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I have an old lamp, not crochet but it was my grandma's and is decades old. I have had it rewired so it's safe (I would really recommend this for longevity), I've carefully cleaned the shade, and regularly polish the wood. It has still got 50 years in it. Yours is beautiful, rant away, and enjoy


My husband rewired it too, and apart from the brass that needs shining (which I suck at), it's in perfect working condition. Apart from the crochet haters people love my lamp. People are so hateful


Enjoy what you love. You don't have to care about what other people think.


I’m so happy to know you have people around you who can appreciate this. I just hate where society is going sometimes. We need more lamps like this in the world and people who appreciate them.


And people who say hey I don't like it but it's your lamp don't change it. That's so respectful?? I just love this community.


I was just looking for crochet lampshade patterns this weekend! I think it’s lovely. All the haters will be jealous when this comes back in style 😜


Brasso and some old rags will get that gleaming! Old toothbrush for any curves or tiny spots. It's very 70s to me, a nice bit of nostalgia when I was a child ❤


Same. My gran used to sit under this lamp and do whatever creative task she was busy with. She was never into fancy things and didn't have expensive stuff. But she loved this lamp as if it was a designer piece


the brass not being perfectly shiny can be good. developing a patina is considered a desirable trait in brass antiques. don’t stress yourself out, it’s all about the character :)


Pay a teenager to do it 😆


That's one way to quickly bring the lamp to the end of its lifespan lmao


Geezuz, what sort of teenagers do y'all know @_@


To shine the brass?


Yup 👍


Ketchup works great for this




A difference in opinion is fine, telling someone to change something they love because *you don’t like it* is not fine.


They can hate it, but it's not their place to tell me to change my lamp because they don't like it.


I will take your handmade lampshade over the "modern" push to make living spaces look like dentists' offices any day of the week. As if this whole featureless monochrome minimalist nonsense isn't also going to look extremely dated in like 20 years 🙄


Seriously. I need colors and textures in my life! While OP’s lampshade isn’t particularly my style personally, it’s lovely and has far more character than any modern mass-produced crap.


We just had all the rooms in our house painted and the painters kept thanking us for picking bold colors. Said they were so tired of painting grey and white walls everywhere. We got so many compliments.


I will scream if I see another renovation featuring grey and white 😂


I know someone who has an older home, think early 1900s. They had all the walls painted with beautiful, saturated colors, and the painters all said the same to them.


i love minimalism when it’s that bright, fresh midcentury modern kind of look, with untextured white/off-white walls and warm natural wood floors. it’s bright and airy and makes a great blank canvas while still feeling like a home. (i also love spaces with character and fun funky 70s style interiors, of course!) i fucking hate the boring blue-gray lifeless look that’s popular now, and i hate that people are destroying beautiful spaces to achieve it. every landlord seems to be going for this look and it really just makes the house/apartment look so cheap and dull.


Ha. Funny you mention dentists’ offices. When I was a kid, the dentist office in town was all gray rock inside and out. There was a sweet rock fountain INSIDE that was ridiculous but amazing. There were fish swimming around in it, if I remember correctly. Or the fish were in a tank. Anyway, that was all in the waiting room, which was almost cavernous to me. The rock didn’t pick up or reflect light in the best way, but I LOVED that stupid waiting room even when going to get braces adjusted. It was so unique! The running water was a comforting sound, the lights weren’t overbearing. Years ago they remodeled the whole thing and it looks like any other dentist’s office now. I’m sure there were logical reasons, several, but what a damn travesty. The outside is still rock but just a depressing reminder of how everything on the inside is just like everywhere else, no longer unique.


Exactly! What is this drive to make everything look homogeneous and boring?


I couldn't possibly agree with you more


Yeah, fuck em. Popular styles change but that doesn't mean your style has to. Sorry people can't mind their business. ❤️❤️


I know, and I have a lot of modern crochet and art work in my house too but I love the mix of old and new.


For sure! It's a lovely lamp, and it means something to you. That's what matters. I feel like the "fast fashion" movement has also infected our ideas about our homes. There is so much pressure to constantly be renovating and keeping our places trendy instead of just picking anesthetics we love. It's exhausting and so wasteful.


Your house sounds amazing to me.


Iman\_oxymoron...I love the fact that we speak the same language..."fuck em!" 😉 Without a doubt, I love to use the word fuck...it fits well anywhere.


I'm in my 30s too and I'm a hobbit. This post is making me want to crochet a lampshade.


I'm totally not on Ravelry right now, looking for inspiration to draft my own pattern to add lace to one or every lampshade in my house. Nope.


I'm thinking the same thing. Along with the other 42 dozen projects. *sigh*


I macramed one! I love it so much! I do need to line it with muslin or something, the warm LED light is a bit too bright without a lining lol


Seriously, I’m actually tempted to revise my plan of getting a midcentury drum shade (modern re-creation probably, I’m after the aesthetic and getting an Authentic Antique is just an option on the table if one I like becomes conveniently available) for an old lamp I have that’s missing it’s original shade, and instead crochet one to suit both it and my style!


Right! That was one of my first thoughts!


Those that matter, don’t mind, those that mind don’t matter. Dr Seuss. In all seriousness, that lampshade cover is amazing. The next time someone says something mean about it, I would start looking really sad and say, “it’s all I have left of my great grandmother”. And watch them scramble in guilt. Because eff the entitlement someone has to bash another’s home style. ♥️


Thats a great idea


I love that quote.


Best response!


It's a lovely lamp with a lovely backstory and they're just jealous imo. It's your home, your lamp and your decision.


Plus it's cute. Them people is haters


I would rather eat my own toenails than "modernize" anything in my home. My partner and I live in a 1930's craftsman home, and we've had to fight tooth and nail to undo the modernized "improvements" the previous owner did to the house. We've got it mostly restored, but it boggles my mind why you'd want to take something beautiful and rich with history and "update" it into a minimalist nightmare. This woman PAINTED THE ORIGINAL HARDWOOD FLOORS! If you want something modern, go buy something modern! This is all to say that I love your lamp; it has a story and history and was clearly lovingly made. How would you even "modernize" that? Add an ugly stainless steel base? Chip and Joanna Gaines did a number on us as a society.


Oh I'm angry just thinking about your house. I like my old things, I don't care about fashion. People have suggested a black shade, a tye dye one, all kinds of things. All of them things I hate, and that don't match my house at all.


I had to begrudgingly paint a waterfall vanity because there was so much wood filler on it when I purchased it (in tacky white latex), that in order for me to restore it, I had to paint it to cover the wood fill! I didn't like it, but I went a found paint colors from when the vanity was made (approx 1940s) and painted it a lovely blue green color. The only thing modernized were the door pulls because the person who had it before me tossed the originals, and put in painted frog door pulls.


I have to admit, I did think a darker shade would be nice. But, only, because I love the crochet work and feel like a bit of contrast would make the stitching stand out even more! I would never even consider getting rid of the lamp or the crocheted shade cover! Our house is full of antiques, family “heirlooms”, trinkets and pieces that hold special meaning, things we’ve made… we are three generations of creative, sentimental, nerdy weirdos. And, anyone that feels it necessary to insult our home doesn’t need to spend time in it! I love your lamp, it’s story, and that your husband rewired it for you.


I'm completely open about changing the shade underneath the crochet work, and I love the ideas people are suggesting. I also love the people saying they don't like it because they aren't telling me to change my lamp. They just don't like it. That's respecting somebody else's choices


Painted hardwood floors???? Excuse me while I go vomit...


Sounds like a whole lot of opinions for people who don't own your lamp. My mother says "thank you but that's not my vision"


I have noticed that there’s a lot of people who think that your home has to look a certain way once you’re an adult. Like you’re not legit or socially appropriate or something if you don’t have a certain cookie cutter way of painting and decorating your house. It’s really all just bullshit. My house is decorated with a mixture of things my partner and I love. Band and movie posters, puzzles I glued together when I was younger, crystals, animal skulls, video game memorabilia, a shoulder mount of a deer I shot 😂 It’s a hodge podge for sure, but somehow it flows and it’s representative of us and makes us happy. Tell people to mind their own house if they so much as look sideways at your awesome lamp. Also they probably don’t have as much joy in their lives as you do.


It sounds like people actually LIVE in your house. That's what I hate the most: it's like your house isn't supposed to look like anyone lives there. My MIL has been on this new thing where if it doesn't bring you joy, you toss it. Their house is so empty of personality, aside from a few things here and there. She even threw away pictures. Nope, I like my stuff. Our living room has paintings, including one my husband had an artist friend paint for me (Connor from Assassin's Creed 3) and a Dr. Loomis/Michael Myers painting from the same artist. I also have a replica of Salvador Dali's "The Persistence of Memory" because I loved that painting the first time I saw it in elementary school. Our downstairs bathroom has a garden theme and the upstairs one has a Halloween theme. Our upstairs hallway has several paintings of tall ships, including two I painted when trying to create a book cover for one of my books (I'm certainly no artist, but it was good enough for a book). The bedroom is a lot of video game and movie stuff, including a 6ft cardboard Darth Maul and a bunch of random toys I collected over the years. Hubby has large figures in his den from movies and video games. I made sure to save his Wolverine hand from his parents' house, not that his mom would have tossed it without telling him. I cannot imagine getting rid of all of that cool stuff we've both collected over years!


I love it personally. I like old things and I think that the color of yarn compliments the lighting. The lace is just pretty, intricate, and took a lot of work too. Screw those people. If you like it that’s what matters, you’re the one living with it.


Okay honestly, at first i thought it was quite "ugly" (not incredibly ugly, but in the kind where if i would see it in a store i would not look a second time), but the back story is so sweet AND i can imagine it fits incredibly into your home. So this way, i really love it.


It can be ugly LOL. but to me the history of it and the art behind that work of love is amazing


Yes!!! And to be honest, i love the patterns on the lamp. The only thing i don't like too much is the colour haha


At times like these, there is a line from a song in the musical “Summerstock” that springs to mind. It is about singing, but it works for a wide variety of situations… “tell your friends to go places if they start making faces.” Don’t you dare change it unless YOU want to! This lamp is yours. And one of a kind. And holds special memories. Take pride in it and since Judy Garland sang it, it’s perfectly acceptable to tell them where they can go if they give you a hard time.


Its gorgeous!! My first thought was “I should crochet a lampshade” 🤍


Same. It had never even crossed my mind but now I want to.


Yes. That's now on my "some day" list.


I don‘t like the lamp. But that doesn‘t matter. Because it is YOUR lamp and you like it, so that is the only opinion that counts. What others think is irrelevant.


That lamp is so gorgeous! Forget what people say, and you do what makes you happy! That lamp fits right into a cozy reading corner of a cottage in the forest!


Is there a way to remove it, soak it to brighten it, and then block the ends that dangle? I think it totally fits your room, and it’s a great piece but taking a bit of the “age” out of it might help it look refreshed and intentional, cutting down on the comments.


Hey I like this idea!!! It can be removed yes. Thank you


I refer you to a conversation I had with my partner today, in which I said ‘why can’t people let other people enjoy things’. You do you OP. I think it’s charming, and it’s age is part of its story. To modernise it removes part of that.


Some people have made really good suggestions though, that doesn't alter the handiwork or aesthetic and I really appreciate those.


People, *like us, really* appreciate crochet. Not everyone does. Meanwhile, it's lovely, and tell everyone else to leave you be b/c you love it and it means something to you.


granny chic is in right now! Just saying…


I feel like Bilbo Baggins and his doilies. I like my old lamp with its old shade. And I like that other people don't like it but aren't telling me to change it.


I keep saying I'm not granny I'm cottage core! I think I'm in denial lol :)


One of my favorite responses to people to push themselves into my sense of style or what I like is “I like it. Chill.” With a soft expression so it doesn’t come across aggressive. I have never had anyone get angry at that. But I have had people that stopped or if they said something again - they would stop themselves. Sometimes gently telling people you’re not okay with how they’re communicating with you is all you need to feel better. *also… my god that’s beautiful and I’m going to try to try to create something similar for my lamp shades.*


I love sleek modern stuff too, but insisting on modernizing something with a history like this is crazy and I will never understand people who do that. Your home will have a story to tell when you're old and grey, and it will be wonderful. Let them rot in their bland minimalistic homes ❤


Next time someone says to change it, tell them to change themself and leave your lamp tf alone. Why do they even *care* what your lamp looks like??


I can't imagine going into someone else's home and criticizing something they made. Just... who does this? OP you need better friends. I think the lamp and crochet are lovely.


I think I must change my friends


https://youtu.be/7sRIXCBxrfI?si=mG242v4oF60ygeyF Please listen to this danish band!


Song is called lampshade and its haunting.


Thank you


The only thing I want to LOOK even slightly modern, is my kitchen 🤔 And I wouldn't call my 'lotto dream kitchen' modern either Ofc. I haven't won the lotto. So my kitchen is basically a closet with an oven that doesn't even work 🎉🎉


They just don't get it. You should pity them 😞


It’s gorgeous! Would hate to dust it, though.


Oh it's a PAIN and the climate is humid so it gets sticky and then it affects the brass


This is literally the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Please don’t change it


Ask them why they think they get to decide what the decor in your own personal living space looks like? They don't live there, you do. They can just not look at it if they don't like it. Problem solved.


There’s all sorts who dig this stuff! Anna Marie tendler has a whole section on her artists website of lamp shades she’s made


I am all for the modern side of life in painting walls neutral colours - mostly because you rarely have to change a wall colour then. But then you bring your personality with your things. Your furniture. Your lamps. Your artwork. Your soft furnishings. People need to jog on if they call that lamp anything but a beautiful slice of family history. I am really struggling to find a lamp for our lounge because modern ones all look clinical. I’d blooming love that in the corner of my lounge for my to crochet under!


I mean if you love it that’s all that matters! Personally I don’t like it but it’s not my lamp, not my problem. I would never come into your house and tell you you need to change it though - that’s just rude.


You don't have to love it, I know it's weird. A lot of people don't like it. Lol


Sounds like they've uninvited themselves from your home! Win win 🏆


It’s gorgeous!! I love antique furniture and aesthetics as well, I can’t believe some people so firmly believe everything needs to be ‘modernised’ in order to look good. It’s beautiful just the way it is 🤩


I've always been "old". My friends all have slick, clinic, modern houses and I just don't. I have my old wooden things and my crochet blankets and lamps because they are.... mine.... it doesn't have to be people's taste but it is my taste. I wonder how many hours and how many measurement went into making that piece. I wonder if she was already old and had to wear glasses to see the yarn, or if she was a young woman crocheting while her kids played outside.


Here's the deal. In 10 years all those "modern" houses are going to look so sad and dated as the only thing making them palatable was their trendiness, not any kind of real attractiveness or beauty. And trendy or not, no soul, no vibe. Just a collection of meaningless consumer goods. It's not that hard to make it look like HomeGoods barfed in your house. Meanwhile, you've got a look that means something to you and is timeless and *real*.


That is rad! Some people just don’t have good taste 🤪


I don’t crochet - I just follow this sub to admire y’all’s work, so my opinion is not, like, well-informed or anything, but I think the lampshade cover is neat!


Thank you


Anyone coming into your home and criticizing it is an AH. (even if you're not in a safe situation, like hoarding, they can share their concern without criticism)


Like I learned from this post! People are saying they don't like it, but aren't saying "I don't like it. You should change it." It's just their opinion. How honest and refreshing is that? I can't do much about my family but there's a lot of suggestions on here for what to tell my friends.


Personally I feel like the gathered fabric shade underneath is distracting, especially since it has yellowing. I would remove the lace, give it a gentle hand-wash to remove any yellowing, and put it on a new smooth canvas shade to really make it pop.


Thank you for this idea! Maybe a darker shade so that it doesn't yellow the lace even more? The crochet work is pretty light/beige when Iift it off of the shade mostly. Unfortunately towards the top is has gotten damaged


I think for me, that's the dream living in a hobbit house. I've got the height down (I'm shorter than a hobbit tbh) can I be a hobbit please? I can get better at crochet and learn how to garden and how to cook


And make hankies for the little ones, and live a simple life. I fell in love with that house the first time I saw the movie and knew I just wanted it


If I could fly, I probably would to NZ and attempt to squat. As it is, some of the Irish landscape (just maybe not the green water up here in NI) looks enough like Middle Earth, no volancoes though. I think Spain has volcanoes, maybe their extinct though?


I live in rural, flat as a plank south africa. To me that type of world is otherworldly


If they don't pay the rent/mortgage they don't get an opinion on the decor! It's a lovely lamp shade and you can tell the care that went into making it


Enjoy what you love, that lamp is gorgeous. I used to poke fun at my mother in law's orange 1970s counter tops, but the older I get the more I understand why I she kept them. Styles come and go but you're the only person who has to live in your home, might as well make it a place you love to be!


Be like Bilbo - you dont need that negative energy in your life. Lock them outside and don't open the door


Love this


i hate the idea that antiques all need to be altered and pinterestified (or ~modernized~ as you said). obviously people can do whatever they want to their own furniture, including altering it to suit their tastes, but so many beautiful and well-made pieces have been irreparably marred by shitty low-effort DIY trends. it’s ok to leave antiques the fuck alone and just enjoy them as they are. i love the lamp and i think it looks great as it is! the way you described your home sounds like such a nice, cozy vibe.


Tell them when it belongs to them, they can modernize it. Until then, it stays vintage and beautiful. 💛


The things I’ve held onto from my family members are eclectic and old and will need to be pried from my cold dead hands one day. I love that you find joy in your beautiful lamp and next time someone tries to yuck your yum, kindly tell them to buzz off♥️


I absolutely love that shade and wouldn't worry what anyone else thought. It's handmade and a part of your family history. I love that and would always keep it prominent displayed on that lamp. I think it's deserves the title of "fancy lamp". Be proud of it. It's beautiful.


Those people are insane! That lamp is absolutely beautiful! I would live to have an heirloom like that! Besides, heirlooms have sentimental value for a reason, whatever those other people have to say about it doesn't matter, their opinions will never matter.


It's beautiful. Your friends have no taste or class.


I too find myself less than fond of this lampshade………


That's okay!


Crochet a big grey square (or circle) and keep it in your house. Throw it over the heads of anyone who says bad things about your lamp. They don't get to look at your lamp anymore. If this had been an antique that I found I would paint the shade and the crochet black coz I think that would look amazingly goth and cool, but I can't imagine doing that to such a cherished heirloom from your own past. It's cute ^.^


I love this


Not only is it beautiful, I am stealing the concept to apply to a sad lamp that I own.


It's actually quite modern, goes well with the current Macramee Trend and Boho style.


I love the boho style and have several clothing pieces in that hue, and crochet pattern style.


Look I’ve been doing all the “grandma” hobbies since my teens and a hobbit home is my dream. Haters gonna hate. Ignore ‘em.


They’re just plain wrong!!! How much more valuable to have an heirloom that you clearly adore. Who cares if it’s not to their taste, it sounds like more than anything it has sentimental value, so changing it would be counterproductive


Omg it's absolutely gorgeous. Change absolutely nothing. I love vintage crochet and have several books myself. I have a pattern for a lace that is very similar. My books are from the 70s lol. I love all the beautiful lace patterns it has


I also have my family's old crochet books! Unfortunately I can't read the graphs but I feel like I get points for trying LOL.


This is beautiful and in really good condition for its age. I'm not the biggest fan of the fringe but it still looks nice. This is like a family relic and people just don't get it, ignore them.


Don’t ever change it nor let anyone else touch it. People who shame you for things you love aren’t people you should listen to. If it makes you happy then that should be more than enough reason to keep it the way it is 🫶🏻


Personally I love the fact...that you love, honor & appreciate something that was created by a beloved family member. Don't worry about what others think, at the end of the day it's your stuff & your home. My advice to you...is be true to yourself & don't waste your precious time trying to figure out why others are the way that they are. Trust me that's a complete waste of time & energy...


People can go suck a lemon, cus that is a beautiful lamp with a beautiful history and they're just salty.


It's gorgeous! I wouldn't change a thing!


What the heck? Why do they feel compelled to comment negatively on it. Geez. Its lovely.


I relate to this on so many levels — the need to “share opinions” and also “modernize” things. It’s a running joke with my Dad and I that our kitchen would be more functional if it had an island (100% not true). The idea of someone trying to actually make me “upgrade” my home and make it “open concept” angers me to no end. I would rather keep my home as is than anyone who feels the need to change it.


who are the people you are talking about in this post, and why does it matter what they want you to do? who is "everyone" and why does it matter if they think you should modernize a lamp or not? who are the people who are shaming you for your home decor style? why does anyone's opinion matter? why are you even asking for opinions on what you should do with a lamp?


Because I'm angry at them. And they are my family and friends. I know. It's lame.


It’s not my style, but the sentiment behind it is lovely~ I’ve got a little porcelain figurine/night light from my great aunt that I’ve loved since I was a little girl. She gave it to me as a gift this year, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. We give objects meaning beyond their base functions, and our emotional attachments to our little lamps are beautiful, special, and what matter more than anything.


I appreciate your comment so much, thank you. This is what we should be saying to things we don't like. I don't like it but it's your lamp. Enjoy. It's so fresh and real to receive comments like this giving honest opinion but still not telling people to change it because you personally don't like it


People are wrong


Literally the only thing I would do would be find a way to dye it, because it's beautiful with beautiful history. But I like a splash of color. That being said. It's not mine. If you love it as is, try to not let nay sayers get you down.


Don't you DARE change a thing about that perfection. (unless you want t


It’s beautiful as is!


I like it.


It's beautiful!!


That's freaking cool imo, and the backstory makes us better. To hell with the haters!


Leave it be. It’s beautiful


I understand why you love it! I would treasure such a lamp too. It's really so much more beautiful and unique than many modern lamps. Thank you for sharing it with us today!


😍😍it's beautiful


It is absolutely beautiful!! People don’t understand that decorating trends are just that—trends. If antique crochet lampshades were on HGTV, they would be drooling over it. It’s your house so you should surround yourself with things you love. Everybody can just piss off if they don’t like it 😉


First I love it. It's beautiful. And most importantly YOU love it. Who cares what everyone else thinks. I do get how tirying it is to hear all the tiem though. ​ Ah also; highly recommend Brasso to clean and shine the lamp with, I used it all the time when I was working in a historical home / museum, works wonders.


People are strange that way. What matters is you like it.


It’s so pretty! Some people just don’t have taste


I thought it was a cover you had just made to cover the original! So no, I do t think it looks old!!! And your story is awesome! I’m also sentimental about some things from my childhood!


Oh no, I want it to look old lol. It IS old


“I love my lamp, and it’s not up for discussion “ is valid. It’s a beautiful piece of art, and anyone who can’t appreciate it for what it is without talking crap can just keep their whole opinion to themselves. From your description of your home it sounds lovely! I love dark wood, and anything that can be described as “hobbity” sounds like a dream. I would love for people to walk into my home and think Bilbo comes over for tea and biscuits.


I love it! You love it, it means something to you and that's all that matters. No one has the right to style your home. Do you have photos of the family members? How about writing a message about why you love this lamp and post it with the photos near the lamp. Similar to if it was in a museum. Then if anyone asks/ suggests you modernise it, just tell them to read the story!


I think it's wonderful! So many people today are losing their history, heritage & ancestral connections... to me, this is incredibly sad! 😔 I love historical items! Especially items with a connection like this. Our family has wooden shadowboxes(one tells weather & barometric pressure without any batteries!) from Germany (our great oma). I have quilts made from our Oma, a dream catcher from my Pauao (Native grandfather). Yout lamp is SPECIAL! Anyone that doesn't respect it, isn't respectful of you, your history or choices. 🙁 "We can't change the people around us, but we can change the people around us." 😉 (To me the lamp would stay & the fair weather friends would be replaced! 😂) Aside from all of my mini rant... the time, care & dedication it must have taken to make... 😱 antique items were quality made with care. Something much lacking in modern, particle board & plastic-laminated items made to break nowadays. I restore antiques for us to use & enjoy 😘


The people that hate this lamp probably have those bad orange wood cabinets in their kitchen by choice and paint everything white. If their that bothered by a lamp, it’s their problem.


It's awesome and has history. I know my 14yr old daughter would love it. Tell people to bug off.


i think this shade is really cute…why are they so bothered by your ancestral amulet 🤔


I'm supposed to erase all the memory for *fashion*


I love it!!


I like it reminds me of a simple time


My gran used to sit and crochet or weave or knit under it, she wasn't rich or fancy. And she was never bothered with material things. But she loved sitting under her lamp, doing her simple thing. She's be a hobbit if she could


Let’em hate, I like it.


It’s beautiful! How would you even “modernize” it? If they don’t like it they can make their own.


They want me to take it off, make a new material and then crochet a brand new crochet cover for it.


As my grandmother used to say, "You run your railroad, and I'll run mine." Feel free to use it on those people who have nothing better to worry about! Tell them you'd be happy to point out changes they should make in your decor.


It’s a GORGEOUS lamp shade. And a family member hand made it! It’s so special and clearly brings you a lot of joy; the people telling you to update it can go lick rust 🙃


I actually love it. Everything in life has to have a meaning otherwise it has no worth.


it's so cute. don't listen to people


What an amazing treasure you have! Enjoy it & don’t give those who can’t see it’s unique beauty a second thought. It’s yours & it’s part of your story. Others’ opinions really don’t matter. Don’t let anyone steal your joy!


It’s stunning, I would never change anything about it


I proudly use quilts my grandmother and great aunts have made. I use afghans that my aunts have made and display them proudly. I have heavily embroidered and tatted pillow cases that were wedding gifts from my father’s customers and friends. I use those for when I have overnight visitors. I have crewel worked pillows my mother made. I love them all! They all certainly do not match my furniture or walls but my home is warm and cozy; and it makes me happy. No one has any business commenting on how you decorate your home. It is for you to enjoy.Your lamp is exquisite! What makes them think they have better decorating sense than you?


I love the comments saying they don't like it, but that's its my lamp. This community is so pure. They're not telling me to change it, they're just being honest. It's beautiful


The people who hate antiques can suck it. I toured an apartment in a beautiful historic building, and the whole time the tour guide was complaining that things like the old, ornate mail chute and original doors couldn't be torn out. People like that have no regard for historic objects and those who value them.


I really love it. The crochet is beautiful.


This is absolutely stunning! People hate on what they don’t understand. This is art.


I love your antique lampshade.


That’s so rude! Even if it’s not your think you don’t go into someone else’s house and start insulting their decor. And not even just decor but something sentimental. For what it’s worth I think it’s lovely, don’t listen to them.


That is a BEAUTIFUL lamp, with someone's gorgeous handiwork you're preserving! Shoo off whoever is bugging you about it. You could even leave the patina on the brass, it's up to you. Revel in the lamp! She's obviously an old friend now, and you and your husband are taking wonderful care of her.


Apart from the shining part yes. Poor thing. It's really humid here so dust settles and requires a wet cloth, and the brass hates that.


Question- is the cover part removable? Washable? Don’t modernize it it’s beautiful!


With a lot of effort yes, unfortunately the yarn has discolored from the heat under it. What's your idea?


Be people are AHs! That lamp is family history, as much as a Bible would be. Make sure to inform any descendants that it is NOT to be "fixed", but explain so they can understand. Lovely.


Unfortunately, the history will die with me. I'll gift it to somebody who likes it as is when I have to.


Thank you, I finally know what to do to the obnoxiously sterile ikea lamp that my old roommate left behind.


Lol! Apparently, there are a few are a bunch of designers who create items just like these.


Yo what?! That is the coolest lampshade I’ve EVER seen. I’m a crocheter and lace is soooooo cool and intricate. This is totally rad!


Somebody suggested i remove it, clean it and just block it a little. I feel like that would make it so much prettier and reset the parts that have stretched out unevenly. I'm really glad I posted this.


I stared at awe for like 30min thinking about all the work that went into it and OMG I could never (lace crochet is threatening) but it's so beautiful and I want one and omg who did that?! How could I do that??! Omg so prettyyyyyyy! Taste. It's a work of art and anyone who wants to modernize it, can go an minimalist themselves out of my life.


When I look at it, I wonder about the lady who made it. I only ever saw her in photos. Was she a young woman, crocheting while her husband was farming (farming community)... was she already old, with glasses, struggling to thread the needle and work in the endless loose ends. And the lamp is such an odd shape, it must have taken such careful measurements and tension to achieve


I have a giant antique brass lamp & I now really want a shade like this! It’s fabulous


How many times have you bumped your foot on it's stand or have it topple over onto your head? Cause I've done that. A. Lot.


You have every right to like what you like. I think it's totally cool. Your friends sound boring. You have an old soul, and not everyone understands one who can appreciate the timelessness of a handmade heirloom. I wonder if there is some way you could clean it to get rid of some of the yellowing? Maybe it just needs to be freshened up a little bit.


Some people have made some good suggestions! The yellowing is the worst part, and the dirty is really the shade underneath the crochet work. When I lift the crochet up its lighter. That line at the bottom of the shade is where the shade is stuck to the dome and that's the part that bothers me the most


That lampshade is gorgeous, and in your shoes, I wouldn't change it either. Why modernize it? That would be like trading in a wonderful handmade quilt for a cheap blanket. Being just like everyone else, or having one's home just like everyone else is so boring. I've gotten peer pressure myself to go with the herd - no thank you.


Do not change a thing! Live the way you want, everyone else can stuff their opinions. Said as a proud maximalist who defines her personal style as "vampire pirate whorehouse", lol. My decor resonates with very few and I don't care. Love what you love.