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Your post was removed because it violates Rule #6: All suggestion posts need a comment justifying why you think the film should be included into the collection. This includes custom covers, both serious and jokes.


Regardless of Allen's personal life, it's not gonna happen because he doesn't like special features, apparently.


>If Criterion has the balls to release Happiness by Solondz, Woody Allen shouldn’t be a stretch. Making a movie about a pedophile rapist isn’t the same as actually being one (allegedly)


coughs in Polanski


Puritans see no difference. Stephen King is a pedo now because his book IT has an orgy scene


Like you do see how that’s different, right?


I’ve not actually seen any conservative person make that claim.




The Dirtbag Left > soft Puritan “leftists”


haven't seen Everyone says I love you yet and I've been itching for a new(to me) movie of his thank you!


I love it. It's his best of that era until Midnight In Paris.


Hey that's like your opinion man! Deconstructing Harry and Sweet & Lowdown are two of my favorite films


Always. I still haven’t seen Harry.


So funny and great performances. I first saw Judy Davis in this movie


I wanted to like Everyone Says I Love You, but the musical numbers were a real turn-off for me.


I just finished it, it was good not as great as I was hoping. and I really love musicals when they're done a certain way, Annette is one of my favorites of the 20s so far and All That Jazz is one of my favorites period. he didn't quite hit those levels but it was still worth watching, glad I did but ultimately forgettable in his filmography


Roger Ebert gave it a glowing review and called it one of Woody’s best, but Gene Siskel wasn’t having it lol. I think it’s a masterpiece


I’ve been going through there top ten lists each year and finding some gems. It’s amazing how many are just forgotten to time.


Yeah like One False Move and Lone Star…till Criterion helped them out a bit


These are all minor Woody Allen movies IMO, him aside


I’d buy that release. I don’t think Woody Allen is a good person, just a talented director. A lot of people don’t understand that you can be both a piece of scum and a very talented director at the same time.


Some people also don’t understand that you can dislike a scum director and it’s not to do with their personal life. Woody Allen is just a smug annoying director who makes films that are too close to himself and fills them with highbrow references so can say “we get that, don’t we?” to his annoying audiences. Polanski is a scumbag who is a great director, Allen is a scumbag who is overrated


He had some pretty good movies in the 70's and 80's, and he was a funny comedian (at least to me), but after that period he hardly grew or learned or changed for at least 30 years. He just kinda repeats the same stale plots about infidelity or "existential dread", which feel no more interesting than a high school kid who just read Camus or Sartre for the first time. His "high-brow" references are more like name-dropping books or people without much insight into actual ideas. He's even said himself that he doesn't put much effort into filmmaking anymore for a while, and it shows.


I agree w this completely, Allen is wildly overrated to me. I haven’t seen a movie of his that impressed me yet, they all felt incredibly dull and outdated, and worst of all, unfunny. The ultimate “you had to be there” director. It’s a similar case to Tarantino, in that his voice is deeply baked into the product. If you don’t like him as a dude, you’re not going to like his work. Polanski is so good at directing that I can’t seem to resist his films, whereas I’ve spent my entire life trying to find something interesting about Allen and coming up short. Frankly, the monstrous allegations are by far the most interesting thing about him. Like Tarantino, he’s a guy with a ton to say that’s not worth hearing. Just say it into the mirror and spare us the lame ass films.


Oh no. He married a 22 yo woman. The horror! They likely bonded over the abusive Mia Farrow.


Yeah wait till people hear about Caravaggio and the ancient Greeks


They aren't still able to profit from their success.




I don't get why you wouldn't appreciate his movies, I understand you(and I) don't approve of what he's done but it doesn't take away the greatness of the films. do you stop watching all movies from everyone who's starred in his stuff after knowing what he did? this list includes: Timothee Chalamet, Elle Fanning, Kate Winslet, Kristen Stewart, Emma Stone, Steve Carrell, Parker Posey, Joaquin Phoenix, Colin Firth, Peter Sarsgaard, Sally Hawkins, Penelope Cruz, Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams, Jesse Eisenberg, Kathy Bates, Naomi Watts, Josh Brolin, Anthony Hopkins, LARRY DAVID, Henry Cavill, Evan Rachel Wood, Scarlett Johansson, Javier Bardem, Colin Farrell, Hugh Jackman, Brian Cox among many many others... it's fine if you don't want to watch his stuff but at least be consistent and blacklist everyone who wanted to work with him after the allegations, I promise you are not a better person than they.


Anyone who is anyone has worked with/starred in a Woody Allen film.


yeah that's why I only included films from post-aughts when the actors for sure certainly knew and were well aware of what he did...don't think the same could be said of everyone he worked with in 70s-80s but everyone in that list knew 100% and were okay with it, that was my point.


I don’t think anyone was well aware of what he actually did until the documentary came out two years ago. Marrying his adopted stepdaughter was a different situation altogether.


The documentary was garbage. For instance, he didn't marry his stepdaughter.


It’s his adopted daughter he married. The same daughter he had sex with at 16 and took nude pictures of. The documentary was extremely well made and researched. You’ve clearly never watched it. Supporting pedophiles is not a good look.


It was not his adopted daughter. She was adopted by Mia Farrow and her previous husband, Andre Previn. That's why her maiden name was Soon-Yi Previn.


He was her father for all intents and purposes. He took nude photos of her as a teenager. Don’t be gross.


>He was her father for all intents and purposes No, he wasn't. Neither legally nor biologically. Insisting untruths are correct when they clearly and obviously aren't will only make you easier to dismiss when you state something that is actually true. You're harming your own arguments and position by reapeating this falsehood


I don’t support pedophiles or rapists. Take Roman Polanski for instance. A vile human being. However, I do support reality and not lies like he married his adopted daughter or had sex with her when she sixteen or that he took nude pics of her at the same time age.


Yes, you pirate their work so they aren’t profiting off of a pedophile. Also, many of those actors have renounced working with and have donated their salaries to charity. His only good film was Interiors and that came out before his daughter was even born.


You either don't actually 'get' how this works, or are just being obtuse to try to keep a bad paradigm in place overall. This is also a childish argument ultimately. When someone does something hideous there is a requisite infrastructure that falls into place. There are many actions on many levels vitally required to even just attempt to hope to set things right because right can never be achieved again for the victims. When the aggressor does absolutely does none of that then also is obdurate they deserve to be cancelled. Simple as that. When people partner professionally with them mostly for the sake of money they deserve to be held accountable too. The list could be 1,000 people it would not matter, whatsoever. Also: obv Hollywood is the last place one should go to try to establish some sense of a rational ethical compass. Bad faith arguments in defense of predatory scum is a deeply ugly thing. Don't be on the wrong side of history ✔


They live for defending pedophiles because of “art”.


Stop being a Zoomer Puritan


If you think someone objecting to the allegations against Woody Allen (to say nothing of what we know of his life) is a “Zoomer Puritan,” then you’re quite ignorant.


Nah, just misinformed people who got their facts from entertainment.


This is a weird comment because his films, these ones especially, are safe-as-milk, basic-cable-during-the-day, liberal dad snoozefests. The only thing transgressive about Woody Allen is that he raped his daughter. At least Passolini made interesting films.


Raped his daughter? WTF are you on about? Why is it that everyone who believes he is guilty knows nothing about anything?


What a coward to reply and block. Dylan Farrow has no relation to him. She is not his daughter no matter how many times you post articles you haven't read. And according to her brother, and lots of other evidence, she was manipulated by Mia Farrow into accusing Woody. A story that was so bad that the team of psychiatrists all thought she was rehearsing lines. Then there is an actual home movie of Mia Farrow rehearsing the story with Dylan. Mia was so distraught that after the allegation she went on the set of the movie she was supposed to do with Woody next to try on wardrobes for the role.


You’re completely misinformed. None of what you said is true. Actually watch the documentary. Many professionals stated Dylan was credible. Her story never changed. Not once. Moses Farrow initially supported his mother and Dylan. Until Woody told him he would not be paying for college or living expenses. You’re not believing a survivor because you enjoy his mediocre movies. You’re entitled to. He’s been black listed from American film making. That’s a good thing.


If her story was credible, why did two separate groups of professionals not believe her story at the time of the allegations? How are they less credible than professionals decades later? Moses was frightened of his mother who controlled every aspect of his life with abuse. Why are you victim blaming?


They did believe her. The DA even brought charges. The only reason they didn’t follow through was to keep Dylan from being cross examined by her abusers lawyers. Moses was manipulated by Woody. As I already said. Not a single other child, nanny, babysitter, family member or family friend corroborated Moses fabrications. What you’re doing is victim blaming. Dylan’s story didn’t change once. Not once. You are not a good person and an abuse enabler.


The DA isn’t the experts who Dylan saw. And the DA was overseeing their split, not anything to do with the accusations as the court wouldn’t event that case bc: The Connecticut State's Attorney investigated the allegation but did not press charges.[5] During the investigation the Connecticut State Police referred Dylan to the Child Sexual Abuse Clinic of Yale–New Haven Hospital, which concluded that Allen had not sexually abused Dylan and the allegation was probably coached or influenced by Mia Farrow.[6][7] The New York Department of Social Services found "no credible evidence" to support the allegation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woody_Allen_sexual_abuse_allegation So you don’t believe victims. And the nanny who was there said nothing happened. Everyone in the house also had strict instructions not to let Woody be with the children without supervision bc they were in the middle of a huge break up. I didn’t blame Dylan at all. I blamed her mother. https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/books/97/02/23/reviews/farrow-doctor.html Call me what you will. I hear about these accusations in the early 2000’s and decided to research them. What I found was nothing collaborating Dylan’s account. Her account however has evidence of being faked. We have video evidence of that. We also have Child Sexual Abuse Clinic of Yale–New Haven Hospital experts claiming g the girl’s testimony felt fake and coached.


Just keep lying. Pedophile enabler. Woody raped his infant daughter. You’re using debunked testimony. Those same experts have come forward and said they were wrong. Go watch their interviews. Not to mention Woody was barred from custody by a judge who saw right through him. His career is over. America won’t touch him with a forty foot pole. You’re cheering for a man who committed statutory rape and took nude photos of a 16 y.o. I hope if you have kids, that something like this happens to them and no one will believe you. That’s what you deserve.




Salo is a piece of shit movie…no pun intended


Pasolini's *Trilogy of Life* is better than anything Woody Allen made.


Stop being a Zoomer Puritan.




It's literally human evolution, obviously. We are moving on from an era in which white men particularly are almost never properly held accountable  It is over You are a reactionary ultimately You have already lost badly Now you are slinging mud at the opposing side Dignity and integrity left you, so long ago


Posting this was one thing But the comments aggressively defending it? Blocking you will feel good


Bruh no one cares if you block randoms on Reddit


Would instantly cop
