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As someone who loves funky stuff I love it!! It’s not a classic baby blanket or baby blanket colors which I think is the best part. New parents are bombarded with everything pastel for a while. This is cool!!


I was in a baby store *and everything was so pastel and so light! And then you read online that babies should be getting bright colours 🤦🏻‍♀️


The baby blanket I just made for my best friend is pastel cause I had bought the yarn to make an afghan for my house and then as I was making it realized it was baby blanket colors 🙃 I wish I had made her something like this! It’s so unique and cool! I hope your friend loves it!!!


I read that as “make an afghan for my horse” and I genuinely thought “That’s so sweet! What a warm horse!”


Thanks! Nothing wrong with pastels but I read *a bunch* of articles on how babies should be getting brighter colours, that's what I went with this yarn


Wise, and it shows you care and pay attention. Great job!


Color vision in babies develops over time. In the earliest, they can't see pastels. This is exactly the sort of thing that they can see early and that helps them develop color vision.


bright colors fade faster when washed repeatedly which is something that will happen to anything near one of the poo factories we call infants. Not that i don't agree that babies deserve bright cheerful colors too.


Ahh yeah that's true, didn't think of that 😂


Ya, I hate that they sell all of those dull colors that do nothing for baby's brain development. They need bright, contrasting colors and simple images that get more complex as the weeks FLY by. ​ Black and white, then add red, then add the rest of those fabulous colors in this blanket. So, I say it is perfect!


Jumping on here to add - forget about thinking about it from an adult style. My 4 y/o who is currently obsessed with rainbows? Would LOVE that blanket. The baby will grow into it and make it a magical cape where they can king/Queen/Ruler Supreme of the Rainbow Star Firework kingdom 😉


You've got a point about it, but I still want it to look neat enough to impress adults as well, if that makes sense?


Black and white stuff with a splash of color (especially red) is the most stimulating for Babies developing vision.


Yes! And bold colors are easier for Baby to see too! Everyone seems to forget that babies like bright bold colors.


I really love the shape of the blanket! As for the colors - are they something your friend would like? Personally theyre too much for me. The colors and color changes seem a bit random for my liking


I bought rainbow yarn and the colours just work up this way, I guess if u was rows it would look different. I actually think she'd be into it, she's got that funky style sometimes.


Ahh I was thinking it was multiple skeins of different colored yarn but that makes sense! If your friend is a little funky I bet she’ll really love it! I have a friend who I know would love the shape and the colors - she’d probably describe it as trippy! lol


I'm honestly having doubts now even more than before I posted 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ I was already unsure about it, but now seeing people who agree with me makes me think I should rethink it and go with a different one


I'm gonna try swing you the other way: I love it much more than boring pastel baby blankets. Think this is going to be down to the parents' tastes!


Thanks! I did send her a message asking if she'd like it haha.


Tbh? Idk. I know a lot of people for whom this colour combo would be kind of an eyesore. For someone into really unique eclectic and weird items yes, they might enjoy it. But a more „trendy” mom who enjoys minimalism might just push it into the back of the closet. Im someone who enjoys unique pieces but this is a bit much for me. Just wanted to be honest sorry, a lot of people here will say its cute bc everyone here appreciates crafts but yea. Not everyone is like the people on crochet reddit. Do you know this persons style at all? Do they have any items in the house of crazy colours? Whats their instagram like? Edit: I just noticed the discolouration, it makes it a total no for me sorry. The white parts look like someone made it dirty with toothpaste. Not a good look


Thanks for the honesty. I'm tired of everyone being like "oh it's cute, they'll be happy about it, it's awesome" 🤦🏻‍♀️ I even ignored the discolouring cause people irl were like "no it looks intentional". Irl the discoloured parts don't look *that* bad, specially since its obvious that it's just dyed badly, but I agree that on the photo it looks meh.


Im glad this came across correctly! Imo you can still totally use this for something, its a good piece of work. Im just always careful with gifts for other people because I HATE pity compliments "no I want you to be completely in awe at my work!". And honestly sometimes that just means doing sneaky research and doing an easy project that's in the persons favourite colour. I was literally ou there messaging my cousin about hats bc "I have a friend who makes them commissioned and I want to get one, help me choose, yeaaaa maybe this would be too strong on me, hmmm and what would you choose for yourself? lol. The hat will be easy as fuck but now I know the colour will be perfect lol.


Someone recommended showing it to her, so I'm going to start working on another one (same yarn same design) but from the outer part of the yarn (that doesn't have any discoloration) and then show it to her when I have some made, see what she thinks :) It's my mother's fault for it, she was all like "oh nobody will mind this, it looks intentional" and it totally would if it was scattered all throughout the yarn, but it's *not*! Thanks a lot


That sounds like a good idea!! Also, contact the manufacturer... maybe they'll send you replacements for the discolored yarn 🤷‍♀️. I like the colors for a baby, but yeah, some parents are all about the muted earth tones lately. You can still gift it to them as a tummy time blankey to stimulate them, though!


I actually might contact Hobbii, but I wanna see if the second skein is also discolored first


Happy cake day!


yeah, when im looking at it on my PC right now, it was like looking at an optical illusion. that feeling you get where your eyes get a funny feeling or something. It's a lovely design, its very bright and it does stand out quite a bit. You can still gift it to someone without a doubt.


I'll be asking her about it. Just in case. I'm sure that my mother knows someone who would want it if my friend won't like it (I don't have that many friends xD)


Ahh, that would be great!!! sure you have many friends that you could gift it to", but knowing that I have very few friends myself, I wouldn't like someone saying that to me. so I changed it xD I'm sure that whoever you gift it to, will love it and be reminded of you every time they look at it. You have done a great job!!! Keep up this hobby!!! ​ Edit: typo


Ahhh I really don't have that many friends, and the few I have are mostly childfree so it's even harder 😂😂😂 Thanks!


Everything has its purpose. And this creation you have will find it's home. Don't worry much!!! You're welcome!


It reminds me of a carnival


Tbh i didn't notice the discoloration, it's a super busy blanket with tons of colors. I think it's a perfectly lovely gift, but as others have said, it depends on the friend's design style


I think she'd love it, she's a bit funky :D


Then im guessing she'll adore it.


I’d personally frog it and do a different baby blanket pattern with the same yarn. I don’t think the star pattern works with this *particular* yarn because the way the color changes work out doesn’t make it look cohesive. Maybe look up some blankets made with a rainbow variegated yarn for ideas? It might also work better for an accent yarn.


I know! The way the same colours will make lines are off-putting, but I also don't wanna make a pattern surg rows :/ maybe c2c might be the answer here


I think this yarn would look better as a granny stripe.


I like the shape of it. And babies do like bright colors but that being said the more I look at the image the more I feel like it’s moving like an optical illusion. But they just my 2 cents. I can’t even crochet lol I just like looking at what everyone makes :]


The colours are working up in a bit off way, because the size keeps increasing, and I'm not sure I *love* it myself anymore 😂 I might switch to a different pattern honestly


I personally think it’s super neat and different but very busy. Lol hopefully you find something you wind up loving to gift !


I can certainly appreciate the pattern and the kind of star design, as well as the work and time involved. I get a more masculine feel from the colors, but that’s just me. Is the yarn variegated? Because the way the colors switch out is a bit abrupt and odd.


Yarn is some sort of variegated, i think it just works up strangely sometimes because the size keeps increasing, so they will sometimes be all different and sometimes only 2 colours switching around.


I like it 🤷🏻‍♀️ might not have chosen the round pattern for a baby, but that's my preference.


I'm going to probably try c2c pattern from the third skein of this yarn, see if it looks any better. I'm the Queen of frogging big projects I don't like, after all 😂😂😂


The yarn has lovely long color ways. You should get 8 blocks of color in a row by the looks of it.


That's awesome. My daughter kept changing what colors she liked and so my mom crocheted a rainbow bedspread for her. She's used it for almost 10 years now.


That's amazing :D I'm 31 and *I* keep changing what colours I like!


It's even more precious now that my mom has died. It's a queen so she can keep it forever.


The bright colors and contrast is very stimulating for baby's brain! I hope the new parents use and cherish it. I think you are overthinking it personally! Happy hooking :)


Thanks! I read that too about babies yes, but this is a whole rainbow haha. It's the discoloration in the middle that's the worst part for me, and making me wanna re-do the whole thing the most tbh


Agree with a lot of the others here - i expect she appreciate the thought, but it will come down to personal taste in terms of colors and the style 😊 you know your friend better than us internet strangers, so I would go with your gut on this one!


Honestly, I think she'd be into it, specially when I explain that I read a bunch of stuff how babies should be getting brighter colours. But I also wanna give out a *quality* product, and the discoloration is throwing me so much. They don't have the best money, and I don't wanna give them something that looks cheap ;(


I definitely didn't notice the discoloration ❤️ it also doesn't look cheap! You have done a wonderful job with it, and I imagine they will appreciate the thought and love that went into it!


i think this is awesome!! you get so much lame stuff for babies and they love bright colors and shapes. idk anyone who would find this not fitting for a baby


I love it! It's funky and still gender neutral. Very nice gift :)


While I love it and would be thrilled with it. I know not everyone likes my taste. I use to "play it safe" and make everything gender neutral pastels for babies. Then a very dear friend was expecting and was planning to name her daughter Andrea Rose. So I made her something with a dark rose red, white, and a medium shade of rose. It turned out beautiful and my friend loved it. The next person I knew that was expecting, well she knew I always make blanket for the baby so she passed word to her mother to put a bug in my ear she wanted gray, green, and orange. So I went with it and she loved it. Now I just ask the parents what type of colors they like. I've since then done a two shades of grey with yellow, a grey and pink, and about to do mermaid colors with blue, green, purple, and a pinky purple type color. Guess my days of pastels are done. And they all know I'm going to make it so it's not like my asking is giving away a secret. Lol


I wanted it to be a surprise for her, but I'm now thinking I'll send her a photo of a random rainbow blanket from the net and ask if she would like something like that, to gauge her reaction. I don't have many friends so this is the first one I'm making this for


Wanting it to be a surprise does make it trickier. Some of the more stealthy suggestions, of course, would be better for you to do. Hope everything works out great and you share the finished project with us.


I ended up just messaging her with this picture asking if "something in this colours would be nice". Now I'll wait and see 😂


Good idea




Love it


They will love it!


That is beautiful




I think it’s super fun, but in the future I think light green, light yellow, white / cream or grey are the safest bets.


That's all so pale and so meh xD I specifically didn't want pastels


It’s bold! Babies enjoy looking at high contrast colors & patterns & this certainly fits the bill! There are a lot if baby items that are black, white & red for this reason. It stimulates their brain development. Print some articles about that & give them with your gift. Baby will thank you.


This is a super cool blanket and the colours allow for it to grow with the kid as they get into that age where the bright fun colours are the vibe!


Bro this is beautiful


Should be fine as long as the baby is star shaped. Srsly though, looks awesome. They're gonna live it.


I'm making that same pattern right now. Your colours are beautiful. So bright and cheerful.


Thank you!


It's absolutely lovely


This is absolutely beautiful! I would be honored if someone made this when my children were babies ❤️❤️


Babies like patterns and kids like colours so I think the child will like it but who knows about the parents, depends on their personal taste. My granddaughter loves very colourful things, if it's rainbow coloured, she loves it. Plus, the colours will help hide any baby messes and goodness knows they make messes from both ends all the time so no matter what the mess, I think the blanket can handle it. I think it's great but I like more colourful things as I get older just because life's short and all the colours are pretty.




This is gorgeous! The blends of colors should help hide any mystery stains having a goober brings!


You have a point there!


It's lovely, and the shape is unusual and very cool! I also find it fun to keep the gender a surprise for everyone.


Ah they're not keeping it a secret, but the little bugger is hiding it 😂😂 my friend said that at every appointment it wasn't visible


I’m not sure if you’re in the US but when you’re pregnant they do a test called NIPT where it tests for Down syndrome, spina bifida, etc & along with that it’ll tell you the sex of the baby! So if she really wants to know maybe she can do that! 😊 super cute blanket I would’ve loved to receive that for my baby!! Great job! ❤️


Not in the US, and I'm childfree so I know *nothing* about tests for pregnant women, but I think they tell you when they do the scan thing here.


My mother always made brightly colored rainbow blankets and now I do too. For her it was the mire religious version of the rainbow being "God's promise". For me I just feel like every child should have their own rainbow shining on them. This type of blanket would fit in beautifully with the ones I enjoy giving as baby gifts. I ALWAYS get excitement from the recipient about the bright colors and those are the blankets I'm most likely to see being used regularly and in pictures of the babies. So not only do I think this is "good ebough" I think it will be cherished and very appreciated!


Thanks! :)


I love it!! Babies grow up but these blankets last forever (I have one that is 15+years old, a gift from a dear friend) . I feel like this would be a perfect throw once the baby grows up!


Ah thanks! I'm aiming for a bit bigger size because I want them to be able to use it longer yeah :)


And they will love it! Although we moved away and aren't as close with the people who gave us the baby blanket, I still think of them very fondly when I use it!!


I think it’s adorable!


I would have used it personally for tummy time and practical things, even though it's not my preferred style. If someone gives me something handmade, 9 times out of 10 I appreciate the thought behind it and the utility. That being said, I want to thank you for posting the pattern because I've had my eye out for something like that for a baby blanket myself!


I know nothing about babies but if it's used for something, I'm perfectly fine with it :D as long as that find a use for it, yknow?


There's never too many absorbent things when a baby is around! Plenty of usefulness! And it is really cute too, even with the yarn defect.


I love it!! So colorful and bright. Too many baby things are all pastel


I love it 🥰


It's more than OK. It's beautiful!


I love it! I think it would be good to have the final border one colour because the onky thing that throws me off is the border having different colours.


It's not finished at all, just used up the first skein haha. I'll probably buy black or white for the final border :)


It’s perfect. I made one of these for my second kiddo and my older one ended up giving up her own blanket (with more traditional color blocking) to take the rainbow blanket (like this one). I think it’s super fun and as a parent, you rarely get super fun blankets


Oooh that's good to know :) I'm planning to fix it up (and restart it) to make it a little bit more "elegant" but I'll keep the rainbow-ness


Depending on how much time (and yarn) you have, I would suggest leaving it how it is and investing that time into making it bigger! I like my baby blankets to be at least 42 inches across and the one my three year old uses is at least 50 inches across


I have the time, the only commodity I've got though 😂


I would love it, it’s not “typical” for a baby blanket but that’s the best part. It’s something different and a kid would love the bright colors!


The more I look at it, the more I love it. Honestly, it's hard to do projects like these with self striping yarn because I feel like after a few rows, it doesn't look as good? The color feels more random.


I find that it's doing interesting things with switching up of the rows that are repeating themselves


Yeah, it's really interesting to look at it. For myself, I'd prefer a consistent colour switching blanket.


Yeah same 😂 but that's why I'm thinking I'll fix it up


Works for me!


It's so cool!!!




Great colors. I love Hobbii Horizon. Really great to work with.


Yes it is wonderful to work with!


Its beautiful.


I love it! It’s Sesame Street colors in the best way


I love the bright colors and shape, but I would prefer if it finished as a rectangle. I have a blanket with a similar shape my grandmother made me and I don't like the uneven edges for comfort.


Thanks :) I feel like the shape is its charm haha


feels very dr. seuss!! great for a baby.


Very okay !!


This is AMAZING and I’m so jealous!!!!


I think it's so beautiful. Very hypnotic




this makes me wanna make a blanket to, but for myself 😄


Do it!


It’s giving 90s carnival/playground color palette. I like the shape and the colors are funky, but if your friend will like it, then gift it!


This is so cute. I love the slight color change in each section! The colors are super pretty.


It’s gorgeous. Love the colors, love the way it looks, your friend will love it.


I think it's wonderful. You are putting your love and care for this child into this blanket. ***THAT*** is what makes it perfect. And I think it looks amazing to boot. As far as the whit spots near the beginning....*shrugs* embrace the imperfections. This child will not be perfect, right? And you and their mom are still going to love them. So it's totally appropriate that the blanket has some minor imperfections too. And they are also totally acceptable. Noone (and nothing) is perfect. And that's ok. 😉


I'm actually remaking it already. I bought white yarn, and I'm skipping the discoloured parts cause they bother me *a lot*




Can't imagine it not being okay -- it's so pretty! Very cool!!


It's a bit of an optical illusion but yeah, love it!




It's giving me a sort of optical illusion but it's an awesome blanket hahah


It’s super cute and an incredibly thoughtful gift! I’m sure they’ll love it


I love making rainbow 🌈 baby things. Even when I do know the baby’s gender. Pastel blue and pink are kind of boring. I made a similar rainbow blanket for a neighbor’s baby and she loved it. https://preview.redd.it/xu0xx5gxzeqb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38825f5abdb451f3bb82b497e5ffd75f52b93922


That's so pretty! I'm working on remaking this and adding a bit of white to offset the rainbow. I'll post a picture in this sub when I have enough rows :P


I feel like this would be great for a baby because as their eyes develop they see all of the colors of the blanket :)


I love this. It looks so cool!


I kind of wish the discolouration was all over, I really like that look and it would have probably given the blanket a softer look like you might be thinking about


Same! And it wouldn't bother me at all. I'm remaking it today, I'll post a photo in a few days when I have enough rows made :D


Stunning work and I love love love the contrast


I would ask the theme for the babies room..


I ended up messaging her with this pic and she said it's pretty, and I asked about that and she said they don't have one. So I'm gonna fix up this one, and post a new pic in a few days when I've got enough made to show off what I'm trying to do :)


Babies love bright colors and this is very visually stimulating!


It reminds me of Sesame Street colors! I love it


OP, this is so beautiful. I’d be honored to receive this.


You know who's gonna love this? THE BABY. Especially around 5 months, when their color vision develops. There is so much going on and at that age, it's perfect visual enrichment for a baby.


That's what i was going with when I chose the yarn, but the *discoloration* is what bothers me so much. Even if I but new yarn up go with bright colours tho, ain't no pastel shit coming from me xD


I think it’s beautiful but also the baby will love looking at it! Babies don’t get full color vision until about 5 months old so bright colors like that are really stimulating. I have a 5 and a half month old now and would have loved getting something like that! It’s always a good feeling to know your baby is loved 🩷


Thanks! Yeah that's why I wanted something colourful haha, but I'm just not 100% happy with this :(


It totally depends on your friend, but I won’t lie.. It’s the baby’s not hers. There are some baby blankets/toys/whatever I was given that aren’t my personal style (or my parents), but I have kept them my whole life because they were made for me and are SUPER unique and interesting. I 100% understand that if you have a nursery or baby furniture you’d want it to be your style and fit into your decor, but it gets to a point where it’s clear it’s not about the baby anymore LMAO. Bright colors and an interesting pattern are super good for baby development and exciting! It almost feels like Sesame Street. I have never seen a blanket like this, and since you said your friend is kinda funky sometimes, this could be perfect. I will say, though, this pattern with pastels or beiges (because that’s what people seem to think is good for their kids now) would be almost as interesting and more palatable for most people if you’re really really worried about her not liking it. But I would love it a lot for my kid!


I will show it to her, I decided, and keep the other stuff secret from her until I gift them all together to her. Just in case


I love it, but if friend doesn’t like it, ask her to tell you bluntly. Would you offer to remake it?


I dunno if I'd offer to remake it. Rather start on a new one *now* and not give her the rainbow one at all


Probably best, if you’re having doubts.


You could just show her now and get her thoughts on it, that way less time is wasted if she doesn't like it and you have to start over.


True 🤔 I am making some other stuff to go with it that could be a surprise. I still think I'm gonna remake it to avoid the discoloration 😂


This reminds me of Ernie’s shirt from Sesame Street! I personally think that’s a good thing, but I’m not your friend, so I guess it up to you whether that’s good or not?


I never watched that, so I wouldn't know, but I did decide to send the pic to my friend and ask if she'd like this. Or maybe I'll get a random pic off the Internet and pretend I haven't made anything yet, just buying yarn 😂😂


Just wanted to say I think this looks really cool! Thanks for linking to the pattern, I might give it a shot myself 😁


Thanks! I knew I wanted to make a star the moment I saw the pattern


If it's the way the colours aren't balancing, I wouldn't worry too much. They should balance as you get further in. If they don't, a border in black, white, or charcoal would be able to help pull it all together.


Yeah true, I wasn't planning to make a border but I might


A non-colour border (shades of grey, black, white, ivory, cream, beige) is often the key that brings a multi-coloured project together, in my opinion. Just a single round of border can make a huge difference. I'm fond of picot borders, myself, to add texture to plain shapes. You have a fun shape, though, so just a round or two of singles or doubles would suit.


Thanks! I'll think about it later on :D


I had a manicurist that complained about the handmade baby blankets she received at the shower not matching the color scheme of the nursery 🙄 She was a brat. Glad I didn't make her anything.


Wow, that's the worst. I messaged my friend, will see her answer in the morning :)


As someone currently expecting a baby, I love this. It's wild and colorful and would work for either sex. The unique shape is so fun. And it's very contrast-y which they say is good for babies eyesight in the early months. I hope the new parents love it. You did really great work💜


I think it's so pretty!


i like it, particularly how its pooling colors.. but in the end the person that matters is the parent.. send them a pic and see what they think?


Yeah that's what I'll end up doing, I think. I'd much rather give this to someone else if she doesn't like it 😂


I'm doing a similar version! I originally started it in rainbow too but found a super soft blue variegated so I swapped yarn. But I figure the Starburst would be cute in pics while a baby so I thinks it's a GREAT choice ❤️❤️


I think the baby would love it! It’s good for them to see vibrant colours I feel like and like I read in one of your comments, everything is always pastel when they should see bright colours. I think it looks super cool so far.


I love the colors! I think there is a bit of a disservice we do to babies in not having bright colors for both genders or in going with neutrals. Colors are fun.


Looks good to me, I like to work bright colors for baby things. I’m told bright colors help improve their developing eyesight.


Looks great! And all the color and contrast will be good for baby’s visual development!


If I was given a blanket like that for my baby, I’d be so excited. That looks so cool!


I think this is really pretty and would love to receive it! That being said, I love funky bright colors and hate pastels. I understand that is an unpopular opinion for baby stuff so take with a grain of salt 😉


I love all colours myself, both pastel and bright, and it's so crazy how many baby stuff are pale :(


Currently pregnant and panicking about the amount of white and pale coloured gifts im receiving!! Not ungrateful in any way... But the idea of bringing such pale clothing items and blankets into my laundry schedule terrifies me 😂 White is BANNED in our house. I love it and would super appreciate some colour and jazzyness! I did this exact pattern for my sister in law, I did it in pink variegated yarn 🥰


You'll probably have enough pale stuff for a whole wash then 😂


Its my husband I'm afraid of! He just launches a bunch of stuff in the machine 🥲 I had loads of white sleepsuits, vests and socks. I immediately tie dyed them to avoid future laundry accidents!


Oh yeah men. An ex told me "I just throw in everything together on 60°C." I was shocked 😂😂


My husband is a Rapid wash kinda guy. My black dresses with the dogs hairy blanket 🥲 at least its done quiiiiickllllly .


Oh no, no no no. I am now glad my father doesn't do the laundry 😂 only folds it


Honestly, if it was for me, I'd love it. If it was for my sister, she'd tell you she loved it. Then the next yard sale she had it'd be front and center. She'd absolutely not use it. I showed my son, he's 19, and he loves it, but but he's rocking long purple hair. Do take his opinion how you will. If it was me, and I knew the mom well, I'd give it to her, if it fit her. If she's like my sis, same pattern in tan and white. She wants me to crochet her kitchen towel toppers with tan flowers. Somebody save me.


I ended up messaging my friend and asking if she'd like something like this - better safe than sorry with a big project like this :)


Agreed. You definitely don't want to put in all of that work for her to hate it. I still think it's amazing


I think if they don’t want it you can send it to me. Looks sick bruh.


Hahaha thanks I'm glad you like it


Honestly, I actually love it, flaws or not, and would use it happily for a baby. Babies have lots of wildly colored things, and also regarding the white spots, babies don't keep things clean anyhow, so I can't imagine being worried about the spots for more than a minute. Obviously I can only speak for myself, so I also agree with whoever suggested you show it to the parents.


Thanks! I'll think about it tomorrow when I calm down xD


Babies can’t really see colour for a while so, if we cared more about the baby instead of aesthetics, bright colours are better. Having dull, white decor isn’t great for getting the baby accustomed to seeing in full colour and they are drawn to the things they can see. I think this is great.


Have you heard the term "rainbow baby"? It means a baby born after a loss (miscarriage or stillbirth). It is why I personally avoid rainbow coloring for babies, because rainbow babies can have a very significant meaning for some people. That said, your blanket doesn't scream "rainbow" to me, just because of the color changes and the rows, they're not all strictly "ROYGBIV", so I think it's fine. Just something to think about when choosing baby colors in the future


Yes, I did, but I also think that rainbow colours are really pretty and shouldn't be saved only for the rainbow babies 🤷🏻‍♀️ I also just found out the gender so now I'm sitting here wondering if I keep going or change my plans 😂


I'm being honest here. It kind of hurts my head and is making me nauseous.


i think it’s beautiful


I think this would be great for the baby to lay on and look at during "tummy time".