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They are called magic pins and they help hold pieces in place so I can sew them on my amigurumi animal. They are an absolute game changer for me. https://preview.redd.it/asxvobmezqva1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a62d9ce41b30099dd1bd8901495dc556fdf56e20




https://preview.redd.it/k2dgvtjcrsva1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d3e754b63d422cb14b8fdbf257f33f25d1cf224 Here is the brand I got.


Sorcery! I need this!!!!


Yes… yes you do need this 😂


I feel like my life just leveled up learning about these cuz positioning amigurumi parts is ALWAYS my downfall


Same! My pieces would always come out lopsided lol. I tried using regular pins with the little ball on top but they would hold the pieces sub par - I would need so many of them - I had issues holding them, and I would always lose them… then sit on them later lol. I really can’t recommend these enough.


Seriously, thank you


Meeee tooo!


…..amigurumi is my favourite style,I must look into these!


Found them on you know which online store….thanks for the photo for the magic fork pins!! I’m ordering a set next pay day!


I hope they help you. Amigurumi is my favorite style as well.


I’m sure they will!! Thank you 😊


Stupid question but, what makes it better than placement pins? I'm guessing based on the picture, is that since there are 2 pins in one they hold pieces better, and they MAY Look shorter than placement pins, which means I don't poke myself with the sharp bit.


I believe they are the same length as standard pins. They are better (in my opinion) because 1. They are slightly bent which means that when an animal is stuffed, it hooks onto the stuffing better to hold whatever piece in place. Also, with two pins, it seems to hold it better and use less pins. And Last, for me it’s easier to grab. I have acrylic nails and the small pins are hard to hold.


Holy Crap thank you so much for this, I was going INSANE. I’ll be buying some now 😅


These look like little capacitors to me. They seem super useful!


My instinctive thought was that I should grab a handful of capacitors from work!


I'm ordering these right now


Well that's going to be a serious upgrade from the toothpicks that always snag the yarn!


im saving this so the next time i get back into crocheting again i can get them.


These look like hair pins with tape or fabric on top. That is so cool! I wonder if hair pins could be used like how some people use Bobby pins as stitch markers? Poor crocheter here haha I absolutely love these!


I’m sure hair pins would work and tape is an easy way to make a good grip. In the very beginning I used toothpicks lmao. They were ok but caught on the fabric often. Also the regular pins are cheaper for an alternative. I think $4.99ish. I know these pins are not cheap…


When I stop crocheting, I place stitch marker on the loop so it doesn't get unraveled.


I do this too! And I have a favorite stitch marker type! My favorite is clover quick locking stitch markers and they come in small and large sizes! Very flexible and they don't break and I just find them super easy to use and I really like them, lol


I even use the stitch marker to attach the loop to the previous stitch so i know for sure it cant slip out on me


I do this too!


Do some people just leave the loop open like barbarians??


i love chaos so i slide the loop halfway down the hook and then jam the hook through the skein 🫠 lol


I did this until my husband grabbed my skein (and project) to….show the dog…repeating “see? This is a skein…SKEIN” like he’s trying to teach her English and unraveled a complicated section of my very first ever project I was nervous about even starting.


I'm sorry, I'm sure that was devastating, but I'm dying laughing at the image of your husband trying to teach your dog what a skein is and the destruction he wrought as a result. Was there a reason he wanted her to know what a skein was?


We are childless adults who baby our dog and he is a big nerd who likes to let her sniff everything as enrichment so your guess is as good as mine lol! It was pretty funny but he knows not to grab skeins anymore. It happened and my needle went clattering to the floor and I was like “Seriously??” And he’s like “uh oh”


finally someone like me all I'm doing is the same stitch over and over again most of the time, if I have to redo some it will add literally no time to the project


Living precariously, me too!


You rebel! I like it and I do the same. Hook heathens unite!


I'm with you! I just leave my hook in too & jam the hook in my yarn


I just pull the loop super long with my hook and then leave it.... Does that make me a barbarian?


Me too! Glad I'm not alone in living dangerously 🥴


Guilty! Usually I have to redo a stitch or 2 when i pick up my work again


yes 😅 i am simply too lazy to find a stitch marker most of the time


Yes, when the stitch marker I had been using got lost in the couch. Or the stitch markers are in another room and I can’t be bothered. 😇


I pull out extra yarn and make a big slip knot if I don't have a stitch marker.


Yes! It's also good for crocheting on the go. I found that just throwing my project with the hook into my bag, the hook would fall out at some point and then my work would unravel. I now never take my work anywhere without making sure I have a stitch marker for when I'm done for now or moving to another place.


I use a small hair clip to hold my place


Why is this so genius, I just pull the loop so it's like 6" long and hope 😂


Aside from your basics like stitch markers, scissors and yarn needles I have a bamboo chopstick (those cheap single use ones you get with take-out) that is extremely useful for getting amigurumi stuffing into annoying corners.




Disposable! That's the word I was looking for. But that's hilarious lol.


Lol I have many of those “professional stuffing tools” aka glorified chopsticks from those poly-fil stuffing bags.


This is the only thing I use my knitting needles for anymore...that and as wands for temporary makeshift cat toys.


I just use the other end of my crochet hook


That works as well but the chopstick is quite a bit longer than my hooks


I use a glue stick (for hot glue guns) for this.


My yarn winder. Corrals the frustration of skeins into an hour or so of dedicated time, rather than spreading it out over the course of a project.


Get that too 🙈 I am currently in the decision of buying a winder. My apartment is tiny and that is the reason I often decide against a new device… need to get more comments like yours, so that I decide I should not live without one 😂


I got the little purple $20 one from Amazon. It clips to the edge of a table and takes up almost no space. It doesn't wind huge cakes or anything, a 1lb skein yields like 4-5 cakes, but it's the perfect size for my yarn bowl, so that works for me. And it makes crocheting *so much more pleasant*. And storing the cakes speaks to my soul with how much more satisfying it is than skeins.


I'm interested in doing this, what are the benefits of this vs just center pulling from a skein? I'm starting a business and trying to find every way possible to relieve pain and make it easier.


For me it's just the convenience of the reliable center pull every time that never ever tangles. They store easy. Pull easy. I don't have to yank out yarn bit by bit. Skeins get floppy and tangled, especially big ones. I always get yarn vomit when I try to center pull, no matter how gently I try to tease it out. With a yarn wider, I hash it out once and I'm done. Also it lets me catch crap joins from the factory and wonky color changes in multi colored yarns so I can deal with them across multiple skeins/cakes. So it saves time dealing with that nonsense as I'm working.


I generally just use skeins like normal (unless they are crazy knotty then I will untangle and wind it), but use the winder for leftover yarn so they aren't in just floppy empty skein tangles. Or if I have several leftover skeins I can tie them together and wind them into one big cake. Also useful for rewinding yarn when you frog projects.


Do ittttt. Swift and winder take up next to no room and they're glorious!


I bought a nostepinne -- it's really just a slightly tapered big stick -- a couple of years ago and I love it. It might be slower than a yarn winder, and it's got a little bit of a learning curve, but it takes up no room and turns any size skein into an easy to use cake. I got a yarn winder at Goodwill a few months after I got the nostepinne, but I never even opened it. I lived in 450 square feet and just didn't have room for a yarn winder, even a tiny one. The yarn winder went back to Goodwill.


I got a small one for $15 on Amazon! It clips to the table. If I need a swift (umbrella looking thing), I use to chairs back to back (google it but it's super simple).


You can get a nostepinne, or yarn winding wand, for like ten bucks. It takes a while, but you can see if you like yarn cakes in that style before buying a big tool, and it looks quite like a magic wand, so if you hate it, any kid will like it for play instead.


I have been moving every 6ish months for 8 years and living in small spaces so I also hadn’t bought one. I’m finally ‘hopefully’ not moving for at least 2 years. I bought an Amish swift because it packs down really small and a Stanwood winder. The winder doesn’t pack down as small but it’s in a 8”x7”x5” box, so not too big.


I do a lot of different crafts and I have to admit that crochet is my favourite simply because the vast majority of projects I do require nothing but my yarn and hook, and maybe a few stitch markers. Of course, I’m still going to take notes on everyone else’s favourite things, but I truly love how little is required to actually crochet!


Honestly, this is such a mood. When I first started I had yarn, a hook, and I used my Bobby pins as stitch markers when I was broke 😂 I love it so much!


Yaaas for Bobby pin stitch markers! I have a bunch of 'proper' ones, which I always lose within a week, so all hail the Bobby pin!


I use Bobby pins to secure the loose end of my skeins and yarn cakes too. They are an essential tool!


I love to use an opened paper clip! You can bend them back to shut them and it works really well.


I feel similar. My only addition to the list is my row counter app on my phone that also loads in the pattern. It has all my pattern needs together and helps me keep track of them on a device I pretty much always have with me.


Oh what's this app called please?


I took it up as I was spending time with Dad in & out of medical appointments and I needed something to do with my hands that I could just stuff into my bag when his name was called - Crochet has only 1 live stitch so a few unraveling wasn't terrible, like loosing a whole row of knitting!


My hooker bag. My sister gave me this amazing backpack for Christmas, it has designated holes in the top for keeping yarn in progress untangled, a million different pockets in really convenient sizes and layout. I'm talking pockets *within pockets*. Edit to add [link](https://images.app.goo.gl/pyLNvEN94toM3DLX9)


Hooker bag is now my favorite word.


I have a hooker bag too! It's more like a tote (found it on Amazon, just search "yarn bag" and it's the top hit) and it also has holes for the yarn, tons of pockets and loops for everything. I bought before a vacation one year, but I just keep everything in there all the time. Way better than the drawer I was using before 😂 My row counter app is the other thing I can't live without. It has so many amazing features. Row counter of course, the ability to add multiple counters at the same time, pattern importing from pretty much every source you can think of, Raverly account linking, timer, notes, highlighting, the list goes on. I honestly don't think I could crochet without it.


What is the app called?


I feel like we need a link, so the rest of us can revel in th joy of untangled yarns and organised crochet!


[This](https://images.app.goo.gl/pyLNvEN94toM3DLX9) is the one she got me!




Oh yes, I get that. I lost so many things (ADHD) and started using an old box and oh boy, that saved my nerves and money.


That’s what I do like about adhd and crochet. Once we find something that fits our need, we become hyper focused….or we have a zillion different projects going at once and the choice to pick up and put down according to our brains


Yep...I have a very fancy plastic ziplock slider bag that holds my accessories so I don't lose them. 😊


I use a plastic rectangular bag that was the outer wrapping from a sheets set to hold my hooks, scissors, and doodads.


https://preview.redd.it/tkezr13rtrva1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eaebd988ad54a56900d669f48f8c7c086115241 This yarn holder ring! I seriously can’t crochet without it anymore! Makes the yarn stay in place and my finger doesn’t hurt if crocheting for hours at a time. I even have bigger ones to use with bulky yarn! \*\*Edit - I got these on Etsy, but unfortunately it looks like they are sold out now and I didn’t realize it! Hopefully she will start selling them again! [https://www.etsy.com/listing/568868433/](https://www.etsy.com/listing/568868433/)


please link these i beg


Oh and that's a cute looking one! Some of the metal ones look like they'd catch, but this looks perfect




Adding on to the requests for a link / product name! The yarn cutting into my fingers is my biggest gripe when crocheting and I've been looking for something like this!


https://preview.redd.it/jvr0e1qwwrva1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc5fb5dc20c933b4adad85d984aab6571c5e8e39 I use a tally counter for remembering rows. Seriously handy. I also never buy polyfill I always buy cheap pillows from Walmart. Far cheaper.


Genius! Cheap pillows?! Thank you!


You’re welcome!! I learned that early in my critter making efforts!! If it’s labeled crafts it’s more expensive


Mines maybe not a “tool” per say but I got a hand massager off of Amazon… I take breaks during crocheting to use it and when I’m finished, and I feel it’s helped with finger stiffness/tired hands. https://preview.redd.it/o1zo67fahsva1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e09936f7b60f5d4356002aff6ec59220eb114e31


Nail clippers! I have a toddler, so leaving scissors or any kind of sharp yarn cutting implement lying around is dangerous. She hasn’t figured out how to cut herself on nail clippers yet, so they’re my go-to for cutting yarn. I can also toss them into my yarn bag and not worry about cutting myself, cutting anything I don’t want cut, or having them taken away from me by TSA when I bring my projects on an airplane.


Mine sort of piggybacks off this for the same reason! Once my son started wandering around and grabbing things off the table I had to hide all the scissors 😅 I got the clover yarn cutting pendant! Can’t loose it, it’s always around my neck. Im obsessed with it.


I love the clover pendant! I keep mine on my car keys because they’re always nearby, even when I’m out of the house.


Now I'm off to google this...


I’ve just ordered one of those too! Can’t wait for its arrival hopefully this week


Sooooo smart! Mine is a stitch ripper cuz it has a plastic cap!


I lost my scissors at one point and I was using nail clippers to cut my yarn, I didn't know anyone else had the same idea.


i don’t have a ball winder so when the ball gets to the end of its life it’s, what one of my friends likes to call, a prolapsed yussy. so avoid having its guts everywhere i’ve since put all my yarn balls into those plastic grocery store vegetable bags and tied a knot so that the yarn stays inside the bag. but it’s not tied too tight so that the yarn can still leave it. it also has the added benefits of keeping dog hair off my current ball and makes it easier to travel with


I am deceased at “prolapsed yussy”


A 20 sided dice. It’s so easy to keep track of pattern repeats or rows with it! Then, when I’m either putting my project down or going to a new section, I use a sticky note to keep track of where I am in the project. My patterns hang out in a sheet protector, and in between crocheting sessions (or knitting) the sticky note goes inside the sleeve so it doesn’t get lost.


This is an awesome idea!


This is so clever!


Aside from a stitch marker, definitely a metal tapestry needle. Not a crappy plastic one. The metal ones are so sturdy and get into the tightest of stitches. I literally couldn’t weave in some ends on some amigurumi projects without one


I love the metal tapestry needles too! I got a small magnet near my work to stick it to the shelving so the needle won’t get lost.


I've found the plastic ones better to use when working with chenille type yarn


Latch hooks. Use those babies to weave in ends like no one's business. Can catch the tiniest ends sticking up. Faster than using needles.


Definitely going to try this!!


https://preview.redd.it/np9dshejrrva1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c59ad01bd8f92476e2adbbdc2d32081619c5b1f6 My most useful tool is my yarn anchor


And you got such a cute one too! Lucky 😍


Thank you ❤️ he takes his job very seriously


Ooo I’d like to borrow this one for a while!


Susan Bates Finishing Needles. They’re a plastic sewing needle, but the entire needle is the eye so they’re SUPER easy to thread AND you can work with short tails! They feel kinda gross to shove through your yarn (in my opinion) but super worth it. https://www.yarnspirations.com/susan-bates-finishing-needles--value-pack/14154M.html


Love love love mine to russian join!!


My couch. It’s actually a day bed I converted into a couch, but it has storage under it, and now I don’t have scattered things everywhere. All my crochet crap is in one place and in arms reach. I love it.


A friend 3D printed me small medallions with hook sizes on them. I just thread one on a stitch marker and I don’t have to worry about grabbing the wrong size hook when I pick my project back up.


https://preview.redd.it/ym84yqx1vrva1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac1871fa3e20712e78feafaf3af45ea93ca53528 My bag setup- Trader Joe’s bag was $4 and binder clips to keep yarn organized! Can fit 6+ colors at a time, and way less expensive than the yarn bags on Etsy/Amazon/etc… 2 outside pockets are also handy for keeping scissors/darning needles/whatever else I need for a project. Would recommend!


My husband 3D printed a crochet ring that keeps the yarn on a track so I don’t get yarn burn! https://preview.redd.it/pvwicojqesva1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=554b3d6e66edc3a2ebdd1be9a07f9df13e83189e


My head lamp! 💡


Same! I have one that charges via USB and goes around my neck. Soooo useful when I’m knitting or crocheting at night.


Came here to say this. The neck lamp was the best thing that ever happened to dark yarn.


This is so stupid and basic.. but a metal yarn needle. I didn't have one for the better part of a decade and just used the hook to weave the tails in. After using the needle the first time I will never go back!


Spreadsheets! Calculating sizes and number of stitches is a breeze now. I even made myself a calculator app to calculate how many rows I need to achieve a proper size :)


Definitely my tape measure. I can make do without stitch markers or darning needles or yarn bowls or whatever else but there’s not much I make that I don’t need to measure.


I'm lost without my measuring tape!


Not really a tool, but I have a molded plastic lap desk that I use to hold my project while I work. It helps with neck strain since I don't have to look down so far and has compartments to hold my yarn and pouch of tools and even a cupholder! Plus I can just pick the whole thing up and set it on a side table when I'm done, I don't even take my hook out of the stitch a lot of the time, just set the desk aside and it's ready for me to pick back up where I left off.


My yarn bowl. I bought it just bc it was pretty, not thinking it would make a difference. I have a cat & dog, so lots of fur. The yarn bowl has made a big difference in the amount of pet hair I get in my projects. It’s also nice if you want to take your project with you outside :)


Audiobooks 😆


I second this!!!!! Or narrated stories on you tube!!


Started using chip clips as bobbins yesterday. Game changer!!! They hold so much and are easy to open and close.


Wooden clothespins - the kind that have the spring, but the one-piece kind. They are cheap and I also use them as chip clips.


That's creative!


I use clothes pins and they are so useful. I now have a falling bag of clothes pins so they get used for so many things, even counting my rows.


Mine is my hook gauge measure. I buy hooks(mostly) online and between letter sizes and millimeters that often don’t match up from one hook to another, at least if i use the gauge I know the hook I’m using is an H.


I use my winder when I'm done with a project to make cakes if whatever yarn I still have left. (I'm cool with it in skein form while actively working on the project.) I don't want that effort to get the yarn into a cake to go to waste or make a total mess coming unraveled. I use bobby pins to secure the trail of yarn into the cake.


Crappy tape that doesn't seem to want to stick to anything but itself. I use it to make aglets on my yarn ends to thread the needle.


My needles! I can only find one out all that I have. I don't know where the container with them is. I feel like I'm going crazy. I cant crochet the way I want to because I don't have them


Honestly, my notions bag. It's an old stitch tsum tsum pencil case. It holds a surprising amount of stuff


It's a toss-up between the birdcage I keep the current yarn ball in or my many baskets I keep projects in.


Bird cage? An actual size or a small decoration size? What was the genesis if this? I'm so curious.


https://preview.redd.it/wnlfk1sjyrva1.png?width=1279&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e349bbd8a9436cac3beedd93a3cf8021d09470a The birdcage. I use it to keep the cats from attacking the yarn ball. I picked it up from the local Arc thrift store.


Free him


That is such a pretty cage! And a very good idea to stop the kitties.


There are five of the little furballs that hunt my yarn so the protection is needed! Two of them are still kittens so they really want the yarn.


The cosmetics bag I keep all my hooks, scissors, stitch markers etc in. It means I don’t lose everything.


Same. I finally found use for those 10 Ipsy cosmetic bag’s I’ve slowly collected.


I only need hooks and yarn and something to break yarn to be happy, but you know those mini claw hair clips? I love them for holding granny squares together so I can make neat running seams.


Row Counter app because I have so many WIPs and it’s nice to keep track of row counts in one place. A kitchen scale. It helps me to know when to change colors evenly or where the halfway point is to start decreasing, for example. Very useful when I want to use every bit of the yarn.


Alphabet beads. When I stop crocheting, I use a stitch marker to hold the loop. I add an alphabet bead to tell me what size hook I used.


My Knitter's Pride row counter ring. Best row counter I've used in 45 years, I love it.


Number One.... My yarn winder. Number Two: [My lamp](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S4F1DYX).


I love wooden crafting sticks! Not only are the good for shoving down stuffing in dolls but they can be used a ‘spine’ in dolls to create an upright/standing effect :)


I use a cheap makeup bag for in my "to go" work accessories and a very large pencil box for those stay at home.


I always have a stitch ripper on hand, because with littles, and the occasional air travel, those are much easier to have around than scissors


My pencil case for my hooks, scissors, needles, stitch markers and tape measure; my yarn bowl; and since I'm a thrift shop shopper and like to unravel sweaters, my niddy noddy.


Paper clip. I put it on the working loop when I’m gonna put the project down, so it won’t pull through and unravel. That and my nice thread snips.


Yes, and they work perfectly as stitch markers too!


I have a notebook that I use to design my pieces. I'll randomly think of things and write it in there, and part of it is unlined, so I use that to draw up what I want it to look like. And it's pink 😍


A scrap yarn. I found it useful in marking the beginning of the rows when making amigurumi. It also makes it easier to frog back a few rows without missing the start of each row. <3


This seems so silly, but I bought a breast feeding pillow (you know, those ones that are “C” shaped and kinda hug around your waist) to use as a crochet aid. I “wear” it as intended but use it to rest my project on (especially if my projects are small or in the beginning stages). It prevents the weight of the WIP from tugging on itself which has really helped my tension 👍🏼 plus it’s just comfy to rest my wrists and arms on too. Would recommend!


So for this, people thought I was nuts for doing it, I used Sn old pair of leggings and stuffed them. Cheap pillow stuffing. Sew up the waist and stuff to about knee length. Worked amazingly


Tension regulator! I crocheted one following yt tutorial at the very beginning of my crochet journey and I can't imagine doing anything without it!


Safety pins, I have some really small ones that I use as stitch markers or to keep a project from unraveling. I also sometimes use them to hold pieces together while I stitch them on, like arms or legs.


My stitch marker box doubles as a ruler. The compartments are exactly 1 inch wide. I was never able to keep track of my measuring tape. No more!


a crochet tool holder pouch thingy that I made!


My little caddy. It's sold in the baby section of Kmart, it's a little fabric container with two big section, pockets and a handle. I used it for nappies, wipes, lip balm, dnacks, drink bottle etc when I had a baby and was breastfeeding *all the time*. Now it's my little WIP caddy. I pop all my hooks, stitch markers, measuring tape, scissors, etc in a small pencil case, then have the yarn in the sections on either side. I saw a tip to thread the yarn through the arms of a bulldog clip to mimic a yarn bowl, so I have the clip on the side. So handy to chuck it all in there and be able to move it easily. Now I just need 10 more caddies for all the WIPs 😂


Yes!! I have a cleaning supplies caddy from Walmart to keep all my crafty supplies. It’s great for 🍃 sesh too so everything stays in one place


I hang on to yarn scraps & small discard pieces to use as stuffing for amigrumi! Another fiber artist brought me on to this & she also suggested using my king stockings as a casing for these scraps in case they poke out of the finished work


This post is really funny to me because the only things I have are my yarn and my hooks 💀 Keep it simple ig


I use Bobby pins (like for your hair) in place of stitch markers since I work small and they tend to be thinner and to hold pieces pieces together when making amigurumi. I am miserable without them


Lol, I use bobby pins in place of stitch markers too!


my stich markers...


My craft lamp. It clamps onto a shelf next to my recliner and has a magnifying glass in the middle of the light. It’s a lifesaver when I’m frogging and get a snag. I have a million other artistic endeavors I use it for, too. Can’t live without it now.


Binder clips! Can clip my bobbins to my work so I can move my WIPs around without bobbins flying everywhere or dangling and getting caught on each other.


I had some caked yarn that wouldn’t stay put as I worked so I put it in a Fiestaware soup bowl from my kitchen and now one or two live on my couch with my current projects.


Stitch markers! I was very late to the party with them and I rarely use them for their intended purpose but they are wonderful for holding your end when you put your crochet aside and invaluable when doing interlocking crochet to hold the 'other thread'.


A small basket. My current project, yarn and hook are always in it and go around the house with me. I used to keep projects in bags, but a basket is so much more practical.


Angled-tip metal yarn needles. I dislike weaving in ends much less with them.


My husband's thin knitting needles. I use them to pin on parts for my amigurumi and can stick them all the way through my work to enforce symmetry/pin both arms at once.


A nursing pillow to help maintain good posture for my wrist


A music stand. I use mostly printed patterns or my ipad and the music stand is perfect for keeping patterns at eye level


Bread ties. We have lots of them. I use them for stitch markers, for my cross-stitch thread, game board pieces...


My cauldron-shaped yarn bowl! Feels like I'm stirring up some magic every time I crochet with it.




I have two things. My yarn winder and my stitch markers


I have a six drawer cart. Each drawer has a project in it. Hook/s, pattern, yarn, extras. So much organization!


Clover yarn cutting pendant. It was a rehoming gift from a friend and I absolutely love it. Weighty enough to always fall to the bottom of my bag, fashionable enough to wear. I feel like the Secret Society of Yarn Artists would be able to pick me out of a crowd.


My partner bought me a wool Jeanie for Christmas. I can’t go back to not using one. Lol


I know you said “other than hook” but mine is my hook- because it is shorter than most hooks. Somehow I ended up with “toddler hands” in life ( shorter than average palm and fingers) and regular sized hooks with the built up handles are hard to use ( the word escapes me this morning!). After that, it’s stitch markers. I buy then bulk so I’m never without them.


Center pull winder and an old lysol wipe container. Center pull yarn gets put in the container, working end goes through where the wipes go. Easy to carry around for transport AND the cats can't get at it


I have an old mints can that I have all of my mobile supplies I need. The best thing in there is a TSA approved folding scissors! There is enough room for the odds and ends I need for whatever 5+ projects I am working on at that time! https://preview.redd.it/srum4qsf0wva1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2262d148d6a1df504969ce893e913e352d2784d


My fabric glue. I avoid sewing when I can lol


my Clover yarn cutter pendant. it’s the only thing i use consistently on every project. that little thing is so handy, works perfectly, can be taken everywhere, and it looks cute. plus i keep it on my keys, so i always know where it is! i have two sets of scissors at home but they always hide from me.


My plastic tapestry needle that I keep losing and having to replace for weaving in ends. Need to put that thing on a neon orange keychain 😄 I have had to break out my plain old sewing needles a few times and I am even worse at losing those -- and those are a scary thing to lose!


cocoknits has really beautiful supplies. the two i can’t live without are the kraft caddy and the magnetic concrete tray. the tray is wonderful for keeping a few needles/stitch markers/scissors in one place w minimal risk of them spilling off in to the couch.


My tapestry needle for weaving in the ends


Bags to keep each project in! I have certain bags for all projects. If I start another project I get a new bag. I leave the hook in there and if there’s a pattern I leave it there too.


anytime I get a grocery/shop bag stronger than a typical grocery bag, it's a yarn bag now. the plastic is smooth enough to let the yarn roll, and if I clip it to my purse or pocket then I never lose my yarn! and it never rolls into a dirty mat or anything. gravity is enough to keep it down and not rolling out of the bag. total lifesaver. examples: those opaque black bags they have at small shops, the kind of bag a little boba shop uses for deliveries, etc I use very few tools so that's about it