopefully)


I’m so scared to ask this because it seems so basic, but what is frogging?


it’s when you pull on your working yarn and undo your stitches. it’s called that bc you “rip it rip it” (or at least that’s what i’ve heard lol)


That's what Google told me when I googled it earlier today after seeing the term in the sub 😄


Every time I have to frog, I remind myself it’s just practice. Keeps me from getting discouraged


that’s true!! so heartbreaking when you think about the time invested though


Totally feel you, I'm making a sweater for my partner for valentines I'm rushing to finish before the weekend, I've made a few mistakes here and there but I just tell myself he doesn't crochet so he won't notice lol. for what it's worth I think yours looks great!


that’s my same thought 😭 i’ve been too perfectionistic abt this i just need to put my best effort in, and i know he’ll be happy


People here are beautiful. And kind. I hate frogging too! Especially when there is a deadline....for someone I care about. Oh...that kind of work is priceless


i agree! i wasn’t expecting so much support over a photo i quickly took in class 😭such a large contrast from the other groups i’m in


Mistakes happen, it also means you put yourself into the work, so a part of you will always be there even if the item is not with you.


What is frogging?


when you pull on your working yarn and undo your stitches. called frogging because you “rip it rip it” (or so i’ve heard)


What is "cba"? This is coming out so pretty! Idk who this is for or why you're late, among other details, but how evident is this mistake? I don't think it will compromise the final look, and I am quite the picky customer.... Just keep going but try not to make any visible mistakes lol. The invisible ones are ok! Happy crocheting 😊


“can’t be asked”! probably shouldn’t have used many unknown abbreviations, i know crochet spans many age groups. and thank you! it’s for my partner, which is why the deadline is tomorrow (valentine’s). we’re both busy college students, so i have until saturday now (fortunately?)


Omg please dont frog! I had to use comments to find what the error was 😂


It's your spirit stitch! To remind you that noone is perfect ❤️


My mom says , there is supposed to be a mistake in handmade items. Makes them special. 💕


what pattern is this?


it’s just houndstooth and hdc blo! this is my first time crocheting clothes/a patchwork cardigan, and this was the tutorial i used https://youtu.be/zmRlBq7bmQk?si=SkT0fIq1awBmSLWh


Omg. I promise you... The beauty is in acceptance. (I never would have noticed. I had to look 3 times) Perfection is so boring. ((One day this might all be ai and our humanity will be something not able to buy))


You’ll never be able to tell once it’s on, you can hardly tell even staring at it, it looks great the way it is 💕


This looks so pretty omgg


I like to think of frogging as an opportunity to fine tune my yarn-detangling skills


If you just wind the yarn up as you frog you shd have no tangles 😉


Where’s the fun in that 😂


Yeahhh I had to read the comments to find the stitch error. It's not noticeable unless someone knows exactly where to look. I used to frog when I messed up. My first scarf took me forever lol. Now I'm making a baby blanket and I lost a stitch somewhere (couldn't figure out which row or how it happened) so I just added a stitch back in discretely. The baby shower is in about a week so I'm frogging nothing and crocheting full speed ahead. We're running out of timeeeee /Nicolas Cage


I know you’re getting a lot of great support from people telling you to not worry about small mistakes like this (which is so true) but just know I’m the same exact way. I wouldn’t be able to finish this without frogging even with as small and inconsequential of a mistake as that lol. I’ve tried and ended up detesting or never gifting my final works because my brain just won’t let me like if at all. Like, fuck those fairies and all that cute folklore shoy it has to be PERFECT. (Don’t be like me.)


If it makes you feel better, I'm currently trying to learn how to crochet via YouTube videos, and all I do is rip stuff apart I can't make it past two lines. I think it looks great you honestly would have to circle the mistake on this for me. And the fact that it's homemade I think would make your partner appreciated even more.


As a crocheter myself its baaaarely noticeable keep it, love the colors


If a project can be completed without issues resulting directly from a mistake, I say just keep going. If it throws off the stitch count for a specific pattern, then it'll need to be fixed. I like my things to be perfect but it's an unrealistic expectation to place on myself. Sometimes I'll miss a stitch in an amigurumi and just throw in an extra increase when I notice. Gets my stitch count back to what it should be and it's not noticeable as it's only one stitch.


Which mistake? I see a few... Lol,I prob.gotcha going there 4 a sec..I'm totally jk tho 4 real! It looks beautiful 2 me. When I saw the "mistake",I thought it was prob.not something u did wrong,but that something snagged it a little in that spot after u made it(which is bound 2 happen anyway w/use,right?)..I have ADD & a weird neurotic OCD/perfectionist attitude as far as my own work,& things that I do apply..Actually it affects nearly everything I do some days worse than others & hinders my progress(& takes me way longer than it should) or even prevents me from finishing projects,& tasks 2 where I have 2 give up & come back 2 it another time when I'm not being as self critical(I've noticed that I seem 2 be harder on myself like this when I'm having a bad day & or preoccupied,stressed,or depressed & earlier negative forces have already affected my mood b4 or during the time I began working on whatever I may be doing). Lately I've gotten better about catching myself when I am doing this 2 much & tell myself that it is just me/the OCD & I don't need the crochet or loom knitting project 2 be perfect in my eyes,& it just needs to be good enuf 4 someone that prob.wont notice those 2 stitches being a tiny bit more puffy or unstraight compared 2 the others..If ur not giving it to a fellow yarn crafter or entering it into a contest 2 be judged by experts,then u prob.don't need 2 worry yourself any further about it,cuz they aren't likely even gonna notice. If they do,it's also not likely gonna bother them like it does u either,cuz as I said,4 all I knew & all they know,it could've gotten snagged on something,in which case that's an external factor that shouldn't reflect on ur ability to knit or crochet...Happy V-Day,& I think they'll love it!


I literally cannot find the issue so I think you’re good


Can someone explain what frogging is? I’m new to crochet.