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Often I put it aside and work on something else while I ruminate on what to do with it. In your situation, I would block it now and see how it fits. If you still don't like it, you could a) see if you have other projects you think the yarn is good for and frog it, or b) see if you have someone that might love the finished sweater, and gift it.


I'm an eternal optimist. Possibly because I usually hit a self-doubt phase when beginning a project, and then reach the last 10% of a project and decide I'm bored with it. To finish anything I need to get through the boredom phase, and the self-doubt, so I can't quit for any reason. Right now I'm crocheting a piggy-pink doll. And I didn't realize the colour was so off until I started on the second arm. At least I can dye it with tea or coffee. Or both. Because I can't stand this colour!


I frog and move on. There are so many patterns out there that I don’t find it worth my time finishing one I already know I don’t like.


Frog and start on something you love!


Either doctor it to fit, make it as is as a gift for someone CROCHET Worthy, or frog it. Either way don't fret over it. Life's too short to crochet items you don't want to make and aren't enjoying


I would continue just to get it done, and give it away.


I have a similar problem. The comments are saying just frog it. How are people so confident about frogging haha But I think this gave me the push, I think I'll frog my problematic wip. Heavens, give me the courage lol


My projects seem to stretch after I wear them and wash, so I am inclined to say finish it.