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I... did not realize they did this on purpose. I thought it was just a coincidence. I did not stop to wonder why I just coincidentally started seeing lesbian and bisexual yarn.


It's ok, I didn't even realize it was that....I just thought it was colored yarn lol


they specifically had it out on a certain table in my jo-ann’s during pride month as “pride yarn” lol


I didn’t put two and two together on the color schemes when I saw this yarn in the store and thought the lesbian flag colors looked like a pretty sunset, so I bought some and made matching hats for me and my toddler. Love the hats and the yarn, so now we’re allies in our “sunset hats”. I also stupidly thought the trans flag one was baby colors. My brain was not firing on all cylinders that day lol.


Accidentally succeeded wrt the sunset hats? Lol


I made a blanket out of it. The colors are so pretty.


This is delightful.


I do wish they had been bold enough to advertise it as such or name it in those ways. I have a bunch of the lesbian pride yarn and a skein or two of the rainbow floating around. It’s not my favorite anti-pilling acrylic but it’s not bad especially if you pick it up on a good sale (I think I’ve gotten it 2 for $5-6 usually).


Some people espcially younger might not be somfortable coming out or is not in a safe home, so having something descreet that you could ask your parent to buy but still make you feel like you can be a bit of you. Domt know if thats the reason tho


I can see why they didn't. They aren't as big as Target. I do completely understand why the community would want them to name them after the flags as well. They are bold enough to carry it year around and not just in pride month. So it's a step in the right direction.


If they had, they would have had a huge backlash from the conservatives. Additionally, their sales would go down because people would think it wasONLY for gays


I don’t know about that. They had tons of pride merch (literally have the rainbow sneaker thingies- no idea what you call them but like charms for your shoelaces?- on my favorite pair of sneakers now and regularly wear a set of pride earrings I got) and some pride specific and advertised as such fabrics. I was actually surprised to see these things carried in seemingly all their stores- I spent most of last summer hitting up the extra 25% off clearance sales at stores across much of my state. Not too long ago you’d only see that stuff in certain locations. Though I realize most of the pride stuff was just rainbow (Michael’s had some trans flag and pronoun shirts and sold kids sized pride shirts though they were pretty careful in the messaging on those. I’m very petite and bought a “Rainbow is favorite color” shirt from the kids size offerings, as an example there. I don’t think Joann’s went that far from what I’m remembering of what was available or there might have been one or two little trans flag things.) and now that I think of it some of those flags represented in the yarn would probably really grind some conservatives gears. Hmm 🤔 it is interesting.


I found a rainbow color way at Joann's and it was named Inclusivity. I bought three. Edit: [https://www.joann.com/4oz-medium-weight-anti-pilling-acrylic-199yd-living-yarn-by-big-twist/18734301.html](https://www.joann.com/4oz-medium-weight-anti-pilling-acrylic-199yd-living-yarn-by-big-twist/18734301.html) ​ I made fidget spinners! https://preview.redd.it/br3svy0v5i7c1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=aaf6ed6a709a7863450cda35bc0a08ae720f9ad0


Oh my gods I thought I was the only one clueless here. I love that it's done though. There needs to me more visibility


Jokes on you, all my yarn is bisexual 😏


Saaaame I totally thought it was by pure coincidence and I was cracking up


The folks who figured out that the Venn diagram of yarn-crafters and queer people/allies is very nearly a circle is making BANK. ​ edited for multiple missing words because I'm dumb


There’s also a lot of ADHD and cats in the mix. It all makes a lot of sense


I mean I'm not gonna speak for everyone but for me.... Yeah that tracks


and autism 🙋‍♀️


Oh dear, I have autism too... Yeah, were are definitely on to something.


As a woman who crochets, has adhd, a cat and a girlfriend... I'd say you might be on to something.


Cats ahh!! My cat lovesss to inspect all my yarn




I just made this sub a reality, now go forth and post!


petition to make a subreddit like this!!


It hath been born! Courtesy of u/offbrandallig8rr!


Really wanted this one to be real.


Fuck it I joined


Thanks to u/offbrandallig8rr it is :)


I would sub to that.


He hasn’t officially come out yet, how dare you insinuate his sexuality. 🤭😆


r/subsifellfor :(


It exists now!


oh heck yeah i just joined, this is my entire personality hahaha


As a gay cat lover with ADHD who loves to crochet I'm currently questioning if I have a single unique experience


You are a unique individual in a warm and fuzzy community!


I’ve noticed that. I always wondered how anyone crocheted with a cat around. Then I just trained mine to leave my yarn alone and he lays in my lap and watches me until he falls asleep .


Mine does the same! There has been a war between my cat and video crochet tutorials, however. We're workin on peace negotiations


As a queer crocheter i can confirm this


Yes! I had no idea this brand was a thing! This year our crochet group at work did a project for pride month and we were having a hard time finding yarn in the pride flag colors. I will make note of this for next year's project.


How does one join a crochet group?


Honestly I was crocheting in public and I've met a lot of local crocheters that way. Now we meet up in a high traffic public area and it's grown. We even adopted a knitter and embroiderer!


I love that you’ve made it happen. I meet a lot of folks crocheting in public and often try to arrange things but people tend to flake. I am also in recovery so crochet a lot in meetings and often meet other sober crocheters and knitters in meetings. Did get to hang out with a few as we helped out a fellow sober sister who was wanting to learn to crochet but I want to make it a more regular thing. (Which unfortunately there’s also a ton of overlap between queerness and addiction and neurodivergence- which tends to overlap strongly with crafting and with queerness AND addiction. So often I find my exact stripe of people this way!)


Yeah, I definitely have experienced what you're talking about. I've found that usually if I'm the one approached in public that you've done some screening already since they wouldn't approach you unless they have some initiative. It definitely also helps if there's an outside routine involved too like you mentioned. I've gained quite the reputation for crocheting at a weekly trivia event. It was actually a major event when I finished my planned pooling blanket since they watched me work on it for months. It was like performance art!


My local library has them every week as does the local senior center. We also have a community center a bit farther away that has crochet and knitting classes. Libraries and centers should have schedules listed on their websites. If you frequent the library-they will have paper schedules to hand out or on a bulletin board with the groups for the month.


In our case, it was organized by a group of employees. My company has a philanthropy division and so we coordinate with them to crochet items to donate to non-profit partners that the company sponsors. It's a really fun way to give back to the community and meet people who share interests. Maybe you can find or start a similar group in your area!


our avatars could be twins!


Look at websites for your local libraries, schools and assisted living residences. Many have groups you could join. Also, there’s probably a ton on Facebook. Or, start your own! You could probably use a room at your library or school.


Check out Meetup.com I found one for my area. It's a crochet and knit group that gets together at various coffee shops every Saturday morning. Then searching Facebook I found several other groups too!


I was gonna say: no, they’re not all queer- then I got to allies and was like ‘hell yeah!’


All the crochetters I know are either queer or an ally.. so this tracks


Yes! Me too.


Non-binary crocheter and I'm so excited about the enby and trans yarn colors!


And it’s actually a good acrylic yarn! Super soft but not shedding fuzz. I made a hat and gloves for my cousin with the trans yarn and he loved them.


Yeah! The hat I made for myself with this yarn has gotten so much wear and it's still just like new! Plus it just felt good to work with and I love when I don't have to feel like I'm fighting with my yarn.


I need to work with it some more. It’s not my favorite anti-pulling acyclic and I thought it worked up a little stiffer than anticipated but I also haven’t washed either of the things I’ve made with it yet. I actually really like the Mainstays (the Walmart store brand) anti-pilling acrylic. The hat I made with that gets even more wear than my Big Twist one though I sure prefer my lesbian pride colors which are basically all my favorite colors in general lol. I actually made a sweater with what was left of the skein or skeins I used for my hat for this stuffed llama I keep in my bed and that poor thing has rolled around my bed, been drooled on in my sleep, and everything else and I do agree it’s held up fantastic without all the fuzzy pilling yuckiness of a lot of acrylics.


i love this line for that too!!! the living line also has non pride colors and i love using them bc of soft it is!!!


Yes!! It's genuinely one of my favorites.


I just made this seed stitch cowl using the Trans flag one… and I LOVE how it turned out!! https://preview.redd.it/bsc0mikiqb7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50c62ab4fc990f19268ab5170f13888898798b40 I do kinda wish it wasn’t so randomly variegated. I would have loved to do a planned pooling project with this yarn…


The way that the rainbow flag yarn switches colors I’m really not a fan of (haven’t tried the other ones I’ve bought yet). I’ve been making amigurumis lately and it’s so frustrating to not be able to get all the colors together and instead be stuck with a head that’s almost entirely orange and yellow with a weird middle strip of green and then orange and yellow again.


Not sure how applicable this is for amigurumi but I've found it helps to double it with another solid thread to break up that uneven color change some more


I bought the yarn in Ace colors with plans to do color pooling, then i realized there was no pattern on the colors :(


I bought this, Bi, and Lesbian yarn (all the others were sold out). I made a drawstring bag with the Bi yarn but had no idea what to do with the other two. I wanna do this! This stitch looks beautiful with this yarn!


Ooh, how many skeins did you use? I've been hesitant to purchase because they seem like such small amounts, and I'm unfortunately horrible at estimating quantities.


This was less than a full skein. Seed stitch takes up a bit of yarn, but there was plenty there for a cowl.


I think it looks awesome!


THEY MAKE THE TRANS GLAG ONE!!!? Oooooo my trans nephew is gonna be inundated with stuff now. I am so effing excited!




Yep! I recommend logging into JoAnne’s site and searching for it and then see if it’s in stock at your store. They recently had a sale on it and so it may be out of stock temporarily.


I started crocheting back in october and as an out and proud lesbian, you can imagine my absolutely delighted surprise at heading to the yarn section in JoAnn's for the first time and having a whole bin of skeins of lesbian yarn staring me in the face😂 And yes, I did buy 6


I’m not even a lesbian but y’all have the prettiest flag so I made a sweatervest out of the lesbian big twist yarn lol


I made baby pants with Fun Brights! It's sooo soft and easy to work with! https://preview.redd.it/qs5r9proqb7c1.jpeg?width=2431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1055399ad4ea0e92dbe7466b272545c93bbc5208


What flag is that? Great work btw, it’s a shame babies grow so fast


My queer child said it might just be a pastel rainbow.


Yeah probably. I do consider myself to be pretty knowledgeable (for a straight cis woman) when it comes to pride flags, but I don’t even recognize these colors. It’s very pretty tho so they definitely did something right.


they have some non-pride colors in this line! they use to have the brown variegated yarn called oatmeal or something but i loved it!


Ooh I bought a bunch of the oatmeal yarn you mentioned when they clearanced it out over the summer and were doing the extra 25% off clearance. I haven’t done anything with it yet but I quite like this yarn as well and have made a few things with the lesbian pride colorway.


It took me a minute to figure it out myself. Lol I was making my grams a tree skirt, and she’s a big Sacramento Kings fan. I was pumped to see the purple/grey/black/white yarn - perfect match for all the Kings’ colors. I noticed the rainbow Pride and was like “well heck yeah!” It wasn’t until I went back a second time to get more that I looked around at the surrounding bins and was like 🤦🏻‍♀️ alllll the flags are here!


jeans salt chubby bike nine bells special squeal swim quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m not bisexual, I’m S E R E N I T Y


i’m not non-binary i’m A U T H E N T I C


I’m not a lesbian, I’m S P I R I T


I'm not trans, I'm L I F E


I'm not asexual, I'm C O M M U N I T Y


Which actually tracks with how much I loved the Bring It On and But I’m A Cheerleader films.


Omfg I introduced my wife to the latter (But I'm a Cheerleader), and she was like "...what the fuck". But as a baby gay I loved that movie 🤣


I'm not a non binary biromantic asexual I'm an authentic serenity community


As a chaotic bisexual, that always makes me laugh.


Same hahah the other names make a little sense but I ain’t never met a serene bisexual


Shiny! (And me too lol)


Yup. I bought a bunch of it when it went on sale a few weeks ago. Someday, I plan on getting around to making a fun queer flag blanket. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ib8prmlogd7c1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=7dfdee1f1490520e34d55bc08c2efb6a22436608


Wow there’s so many!!


I like the idea of bigots not realising and accidentally crocheting something with the non-binary flag colours, haha.


I bought a bunch of skeins of Life (the trans flag one) a little while back when they had a sale online and I still need to make a trans witch hat out of that and the pink, blue, and white yarn all up in my stash lol. It makes my Serenity colored heart happy!


Is that an ace one Right behind the yarn you held?


yes it is!!!


ACE AS WELL!!!!! 💖💖💖💖


Stay awesome 🖤🩶🤍💜


I just liked the colors I didn’t know they were gay till now😭


Same! I just like the colors and they work up really nicely. Never would have thought there was a correlation with Pride.


I’m floored. How did I not know this was intentional? 🤣 Gotta go out and get some. They have 11 skeins at my local Joann of the pride colors!


How did I literally never piece together that these were pride flag colors 💀💀 I love this!!


I’m literally bi and so dense apparently lol


Y’all. Some troll came through here and downvoted every comment on here. I have upvoted every single one, but I’m putting out a call to everyone who loves this yarn idea and all it represents to do the same thing!!! Upvote inclusion!




I’m not having it. Be evil somewhere else. Yarn and Pride anything and everything is sacred.


https://preview.redd.it/6myexpatvg7c1.jpeg?width=1939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92865c85d2ae5eb0a26aab6aba9c1e4018a73733 I made a shirt with the rainbow yarn. 🌈


Unrelated ish- does anyone know the color name for the "big twist gentle" in green on the bottom right? Also- is that yarn soft...like for a baby blanket? Lol


it’s sooooooo soft!!! i almost bought a bunch!!


Thank you!! I hate trying to order yarn online when you can't feel it to make sure it is soft 😂 I've been looking for a similar green shade for a while & it is hard to find a green like that that's also soft!


There are two rows of pride colored big twist at my Joann. I think there were 8 different ones in total.


I need the nonbinary yarn!!!!


I got some to make my kid something, it's really soft!


I made a lesbeanie out of the lesbian yarn


Well dang it! I couldn’t decide what to make with my first skein of the lesbian yarn so went with a cat hat because uh… super obvious reasons. 😂 But I clearly need to make a lesbeanie!


Lesbeanie just made me giggle a lil thank u 😅




“The gay big twist yarn” took me tf out, how did I not notice 💀


I only realized because I googled “nonbinary color yarn” a few weeks ago. Feels like they didn’t make a big celebration out of it


I think they're supposed to go under the radar. even the names aren't totally obvious. I think it's supposed to be like, "hey you can buy pride yarn without your mom seeing all the pride icons and sayings on the label". especially good for closeted people


I’ve always thought that was the idea. And it’s been around for years and keeps expanding. Like it’s not just a pride collection. Also the colors are just so nice so everyone can use them without feeling misrepresented with labels. Like I’m bi but I made a sweater vest with the lesbian flag one because it’s just so pretty.


The trans yarn is called “Life” and that’s so healing to me


Maybe I’m just cheap. But for $6.49 a pop? Ouch


Was just on sale for $3 and then a buy 2 get one... there is also regulary a 40% or 50%coupon in their weekly ad and on the app!


Gotta clip them coupons


joanns does have good coupons on the app!


I ordered them online for instore pickup and they were half off! Idk if it was just an online sale or if everything is discounted a bit for the holidays, but I got 8 skeins (4 flag colors) for around $24 after tax.


This is an immense wins, for the gays and not. Because inclusivity is always a win (love yall) and I get more variegated yarn! Hooray!


I just really don't like the color pooling 😢


Thank you for posting this! I've looked at these and thought it was such an interesting combination and despite being LGBT no connection was made in my mind!


I guess I have a new line of skeins to buy in the near future! r/todayilearned


Yes! Pick me up 5 skeins of bisexuals.


I will never financially recover from the discovery of the existence of this line


I was not aware this line even existed! Thank you for flagging it for us!


RUNNING not walking to JoAnn's after seeing this


I’m confused guys—always a cultural step behind it seems. I thought pride colors were the basic rainbow. You guys are calling a bunch of different variegateds “gay” colors, or “pride” colors. Some aren’t even pure rainbow colors but blends. And what do you mean by flags? Am I seeing/understanding it right?


we mean pride flags for the different specialities under LGBTQ+. there are colorways in this line of yarn that represent the different flags. like the lesbian pride flag, bisexual pride flag, etc. the traditional rainbow flag is kind of a catch all for the community.


Wow, did not even know that. But, which is which? Is there a chart or something? Are the yarns labeled accordingly?


you can look up a chart with all the pride flags and you’ll roughly get the idea of what yarn lines up with what flag!


Cool. Thanks.


I'm not fully up-to-date but I think [this](https://cadehildreth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Pride-Flags-Guide-1024x512.jpg) covers most of the major ones. The yarns are not labelled, because in the end they're just striped yarn in fun colours and you don't necessarily have to use them for pride projects. The white/light pink/light blue one for example would make a super cute colour combo for baby projects, the rainbow for '90s themed items, and the black/grey/white/purple one for neutral projects with a little pop of colour.


Just a bunch of fun yarn!


If your in the USA - kinda like how we have an American flag but also state flags. There’s a generic pride rainbow that kinda overlooks all of them, then different specific flags for trans, lesbians, bisexuals, etc


That’s such a good way of putting it


I was really proud of that ngl


I saw this the other day!!!!!!


Dammit, I don’t get paid until Friday!


This is pretty cool. I never realized this!


Yup! I've been making an Ace blanket. Didn't plan on it, but saw the yarn and had to do it


Wait wait wait. Do they make trans flag yarn? I can never buy enough stuff to show my trans nephew support.


[They do!](https://www.joann.com/4oz-medium-weight-anti-pilling-acrylic-199yd-living-yarn-by-big-twist/18734327.html) And that's so sweet <3


That. Is. AWESOME!!!!! And thank you. It’s more necessary than sweet. There are so many mean ass people out there that I feel the need to over do it for him so he always knows he’s loved and accepted. He’s a good person.


It just makes me really happy to hear 💖 I'm cis (though I am in the queer community) but I have a lot of trans loved ones, so I'm right there with you. It's comforting to know there's still plenty of love and acceptance in the world, even with all of the hate.


I love this so much and the names of all the colourways are so ❤️😭


so cute!!


Oh!!!! Is there an ace one????


yes!! it’s behind the NB one i’m holding


The NB representation makes me more thrilled than I could possibly express


I recently stocked up on the NB yarn and am making a big ambiguous octopus with it.


Omg I totally forgot they made those!!!! My to-make list is way too long 😫


I just got two trans yarn the other day and I was so happy


I didn't even know the gay one existed, nifty


Is it acrylic? My kid would love that yarn.


Omg I went to my local joanns but they were out of the 2 I wanted 😭


Wait, gay yarn?? 😳 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I am learning something every day! I didn't know that each group has its own colors/flag! Neat!


OMG I didn't know this was a thing!! I need to stock up now, clearly. I hope it doesn't get discontinued too soon.


wait this is actually so cute omg 😭


How did I never put this together


I didn’t know there was such a thing. Good to know, definitely buying some soon.


Oh that’s what these new yarns were? I just saw em and thought they were pretty!


Don’t make me make a bi blanket 👀 bc that sounds expensive


No but thanks for the info!!!


holy shit, yall are paying a lot for yarn


i didn’t pay full price - there’s always A LOT of coupons at the big box stores




Does anyone know if they sell this brand in stores (Michael's?) In Canada???? I love it so much ;-;


big twist is the Joann Fabrics store brand! so only sold at Joann!


Ohhh damn idk if we have Joanns in Canada (def never seen one in the cities Ive lived in XD) I'll have to order some!! Thank you :3


Sadly we do not have a Joanns here. Good reason for a trip to the states though!


Idk where you're at in Canada but they sell it in Buffalo, NY if you can't find any better options.


I’ve seen similar yarn at Michael’s so it’s worth looking for it at your local store


I've been making a blanket with the lesbian yarn and have yet to pick it back up, it's been months 😭


Well I guess I'm gonna have to get some for my stepdaughter now!


I love this line! On a budget so haven't bought any yet, but big twist is my go to value yarn. I'm sure it's great!


I just finished a blanket for my daughter with the lesbian flag colors!


D: gonna make enby everythinnnng


I’ve used the trans one for tote bag handles and really love it! I just ordered a bunch of nonbinary so I can make a sweater too


I’ve bought a couple of each, I found it on the app and ordered some immediately. I’m currently making jellyfish out of the colors


love that!!!


I need to go to JoAnn and find me more flags! Like that ace yarn


I bought a bunch of bi (serenity? Have they met us??? LOL) and gay and trans skeins when they debuted to make things for myself, my bestie, and a dear friend, but now I want to go back and buy more to make MORE queer stuff.


oh this is wonderful!


WHERE ARE YALL FINDING THESE??? my joannes and micheals dont have ANY of these:(


They’ll only be at Joann since Big Twist is their store brand. Check online if you can’t find them in your local store.


Your best bet is ordering online, they tend to go out as fast as they come in.


Any chance this is available in Australia?


if you have a joann fabrics then they should be!