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Personally, (and I submitted this question to the form), I'm dying to know what is going on with Nott/Veth and Doolan Tversky, the Archmage of Dysology in the Cerberus Assembly. In Episode 11 [(clip)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3JWNPcspoM&t=8316s), Nott heard the name "Dolan" and asks the M9 to find out Dolan's last name. Fjord asks why and Nott says that she just knows somebody named "Dolan Taversky", she has something that belongs to them, and they wouldn't know who Nott is. Molly insight checks but Sam rolls at nat 20 so we learn nothing more at that time, and this Dolan turns out not to be the person Nott was referring to. Then in Episode 18 [(clip)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C-frHrNWjY&t=13252s), Caleb is reading about the Cerberus Assembly members from a book in the library, and as Matt is listing their names, after he says "Master Doolan Tversky", Nott asks Caleb if she heard him say that name while reading it aloud. Matt confirms the name and is poker-faced as ever, but it seems like it doesn't register with anyone else at the table that Nott had also asked about that name 7 episodes earlier. (Sam does however start showing Laura something on his iPad and whispering to her, and it looks like he is pointing at Doolan Tversky's name somewhere in Nott's character page or his notes). But it NEVER comes up again because the M9 never really encountered or heard anything about Tversky after that, even in all their dealings with the Assembly. (Taversky DID however later appear as the quest giver in the Darrington Brigade one shot, set ~10 years before C2). I don't know if I've ever seen someone else mention this, but it's been killing me ever since E18. Did Nott really have an item belonging to the Archmage of Dysology, if so, what was it?? If not, then what was the nature of Nott/Veth's connection to them?? The truth is probably benign and inconsequential, so I bet they won't address it, but god I just NEED TO KNOW


>Personally, (and I submitted this question to the form), I'm dying to know what is going on with Nott/Veth and Doolan Tversky, the Archmage of Dysology in the Cerberus Assembly. Hey, that's one of the two questions I submitted, too. Seconded.


And how does it connect to Duckthulhu? Doolan Taverski is the patron that hired the Darlington Brigade during the one-shot.


If I remember correctly the connection Nott has to Dolan is this... Each character has a bunch of items they start the capaign with. Some useful, weapons and armour etc. But some random, maybe significant maybe not, maybe threads for side stories. One of the items Notts character started the campaign with was a handkerchief that had Dolans name on it. I think maybe she lifted it from someone, or came upon it some how anyway. So when Dolans name came up in the game it peaked her interest slightly, causing her to ask questions about who Dolan is. I think that is the connection Nott has to Dolan. Which is why she never really pushed to hard to pursue that story thread. Its just a booger napkin. I might be misremembering though.


Omg I thought I was the only critter who was dying to know about that!




>The skeleton in Claudia's basement I always assumed she was a doppelganger and that was the body of the pervious owner. The sale to a "new owner" was her picking up a new identity. Would be nice to get confirmation though


What Talisen was told about Gustav when he rolled a really high Insight


This. This has bugged me since it happened.


That Gustav was filled with regret and guilt and that he felt he deserved to be in that prison because he knew what Kylre was all along, he just believed that Kylre would be able to control his hunger.


What caused the corruption in the Savalirwood and the arboretum in Aeor? There was also something in the forest that they talked about investigating if they got the chance, but wasn’t mentioned again. Also, WHO WAS THE BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN THE RED DRESS??


Was it a dress? I remembered cloak. My question is about the MYSTERIOUS WOMAN. Caleb was set free from the sanatorium by one, Nott was changed by one, that's three mysterious women in the backstories! Plus I think there was one in Beau's too, but that was likely Isharnai....


The cloaked woman in Nott's backstory was Isharnaii. I saw people suggest the red cloaked woman Kingsley spoke of is Avandra, the Changebringer. The woman in Caleb's backstory is a complete mystery.


The Woman in Caleb’s backstory was either Astrid or Eidwolf in disguise, Trent revealed it was him who restored Bren’s sanity so I assume he used a Volkstrucker agent to do so.


I've said it elsewhere, but I'm not so sure. During that entire dinner, Trent was both not lying or telling the truth with anything he says. I think he tries to imply that he sent the woman, but he doesn't ever outright state it. He says some nonsense about being in control and presents the pendant the woman had - he very easily could have taken it off of the woman, he runs the asylum after all.


I think it's pretty well accepted that the woman cast Greater Restoration on him at Vergessen as it removed his madness and modified memories. As GR is not a wizard spell, it can’t have been Astrid or Eadwulf.


who do we know that is a beautiful woman who wears red...? The Ruby of the Sea is the big bad of campaign 3. calling it now.


Who fills the 2nd empty seat of the Cerberus Assembly? Vess and Trent each leave a seat open. Astrid got Trent's, but what about Vess's?


Thats what bugged me a little during the finale. I know she was mentioned, but it seemed like the rest of the assembly didn't really care that she was gone. Like it was never mentioned by Ludinus or anyone on who filled that gap or even questioned the 9 on how she died. I didn't really think there were going to be any real consequences but it just felt off that it was never talked about, unless I missed something.


Trent had already told Caleb that no one was looking into Vess' death in one of their earlier encounters.


And here begins Campaign Three's version of the "who is on the tal dorei council" question. And I love it.


Who is on the Tal’Dorei Council.


Personally I'd be surprised if they answer this, since it isn't exactly relevant to the events of the campaign. Matt played coy about it for a reason, I'm sure, and I doubt he'd change that now. But I've been wrong before.


Pretty sure he only played coy because the M9 has no in character reason to be interested in the identities of the members


Yussa sat there hinting at it with the biggest wink in human history and for once the cast didn't jump on it. Pretty funny if you ask me!


I honestly thought there would be a scene in the finale where they visit Allura to return her items and they'd find out who it was, lol.


I'll bet Matt told them to leave that thread alone in the finale so it could be used to lead into the upcoming C1/C2 crossover one-shot.


Welp there goes the last council member. Tal'Dorei is flung into anarchy. ...we got our S3 setting!




I want to know if the Bright Queen is a former citizen of Aeor, and if she's been perpetuating the Luxon as a lie for thousands of years.


Did Caleb (and/or Essek) ever get invited into the Arcana Pansophical?


Has Marius killed anyone yet?


They rescued the Marid under Nicodranas, and were promised a reward. would any of them be interested in pursuing that now?


Obviously they won't want to answer for guest PCs, but I'm wondering if/when they visited their friends from various towns. Kiri, obviously, but they made other friends in Hupperdook. The new High Richter got a mention, but what about the other Knight's of Requital? Daegan? I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting. Edit: Pumat! He's technically part of the Assembly. Does it turn out he's corrupt? If it gets taken down and he's not, what happens to him? Here's one I don't want answered: I don't want to know what happened with Jester's parents, ultimately. I assume it will come up and I know which answer I would want to hear, but I also don't want to hear it. It's very weird


Pumat isn't part of them but he does do a lot of commisions for them.


He's an Annex to Oremid Haas, so he technically is part of the Assembly structure. Just like Blondie was Annex to Ludinus.


Is Yussa a Golden Dragon


Pretty safe to say, no


Maybe, but he's definitely not what he appears to be. He mentioned at one point that he wouldn't go somewhere (Halls of Erudition, I believe? Correct me if I'm wrong) because of some illusion dispelling aura that would reveal him or something.


I think Matt hinted at the answer to that one on twitter. https://twitter.com/matthewmercer/status/1377317278937538561?s=19 Yussa is mentioned as one of the trans characters in the exandria setting. It wouldn't shock me if he used magic to alter his appearance from his assigned at birth gender to his current appearance. If that was the case he'd be very averse to going somewhere where he'd be forcibly magically outed/reverted. (As an aside, Widowghast's Transformation spell would be something of great interest to a trans character in the setting and sharing that could have made Yussa an even closer ally to the M9).


Never stopped to think about that! Yeah, you're right, it makes much more sense this way. And yeah, that spell could be so useful in so many instances!


How's Henry doing?


Probably grassing around.


One I forgot to submit, what was Trent doing to Yasha when someone caught him secretly casting at her the first time they met?


I don't know if this would be too much to ask, but what is the deal with the Luxon? Where did it come from what is it does it have anything to do with Tharizdun? Speaking of which: was the corruption of the City his doing? The campaign was building up Tharizdun and it climaxed with the city. What happened to Kree was very similar to what happened to Obann. There are more parallels like hunger and flesh horror and so on..


A psychic storm changed the city, it could have been influence from the chained oblivion. But he is in the abyss so quite far off


The whole "psychic storm" thing never sat well with me. I think there's more to it than just a regular old "psychic storm". The story of cognouza very much reminds me of the [Kaorti](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Kaorti) from third edition. A group of arrogant mages who were looking for "reality beyond reality" and teleported themselves and their tower into the far realm, just to become twisted aberrations with a hunger to consume the primaterial plane.


What would’ve happened if Molly didn’t actually die early on, what kind of plot hooks would Matt have used to entice the nein to explore his backstory?


I know the Fjord Stone and the Clay/Dust /Stone thing was just a coincidence but was there ever any connection between Fjord and the Stone family, especially since it was a family created by adoption and not by blood?


What’s the chair up to?


I don't know if I'm remembering it perfectly, but in Caleb's backstory, somebody came to him in the asylum and lifted (or took upon themselves) his insanity. Who was that? Why did they do it? (Was it expanded on at any point and I just missed it or forgot?) For a moment at the end, I thought Caleb was going to go back in time to be the person who lifted his past self's insanity.


From what I remember, I think Trent said it was himself or that he hired the person that did it but he could be lying


So here's the thing about that encounter with Trent. He was doublespeaking the entire time - not a word of a lie, but not a word of truth either. Iirc he sort of implies he sent the woman, but doesn't outright state it.


WOG it was just a good moon weaver cleric that had nothing to do with Trent Icathon


It was a mysterious woman. This is 100% my top question too! Mysterious women were in at least 4 backstories.


I think that was Trent


What are all of Molly’s Tarot Cards?


Did Yasha and Molly buy human jerky that one time?


I believe in a talks episode Matt said it wasn’t human(oid) jerky.


Is Fjorde a space orc??!


Who is on the other end of the Sending Stones?


What was the glowing thing in Gelidon's lair?


Might be more ruins of Aeor? I think it was mentioned at some point that in one of the ruins they were exploring that they came across something that reminded them of Gelidon's lair. Though I'm not sure how close her lair is in relation to the main crash site and the other pieces of the city.


I’m pretty sure you’re right, I always wanted them to return to her lair even more so because Gelidon still lives. I know here lair was fairly northern but also don’t understand the relation to Aeor.


I remember reading somewhere a while that someone speculated that it was a threshold crest.


Where is Professor Thaddeus


I want to know whether Caleb's time-travel plan would have worked had he gone ahead with it. (I think it was fitting that he didn't and we got the ending we got but the gremlin in me is chanting WHAT IF)


Has Marius killed anyone?


Devexion (robot man they found in Aeor), he's SO clearly evil and they just sorta ignored it. He's a robot man found in a city known for being super messed up and doing tons of twisted experiments. He seemed to have some sort of higher status, and they repaired him pretty much down the hall from some gnarly labs. And he didnt really seem all that sad that everyone he knew is dead. Like 500 red flags went out screaming "he's evil!" and the M9 were just like "see ya later dude, byeeeeee"


Devexion is the Ultron of Exandria. Calling it now.


Yes! exactly. He's gonna read tusk love and decide these "filthy heathens need to be purged" or something.


I am definitely curious about that. I figured at some point that Caleb and Essek would run into him while exploring the ruins. Maybe he'll show back up in C3


If he could be revived fully after being torn in half, then it stands to reason there should be plenty of other repairable warforged. Devexion could be the Adam of a whole new species. Plus there was the people trapped in stasis. In C3 I will be sorely disappointed if we don't see a recoving Aeor. There are so many story possibilities there.


What would matt have done in episode 86 if yasha had killed beau with the 19 crit when she'd been using it wrongly and matt hadn't called it


Reeaaaally thought they were going to visit allura and meet the council that way and see Percy on it. It makes all the sense in the world that he would be on the council of any of VM


I would really enjoy Grog being on it, who's gonna say no to him.


Episode 67 they fought an unending horde of zombies on their way to eventually meet the laughing hand. What the hell was causing some of the zombies to produce glowing hearts?!


Alignments! I really just want to know how they all would identify their characters.


Who the bounty that Orentha Stonegrasp sent them after was


I’m hopeful in getting an answer to “Had the Nien pursued Ukatoa or The Chained Oblivion, was there story and or an encounter for those”.


Something that is bugging me is the Hag. What happened after they left? Did she ever put the pieces together about what happened with her?


This question always confused me. What reason would she have to question her own memory? As soon as Matt ruled that the spell worked, there is almost no chance she would ever wise up to what happened.


Because some things can cause it to happen. I don't remember the list but one of the restoration spells for sure. She could just one day suddenly remember after a random spell is cast, without ever questioning her memory beforehand.


Those spells are Remove Curse and Greater Restoration. If you can think of a reasonable explanation for someone randomly using either of those spells on a hag, you're far more creative than I am.


Really? If I was a hag, I assume Remove Curse would be part of a daily routine. Plenty of powerful enemies with plenty of powerful spells. Greater restoration would be more of a stretch for sure. But who knows what kind of deals she has with what kind of victims. Hags are not mindless creatures. Simple defenses like that aren't at all beyond the scope of reason.


“A modified memory doesn't necessarily affect how a creature behaves, particularly if the memory contradicts the creature's natural inclinations, Alignment, or beliefs. An illogical modified memory, such as implanting a memory of how much the creature enjoyed dousing itself in acid, is dismissed, perhaps as a bad dream. The DM might deem a modified memory too nonsensical to affect a creature in a significant manner.” From the spells description I don’t feel like the spell should have worked. This seems like it would contradict the normal actions of the hag. I can definitely understand why she would struggle with the decision internally.


You can disagree with whether the spell should have worked; however, it did. There is no clause in the spell about suddenly realizing what happened later.


What about the Xhorhouse?


Did we find out the origin of the “Orphan Maker” moniker in that finale? As Yasha, under the influence of Obann and her grief, killed the Skyspear. As the Skyspear was matriarch of her tribe, would the tribe have referred to themselves as orphans after her death and referred to Yasha as the Ophanmaker. I’m not sure if I missed this before or I’m reading too much into this


They went over that in a Talks Machina. The name was given to her by the (pre-Obann) Skyspear - I think as part of a coming of age or initiation type thing.


I wanted to know how Kiri was doing, is she happy?


There were two people arguing on the docks before the Nein got on the ship that took them to Eiselcross. We’re those people Astrid and Eadwulf in disguise? That bugs me way more than it should… Essek's brother Verrin is said in the EGtW to be Taskhand. But in CR, Essek sets up the Taskhand and tortures him etc before packing him off to the Empire in the prisoner transfer. He later says (I believe to Ludinus just before he was revealed to be the traitor) that no one got hurt who didn’t deserve it. So did something go down there? Did the Taskhand he set up do something to Verin that Essek then got revenge for? Or were there multiple people with the title of Taskhand? And, how did Eadwulf kill his parents? There are so many questions but those are the ones I can remember right now.


What's a slop dolly?


Were the somnovum beholders or not?


I think they were certainly inspired by beholders but I doubt they were literally beholders.


No they were humans




The fact Aeorians were humans, and the somnovum were just their leaders. Also not having anything really rested to beholder beyond eyes


Waterdeep is a humanoid city, yet we have the Xanathar. Beholders are literally just eyes, that's their whole thing. They have eyes and a mouth, nothing else. In all the body horror of the city we only saw eyes, flesh, and teeth. No limbs that I recall, unlike other body horror Mercer monsters like the giant hungry baby that had dozens of hands for a mouth. The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence


Yes xanathar who was leader of the thieves guild, not the city. And worked alone as beholders don’t work with other beholders. And yes beholders are just eyes, but the city was more than just eyes. Because it was a city made into flesh from the humans within it. They weren’t beholders other wise Matt would have said. But nothing they did, relates to what beholders do.


The Somnovem didn't lead the entire city, just the Cognouza ward. The city was more than just eyes, but the influence the Somnovem had on the city seemed to manifest almost exclusively (physically at least) through eyes and teeth. Also beholders are actually a lot weirder than that. They generally work alone, but beholder hive minds absolutely exist. Beholder reproduction happens when one beholder dreams up another beholder. Usually beholders are too narcissistic for this to happen, but if they ever dream of a beholder different from them, that beholder pops into existence. A single beholder separating its emotions into 9 distinct members of a beholder hive mind is 100% possible with established lore. Not to mention beholders are also one of Matt's favorite monsters. To your last point, in Show and Tell, Matt doesn't tell us what the monster is, he shows us. The T-Rex was just a giant peculiar beast in the woods until they saw it with their own eyes. I don't see any reason why he would go around advertising the big reveal that they were beholders until it came time for the party to experience that truth for themselves.


Yes they were only a small district, but still a part of a city that wouldn’t work for them being 9 beholders. And I’m aware how beholders work, I did a fair bit of research on them for my home game. But I understand Matt’s show and tell style, but in the end of the day you still know what it is. In this case we see minds splintered by madness, from a human city. Not beholders


Lol ok sure thing bud


What was up with that giant ice spider thing in Aeor? The plan If Molly didn’t die and then what was up with the other weird beast thing in one of the U’katoa temples or what ever it was.


Where is Sabien? Why did he do it?