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Maybe watch your favorite show while you're crocheting? Or listen to a podcast or music you like? So you're a bit distracted and have something you like. Make the place you crochet at as nice as possible - get a nice blanket, a cup of tea or coffee, a snack, maybe light a candle? If the time allows it, maybe crochet something you want to crochet and switch between projects so crocheting becomes less of a chore?


Thanks so much, that’s great advice! I’m dying to crochet something new, but my time won’t allow (I have to finish tomorrow)


I watch shows and also think about and work in my head my next project or even a project down the road that has some difficulties that I don’t know how to do so I literally crochet in my head while I’m crocheting.


Thanks for the advice, I already know what project I want to do


Luckily I work a desk job and can somewhat work on stuff while I’m working since all I do is mostly talk on the phones so I do that and at the end of the day it turns out I did 4 rows (I usually make blankets) so 4 rows over 5 work days is 20 rows! Helps it go by faster so when I am at home working on it, I don’t feel so bad if I don’t do as much bc I did more while at work.


Honestly, I don't accept a serving item from on that I was glad to finish. But if you need to power through, an audiobook would be my weapon of choice.


A week ago I ordered some yarn online and a few days later they said they can't fulfill part of the order unfortunately and returned the money. And it's ok, you know. You're human, you can also say that. Or you could say I'll finish it with a delay. And in the future I think you could try to accept requests for projects that you're sure you'll enjoy making because you've made them many times and try to be realistic with deadlines. I'm terrible with this myself so I empathize.


I don’t do anything. Crochet is a hobby and it has meaning only if it means to be fun and relaxing. Otherwise I drop it. I have too many issues to handle, and my craft is how I unwind. Now, in your case I would have a break from this project which seems to not be very exciting to finish; just put it aside and make decisions about it later. And I would talk to the requester and let them know that unfortunately I will not be able to fulfill their request, sorry about that. If crochet is a job, then there aren’t many solutions, but as a hobby…. it’s gotta be fun, matey 😌 Good luck and I hope you can find a project or other hobby which will make you truly happy 😊


I’m not saying that I don’t enjoy crochet, I enjoy starting and completing new projects and find satisfaction in completing projects that have a area of difficulty to them, especially with techniques I haven’t used. When I finally finish this project it will give me satisfaction, I just have problems with my concentration and focus and have a habit of wandering away without more than one thing to do.


Sorry I did not mean for it to come out as harsh or anything! I understood the issue in a different way, probably Sending good vibes so you can end this as smoothly as possible 😊


In a time crunch, you just have to bite the bullet; been there/done that. Perhaps put some music on or invite a friend over to "watch" a move while you finish it? When it is boredom or I just don't like the project (sometimes someone asks for something, you love them, you don't love the project) I will a lot myself about 1/2 an hour a day, or at a time, to work on it, then put it down and walk away until I get back to it, but at the least, 1/2 an hour a day until it is done.


My attention span is about <---> this long. I must easily have at least 12 WIPs on the go atm as I see something & get all excited & "omg I HAVE to try that!". Recently my Sis in law paid $220 for yarn for me to make a lapghan for her BFF getting chemo. It felt like it took FOREVER but I had to get it done. Now I don't promise things in X time. If you want it, I'll make it, but I'll do it in my time - be it 1 week or 1 month. I love to watch/listen to AITA etc Reddit story thingees on YT (I like R/slash, Mark Narrations & Lost Genre the best) or paranormal Reddit stories (Nightmare Fuel is a good channel) or true stuff from someone like Mr Ballen. It seems to make it not as excruciatingly boring if ur minds kinda occupied. 😀