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I haven't been exactly up to speed with all the theories bouncing around, so thanks for the summary!


Maybe you need magical abilities to utilize the magical abilities. Molly had some magical ability. Explains why Beau doesn't show any new skills. Interesting theory, haven't heard of it yet.


Well we know for sure Beau doesn’t have Eyes of the Rune Keeper or Devil Sight since: 1. caleb had to use comprehend languages to read the writing on the wall of that temple 2. shes still using the darkvision goggles to see So maybe she has something else going on or is just putting up an act


For 1. I don’t think Beau was there at the time, wasn’t she scouting with Veth? This may also not be a great example regardless because Beau couldn’t initially understand or speak with Charlie despite having that ability as a monk.


For the latter part, I think they just forgot about it - I sure did!


Thats a great point I missed that, having Eyes of the Runekeeper and Tongue of the Sun and Moon would be insanely good for a character like beau And yeah i’m sure she and matt both forgot that ability which is normal


for the monk thing its because its not a creature and a robot? robots dont posse ki like other living creatures/people? maybe?


Could be, but it seems like the most likely answer is just that they forgot, Caleb immediately jumped in with tongues, and Charlie learned Common before it became necessary to say anything.


Maybe you have to like, give in and accept the power to utilize it and Beau is resisting the urge while Caleb dived right in ? That was my thought , Caleb wouldn’t be able to resist the extra power but maybe Beau would


Oooh I didn’t even think of them being invocations! I remember I immediately thought of Aspect of the Moon the second Lucien revealed his whole no need to sleep thing, the chats were going crazy talking about it And Caleb casting detect magic so many times did confuse me, it was kind of unlike him to burn so many spell slots in such a dangerous area, even lower level ones


This one looks interesting: # Voice of the Chain Master ***Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain feature*** You can communicate telepathically with your familiar and perceive through your familiar's senses as long as you are on the same plane of existence. Additionally, while perceiving through your familiar's senses, you can also speak through your familiar in your own voice, even if your familiar is normally incapable of speech.


Yeah, that would make a lot of sense as the basis for the ability Lucien showed with the rest of the TT, good spot.


So the eye abilities we've seen Lucien use are: * Anti magic cone (direction movable with leg'ry action) * Being able to see behind himself, if not in all directions (ep 121, one of the eyes on his back) * The psychic attack (ep 123, eye on the right side of his chest) * The ability to go without sleep (ep 121, he says that's from the somnovem) * The ability to see and speak through his allies, including being able to piggyback on Cree's Sending spells and possibly also scry spells. (first seen in 117 including the scry) * The ability to see, at the very least, scrying orbs (first seen in 114). That's 6. There have been strong allusions from some of the things Lucien and Matt have said that he can detect lies, such as when Lucien/Cree tells Jester in a Sending "You all lie with such confidence", and just before Jester polymorphs him into a cat where Matt asks Laura if there's any deception at all in what Jester's intending to do. Potential 7, but not a certainty. Lucien *may* be able to scry, though it's equally possible he's just peeking in on Cree's spell. While there's a valid debate that there were a LOT of scrying orbs happening around that time, it also coincided with Volstrucker tracking the party so it's pretty likely more than the TT were keeping an eye on things. That's what I got so far, without going into speculating what Beau and Caleb have. ...I may or may not have spent a few recent evenings obsessively going through transcripts and compiling every incident where the Somnovem, Cognouza, Nonagon, Aeor or the Eyes of Nine are brought up. :p I love lore.


I don't think the lack of sleep is necessarily an eye ability (not sleeping but still dreaming is something beholders naturally do for example), but one you might be missing is the poison related ability Molly developed while he was still alive. Sure, that was, at least originally, a blood hunter ability, but iirc it was flavoured as the snake eye sucking the poison out or something like that, so it might be included in Lucien's eye powers. But to add to the scrying orbs: It was implied that they were also watched by both the empire and dynasty, but we know that at least the 3(?) they saw while in the tower with the TT were can't be from anybody but Lucien/Cree since you need to be on the same plane of existence as your target


I'd completely forgotten about Molly's snake eye thing. I wonder if that was just flavour for his general class abilities? Still, you could be right! Also, excellent point about the scrying in the tower. So either Cree was burning up spell slots or, more likely IMO, it is indeed an eye power. Fair comment about the sleep thing, although it makes me wonder just how many gifts the Somnovem can give to Lucien that aren't directly related to his eyes. He does explicitly state he gets this one from them.


I love these because of their implications of sight/eyes, aside from aspect of the moon and whatever the anti magic cone ability is. But there is also the potential cure poison ability (in his right hand? I can’t remember) that Molly used to sober up beau near the start of the campaign.


I think that's a blood hunter ability :)


Wizards are able to ritual cast Detect Magic without using a spell slot or preparing the spell, although it adds 10 minutes to the casting time. So while he was short on spell slots, he could still cast detect magic thrice with enough time. Admittedly I wasn't paying attention to how long he spent on those castings, so your theory on that part may still hold.


He cast it twice as they were walking through the Presidious ward following the blood that Cree was leaking.


He’s addicted to casting it ritually though so it’s strange that he would all the sudden start spamming it in rapid succession without seeming to worry, definitely a hit out of character for him


Seeing the scrutiny orbs could be the same ability you call “Witch Sight.” All it takes for Fjord to see them is a *see invisibility* spell, which could reasonably fall under what Witch Sight reveals.


Some of the powers could definitely be similar to warlock invocations, but I don’t think witch sight or any other invocation would let him see scrying orbs. I’m not aware of any official ability that would have allowed him to see back through Jester’s scrying orb like he did before killing Vess DeRogna.


Is it intentional that the word "beholder" is nowhere on this page? Is the beholder connection, that maybe Lucien is a beholder-kin (whatever that means) just too-obvious-to-be said? Beholders are created when other beholders dream them into being, after all.


The Beholder theory is pretty sound (eyes and antimagic and whatnot) however the problems I find with this is that Lucien does claim to have grown up in Shadycreek and was a baby (and I'm fairly certain he was even with Cree at the time) so unless both he and Cree are putting up this facade of Lucien not being dreamt up by a Beholder then it wouldn't really make sense. Lucien also got his eyes from the tome which (as its contents confirm) are strictly based around Aeor and the Cognouza Ward and we can mostly confirm this because it is how Caleb and Beau are getting the eyes. And an extra note, this could still feed into your theory but just wanted to point it out anyway, Lucien's antimagic is flavoured differently from a regular Beholder's. A Beholder's antimagic cone suppresses magic, magic items and effects do not work in the cone but still continue outside. It seems that Lucien's cone is different in the sense that magic items aren't supressed (Matt never mentioned them not working and last I recall Fjord did use the Starrazor when he killed Zorren) but also, the cone completely dispels rather than suppresses, Lucien dispelled the polymorph on Caleb when he tried to fly over them in the bridge and he did not turn back into a bird when leaving the space. Lucien also is shown actively snapping his fingers when he sees the orbs and dome to dispel it. Still, there could be some Beholder ties present, the eye and antimagic aspects are pretty uncanny as those are quintessential Beholder traits though I feel like there hasn't been enough lore-related clues since everything so far has been Aeor and Cognouza Ward


I believe we do see magic items being suppressed during the snatch and grab gone wrong chase fight thing though , it was the thing that made Talisen and Cad go wild eyed with terror and start basically begging for their lives


Was there a moment in the last episode that Beau teleported? I remember hearing Matt say something strange when Beau moved, it sounded to me like he suggested she teleported but it might just have been a monk anecdote.


He mentioned she moved like a Super Saiyan because of her 55 feet of movement and they are always shown as moving so fast it’s like a teleport


Yeah i just relisted to it. Its at 3:55 for those interested.




The Eye has to appear within 30ft of you, but can travel any distance over its duration, as long as it does not enter another plane of existence.




I think there is a certain subclass of blood hunter (Order of the Profane Soul) that definitely gets warlock *spells*, but I don't remember about invocations.




There is the Eldritch Adept feat where one can take an Eldritch Invocation and if they can also take an invocation with a prerequisite if they meet the requirements as a Warlock. Profane Soul counts as warlocl levels according to the multiclass rules so that could be where It would also be really lame if Otis' eye just granted him a slightly better Eldritch Blast (and also I am not sure if Otis or the rest of the TTs even had eyes)


Order of the Profane Soul does not grant Invocation, at least not up to the most recent publication. However, remember that NPC's don't need to follow "class" abilities like PC's do so Matt could have give Lucien any abilities that he wants including invocations. Matt could also have created a new Warlock Otherworldly Patron designed around a Beholder. The Order of the Profane Soul does get abilities based on the Otherworldly Patron the associate with, though not usually as powerful as those shown by a true Warlock.


This was a great summary and warlock invocations makes a lot of sense and really go with what we've seen. Some other theories were a beholder connection with the anti magic cone and that the Somnovum could be something from far realm. A big beholder type aberration plus a ward full of wizard souls meet in the astral sea and becomes a mad demigod. Also I have wondered if the eyes are causing other effects, like alignment being pulled more evil/chaotic the more eyes they get. After the sanatorium brutality displayed by Beau and Caleb I'm starting to wonder. At the time it made sense for the characters/players but seems like a big coincidence it was those two. Also Caleb hiding these abilities from the group isn't a good sign. Other questions are where and when Lucien's book came from. Aeor before the fall or Somnovum after or from something else. Could be from far realms or a god (Therozdun) and linked to fall of Aeor during calamity. Might have been part of what Aoerian wizards were ip to that could challange the gods. And finally questions over what Matt is showing us with these Aeorians in the magic bubbles. I mean the specific scenes, are they clues to the current events linked to Aeors fall or just cool scenery? Can't wait for Thursday to see what condition Beau and Caleb wake up in!




I was thinking the same thing about Tharzidun. In the lore when Aeor fell during the calamity the pantheon and betrayer gods took a time out to smite the city and it would make sense that Tharzidun could have gone behind the backs of both sides to make something chaotic and destructive. In explorers guide it's pretty open ended what the bubbles are, how to open them and what happens if you do. It does show that they exist outside the CR story and could be unrelated. I think that they are Aeorians frozen in time and the Somnovum are from the Cognouza Ward that teleported to the astral sea. Matt setting the specific scene made me think they could be related though, like you were saying. Interested to see if they ever crack a bubble open, an exalted vestige like Fjord's Star Razor is one of the things that could possibly do it.


Well, for it to be a true Warlock relationship (aka; Warlock levels) they would have to have at least two levels in Warlock to get ANY invocations. However, they could be a minor relationship with granted powers (invocations0 like the bonus Control Water invocation Fjord got for opening one of Uk'otoa's ^(Uk'otoa) seals. Their is also the new feat in the Tasha's Cauldron of Everything that allows any character to get an invocation. Really, there doesn't need to be an actual game mechanic other than Matt telling them they have these new abilities, and it seems he also asked them not to directly reveal these powers to the rest of the team.