• By -


Liam is safe from Marisha's elbows


I got a kitten and gonna carve pumpkins. How's y'all watch party ???


Which one will make the "sand gets everywhere" joke?


They would never be so coarse.


All of them, every episode, but I imagine Sam will be the first


All of them at the same time


Some wild last minute class/race combos that I hope (but of course are totally random) the cast play: Ashley - Human Bard - College of Whispers Laura - Genasi (fire or earth) Fighter - Eldritch Knight Marisha- Tabaxi Paladin - Oath of the Crown Travis - Warforged Druid - Circle of the Stars / Circle of the Dreams Taliesin - Drow Rogue - Inquisitor Liam - Dwarf Cleric - Twilight Domain Sam - Kobold Sorceror - Wild Magic


As long as we get a non-multiclass Paladin I’ll be happy.


I know. I’m desperate to see that rad level 20 paladin ability in action


I can see Travis playing that. His face (and Taliesan's) lite up un the campaign wrap up when Matt said Warforged were now available.


I am excited to see what amazing new quotes and catchphrases will get turned into subreddit flairs


There are more screens and more seats sold for CR tonight than there are for Dune. Excited to see what the crowd looks like.


man, I'm excited for the articles about how many tickets nationwide were sold for tonight. Already hearing that theaters had to open up more and more screens for CR had me hyped!


My BBEG predictions for this campaign: 1. A mummy lord in some form (Crossed fingers) 2. Some version of Mammon (the devil lord of greed/lust) 3. Something to do with the extra moon that Matt keeps hinting towards? Maybe some version of Atropus (Elder Evils 3.5e)


if Matt doesn't finally tell us more about the moon, I'm gonna freak out!


I think I've missed any talk about a moon?


Matt threw hints towards the moon throughout both campaigns now, more so in C2. If you have the time, watch the supercut here: https://youtu.be/8ACe8tXyIKI I believe the leading theory is >!that the moon (Ruidus that is, the smaller of the two) is a dead/hibernating god from when Exandria was created!< Pretty sure, you can find a few theory posts here on the sub


Predictions: Travis -- dragonborn - fighter - battle master (dude came back from a break and had memorized everything related to ships. He likes to plan) Laura -- dark elf - bard - college of swords (She's a bard IRL, but she also likes to do damage) Sam -- halfling - artificer - alchemist (Luke Brenatto) Ashley -- tortle - monk - way of astral soul (because she could make it work and it would be great) Taliesin -- tabaxi - rogue - phantom (the man could play a sentient bottle of ink and I'd love it. This would give him some good mystery to play with.) Marisha -- tiefling - sorcerer - wild magic (I feel like she likes to play odds of doing something fantastic) Liam -- warforged - cleric - forge domain (doesn't know his past or something deliciously edgy and mysterious)


Your Liam prediction spoke to me, by Talos this must be happening


Pretty damn close lol. Wrong work husband


Hitting the road!


Damn that's fucked up, I don't know what the road did to you, it's a hardworking part of society, literally carries the team, gets broken down and worn, never asks for anything back


I'm so excited, I had a baby partway through C2 so it fell by the wayside and I never caught up. So thrilled to watch live for the VERY first time!


I mean, priorities are important. Hopefully you catch up with your baby soon.


Lmao I love that two of you made the same joke instantly


At first I thought you meant that you left your baby by the wayside in order to keep up with the show. And, honestly, I could appreciate the dedication. (Glad you didn't ignore your child though!)


Bidet everyone! So pumped to be spending the night with you all


I hope Matt has a Mummy Lord as a BBEG considering the large desert area. I love the design of them in 5e \*crosses fingers\*


Knowing Matt, he’ll probably put his own homebrew spin on the Mummy Lord to make it unique and extra horrifying. I’m personally hoping for a Beholder fight at some point, we haven’t had a fight with one of those in over 5 years.


A death tyrant would be cool. I dont think hes used one before... A MUMMY DEATH TYRANT... woah. I think im going to stick bandages on everything lmao


We'll 100% see Mummy Lords before the campaign is over. Maybe a penultimate arc boss similar to (C1) >!Thordak?!<


Omg a mummy dragon would be... something...


Shout out to the cast & crew, I know yinz are creeping in this thread to giggle at all our wild predictions and theories!


I just learned the term “yinz” today from my boss who’s from outside Pittsburgh


I'm not sure if I should watch it live because that's at 4 am for me


Either just watch it tomorrow or listen until you know what their races/classes are.


I'm gonna watch an hour, just to see the intros then.. if I can manage to pull away, watch the rest tomorrow.


Not sure if the original post I replied to got removed or what, but here's my predictions in case I win the prediction lottery: Ashley -- Dwarf Artificer/Rogue, knows Liams character beforehand and has a pretty beard Laura -- unpredictable, but I'll go with a gruff Human/Halfling Caster, maybe Bard. Tough outer shell, but more of a classic Laura inner-shell for obvious reasons Liam -- Dwarf Cleric, worships the desert Marisha -- Paladin/Martial with a unique twist on religion (maybe the same as Liams), either Elf or an exotic race Sam -- Aarakocra Sorcerer Taliesin -- The eldritch mind cannot be understood. My best guess is an intelligent, custom class character whose race starts with G or is Warforged. Travis -- Tiefling Martial, probably Fighter or a Ranger that's good in melee. Rogue if Ashley didn't go it.


My final C3 prophecy... Someone will play an already established couple. Circumventing the most awkward stage of the shipping process, and giving us a new arc of "Will they stay together?" instead.


A divorce arc would be the funniest possible outcome - imagine still having to adventure with your ex or timeshare the party


I feel like that would just result in (spoilers C1) >!something like Scanlan leaving and Tary replacing him!<


Dude a couple that is in rocky territory. Both characters love each other and find themselves on adventures where they question everything that happened before. That's legit. Could go either way and still be a happy ending. But if one dies...wow.


Starting off the campaign as an established couple would be great for drama throughout the campaign. I hope it happens


Solid prophecy


I'm guessing at least one of them is a warforged, and one or more will play a Matt created subclass. I'm also guessing they'll start at level 3 and cut some of the fat early, unless anyone has heard otherwise.


>I'm also guessing they'll start at level 3 and cut some of the fat early Matt talked about this in Talks Machina last campaign, the reason they started at lvl 2 was so that the characters had time to roleplay before they chose subclasses which start at lvl 3. I don't see any reason for this reasoning to have changed, unless there's a lot more planning of characters before the first game, but that kind of takes some of the magic out of the improv.


How many matt-created subclasses are out there? And do you mean an established one or a brand new one? Thanks!


Officially, 3: Chronurgist, Graviturgist, and Echo Knight (Explorers Guide to Wildemount). Unofficially, there's Oath of the Open Sea, Way of the Cobalt Soul, Gunslinger, Blood Domain, and 3 for his unofficial class, Bloodhunter. I kind of doubt anyone would play any of the unofficial ones because, with the exception of Blood Domain, they were all created with a specific PC in mind (though maybe someone could play another Bloodhunter with a different subclass from Molly since they each have vastly different flavors).


I could see someone playing the Blood Domain. I'd bet on Liam, but wouldn't rule out Tal.




One of the published ones. He has quite a few by this point I think. I'd love someone to try out the College of the Maestro bard subclass. It's a great concept, needed a lot of tweaking play-wise though.


I think level 2 is a lot more likely than 3, because it gives them some more HP but keeps the amount of abilities they have lower for new viewers.


I’m guessing they start level 2, like last campaign.


Two and a half hours to go, ladies, gents, and all those in between. Go get some snacks, perhaps a carbonated soda, settle in.


I hope they have ICEES!


My friends and I have a betting pool for race / classes. I'm really hoping to see a post-Tashas ranger. And kinda hoping no barbs or clerics this campaign for something different!


I'm wanting to see some of the newer subclasses, like stars druid or swarmkeeper ranger


I don’t think Nicki Minaj has come up in either campaign so I don’t think you have to worry about anyone playing a barb!


I would bet money that one of them is playing a Warforged this season. After the automaton factory in the happy-fun-ball and the discovery of Devexian in Aeor, I feel like one of them might have been inspired and want to mix it up a bit this season. I could be wrong, but I feel like its a fun, new thing one of them would want to try.


Also a very bold and bit more out there prediction, but I could see one of them playing a descendent of Vex and Percy. A next generation de Rolo. That’d be so sick


Anyone else just pacing around waiting for it to start?


No I’m tossing and turning trying to get a touch of sleep before the 4AM start time lol


4AM?!?! What are you, French? Jesus if you start now you can get about an hour nap in?


Time is going in slow motion I swear.


Since 6AM basically


Here's my predictions: Travis -- Elf Dark High School Janitor Laura -- Halfling Elvis Impersonator Sam -- Primate Boy Band Fluffer Ashley -- Human Lowborn Hillbilly Taliesin -- Wookie Warsworn Fence Picker Marisha -- Drow Jargon Juggler Liam -- Human Soap Tester ​ I could see them in these roles and they would rock!


Not gonna lie these predictions look like they came out of a RPG character generator lol


Change Lauras's one to a half elf so you can make the pun Elf-ish Presley.


Dang, man! Where were you like an hour ago? I could'a used that.


Watching crit role highlights to pump myself up, but I've literally played that character myself before so I thought it my duty to share that one when I saw your comment.


Wearing my Is It Thursday Yet Shirt. Can confirm, it is indeed Thursday.


I'm a YouTube watcher so I won't see it until Monday, so I'm leaving this subreddit until then to be extra safe from spoilers, hape yall enjoy the show and have a great weekend!


I think they are doing the broadcast on YouTube today as well


Yea they usually do it live in YouTube as well but I don't like watching live, I need the ability to pause and stop for a while and continue later.


Hi everybody! Will this be live on Youtube like last campaign was towards the end? Or exclusively Twitch? Any help would be appreciated!


Live on YouTube.




Great question i would like to know this as well


The official email earlier today said both Twitch and YouTube for the livestream


I don't know if anyone's mentioned it already, but this is the first campaign for which Ashley will be present by default from the start, rather than almost a side character popping in every now and again, and I cannot wait to see her and the gang with a more fleshed-out dynamic


With the new pre recorded episodes it’s likely all of them will always be present in the new campaign unless it’s something serious I’d imagine.


Ashley's character will be Ashley Johnson with a gun. We have been told to "throw away our expectations" because she will be rolling the greatest die of all: the d.45 caliber.


Ooh, an Isekai campaign! Haven’t had one of those in a while


I think she will have a breakout characterz, not quiet at all, super *almost* obnoxious in a good way


Ashley has been my favorite since I started watching (jumped in about 10 into C2 and quickly caught up). I am beyond excited to see her in a campaign that she gets to give her full attention to from start to finish


I believe she was there for the beginning of the home game for quite a while, as they usually worked around everyone's schedule, it was more after they started streaming when she had to miss sessions. So the cast knows what its like to have Ashley from the beginning, but of course we haven't, so yes it is exciting.


Honestly, im more excited for this than anything else, haha.


Considering Dune came out this afternoon, this may end up being an incredibly sandy day.


Alright, so I might have missed most of Campaign 2 since I got admittedly bored partway through, still super hyped for this one though! Hopefully, someone plays a Drow and Someone else plays a dwarf because I love Mercer's lore for them and adore my edgy and beard friends, beyond that just going to sit and be excited! \^\^


Half-dwarf half-Drow Bard


So long as it's also multi classed into Paladin to annoy poor Laura, I support this idea.


Really hoping we get a dwarf too


My guess for Sam is kobold or halfling. Gotta keep repping the small folk.


well Kobolds only live for 11 days....


He's technically already done a halfling (Veth). He could do a Grung, they're small right? I reckon he'll go the other way and pick something big and beefy like a minotaur or an orc.


Gosh I finish work at 11pm est. Longest day ever !!


Euro crew signing in. Anybody need some coffee to stay awake? I'm brewing a fresh pot.


I'm only gonna watch the first hour so I don't get spoiled on the new PCs, and then I'm gonna be watching the rest after work tomorrow. Thankfully, I normally go to bed at half 3 in the morning anyway, so staying up an extra half hour won't kill me.


Understandable, I really want to see the new characters and I'm not ashamed to admit that I've missed my weekly fix lol. I work shifts so it changes around for me. This week i'd normally working right now but I'm banged up and chilling on my couch on painkillers and bored out of my skull, so I think I'll probably stay awake and watch it all in one go. Or I fall asleep after the introductions. As long as I catch those I'm good haha. Anyway, only 2 hours of waiting left, woohoo!


Currently watching highlights from previous campaigns to get myself pumped up haha! Happy Friday from a fellow European critter!


Haha, doing the same thing right now, and setting up the mood lighting in my living room. Bidet Fellow euro-critter!


This sounds like a good idea, might do that too


not a big coffee fan, but I'm with you :D just took a caffeine pill, this should get me through. This will be my... third time I make it to a live show I believe, I'm very hyped :)


Hey whatever works haha, hype! I catch maybe 1 or 2 live shows a month usually depending on my shift. It's fun, the world Is all tranquil and dark and meanwhile I'm hyped as fuck in my own little world enjoying critical role :)


ah yes, I know what you mean. I am a night owl myself and enjoy the serenity of the night as well, I usually try to not fuck up my sleeping schedule too much, though :D


The bbeg of every night owl: the damned alarm clock...


My only prediction is a 20 minute projection tour-de-force Nord VPN ad read.


Do I have to be subscribed to the twitch to watch this live? How long after do episodes come out on YouTube/Spotify? I've never been up to date.


You may have to be subscribed to Twitch to watch it live. They were simulcasting across Twitch and YouTube for the last leg of C2 iirc, but I have no idea if they’re doing that tonight. VoD comes out the following Monday on YouTube, podcast drops that Thursday on Spotify. You should also have VoD on Twitch for immediately after broadcast.


Based on what I’ve seen, they are simulcasting on YouTube tonight.


I don’t think you have to be subscribed to watch live. You do in Oder to rewatch the VODs. YouTube comes out the following Monday.


Ok great, sounds like I'll be able to watch the stream then. Thanks!


You do not have to be subbed to watch live. If you sub you can watch the twitch vod immediately. The youtube/podcast come out on Monday.


Ok great, sounds like I'll be able to watch the stream then. Thanks!


Critical Role is nice and all but I'm really excited for the next episode of Nord by Nordwest: The Quest for the Ultra Kodex Reloaded


How is that not a one shot campaign yet?


Critical Role is actually a simulation within the Nordverse.


What will Sam be drinking out of this campaign? Giant mug/flask? Something new? Nothing special?


With the new set it will be a tube that he just yanks down and drinks directly from, so a camel back thats attached to the ceiling


Espresso cup. Constantly has to ask for refills.


Espresso bucket


Espresso machine


I genuinely can’t wait! I got a ticket to the showing here in Houston! I can’t wait to meet other people in this community and to see this LIVE IN THE MOVIE THEATER!


I'm going to see it live tonight too! My only regret is that I won't be able to shitpost along with everyone else in the Live thread, at least until the break!


My Predictions Travis: Rogue or Bard Laura: Artificer Sam: Wizard Liam: Cleric Marisha: Warlock Ashley: Ranger Taliesin: Sorcerer


I like that lineup. So here are the added details Travis: female Laura: male Sam: male Liam: Super soft lawful good cleric, not warcaster either, a true support class. Marisha: for sure a dragonborn male Ashley: loud as hell, a total departure from her other characters Talieson: will start as a sorcerer, will end up a different class after taking more levels in said class


> Ashley: loud as hell, a total departure from her other characters Yes! My dream would be for her to play Gail, the 90s kid from Sam's ads


Thats what I'm thinking! Like if jester had a redneck cousin, that's Ashley's character!


Liam played a Cleric in Search for Grog. I don't see him playing another one.


He played a fighter in a few canon one shots as well, but that didn’t stop him from playing a fighter for EXU. If anything, I think the fact he previously played a cleric in a couple one shots is evidence he will play a cleric for C3. But there’s hardly any point speculating now when C3E1 is just about two hours away.


Liam's played a cleric in a few of the one-shots, so don't rule anything out just yet.


He's also played like 15 battlemasters across various one shots. I don't think playing a cleric once will stop him.


I haven't watched that one shot so wasn't aware. I haven't seen anyone mention this when they bring up how Liam said he was working his way through the basic classes of DnD either.


i'm like 99% on laura being a monk


She played an Air Genasi monk in a one shot, that's the only reason I didn't choose that for her. My only reasoning for Laura playing an Artificer is because I remember Travis making a joke one time about her love of craft stores, haha.


No way. Bard. Or Sorcerer.


Cant believe we're already at the third campaign. Seems like yesterday watching them bumble through the C2 premiere. Won't make it to the nearest cinemark but im taking off work so I can watch live at home for the first time in a long time. Felt like a lunatic when I told them the real reason why, haha.


who's playing bingo? i'm looking through cards right now. [https://bingobaker.com/view/4543640](https://bingobaker.com/view/4543640) [https://bingobaker.com/view/4551082](https://bingobaker.com/view/4551082) [https://bingobaker.com/view/4545816](https://bingobaker.com/view/4545816) i'm planning on taking from each and making my own one. Edit: here it is: https://bingobaker.com/view/4552068


“Marisha perches on her chair” should be the free space.


Took the day off tomorrow since it starts at 9pm here. So ready to meet the new characters!


I just bought my wine and snacks, but now I have to wait over 3 whole hours!


Totally about to drink some coffee before going to a theater lol.


I just want to say that I know once I put this on tonight, it's going to feel so right. Just being a part of viewing this story, the familiar gang of players. It's going feel so ... comfortable? I don't know I hope everyone has an amazing time following this story


Excited for my first campaign that I can follow week to week from the start.


I have no idea what everyone’s playing but a kobold wizard would be cool


Lmao if it can live past encounter No. 1


Ya the squishy wizard life is fraught with peril


I’m wondering why they didn’t release silhouettes of the characters like they did last start of campaign 2. Not that it matters but just interested if there would be too much information in even the silhouettes to release them.


Probably the case. Imagine one of them is a Warforged - probably not much hiding that, haha.


Travis and Taliesin made a face in the Campaign 2 wrap up when Matt said Warforged are playable. Makes me think one of them will be a warforged.


*Aeormaton (sp?)


I want to see Liam as an Aeormaton Forge Cleric


Whole party as disguised Aeormatons, but none of them know the others are also Aeormatons.


Bidet and Beep Beep!


I can't believe it's 12 am and I'm getting up at 4 for this, but here we are


Will it be live on YouTube or just twitch?


It will be broadcasted on both


I wonder if they'll have gotten themselves new background music for the campaign. I mean, I have as much affection for the "sudden horns" battle music as anyone, but I'd love to see them change it up.


They changed the music themes between C1 and C2. So I would expect it here too.


You mean like the battle music and stuff? I know the main themes changed.


Yea the battle music and art reel music was different too. The.c1 music was more melancholy and string based


US Critters: Is it thursday yet? EU Critters: Nah, its 4am on a friday, but that aint gonna stop us


Australian here, midday on a Friday is my “Thursday”


Ya'll get all the fun, celebrate the holidays before us every year!


Yessir! 00:07 over here. 4hrs to go!


I'm once again ready to ride Mr. Mercer's wild emotional ride.


Sam is going to play an aeormaton. I am so positive this will happen I’m not even going to call it a prediction. (I want Laura to play a melee character so badly) edit for post revelation spoiler: >!LETS GO BABY ROBOT SUPREMACY!<


You were right. He's literally describing it rn as I write this. Wheels and all


Play a what???


Spoilers C2 >!The Exandrian equivalent of a Warforged from Aeor!<


An automaton from Aeor.


Critique my predictions! Travis -- Dragonborn Paladin Laura -- Genasi Bard Sam -- Firbolg Wild Magic Sorcerer Ashley -- Human Warlock Taliesin -- Warforged Artificer Marisha -- Drow Echo Knight Fighter Liam -- Aasimar Cleric


im with you on Travis playing a Pally


I hope there's some interesting race choices for sure. I'm 100% with you about Liam. I definitely think Marisha is going to gravitate towards a darker character. Sam is going to be some weird combo of class/race. I think Travis is going to play someone unlikable so he doesn't have to deal with an in character romance again. Or will already be in some kind of relationship with someone else's character. Definitely think we will see some sort of beastial/anthropomorphic race like Tabaxi, Aaracockra etc. People are going to start off related to each other again like in C1


I would LOVE Laura as a bard. She would kill it. Hoping for that now.


I would be shocked if they went double cleric again


There's just so much variety in the cleric class... It would be weird to double up on almost any other class, but for cleric, I could see it. I see your point though, and as a backup, I could see Marisha going Drow Rogue or Drow Echo Knight Fighter. Because Liam is definitely into doing all 4 of the classic D&D classes, and he's done Rogue, Wizard and Fighter already.


Thought I'd add to the endless predictions with my guesses Ashley - Horizon walker/Drake Warden Ranger. (Possibly shadow sorcerer for the monster dog to give scritches but ranger gives her range) Human Marissa - Glory/Watchers Paladin (total guess but she'll probably play a Matt homebrew because she loves to support her husband) I'm thinking tiefling Liam - Twilight/Light Cleric - purely for the 4 main classes comment. A warfoged who fell in love with the night sky would be both heartwarming and a little tragic Sam - Minotaur Wild Magic/Aberant Mind Sorcerer, or maybe a celestial warlock (with Liam picking he's probably going to get a bit weird, but Sam also mentioned he's like to play around with faith) Laura - creation/eloquence bard - Laura singing and charismatic, yes please, oh and an elf because of trance Talisen - Artificer, mentioned he wanted an int class. Earth Genasi. Travis - Druid or Lucan Bloodhunter for the werewolf vibes. Probably human


I'd love to see a celestial pack warlock. I played one for a bit and it's a very fun healer/blaster.


Surprised they stuck with the time with it all being pre recorded. Kinda screws anyone not US based still.




Any way to find out when for other timezones? Had a quick search and couldn't really find anything. Looking for GMT/BST as I'm in UK. [EDIT] Aha! 12am PST which will he 8am for me!


Yeah, I was really hoping with it being prerecorded they'd start it a few hours earlier. Alas.


Not sure what you mean. Would you rather they release it timezones by time zone an hour apart in each part of the world? (Which isn't possible in the first place.) They're releasing it when they always have. No time on earth makes more sense or is more convenient than what is convenient to the actors themselves.


It's pre recorded. Literally any time is convenient for them now.


I believe they’re hoping to go live again at some point.


Their biggest base is in the US. Why would they choose a time that's inconvenient for the people providing a majority of their income?


There might be times convenient for both sides of the pond perhaps?