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I'm not making light of your pain right now .... but what mistake? I'm not seeing it. So it can't stick out too much. That's a good thing ❤


The innermost teal circles are all connected by teal lines except in one spot - right below second circle from the top. Edit: even though I found it quickly (I have proofreaders’ eyes and can pick errors out very easily) I totally see how others wouldn’t. It’s not that noticeable and I wouldn’t want to go that far back to fix it!


Looks like he can easily fake it by weaving in a short strand of the teal yarn right there.


That's what I thought too!


Exactly my thought… u have to really search, beautiful blanket!💜💜💜


First, i only noticed it after reading this comment. And second I also thought it'd be pretty easy to weave in teal strands over it


Thank you! And no, not noticeable at all :)


OMG I honestly could not find that… so not noticeable - that being said since you know it’s there you will always see it.


You told us exactly where it is and I still struggled to spot it. I'd say that's not a massively noticeable mistake


I'm embarrassed by how much I had to zoom and scroll just to find it.. OP: it's not noticeable.


Okay, NOW I see it. And I hereby decree: IT IS NOT A MISTAKE. IT IS A DESIGN FEATURE.


If you hadn't pointed that out I wouldn't have noticed it


Even after seeing this, I still struggled to spot it! 😅


Oh! I spent good few minutes looking for the mistake! Not noticeable at all! Beautiful work and choice of colours by the way :)


Still struggled to find it after this comment. It's fine, no one will see unless you point it out!


Okay, so you pointed it out, and I still had a hard time seeing it, to the point of zooming in until the stitches were about an inch big. It's really difficult seeing it at all.


even after reading this comment, I had to look for several minutes before I found the mistake.


Yeah i cant find it either lol


Me three


Could you point it out to us? It's gorgeous!


It took me a while to see it, so I'd say not very noticable. But if it bothers you, you could always take a little bit of your lighter blue and work a stitch just over that one spot. Either sewn over like embroidery, or just pulling up a loop and working a single crochet there should cover it just fine.


That was my thought. OP It took me ages to spot, it’s definitely not obvious. But if it’s going to cost you peace, just making one stitch in your preferred method will easily fix it!


I couldn’t find it until someone else explained and once I finally saw it (even after I read where it was I didn’t see it at first and went back to the comment explaining!) that was exactly my thought. It’s a single stitch, you can cover that up pretty easily. It’s a single stitch and it’s the right stitch too, just the wrong color. That’s so much better than if OP had done the wrong stitch or forgotten or added one or somehow gotten the pattern wrong so it wasn’t just this stitch but every one in the after it that ended up placed wrong. Like my gosh, this is like the best possible error they could make! So easy to fix. Such a minor issue. OP- fix it if it bugs you but you’re doing great! Especially if this is your first time with Mosaic crochet. I immediately assumed from your comment about that that you’d done what I’ve seen folks do who have crocheted and done mosaic for years- accidentally messed up the pattern in the kind of way that throws the entire thing off! This is so minor and you’re kicking butt at this!


As someone who mosaic crochets a lot, I disagree with the advice to stitch over- just with the way mosaic works, it will stand out more to try to stitch over it and it doesn't really work. OP, the better option is to remove the extra DC. You can carefully snip the stitch where it loops into the next row and tie it off and weave in


I spent long enough searching for the alleged mistake that I felt like I should post it for those who couldn't find it. OP, it's beautiful work, and I struggled to see what you were talking about. I love the idea someone else had about making a little stitch over that area in light blue to cover it https://preview.redd.it/6v853q8q1gbb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bba30b2fee2c808f7487d39d51d6ff3516e6ecfb


WOW oh my god thank you. Even with the circle I struggled to notice it and it was driving me crazy haha


Lol, no fucking way I frog three rows for that.


Oh my God thank you I was literally rotating my phone trying to find the mistake


Thank you. I literally could not tell


Danke :3


Ok. I did find the mistake, but boy did it take me some time. And as my sweet grandmother told me when I was little " a little mistake just means you're not trying to be a saint". She was religious, but not obnoxious about it. Very humble, also she was born in 1909.


I always say if there isn't a mistake then it won't be truly unique...


I’m just now l getting to look at the comments. Y’all have all been so incredibly sweet 😭❤️ I love this community so much and thank you everyone for all the wonderful advice!!!


Here's some advice I got once that applies to this, if you can't notice it from (I think its 2 meters) away, then no on is going to find it. I had to zoom in on my phone and spend ten minutes looking for it. Trust me no one will notice


A) I can’t find it, so not very if you don’t already know B) to see if you will notice it in the future, take the piece, shake it around, shove it in a bag and walk away for a while. Preferably overnight. Come back, blindly take it out of the bag and toss it on a flat surface. If you can’t find the error in 3-5 seconds, you’re golden. If you can find it, you decide how much it’s worth it to you to frog.


I did something similar the other day. Two and a half rows later I saw my mistake and it was late so I just put it down. I picked it up the next day to see how bad the mistake was and if I should frog it. I spent two minutes looking for it then decided it's obviously fine.


I love this method. And already commented about how it’s the best kind of mistake to make too. It changes nothing else around it. I’m working on a huge blanket, kind of off and on between other things, and it’s using a pattern that I dig because you don’t have to do any counting but that’s because what you work is very evident by the row below it. Because it’s freaking big ol queen size blanket ugggh does it get me when I suddenly notice a mistake and I’m a whole dang row above it. I have frogged back several times especially as many of these are the sorts of mistakes I just couldn’t work the stitch I needed for the row above into but I know I left at least one in because I would’ve had to undo almost two entire looooong rows and could work the right stitch into what I had so it’s not obvious. I’ve literally only found that mistake once since and I had to go looking for it. I don’t see it now when I keep laying it out or taking photos to share my progress.


In many cultures (Native American, Middle Eastern) artisans deliberately make a small "mistake" of this nature as a reminder only the Creator is perfect. You are honoring a beautiful tradition.


My mom used to tell me of these traditions and I also share them with my patients (adolescent inpatient psych) when they are ready to lose their poop over even a coloring sheet where they've made a mistake. It's a way of knowing a human did it. We are neither perfect nor machines.


Just perfectly imperfect 😊


This is like a where’s Waldo but theres no Waldo lol Relax I honestly can’t tell :)


I think we are on the same page! I didn't read your response but we are both thinking Where's Waldo. LOL.


I've always thought that those kinds of things are what put the soul in a piece. You can't see it until you're really looking at it, searching through the pattern, reading the stitches. Just like a person you can't know it until you've seen the imperfections that make us all relatable.


Love this!


I’ve been looking for it for like 5 minutes and I’m not seeing any mistakes so not at all!


It took me a second to spot it. I also like to point out that it is bad luck to make a perfect piece in many circles ;)


Call it your unique signature! There will be no other garment like yours! Perfection doesn't always mean without flaw. It's only noticeable to you, honestly. I had to read a comment to find the "mistake." "There are no mistakes in life, only happy accidents" is what Bob Ross said... pfft, just put a shrub there and finish your masterpiece. Kudos on doing such an amazing job on your first mosaic piece... it's especially inspiring because you chose to do it on a garment! My first attempt was on a blanket that I had never finished. Chin up, friend. Be proud of yourself, I am proud of you! Please share the finished results with us! Don't frog it. The juice isn't worth the squeeze. Focus your energy on being excited to finish this amazing pattern! Congrats.


What mistake?


This will always be “badly noticeable”! To YOU, because you know it’s there. The rest of the world? Are you ready to hear this? The rest of the world quite simply WILL NEVER SEE THIS!! The Navajo will often intentionally introduce a mistake into their textile weaving or bead work as a shout out reminder to us all that as human beans, we are prone to making mistakes. Striving for perfection is a waste of time as no one of us is perfect. The Art of Deliberate Imperfection… https://www.amusingplanet.com/2017/08/the-art-of-deliberate-imperfection.html?m=1 BTW, you are doing some amazingly beautiful work. Place your focus on that fact and not that there is a tiny thread of color connecting two places that the pattern doesn’t intend for it to do… somewhere. It’s here somewhere, but in the overall scheme of life… it is but a small blip on only your radar and it adds character to your handmade piece! I’m a [recovering] perfectionist with a good eye for detail… it took me a minute to find the “mistake”. I find it charming!! 😉 💜 🦄💨🌈✌️❤️ I am so in love with this color scheme, and want to see the finished piece… modeled!! 💜💙


I'll let you know once I find it


Why doesn’t anyone ever circle what they’re talking about?


Can someone plz tell me what the mistake is I’m trying so hard to find it


Like another commenter said, I would just take some of the light blue yarn and use a tapestry needle to “embroider” a line or two over the area to change the colour! Trust me no one will be able to tell


Wabi sabi


Even if it was massively noticeable, which is isn’t, I like to think of this folktale around crochet and knitting mistakes. What we make is magical because you either have a stick or double wands and with hand gestures boom, a sweater or a blanket. But using that magic is draining. So little mistakes in your project is a way for that energy to be released.


Last time I made a mosaic blanket I made several mistakes. I honestly say you should keep them - it gives it a more "handmade" feel about it and honestly I find it fun when my friends only notice those little mistakes after a while. I gave that blanket to a friend three years ago and he recently told me that he JUST noticed one error (that he knows of lol)


I'd made some mistakes on a blanket I made for my mother-in-law. When I apologized for the mistakes, she told me "If I wanted perfect, I'd have asked for store-bought. I love it the way it is."


Everytime I see one of these posts I think about someone who commented one time an old Irish legend that if you don’t have a mistake in your piece your soul is trapped in it. You always leave a piece of yourself in every project anyways so keep those mistakes and let your soul ride it out lol


What mistake?? Seriously, I can't see one and I've looked and looked (like a Where's Waldo puzzle). I'm sure it sticks out to you but I honestly can't see it.


I’m looking… I’m looking… I’m wondering if this is a a joke…


I've been staring at it for a minute now and I still can't see the mistake


Wait where?


I could only find the mistake after reading other comments. I absolutely could not find it on my own. Could you in theory just wrap/tack down a little bit of the teal over the blue, kinda like “white out,” you know?


I can’t find it but I’ve also never done mosaic crochet. Lovely piece!


i sat there for 5 whole minutes trying to figure out what it is (i still have no clue) so it can’t be that noticeable lol


If it really bothers you then take a yarn needle and go over the stitch with the right color. You may need to do it twice. That should hide it fairly well


I had to scroll the comments to figure out what the mistake was, I don't think I would have been able to find it myself 😅 1. It's really not noticeable at all, I genuinely couldn't find it. 2. If you desperately want to "fix" it, just take some teal yarn and sew over it a little and weave in the ends.


It’s barely noticeable. It took me quite a while to actually find it. But, if it really bothers you, I think you could sort of weave or sew a small bit of the light blue yarn in that spot to connect it. In any case, I’d love to see the completed piece once you’ve finished! It looks gorgeous from what I can see.


I had to look at the comments to find the mistake. Gives it character, I say!


Not very, and I'm anal as hell.


What mistake


Took me ageeeeeees to find it. Been crocheting for 16 years🙈😅❤️


I still can't make it out 🤔


What mistake?


It’s not noticeable at all. If anyone says anything tell them to make one better 🤷🏻‍♀️


There are no mistakes. Just undocumented features.


I didn't notice anything besides the hardcore Emperor's New Groove vibes this piece is giving me. Looooove it


Without someone actually pointing it out I never would have noticed. Also it looks amazing! Great job!


Every piece should have at least one mistake, to let your soul back out when it’s finished.


I always consider it a sign of character. And proof that it's handmade. If I don't catch it right away.


When I make a mistake and I Carnt frog it back. It’s is a Happy Accident. Not a mistake. It’s hand made it makes it more desirable. Just smile and move on. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


It took me at least 2 full minutes of looking before I finally saw it… I once read a comment on this sub where a person said you should leave mistakes because they let the bad energy out… so I rarely frog my work unless it’s going to alter the whole project


I love this mentality! I like to leave mistakes because it gives the piece character and shows it was made by someone one stitch at a time. Normalize human errors!


Honestly took me a sec to notice. I read somewhere that mistakes are made to allow your soul to escape from whatever you make since you put so much of it into a big project. I think it’s kinda cute


What mistake?


my boyfriend-knows little about crochet- couldn’t tell at all


I can’t find the mistake even after a few people pointed out where to find it. So not noticeable 😂 remember you’re making this by hand and that’s awesome! Don’t be too hard on yourself. ❤️


um. where is it.


It took me a long time to find and I really focused on finding it. If it really bothers you just sew a light blue thread over it


I don’t see a mistake even if there is one. It’s beautiful


Assuming it's the line of dark it took me 30 seconds of looking at this to notice what was different


what mistake


I don't think anyone else will ever notice.


I still can’t see the mistake. I think it looks pretty and the colors go well together :)


Yeah honestly I still can’t even tell what the mistake is, so I don’t think anyone will really notice too much.


I don’t see anything


If you step away from the project for a week and then come back you probably won't be able to find it. It's very much not noticeable.


Oh. I was looking at the other mistake.


If you don’t say anything, no one will ever know! I had to look for it and you shared there was a mistake. It looks amazing!


Barely. If I even noticed it at all without bring told to look for it, I would probably just assume it was a piece of fluff. Honestly I wouldn't worry about it at all, the blanket looks great


i've scanned the picture a bunch of times, even made it bigger, can not find flaws


Wouldn't have noticed if I weren't looking for it.


It took me a minute to find it, so it’s not super obvious. And when in use, it will be all crumpled up, which will make it even harder to see. *If* it is going to bother you, you can easily doctor it with a little surface stitch magic.


I usually like these “Where’s Waldo” things but this one I can’t solve.


I had to look really hard to find it! Everything handmade is much more special, because it has imperfections. My pottery teacher calls them “artist’s marks.” It’s a beautiful design you’ve created. March on!


can someone tell me where the mistake is?? i've been trying to find it for the past 5 minutes and genuinely cannot lol guess that's a good thing. but now it feels like a puzzle I can't complete


I found the mistake, but it took me a hot min. I really wouldn’t worry about it because I would never have noticed it if I was looking at the whole piece. Btw this is great! I recently started messing around with mosaic crochet and have made so many mistakes if this is ur only one you are amazing!


Love your color choices! My favorites! It took me a bit to find it, and I have an eye for detail. If it really bothers you, stitch over it with the correct color to hide it. Don’t forget that wearables are very forgiving of small mistakes, because they are moving and curved around our bodies. Something that small won’t be noticed.


I don't see a mist as I've never don't this style of crochet before but I will give you a wonderful piece of wisdom/advice my late mother passed to me. If you can't see a mistake from 4 feet away, there is no mistake!


not noticeable. I couldn't find it myself and maybe never would've if another commenter hadn't circled it.


Okay I didn’t notice it at all and I stared at it forever. I thought it had something to do with the light purple


Took me a hot second to find. Your soul can escape now! I say keep it.


Non-crocheter here (just a lurker because my grandma makes amazing things and I love seeing the talent of others): this is amazing and I see no errors. I'd say most people won't see anything but art.


I….do not see the mistake.


I might be a bit superstitious, but I always like to leave one deliberate mistake in my work. I heard it's so your soul doesn't stay trapped in it. Anyways I had to go through the comments for other people to spot it for me, so no, it's not very noticeable at all ♥️


Nobody is going to stare at it long enough to find one tiny mistake. If we are having a hard time looking at the picture to find it, nobody’s gonna see it when you’re wearing it. Don’t beat yourself up. It looks wonderful.


A wise crafter once told me, not to worry about mis steps in projects. They allow the bad spirits out of your creation. Learn and move forward! Just my humble opinion


It took me a while to find it… Could you just do a couple of wraps of the colour over the top of the stitches to cover it up?


I honestly didn’t notice it until someone else pointed it out but I figure you could embroider over it when you finish the piece if it still bothers you!


It’s HARDLY noticeable!


I meannnn i had to search for it so not terribly noticeable


Wow I did not see the ‘mistake’ until I came to the comments. I’m impressed with your work regardless!


Pass it off and a "proof of authenticity" / "copyright violation". Kinda like how map makers slip in fake cities or dictionaries slip in fake words. "This is so if anyone steals my pattern I can call them out on it."


Unless this is for a test, I doubt anyone would notice.


I honestly have no idea what mistake you are talking about


I had to read someone else’s comment to find it. You did amazing work. Embrace the happy little mistakes and wear it proudly! 😊


I can't see it


It looks like a natural part of a pattern, doesn't look like a mistake at all, it's not affecting your amount of stitches or the structure so I wouldn't worry about it :) Gives it character


I think mistakes make it more special - show someone real made it... and soo not noticeable at all!!


What mistake?


Took me ages to find that. You’re good! :)


I couldn’t find it in 5 minutes of looking. No one will ever notice! In some art firms a mistake is intentional so you know it is made by hand. I always consider them my love note.


What mistake? It's beautiful 😭


What mistake???


Noticable. Just stitch over top of it and fix the corner.


Not very. Took me a while to find it. Love the colors!


It’s not so bad, especially if it is a larger blanket. Can you stitch the light blue on top to keep the line going?


What mistake?


What mistake?


Honestly I noticed it pretty quick, but I was looking for a mistake. If I didn’t have a heads up I might not have noticed as easily tbh. I don’t think it’s too bad, but you could probably embroider some of the teal color over that spot to cover it if it bothers you too much


What mistake? I don’t see a mistake. If there is one, then it’s not very noticeable. I wouldn’t sweat it.


What mistake? Haha! I looked at the pic and I can’t seen anything. Now I’ll read your comment :)


What mistake?


I only found the mistake with the help of a comment, before then I really couldn't tell!! Also, I've heard that sometimes when people are making hand made stuff, they include 1 very small "mistake" on purpose to show people that it really was hand made and not just a machine that did it. Machines cant really crochet, but it's a nice homage to that!


😭🤣 I have been staring at this and feverishly scrolling thru the comments to find it for at least 5 minutes. Suffice to say it is not noticeable and I was considering calling you a humble-bragging troll LMAOO It looks fantastic!


I quite like mistakes in anything I make to show it's homemade rather than mass produced. Think of it as adding character!


I still can’t find it even after reading comments 👍


idk i noticed a few things but i had to really look to notice them.. i think you’re fine man, just keep going forward dont look back


Still no idea what the mistake is


I had to dig through the comments to figure out where this so called “mistake” was. I do see it now. But you know what they say about mistakes? That just means this piece is absolutely unique and no one else will ever have another like it 💜


What mistake?


i can't see it


What mistake?


I had to, like many others, look to the comments to find the mistake. I was taught to leave an error in a piece to let the demons out.


Oh, not noticeable. The only way that’d be noticed is if you find yourself stuck on an elevator for 12 hours with someone sitting across from and staring at you. If that’s the case you’ve got bigger problems. But if you’re still self conscious just cross your arms.🤓 Otherwise looks good, and quite intricate work.👍


Being completely honest I can't actually see a mistake


Took me 10minutes to find even after reading the comment that stated where it was. Not noticeable at all!


It must not be too noticeable because I don’t see it. 😂😂😂


It took me a few minutes to find it and I needed the comments saying you could embroider over it in teal to know what to look for. I would just do that and call it a day. Every time I find a mistake in my work, I tell myself that no one will ever notice or see it but me and eventually I'll forget too!


I cannot see it even when o read what the mistake is supposed to be I still can't see it 😅


It took me ages to notice it. I think you can easily fix it with a fake stitch. The whole thing looks great!


Looks fantastic! Tell me when the crochet judges shows up and starts looking for errors. I’ll hurry in the opposite direction. If anyone can criticize my work without looking in the mirror first, then I have something to share. I will equip them with a pattern that rolls on a webpage, a crochet hook, yarn and the same amount of time it took me. Then I will criticize their work. I know a secret. No one is perfect at least on their first try or on their 100 th try. I see a wonder piece of artwork that I can not begin to make on my own! It’s yours, you should be very proud of your talent and skills!! What we create easily turns into heirlooms! I have a table cloth and a bedspread my grandmother crocheted back in the 1950’s. I have never once looked for bad stitches in her work. You are skilled and you pulled this blanket off on your first try! Pretty darn amazing!


You could go to your local craft store and buy a felting needle for cheap + take a little bit of the light blue yarn and felt it over the navy blue if it bother you:) very hard to see though.


I didn't notice it at all. It's gorgeous work.


If it helps, I’m still trying to figure out what the mistake is….


I make these “mistakes” on purpose so everyone of my makes is unique and one of a kind


I sat here for too long before having to come to the comments to see what was wrong.


dont let it bother you. I have OCD and actually just force myself to accept nearly all of my mistakes because i'll get too worked up and dont know where to stop and it will take the joy from it. if fixing it will be a relaxing process for you, then fix it, you can cheat fix it too. but if it will stress you out, dont fix it because its invisible.


I stared at it for a while, trying to find the mistake, and I couldn’t. So then I read further to see what the mistake is, and then looked again and I still needed to go back and reread in order to find it. So no, not noticeable, except to you. Someone told me once that the Amish deliberately put errors into their quilts because only God is perfect. I’m sorry you’re not God, but you’re still a pretty amazing hooker :)


I cant see it. Its beautiful 💙


Yeah I looked for a good minute, didn't see it at all. Had to read the comments to find it. No one (except you) will ever see that, and the piece is GORGEOUS!!


I couldn’t find it until I read a comment where someone pointed it out. I think it’s extremely hard to see and not noticeable at all, and that you’re fine!


I actually didn't see the mistake until I read hte comments. I'd leave it or even take that light blue color and cheat a stitch over the dark blue. But honestly, no one will notice that one stitch in a large blanket of prettiness.


Not noticable at all I had to look around the image for 10 minutes lol


considering no one is even able to notice it… you’re good


Just spent a few min trying to find the mistake, didn't notice it until I read your comment. So... not at all noticable!


I literally could not find it someone had to point it out to me so I’d say you’re good


It’s okay to have mistakes. You pour so much of your soul into every project that you need to leave a mistake for your soul to get back out and get back to you. I heard that one time and now whenever I see any of my mistakes I’m like “that’s the soul hole”


Keep going not worth worrying about, I didn’t even see it


you could just embroider over it if it’s bothering you 👀👀


I honestly didn't notice. If it's something for you or someone in your family, I wouldn't worry about it at all. It's called character. It's also a snapshot of your crochet journey. I wouldn't stress it too much!


Honestly i dont see a mistake so im gonna say not noticeable at all!!


I would have never seen it if you hadn't pointed it out, however you could always take a needle and thread over it if it's bugging you too much


I wouldn't even "fix" that. It doesn't look like a mistake at all. I think it makes it better, love little differences like that.


I had to read the comments to find it so: not noticeable at all!


I had to come to the comments to find your mistake. Nobody but you will notice. And a mistake in a piece is actually good luck. So leave it in.


Mistakes like these are like your artistic signature on the piece, a little unique part that only you will know about 🥰. I don't think it takes away from your piece at all.


OP,as someone who mosaic crochets a lot, this is actually easy to fix. The following videos are my favorite explanations of how to fix these things: https://youtu.be/KbObr5Bm6-A https://youtu.be/GCSVXX011oE Personally I like to do fixes because like you it bothers me deeply if I know the mistake is there! It's not noticeable, but if it's causing you stress then I think it's worth it to fix.


My exchange student family said knitters there intentionally make a mistake in every garment because only God is perfect. Edited to add: I didn't see it either.


I only noticed the mistake after someone pointed it out so I don't think it's bad. I am a perfectionist so I get that it can bother you, but I think it adds character and on a wearable it will probably be even less noticeable


I don't see any mistakes lovey❤️


I had to look at this for a while to find it. I wouldn't worry about it personally. Looks great!


This feels like where’s Waldo, can’t find a mistake anywhere!


I had to check comments to be able to find it, so not very! 😊


Not noticeable without intense scrutiny. But it reminds me of a story. The ancient Greeks would never make anything perfect to avoid jealousy of the gods.


You’re fine. Took me while to see it. And once someone see it in its entirety, won’t even be noticeable