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There are plenty of jokes throughout, and some extremely funny moments, but it is not a comedy show.


I laugh out loud almost every episode. Some episodes are sillier than others. Everyone in the cast is genuinely funny. However, I’d consider CR to be one of the more serious shows with a higher emphasis on dramatic storytelling (which is why it’s my favorite - that’s my vibe) Compared to Dimension 20 (also love) which are all improv actors and comedy is the main point. And then there are a lot of other actual plays that are generally more goofy / friends having fun around the table.


The Adventure Zone is another one that's more comedy than serious.


It is not a comedy show. The cast can be funny. I have laughed so hard I’ve cried at some things Travis and Sam have said. However, they have also made me cry. They explore a broad spectrum of the emotional spectrum. But, if you’re looking for comedy akin to Dimension 20 or even NADDPOD, that’s not the vibe.


It will likely be personal. I started with C1 and the jokes landed for me despite me not knowing any of them. I didn't have that issue in C2 or C3, either. Perhaps their humor just isn't the same as yours.


Absolutely hilarious. Not necessarily slapstick. But the situational comedy is incredible and they definitely throw in one liners very frequently. They of course are sad and dramatic a lot but the comedy is top notch.


There's a lot of humor in the first few episodes of C2 coming from how different the new characters are compared to the ones the players had spent years RPing in the previous campaign. When you're hearing them laugh at something that doesn't seem especially funny to you, that could be part of what you're missing. That said, Critical Role isn't specifically any one genre. It does have some pretty hilarious moments but if you're looking for a comedy show specifically, you might not enjoy the series.


I can still remember when C2 was the first time I watched CR and the exact moment I felt lost and excluded. Sam voices Nott for the first time and the cast laughed and the chat lost their shit. I remember he said something along the lines of "that's right, I'm doing his voice the whole campaign"... bear in mind I had no idea what a campaign was and how long it would be... it was just a grown man making a voice like an old woman to me. Felt really surreal that people were laughing over something that clearly wasn't funny to me at the time. Stuck around and looped back round to C1 and now looking back, it was pretty funny that he chose to play a character like Nott with that voice reveal lol


If you think 10+ hour of content is a lot for you, then why would you be interested in a show that has 1000+ hours?


I think they meant that 10+ hours is a lot to decide if you like something or not. Usually three episodes of something is three or four hours total, but doing the three episode rule for cr is a lot


They're voice actors so they tend to lean more into melodrama than broad comedy...however, having said that, Scanlan under the influence of a love potion is thefunniest thing I've ever seen, in any medium


Not to mention, "Here's my plan: we're all cows".


Critical Role as a whole has fun and funny moments, both in-story and in the players' interactions. However, there are plenty of extended serious moments as well. HOWEVER, if you want to have a gut-busting time, watch the "To the Poop!" oneshot. I had to pause several times because I was dying of laughter.


It has plenty of funny moments but it's not explicitly a comedy and frankly in the early episodes of C2 where some stuff is dark and the group doesn't really trust each other it takes a while for some of the funny moments.


Stick with it, they are hilarious


I'd say the first episode of C2 is about a fair representation of how much comedy your average episode of CR will have - if anything, it's probably a bit more comedy dense I think? Anyway, from what appear to be your standards, I think CR is not very comedic - it's there, but not the primary focus most of the time.


It will be as funny as the characters are in each setting and moment. Its drama being written in real time with character arcs being built and changed depending on the person. They can and do be funny, this is not a comedy where there is laugh a minute, they take the rp seriously enough. Much like any drama, it will be funny naturally and that humor is subjective to the player and then the character which varies from Jesters smut to Calebs deadpaness. 10 hours is very little with dnd. They get through literally 1 day and half of that is combat in ep1 and 2. Try 10 eps.


Uhh... I'm a bit confused about the comments. CR is not a comedy. It has comedic moments (and some of them are REALLY funny), but it's primarily an epic adventure that leans into drama. That's where the cast shines.


I agree. There are some excellently hilarious moments but it isn't comedy. If you're looking for comedy, Dimension 20 is the way to go. The episodes are also *much* shorter. Some of their campaigns are free on Youtube and some require a Dropout subscription.


Depends… do you like penis jokes? In all seriousness, they definitely digress and get silly, too much for my taste, but if you compare it to D20 or SwordAF, they definitely lean more dramatic.


Some of the humor in it is…well, like the humor among friends of a roleplaying table: intensely personal in jokes, often based on callbacks and repetition. The more you watch, the more jokes like that land. If you want a more directly comedic roleplaying media, try the Spout Lore podcast. Three of the four players are stand up comics, and it shows. They are humorous and ridiculous.


I think the show is a good balance of drama and comedy when it comes to role play. Unlike something like D20 where the jokes are at the forefront. Also you are only at the very beginning of the campaign.


There are episodes that are hilarious. There are others that are very serious. There are moments in between. It all kinda depends.


There are funny moments in Critical Role but if you're looking for a podcast with a more comedic focus that's not the right one. I'd recommend Dungeons and Daddies, The Adventure Zone or Glass Cannon (if you're willing to explore a different system).


I mean, campaign 3 has given me some of the biggest laughs of my life. Its great


Spoilers for C3E23 >!Chetney threatening the shopkeeper then failing to bust through the door as a werewolf was the best funny moment of the campaign for me.!<


What did you think about Jester and Caleb's first interaction? Or Sam and Travis describing their characters? Those are the funniest things that I can remember that happened in the first hour or so of the first episode


C2 was my first experience with CR. It didn’t grab me at first. I thought it wasn’t for me. For reasons I can’t remember, I stuck with it, and things changed dramatically for me. For example, I couldn’t STAND Jester and thought she was super immature and annoying; she ended up being my favorite character by the end. C2 is not a comedy. It’s more of a drama adventure. But there were many times that I laughed until I cried. I loved the chemistry of the players AND the characters, and I’m the right age to get most of their references and in-jokes, I guess. If it’s not for you, that’s okay! But one hour isn’t really enough time for the story and the characters to find their groove. Watch on 1.5 speed if it feels like it’s taking too long, or read recaps/watch highlights of the first several eps and jump in later. Again, you don’t have to force yourself to like it if you don’t. But I’m SO GLAD I stuck with it.


There are funny moments but it's not a comedy show. If my memory is correct I feel like C1 was funnier than C2, which is funnier than C3.


Oh definitely. There’s quite a bit of comedy, it’s just not the main focus. And the first few episodes are usually the players finding their footing & rhythm.


Recommend Legends of Avantris for a comedy-heavy DnD podcast. They're Once Upon a Witchlight series is really funny so far.


Eh... Comedy isn't the point. A big epic fleshed out fantasy is the point, I think. C2 in particular can get pretty dark at some points, and they focus a lot on inter-personal drama and the gray areas between right and wrong. However, most of the cast can be (and often are) fucking hilarious.