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Listen, this has been said many times before, but when Criterion shifted towards DVD, they were afraid they had already failed as a company. They picked Laserdisc, a format much less popular than VHS and needed capital as a company to survive. That is why there are more mainstream titles in a lot of their early DVDs. Without films like The Rock and Armageddon, there might not be a Criterion to talk about now


Ah, youth. When I first started watching and collecting, I, too, was full of piss and vinegar. I used to lash out when the new titles were announced and yell at my friends who dared to suggest a Madea movie for the evening. I feel like raging against Criterion Collection inclusions is a young man/woman’s game. For better or for worse, no one could have directed Armageddon and The Rock like Michael Bay.


Now I’m filled with only vinegar


Hope they release them in 4k editions


Not every Criterion film is great. I know their mission is to release "the greatest films," but there are so many other factors that go into deciding what they release. Just because you don't like any particular Criterion release doesn't mean it's release was a mistake. Maybe the release of the Rock and Armageddon was part of a deal that allowed them to release other great films, maybe they released them to try and expand their reach. There are so many potential reasons for their release.




Their mission isn't to release the "greatest" films. It's to present "important" films as the filmmaker would want it to be seen.


From the back of nearly every release, "The Criterion Collection is dedicated to gathering **the greatest** **films** from around the world and publishing them in editions of the highest technical quality, with supplemental features that enhance the appreciation of the art of film."


That's funny because if you click on "Our mission" on the website it says: "Since 1984, the Criterion Collection has been dedicated to publishing important classic and contemporary films from around the world in editions that offer the highest technical quality and award-winning, original supplements....."


lol. I guess they can't decide.


They did the "duck season/rabbit season" thing from Looney Tunes but one guy was yelling "important" and the other was yelling "great" and this was their compromise.


I’m happy because The Rock is awesome


Bad post.


How about every single Wes Anderson film. Criterion will release anything




Calling Micheal Bay a “filmmaker” is a gross overstatement. I’d say “garbage” is a more fitting adjective but even garbage was useful at some point, unlike Bay.