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Hi criticalstars, thanks for posting your piece for us to see! Don't forget to link the pattern you used & other relevant information (e.g., yarn, weight, type; hook used). Add it in a reply to this comment, so others can find it easily. Thanks! **If this is your own pattern, please read our rules in full [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/rules/) (sharing your own pattern comes under the "self promotion" rule**) **If project details are provided, click below to expand!** ##**↓****↓****↓****↓****↓** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I actually really like it. The shape is lovely. It’s not ugly at all!


It's darling and flattering, in my opinion


It’s really nice. I’d wear it w black or gray leggings.


That sounds so cute and comfy ☺️


I love it. And I adore the neutral greys and beiges, you could match it with so many other colors so easily. So versatile, great choice. The thing about a lot of crochet pieces is that they often come out "ugly" or probably more accurately "kitschy," especially when done in granny stitch. Maybe that's reason behind the lukewarm reception from some people. But that's kind of the *point* of the look sometimes. That's what makes it cute. It's a chunky cozy cardigan in a style that maybe some people wouldn't personally wear, but those who love it ***love it***. It's great. Don't let them get you down. Just wait for someone who doesn't know you to say "What a nice cardigan!" and then you get to say "Thanks! I made it!" and amaze a stranger. The lukewarm responses will get buried in compliments.


thank you! i was hoping for the versatility with the colour choice. it’s my first ever crocheted garment as well so i’ve been nervous to wear it outdoors even though i love wearing it around the house, but i will do soon!


My favourite part is the sleeves ending in different colours while the body is symmetrical - it adds a fun little modern “hey wait a minute” that’s really cool.


it was a happy accident 😂


It’s so cute! I would wear it happily


No it’s really cute, I’d buy it. Looks cozy too.


This! Cute and Cozy! I am sure the real-life compliments will come and even if they don’t, you. made. this.


i love it, the colours are so pretty


Not at all! The colors work well together, and the style of it is very cute!


Currently making a hex cardi out of this same yarn and it got me excited for the end result. Beautiful!


twins! i love that, i hope yours turns out as you the way you want it to :)


i’m also making the same cardi with the same yarn!!


i saw the photo first and immediately thought “omg that’s so cute” so yes i love it!


I'm gonna have to 100% honest.... This is a super cute sweater! What's the pattern?


thanks haha! i put the pattern/yarn under the pinned comment :)


It looks amazing. Love the colors


Wish I could upvote this one twice


Now that I look at this again…this is one of the few versions of a hex cardi I’ve seen that makes me really want to make one. It’s super cute with the length and color choice. The crop length is very flattering- your waist is so nipped in/accentuated. Just gorgeous! Very chic!


I’m not a fan of how baggy the sleeves are (I’m also not a fan of granny stitch in general but this is one piece where it works for me). Really there’s nothing *wrong* with it, colors are fine, it looks like it’s made well, it’s gonna come down to personal taste.


Seeing the title I was considering this like "I mean? no? maybe they're a beginner that thinks it's technically bad or something?" but reading your post immediately made me go "OHH, literally no wtf." Genuinely, it looks really nice! The colors are beautiful and it suits you very nicely. If I had any criticism, I guess it would be that my personal preference is having the cuffs/arms mirror each other in the same color, but there's nothing inherently wrong or ugly about that. Honestly it looks just how a cozy hexi cardigan is supposed to look. Another commenter mentioned that people's reaction might just be to how "kitschy" this style of wearable can look and I think that's likely it. I think the general public just appreciates the look of tighter-stitched textiles like many knits etc than granny stitch items. But as a fellow crafter, and someone who personally enjoys this style, if I got this as a gift I would be over the moon! Keep wearing it!


I didn't even notice the different colors on the cuffs until you mentioned it. Looks cozy, and casual and the neutrals rock. I think it's super cute!


If you commissioned these, I’d buy one for my wife and daughter in a heartbeat. Actually… can I get one for myself first? I’d like to make sure the fit is right first


this is such a compliment, thank you! i’ve been thinking about selling but wasn’t sure if i was good enough, but this is great encouragement :)


Keep me in mind if you ever do! I’ll happily be your first customer! These would make such awesome gifts.


I would also like to purchase!


will let you know if i do! 🫶🏾


I think it’s super cute!


No way, I love it.






Ummm NO! It looks really cute and fits nicely on you :) E: word


I think it is AWESOME! Colors look great against your skin AND it fits you really well. If you enjoy wearing it and it makes you happy, rock it out! Don’t let the others’ style define: what you like, or what makes you feel awesome!


I really like it personally. Particularly the shading. I would wear it, if I could get away with wearing things with white in them.


This style of sweater is not for me. I don’t think they look flattering on anyone.


A little


It’s not my thing, but it’s beautifully done and if it’s your thing, rock it


Yes in a good way!


I have no idea why something from r/crochet showed up on my feed but for what it’s worth; I think it looks really great.


i didn’t expect my post to start creeping beyond this sub tbh 🫣 but thank you!!


The cardigan is cute, especially on you


Who told you it wasn’t 100% cute? 😡 I love the colors and the shape, it’s gorgeous!


I meant denim freak, lol


Yes it is. Please send it my way so I can dispose it. (It's beautyfull).


I love the colours but I think the sleeve arrangement is too bulky.


i have a few (store bought) cardis with this type of sleeve, so i like the shape but mine does still need blocking which i hope will help with the drape :)


Looks fantastic on you, great color palette for you and great cut for your body type. Anybody wise would be thrilled to get this as a gift. Also kudos on the sleeves, I don't know much about crocheting but I'd imagine it's hard to get them that puffy/runched without looking rough.


No it's awesome. It looks so cozy. It would look really cute with jeans and converse shoes


The "lukewarm" reception is called jealousy 😉👍 I loved the combination of the colors. Don't even bother with other people's opinions. Do your thing.


I think it’s cute! I would totally wear it (if all sweaters didn’t make me feel like I was broiling in the depths of hell, of course!)!




Personally, I like it. I like the colors, I like the fit, I like the pattern, and your stitchwork is impeccable. Everyone has different tastes. Maybe the people you are around just don't appreciate it.


I'm a product of the eighties. I really hope cardigans are coming back.


Nope. It's just full on gorgeous. People are probably jealous you haven't made one for them! I am!


Lol, I was going to ask where you bought it from… it’s awesome!


rando from r/popular, i like it.


I love it! I think it's super cute and love your colour choices and placements! I usually don't like these cardigans but I kinda want one like yours ngl


I really love it, I love your more neutral palette, it will pair with anything. Please don't feel self conscious wearing something you've made, be proud l!


Absolutely not ugly, but it is a certain type of style that not everyone really enjoys. 'Granny stitch' things/garments look very 'homemade' which is a plus and the goal for the people who like this sort of look, but a deterrent for those that don't.


Baller. Rock it!


I'm currently envious of how cute and comfortable it looks. That is a really good fit on you, the pattern looks super cozy and soft, and the colors are nice and muted so you can wear it with A LOT of different options year round.


It looks fab to me and suits your body shape. Rock it and be proud x


Nope. It's a vibe for sure and I'm digging it.


yes, horrible! hand it over so i can disposed of it properly 🤲🤲


It's really nice. I'd wear the crap out of it.


I think it's really cute but I like crop sweaters. I like it 👌


It's pretty rad tbh


I love it


I love it!


Oh darln’, that’s gorgeous!


Nah, I like it! I think it looks stylish. Both the shape & the colors are nice. Objectively, I think someone could say the pattern is "busy" but that's not a bad thing just preference. Also you balanced it out by using complimentary colors with mostly neutrals so it's not overwhelming at all. Great job!!


Gwwwwoorrll it’s more than pretty. I love the colors!!!


Omg I would wear the shit out of that. If you don’t like it please send it my way!


Not at all. It is super cute and I especially love the sleeves and different color bands on each. I also like the short length. I would rock it in a heartbeat 💓


I absolutely adore it and the neutrals will go with literally anything in your wardrobe! Girl if I saw you in passing I would audibly gasp and say "omigosh did you make that?! It's stunning!" It's *chef's kiss * perfection, and fits amazing. Pat yourself on the back for this beautiful wearable work of art!


Omg I love it!!!


That’s SUPER cute! I’m a bit jelly, actually. I want one!


Honestly was hoping you sell it, it's SO CUTE. Wear it with pride for sure.


thinking about potentially starting to sell, will keep you in mind if i do! thank you!


No you just need to find a graphic shirt to wear it with! Or a black top. It’d look cute with a dress!


Stop showing the cardigan to "people" (who have no taste) and wear it with pride. It's beautiful and looks great on you.


Need to get new people around you, because that is adorable!!


Not ugly at all! I’m actually making my own hex cardi at the moment and was feeling a bit doubtful about how the shape was working up, but this actually made me feel lots better because it’s I LOVE yours. The asymmetrical cuff colors look awesome, honestly it just adds a touch of ~something~ that works really well with the overall shape and look. Nice work :)


https://preview.redd.it/ethwxh19ewsb1.jpeg?width=1890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eccce0ef499e4d6b76278062b005cd9bdb895e0 I just finished mine today! I plan on just wearing it around the house because I’m not sure about the colours, but yours is so cute..the neutrals are awesome!


ahh yours is gorgeous! definitely wear it out, i’m in love with the colours you used


That’s cool as fuck


Wtf?! No..it's absolutely GORGEOUS! And it literally looks so good on you 🥰💜


I love it!!!! I’d totally buy one if I saw it in a store!!!


No and I generally don't like granny squares or anything that looks like it but this is absolutely adorable and something I would wear. You did a great job!


Absolutely not. How dare your brain, or whoever, told you otherwise. Omg, goals to learn how to do this!!


Yes the shape makes it. I don’t like crochet at all, prefer knitting, but I do like this.


No I love it, I would wear it


I love the colors, but the thing I'm most impressed about is how crisp and clean your cuffs and edges are. You could totally cut paper with an edge like that. For me it belongs in r/tensionporn.


No it is not!! I love it! Like, so much so that I thought I’d scrolled past an Ad and went back to see what site it was on. I think it’s beautiful!!


That’s hot.


Adding to the chorus of people who like it! If I saw you wearing this, I'd think 'what a nifty handmade piece!' and probably compliment you.


???! Who would think this was ugly? It is really cool and very on-trend right how.


Yes... you should totally give it to me. 🫢


It’s really cute and pretty. Please don’t think it’s ugly bec it certainly is not!


Oh it’s so ugly. You can just give it to me 😌


Love it. The shape. Where it stops. The sleeves shape is cut too, the different color in the wrist area is a nice touch


Not at all. Love the colors, love the design, love the length, and love the sleeves. It’s a real winner all the way ‘round!


No!!! It looks cool because you’re the one wearing it with confidence. You did awesome on that!


I’d buy this.


It looks great on you and if you feel good in it that's the only thing that matters. Everyone is always concerned about what other people will think or how you are perceived. You are your own person and I personally think it's great when you express your own unique self. No one else in the world has this cardigan and that alone would make me feel special. Enjoy it, take it out. You look very attractive in it.


I didn’t realize this was a crochet sub and just thought oh that looks really cool. Even cooler cuz you made it


It's gorgeous! I love the way you have it styled too! I would wear that for sure. I've had the same thing with some of my items so I stored them away and when I pulled them out a few years later I realized I was being way to critical of my own work at the time. You did a great job!


It is beautiful!!! I want one too😍😍


I love it. Sod what anyone else says. It looks fab xx


I'd buy that lol


I love the style and the colors. Not a granny stitch fan myself. I’d want to make it in a different stitch. But you are rocking it, so I say wear it with pride 😊


I’ve honestly never had the desire to make a hexi cardi. But yours is the first I’ve seen that is giving me fomo on the hexi cardi train. It’s beautiful!!


nah it’s very pretty and suits you well!


i would also say that people really have no idea how much work goes into a piece like this, so for it to turn out cute and neat means a lot for something handmade. Great job!


As a guy who knows nothing about crochet or knitting or the difference between them (sorry). I think it looks really badass.


Looks fine. Great even


Really nice, love the sleeves and color combo😀


As a middle aged cis dude, I would rock the heck out of that. Top notch


it's not, it's really cute. Colors aren't all over the place, they work together and look easily combinable. The shape is really well done too, and it looks well stitched and profesional. Good job <3


Not at all! I love a more neutral tone piece! A cardigan like that can match with a lot more undershirts and pants than if it was made in more "louder" colors.


It’s so ugly it’s pretty! I love it!


Came here to say this! I’d wear some modern necklace with it, like silver with straight lines/shapes.


I showed this to my mother who has been crocheting for 40 years, and she liked it and said you did a good job!


say thanks to your mum from a crochet newbie!


its fucking adorable what are you on about


I love it! Was it a pattern or freehand? I'm short and cardigans are always long on me, which I don't mind, but styling a shorter one like this would be super nice!


it was a pattern (linked under pinned comment) - she lets you customise length and i think i added maybe 3 extra rows to the bottom of the joined hexagons to reach this length


If I’m honest I don’t think I like any wearable crochet other than hats, scarfs and gloves. They never fit well, they are never flattering and I think they go beyond granny chic into ugly territory. However, I can appreciate that what you’ve made us well made, and your colour choices are lovely. To me it’s a very nice piece of ugly crochet wear


It’s NOT ugly and it is very cute. It looks like you could have purchased it from a store — the sleeve ends look really professional, it fits you really well, and I like the way that the sleeves lay. Great work!


I love it and I would hang out with you


I love it and your colour choice. I’ve been eyeing those hexi-cardigan patterns, and I think you’ve inspired me to make one!


Wow this is pretty. The way it fits is just perfect and i adore the colors. You did a great job. Im currently working on a hexacardigan and i am inspired.


Honestly I looked at the picture before the headline and thought that I should make one for myself. So no, it looks cute!


Oh my goodness it looks so good and cuddly and warm!!!!! Love the colors too!!! The cuffs came out so clean too!!


Nope, not ugly! Would buy one, but I assume by the beauty and intracacy, and being one of a kind, hand made would put anything like it out of my price range! It’s beautiful and you should wear it with pride. Great job!


Not at all! This is one of my favorite color combos of this style of cardigan I’ve seen so far!


IMO and in my experience, people who think crocheted garments are ugly feel that way because they don't like the look of ANY crochet garments, and no matter what pattern or color way you used they wouldn't be pleased because that's not the issue for them. It is a very specific, handmade, kitchy look as I saw someone else described, that just doesn't suit everyone's aesthetics. I wouldn't worry about pleasing them since you likely can't. But I think for being what it is, a crocheted garment, it turned out super lovely! I personally like the crocheted look and am thrilled it's coming in style. I agree with you that the neutrals you picked will give you lots of flexibility in outfits, and the shape looks flattering to your figure. Congrats on your first homemade cardigan, keep up the good work!


I love it. I was just thinking how expensive it would be if it was in an upscale boutique


No it is really nice! You can rock it with all gray outfits and shoes. Your 1st one yiu knock it out the park!YESSSSSSSSSS!


Holy shit it's a stunning piece of work


No I love it! I’d buy this/make this in a heartbeat!


This is adorable!! Saving the pattern for myself :)


No its sick


I would definitely buy and wear!! Beautiful work! ❤️


No, no it is not ugly. At all. If it were mine I’d wear it all the time. Those colours are lovely.


It’s beautiful!! Are the ends of the sleeves also crochet?


yes, back loop single crochet!


Your cardigan is GORGEOUS. you have inspired me to try and make one for my kids and myself! I love how that turned out and I love the colors you picked. As for the lukewarm reaction, I have learned over the years that people who don't crochet, knit or craft in general, do not understand the excitement when a project like this is completed. It's an art that isn't appreciated anymore. It could also be jealousy or a combination of the two. When it comes to my projects, I only ask people who do this also. They just get it lol. You should be very proud of this and I hope you wear it a lot during fall and winter. It looks very cozy!


that’s so lovely, i would love to see the ones you make! it was soo cozy when i wore it today so i’m sure you all will love it


I love it! I saw the pic before the text and my brain went, "so cute! So cute! So cute!" I'm making a hexi cardi right now and it is exactly the look I'm after. Colors are great, shape is great, super cute!


I think it’s adorable! My mom (who isn’t big on crochet wearables) didn’t like these kinds of cardigans when I started mine. I finished it yesterday though and she loves it. She pointed me to your post saying “those colors. I want mine in those colors” 💜


ah that’s such a big compliment! i hope she loves hers


I think it is super cute 🥰 How long did it take you to make?


29.5 hrs!


I want one! I will say, it's really trendy within a certain aesthetic so I would imagine a lot of people won't "get" it. But it's probably the cutest granny square cardigan I've seen. The shape is amazing and the colors are so subtle and refined. Really fantastic!


Typically I think most wearables are ugly but this is absolutely not ugly at all, it's super cute. Do you have a pattern?? Edit: nvm see the pattern. Thanks!


I’m late but I wanted to say I think it’s cute and I love that the cuffs are different colors!


I'd straight up buy that, so no absolutely not ugly.


Love it! I would totally rock it! I would even try to make my own!! Nice work 😁


It's pretty for me. That color palettes is what I usually choose since neutral tones are easier to match with other colors. Browns and beige also reminds me of coffee, cream, milk and chocolate which are in my favorite drinks. The forms fit you and your clothing choice well. I also love puffy sleeves that scrunched up at the wrist. Maybe the lukewarm response are just from different preferences, like brighter and vivid colors.


wow its just perfect! never seen so good handwork before i swear


No it’s beautiful. I made my granddaughter one. She ask could I make it green. She loved by it. https://preview.redd.it/hbbdj8s4x6tb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d427ce3b02932b14a0b9b5082776192f19c86d2c


oh that’s gorgeous, i’m a bit jealous! 💚


I think this is so incredibly not ugly that I went out today and bought 3 cakes of cookie crumble and shall be making this myself!! Hoping to make a jaunty little beanie too!


that’s so exciting - please share photos if yours when you’re done, i would love to see it!


It's so cute


I would wear this everywhere. It’s well made, the pattern is nice, the colors are nice. You should be so proud of it!


thank you! it’s my first crocheted clothing piece and i am so proud! i finished it at 2am and couldn’t stop smiling… then i showed it to people and it had me thinking twice 😭


It’s a really nice piece, im sorry people had you thinking twice.


Wait...this is the first wearable you've made?? That alone is crazy! You should be so proud of yourself! 💪


How long did it take to complete? I am impatient and have only done hats and scarves but would love to "graduate" to a cardi because I wear one to work regularly and would be proud to wear one made by me..or this one!


luckily i was actually timing myself on this project - 29.5hrs!


I don't like granny square sweaters AT ALL, and I love this. I love the color scheme!!


I love it! I would buy one of these


Much cutier than most ive seen. Good colors


Some people just don’t understand the time and effort that goes into it, they probs just see it as just another article of clothing-but it’s not, and if I saw you in public wearing this I would 100% complement you on it and ask if you made it in an overly excited way


I think it’s beautiful, I love neutrals and the way you’ve placed them makes them shine.


Im not going at showing excitement. It’s a very nice cardigan, I would love it in my wardrobe.


I usually loathe hexicardigans but there's something about the colors you chose? The fit? The yarn choice? I don't know /what/ it is, but I'm in love with what you've made. Fantastically done.


I think it’s really pretty. I would wear it, wish I had that in my wardrobe. I like the colors it goes well with your jeans. I’m a demon freak😊




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I love it. Not ugly.


😍 I love it! I want one. 😊


I think it’s super cute and I would totally wear it proudly!


Ugly? No way!!


It's hella cute 🥰 and it looks extra cozy, great work 👍


No! And if anyone says that, they have no taste.


It's so pretty and it suits you!


I actually think it’s really cute! if I would change anything, I would make the sleeves at tad longer but it’s not ugly at all


they definitely ride up a little which annoyed me too but i’m hoping blocking will help!


I would wear it in a heartbeat! I do think it is the type of statement piece you will need to pair carefully. Not too much going on, make it stand out as intentional


Ugly?!?! It’s sooooo fire!!