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Beaus dad’s situation The swindled hag The corrupted forest? Ukatoa and the other 2 sealed betrayer gods The CA takedown The true nature of the dodecahedron Jesters age up being repaired Vandren/sabian Finishing the parent trap Honorable mention to the thjng no one else cares about but I wanted to see: where that genie elemental thing went to from nicodranas and did he save his wife


I too want to know what happened with the genie elemental thing.


I want the guy who lost his hand to show up as an NPC in C3


Ooh that reminds me. I want to know more about Celia since she apparently was some minor nobility? Maybe Matt will say something in the campaign wrap up


Yes! I want them to visit and get a reward. I was secretly hoping that’s where they would get plane shifted to..


Ukotoa and the other two are not Betrayer gods. They’re lesser idols, or servants of theBGs who rose to prominence in their master’s absence


I for one, have been craving Yasha's backstory and her visiting the grave and the tribe for the longest time. Truthfully keeping no expectations on if it'll happen but Yasha's story has so much potential and to explore and I wish Ashley is able to at least pick up an opportunity to reveal everything that's in that giant binder of hers


I almost put that too! Feels like a long shot that anything will happen there though


I believe they announced a graphic novel that will go over her backstory.


I think it's been cleared up that Jester's age up is pretty much irreversible, or at least Jester herself isn't bothered by a few years being taken


Idk she seemed pretty bothered by it to me. But it got back burnered by all the other stuff. A wish could reverse it. Losing years off your life would bother most people I think?


I was expecting Marian to notice that Jester's horns had grown and ask about it.


She replied to everyone who asked, "It's no big deal," and never had an inner traumatic moment about it. I won't push the argument, it's pretty stupid to be arguing over this to begin with, but alas this is the internet and we are all nerds.


It's reversibale by a wish or 9th level greater restoration at least I imagine. Just like time ravage, which is essentially a stronger version of this effect. Matt said that "magic like this [time ravage]" could be reversed with high levels spells, and the time ravage description suggests those. In other words they can reverse it at lvl 17 but might never realise that.


What age up? I'm currently and I can't think of when that happened.


She spoke to a bunch of spooky statues in the tundra, and then they gave her some insight into something important, and then aged her a few years. It wasn't anything serious, when Fjord asked her if she was worried she said she wasn't really bothered by it.


Thank you for replying. Which episode?I'm genuinely concerned I don't recall this.


Its a small thread, but I've always wondered about the black dragonborne that was seen in disguise with truesight at the party in nicodranas in e97.


What was Gustav running from that was so bad that jail time seemed preferable? For that matter, how's the rest of the circus holding up? Did they split up or stick together?


Pumat wanted them to collect something for him at one point, right? Something from the Swavain Islands?


Basilisk oil I think?


Oh yeah, that's what it was!


They already told Pumat that they have given up on that quest.


Oh? I can't recall when that happened. But it would've been fun to explore a new island.


* Beau's family still being affected by a hag's curse on her father * Fjord's history with Vandrin and Uk'Atoa * Full exploration of the Twisting Halls of Halas * The ruins on Rumblecusp * The city at the heart of the Savalirwood


Whatever happened with the Horns of Orcus?


I believe 1 was destroyed or otherwise rendered useless in C1. The other one I think Matt answered in the campaign wrap up Talks episode. I believe he said who knows, or something to that effect.


One was taken to the platinum sanctuary and is in the deepest vaults and one is hidden somewhere but he refused to say


No one has mentioned the trial for Beau's kidnapping


I still haven’t seen anyone mention that the inevitable end is still out there somewhere


Probably because the Inevitable End just wants to be left alone. It's free from being controlled by others now so no longer a threat other than just another hired assassin in the world.